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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
My point is this:
1) These certain vaccines have been around for a very VERY short time so we don't simply yet know if they could have an effect like that (besides, the conspiracy theory is that women might become infertile, not men). And note that, NO, I'm not supporting that conspiracy theory and I don't believe in that theory.
2) Ivermectin has been used for humans for several decades now. The creators of ivermectin have been given a nobel prize for their work even after that one small study was made. We haven't really heard about any scandals of ivermectin making men sterile even though it has been around for a way longer time than the vaccines have been.

To me it's stupid to be vehemently against claims of a completely new thing causing infertility, while being willing to accept claims of a decades old common drug causing infertility after reading one tweet about one old small study. To me this reeks of wishing this currently (in)famous drug having adverse issues that would be of harm to people who might be rooting for that drug. You love the potential irony of that. Not even the actual irony, but the potential irony.
You are missing the point.
There are multiple studies showing that ivermectin can effect sperm quality in humans and animals. There are zero studies that show that the vaccines negatively effect fertility but some showing it doesn't. There is a known pathway for ivermectin to effect fertility. There is no known pathway for the vaccines to effect fertility that is independent from the virus.
Knowing all this, you should be asking - why did these experts recommending ivermectin not mention this possible side effect, when they were more than happy to mention a theoretical possibility of this side effect with vaccines.
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Oh kewl. Just found out one of my buddy’s kids tested positive this morning. Both my kids tested negative on the rapid test this afternoon but now both have low grade fevers and now I’ve got a headache 🤦‍♂️

(had covid last year, got vaccinated when I could this year…)


Rodent Whores

Oh kewl. Just found out one of my buddy’s kids tested positive this morning. Both my kids tested negative on the rapid test this afternoon but now both have low grade fevers and now I’ve got a headache 🤦‍♂️

(had covid last year, got vaccinated when I could this year…)

That sucks, I hope it passes soon without issue.

Nobody_Important Nobody_Important How are you doing on that front?


That sucks, I hope it passes soon without issue.

Nobody_Important Nobody_Important How are you doing on that front?
Thanks. Obviously too early to tell if it’s a reinfection on my part but the headache is kinda worrisome, and either way we’ve got to keep the kids out of daycare for 10 days which sucks ass. I’m probably going to have them retested and get tested myself Thursday if I’m not feeling right
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Nobody_Important Nobody_Important How are you doing on that front?
Better than I have been. More a bad flu than anything else now. The cough is otherworldly, but the tiredness is beyond description. It's why I have been more of a whiny little bitch than usual. It never ceases to amaze me how short tempered you can be when you are sick. You find yourself snapping at the littlest shit.

Also my taste is off. My favorite foods have tasted fine, but off? It's like when you eat your favorite pasta or something from your local diner and it's different? Not necessarily bad, but just not what it usually is? I don't know how to describe it.
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Rodent Whores
Better than I have been. More a bad flu than anything else now. The cough is otherworldly, but the tiredness is beyond description. It's why I have been more of a whiny little bitch than usual. It never ceases to amaze me how short tempered you can be when you are sick. You find yourself snapping at the littlest shit.

Also my taste is off. My favorite foods have tasted fine, but off? It's like when you eat your favorite pasta or something from your local diner and it's different? Not necessarily bad, but just not what it usually is? I don't know how to describe it.
I'm glad you're better. Sucks about the taste. That seems to be a very common symptom. A couple of times over the past 2 years when I've felt off I wondered if I ever had COVID, but since my sense of smell and taste were always perfectly fine, I assumed I didn't. They only way I'll ever know is to get an antibodies test someday.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I'm glad you're better. Sucks about the taste. That seems to be a very common symptom. A couple of times over the past 2 years when I've felt off I wondered if I ever had COVID, but since my sense of smell and taste were always perfectly fine, I assumed I didn't. They only way I'll ever know is to get an antibodies test someday.
Yeah the taste thing I have seen more than any other symptom. I just hope I don't have the prolonged problems regarding taste.

