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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Neighbours from Hell
Whenever people try to argue we shouldn’t be packing in stadiums, that ignores the question, what if it’s endemic? We obviously have to get back to normal at some point.

Not to mention outdoor spread is rarer, and when you count 70% of people had at least one jab, and I’m sure a decent chunk of the remaining 30% had COVID themselves and have natural antibodies, I don’t think it’s the risk they’re making it out to be.


Rodent Whores
that ignores the question, what if it’s endemic? We obviously have to get back to normal at some point.
At some point, yes, when enough people have enough resistance so that our hospitals aren't overflowing. We're not at that point yet.

Not to mention outdoor spread is rarer, and when you count 70% of people had at least one jab, and I’m sure a decent chunk of the remaining 30% had COVID themselves and have natural antibodies, I don’t think it’s the risk they’re making it out to be.
70% is for all eligible Americans. Out of all Americans, it's 63% or somewhere in the low 60s, and that's just a nationwide measurement. The number fluctuates depending on the region. Some are higher, some are lower. I'm more worried about the lower ones.


Gold Member
Yep, they’re morons.
Mel Brooks Morons GIF



Quite succinct

Like, a minority, of a minority? Is the author implicating a percentage of the stated 'distinct minority' as solely responsible for acts of intentional perpetuation of the spread of the virus? The statement seems redundant to me, rather than succinct. I understand Jeff's passionate abridgement due to Twitter's character limitations, but the burning desire to lay the burden of 30,000 deaths in August upon something or someone that we can see and hear and pin down, comes dangerously close to seeking emotional retribution for those that have been lost. I believe that has a potential for misplaced consequence for some few that may be faultless.
The staggering tolls bring a parity to our attempt at understanding this enemy, but please remember that nothing in life is purely 'good and evil'.
Like, a minority, of a minority? Is the author implicating a percentage of the stated 'distinct minority' as solely responsible for acts of intentional perpetuation of the spread of the virus? The statement seems redundant to me, rather than succinct. I understand Jeff's passionate abridgement due to Twitter's character limitations, but the burning desire to lay the burden of 30,000 deaths in August upon something or someone that we can see and hear and pin down, comes dangerously close to seeking emotional retribution for those that have been lost. I believe that has a potential for misplaced consequence for some few that may be faultless.
The staggering tolls bring a parity to our attempt at understanding this enemy, but please remember that nothing in life is purely 'good and evil'.

in the UK when we had 50,000 cases a day during the first wave, that led to ~1000 deaths a day about 2 weeks later

at our current vaccine rate, 50,000 cases a day is leading to ~100 deaths a day 2 weeks later

so I can see where this Jeff character is coming from

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member

Quite succinct

And quite wrong, as well.

Breakthrough cases, transmissibility from vaccinated individuals. This tweet presents a false narrative that vaccination can somehow prevent all transmision and deaths from this disease, which further perpetuates the false sense of security lie we have been given with the vaccine.

The vaccine is not a bulletproof solution, and the data is looking increasingly weak going forward. This thing is not going to go away, and vaccines won't solve it. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, and vaccination was proven to stop transmissibility, you will never get the entire population (or wildlife population) to vaccinate.

The root cause of all of this is just how metabolically unhealthy the vast majority of the population is. Let's look at the ACTUAL root cause instead of relying on bandaids. Terrible diets. Lacking exercise. No natural sunlight. it's no wonder why these people that have one or more pre-existing conditions is suseptible to it, and why this is so widespread since the vast majority of the population has at least one pre-existing condition. Imagine how better equipped our population would be against this virus if only we didn't have government health directives, lobbied interests that promote absolute awful dietary standards, and where morbid obesity wasn't considered normal?

We could all get back to normal if only our country lived a healthier lifestyle and we had true lockdowns for those where it is required (at risk individuals). Instead we are mandating things for vast swaths of the population that aren't even proven to be highly effective.


And quite wrong, as well.

Breakthrough cases, transmissibility from vaccinated individuals. This tweet presents a false narrative that vaccination can somehow prevent all transmision and deaths from this disease, which further perpetuates the false sense of security lie we have been given with the vaccine.

The vaccine is not a bulletproof solution, and the data is looking increasingly weak going forward. This thing is not going to go away, and vaccines won't solve it. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, and vaccination was proven to stop transmissibility, you will never get the entire population (or wildlife population) to vaccinate.

The root cause of all of this is just how metabolically unhealthy the vast majority of the population is. Let's look at the ACTUAL root cause instead of relying on bandaids. Terrible diets. Lacking exercise. No natural sunlight. it's no wonder why these people that have one or more pre-existing conditions is suseptible to it, and why this is so widespread since the vast majority of the population has at least one pre-existing condition. Imagine how better equipped our population would be against this virus if only we didn't have government health directives, lobbied interests that promote absolute awful dietary standards, and where morbid obesity wasn't considered normal?

We could all get back to normal if only our country lived a healthier lifestyle and we had true lockdowns for those where it is required (at risk individuals). Instead we are mandating things for vast swaths of the population that aren't even proven to be highly effective.
I agree that the tweet was misleading. However, the point of vaccination is to be able to live with the virus, not to eliminate it. If we need to first overhaul the underpinnings of our entire economic, social and ultimately political systems, then we are going to be waiting a while. In the US, the filibuster plus the strong divisions between the Democrats and Republicans on social issues could mean a stalemate for generations. I think people want to get back to work, not wait for a Hail Mary miracle that is going to fix everything.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
And quite wrong, as well.

Breakthrough cases, transmissibility from vaccinated individuals. This tweet presents a false narrative that vaccination can somehow prevent all transmision and deaths from this disease, which further perpetuates the false sense of security lie we have been given with the vaccine.

The vaccine is not a bulletproof solution, and the data is looking increasingly weak going forward. This thing is not going to go away, and vaccines won't solve it. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, and vaccination was proven to stop transmissibility, you will never get the entire population (or wildlife population) to vaccinate.

The root cause of all of this is just how metabolically unhealthy the vast majority of the population is. Let's look at the ACTUAL root cause instead of relying on bandaids. Terrible diets. Lacking exercise. No natural sunlight. it's no wonder why these people that have one or more pre-existing conditions is suseptible to it, and why this is so widespread since the vast majority of the population has at least one pre-existing condition. Imagine how better equipped our population would be against this virus if only we didn't have government health directives, lobbied interests that promote absolute awful dietary standards, and where morbid obesity wasn't considered normal?

We could all get back to normal if only our country lived a healthier lifestyle and we had true lockdowns for those where it is required (at risk individuals). Instead we are mandating things for vast swaths of the population that aren't even