Because I need my food to taste good. If it doesn't then I might as well get into the sea.
It seems all you need to do to mitigate the ivermectin sterility is some vitamin e and selenium. Good thing to know tho. Add easy male contraception to the list of benefits that ivermectin has.
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Yeah the taste thing I have seen more than any other symptom. I just hope I don't have the prolonged problems regarding taste.

Because I need my food to taste good. If it doesn't then I might as well get into the sea.
Mononucleosis did the same thing to me, it came back after a few weeks

Got suddenly up while eating and screamed like a kid, taste is so underrated
Another thing about Ivermectin, some top doctor still claim it is for animals only. However, we all know it is not ture; it is safe for human consumption as long as the prescript dosage is correct. The way they completely reject it is going to cause people to wonder. The way they completely reject the idea is similiar to The Murai Vaccine in GITS:SAC. I am NOT saying it is the same thing but i am seeing some parallel


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It seems all you need to do to mitigate the ivermectin sterility is some vitamin e and selenium. Good thing to know tho. Add easy male contraception to the list of benefits that ivermectin has.
Which you have been taking all along as it part of the FLCCC protocols? Right? Because they are experts and so warned you about this side effect and how to mitigate (although not to zero), right?


Oh so we only had one EUA for the only vaccine available right? As soon as multiple vaccines became available all the EUAs were revoked because there can only be one under this rule? No alternatives?

Wait no, that didn’t happen because if you understand the rules beyond a cursory glance you’ll know it doesn’t work that way. This is why having actual experience with this stuff matters.

Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products

Not sure where you're getting the EUA was for only one vaccine but I bolded the relevant part for ya. The EUA was given for multiple productS (i.e. multiple vaccines).
It seems all you need to do to mitigate the ivermectin sterility is some vitamin e and selenium. Good thing to know tho. Add easy male contraception to the list of benefits that ivermectin has.

Or you could just get the vaccine and maaaaaaaaaybe take ivermectin in non-mandatory support if you did get covid.


i got the vaccine because i was scared by statistics

and unfortunately I'm not smart enough to articulate why it was the right thing to do.

but based on the numbers it seemed like the safest bet at the moment

someone explain to me how I've been misled

Misled? You haven't been. If you were to get the delta variant you will be glad you had the vaccine, as without it you most certainly will get a worse illness from it.


Rodent Whores
i got the vaccine because i was scared by statistics

and unfortunately I'm not smart enough to articulate why it was the right thing to do.

but based on the numbers it seemed like the safest bet at the moment

someone explain to me how I've been misled
You weren't misled. That is the proper call to make based on risk assessment. For almost every poorly supported "risk" associated with the vaccine, there is a much more well documented higher risk of that if you catch COVID.
i got the vaccine because i was scared by statistics

and unfortunately I'm not smart enough to articulate why it was the right thing to do.

but based on the numbers it seemed like the safest bet at the moment

someone explain to me how I've been misled
I guess it is time to admit i am a mad man.

It isnt the vaccine or it effects or non effects on the virus or the side effects that are the main issue.

It is that the research into covid was funded by the CIA(we are getting more and more info on this but it will lead to no one getting charged or anything for it), the virus was known to be in wuhan affecting people 2 month before it was flown out of wuhan to the US. Even then the WHO was claiming travel was okay. Most of the "distasteful" push for vaccines, ie the op eds from major news sources are from people who are part of the CIA.

Which begs the question why are they doing this? What is their purpose? It all seems wrong to me.

That said i will probably die by the time my dementia gets too bad, so it isnt a concern for me. I probably should take the vaccine. But since the cure is going to be available in about a month, I can wait. Rather not risk permanent paralysis at this point.


IIt is that the research into covid was funded by the CIA(we are getting more and more info on this but it will lead to no one getting charged or anything for it), the virus was known to be in wuhan affecting people 2 month before it was flown out of wuhan to the US. Even then the WHO was claiming travel was okay. Most of the "distasteful" push for vaccines, ie the op eds from major news sources are from people who are part of the CIA.

Research into a novel coronavirus was funded by the CIA? News outlets full of people from CIA?

You're proper tin foil hat, aren’t you?


The first part is what i believe. The second part, only those that push the unvaccinated not getting treatment bit. There is an arm of the CIA in the media. It is well documented. Most countries are not much different China these days.

Dude. Get off the internet. Stay away from social media for a while. There is not an army of the CIA in the media. It is not well documented. You’re reading stuff on conspiracy theory sites that isn‘t true. And all you’re doing is making yourself paranoid. Nobody’s in control. No shady organisations are guiding the world for their nefarious ends. It really is all just this chaotic and out of control. Accept reality. You’ll feel much better.

No hard feelings, but I’m blocking you now, because I really don’t think communicating with folks like you with the mental illness you’ve got is healthy.
No. Just because something is in the VAERS database doesn't mean the cause was the vaccine.
True but at the same token many cases would be considered not the vaccine when it is. The VAERS database records the ones that they consider most likely to be due to the vaccine. And the do tell you if there were other issues which were more likely to be the cause. *shrugs*

Still though it is a minimal risk. But i would rather take the pfizer cure than the vaccine which is shown to be highly effective. So far it has so little side effects with high effectiveness, it is likely to be available over the counter.


Rodent Whores
Very interesting story that I didn't know about.

Measles destroys a kid's immune memory, which makes a kid more vulnerable to all other diseases after a measles infection.

Back in the 1960s, the U.S. started vaccinating kids for measles. And then something surprising happened; childhood deaths caused by all infections plummeted. As NPR's Michaeleen Doucleff reports, scientists think they have finally figured out this connection.

MINA: What we found is that measles infections predispose children to all other infectious diseases for up to a few years.

DOUCLEFF: And that's because the virus zaps a child's immune system. That makes them more vulnerable to new infections. Mina and his colleagues published the findings this week in the journal Science. But there's something else really intriguing. Measles seems to erase immunity previously built up. So what does that mean?

Well, say you're 4, and you get the chickenpox. Your immune system figures out how to fight it so you won't get it again. But then you're 5, and you get measles and it looks like measles might wipe out your immune system's memory of the chickenpox. So if you get exposed to chickenpox, you might get it again. Mina says it's like the immune system gets amnesia.

MINA: The immune system comes back. The only problem is that it's forgotten what it once knew.

DOUCLEFF: So after measles, a child's immune system has to start over, rebuilding its protection system against diseases it has already seen before.
Professor Vince tested positive but isn't worried.
This was last November. Since he's still making videos he was obviously right not to be worried.

VRR is a good source of information but he's such a typical scientist, insisting something is not proven to be happening unless he's proven it in a lab. A while back he had an epidimiologist on the show who explained how using data on infections they concluded the Delta variant was X percent more transmissible. And as soon as the guest had left VRR, the virologist, went on to say this was all just a statistical model and unless it was proven in a virology lab we should not treat Delta as more transmissible.

The whole thing is very interesting.


I guess it is time to admit i am a mad man.

It isnt the vaccine or it effects or non effects on the virus or the side effects that are the main issue.

It is that the research into covid was funded by the CIA(we are getting more and more info on this but it will lead to no one getting charged or anything for it), the virus was known to be in wuhan affecting people 2 month before it was flown out of wuhan to the US. Even then the WHO was claiming travel was okay. Most of the "distasteful" push for vaccines, ie the op eds from major news sources are from people who are part of the CIA.

Which begs the question why are they doing this? What is their purpose? It all seems wrong to me.

That said i will probably die by the time my dementia gets too bad, so it isnt a concern for me. I probably should take the vaccine. But since the cure is going to be available in about a month, I can wait. Rather not risk permanent paralysis at this point.
Never go full retard.


a typical scientist, insisting something is not proven to be happening unless he's proven it in a lab.
Makes me think of BC's CMOH and covid policy.
Seems to work well in real world paired with rapid government response. Clinical and research data taken with all consideration
Which is not apparently what happened to AB. They went off model entirely and declared Covid over in June and now they're about a month behind and two weeks before their new restrictions take effect. They enacted their first new mask restrictions but few firm targeted closures and those with plenty of exceptions for the long weekend during the announcement last Friday. $100 or something like that for two dose vaccination in AB now too.
BC hasn't done much new beyond enabling vaccination passes so everyone can get them ready for next week.

It being a long weekend for BC and AB haven't bothered with sharing the compared numbers between the two provinces for a few days.

A quick catch up with yesterday's long weekend cumulative

cases - hosp - icu - deaths
BC: 2425 - 255 - 126 - 15
AB: 4903 - 602 - 137 - 17


Yesterdays cases
BC: 533
AB: 1,303

About a month and a half since targeted restrictions in BC and nearly two weeks from province wide. Curve is visibly flattening above. Models still say to expect 1200 cases/day in BC by end of Sept.

Comparison of current vaccination rates:


Edit: 602 not 515 hospitalizations in AB
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Lil’ Gobbie
I guess it is time to admit i am a mad man.

It isnt the vaccine or it effects or non effects on the virus or the side effects that are the main issue.

It is that the research into covid was funded by the CIA(we are getting more and more info on this but it will lead to no one getting charged or anything for it), the virus was known to be in wuhan affecting people 2 month before it was flown out of wuhan to the US. Even then the WHO was claiming travel was okay. Most of the "distasteful" push for vaccines, ie the op eds from major news sources are from people who are part of the CIA.

Which begs the question why are they doing this? What is their purpose? It all seems wrong to me.

That said i will probably die by the time my dementia gets too bad, so it isnt a concern for me. I probably should take the vaccine. But since the cure is going to be available in about a month, I can wait. Rather not risk permanent paralysis at this point.

honestly I think you may be schizophrenic (have trouble telling what is real)
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No shady organisations are guiding the world for their nefarious ends. It really is all just this chaotic and out of control. Accept reality. You’ll feel much better.

The real mindfuck is when you start considering that many people might want shady organisations to be in control, because it still (in their subconscious) is preferable to utter chaos.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Research into a novel coronavirus was funded by the CIA? News outlets full of people from CIA?

You're proper tin foil hat, aren’t you?
Research funding into the virus may have come from the US government actually. CIA? Who knows. I really haven't had time to follow it all that closely, but I know there was another Freedom of Information Act release recently of like 900 pages connecting US funding to the Wuhan lab for coronovirus research. But I've literally just caught a few headlines. I didn't see anything about the CIA, but I've seen more than one story directly connecting Fauci to funding for gain of function research.

The second part is definitely true, and US news has people in it that are directly or tangentially linked to the CIA, and the defense industry. A lot of the US reporting on Syria about the supposed chemical weapons attack has been linked to the CIA. Reporting on this can be found at the Grey Zone. Aaron Mate has done a lot of great work on this kind of thing. You also could see the defense industry media links revealed during the recent Afghanistan pullout when Biden was getting hit from every side non-stop, as defense industry funding links are even stronger than partisanship in the media. Most of the ex-generals and defense experts on TV during this last few weeks were literally current defense contractor employees. Can be confirmed with a few deep google searches.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Just a reminder that all deaths or severe changes in health that occur soon after a person receives a vaccine is reported to VAERS - it doesn’t matter if it was a car wreck or a suicide or lung failure from COVID. They then investigate each case and later document the findings, updating the database.

This is all explained on their website but I imagine some here missed it.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
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Not sure where you're getting the EUA was for only one vaccine but I bolded the relevant part for ya. The EUA was given for multiple productS (i.e. multiple vaccines).
I wasn’t saying it was just for the vaccine, I worked on one last year that was for a home test kit. But are you saying that you agree the idea ivermectin has been panned by experts because (supposedly) the EUA requires that there be no alternatives, so pharmaceutical companies with EUAs are fighting the use of ivermectin, is nonsense? Because Rogan put that idea back out there and it’s bogus
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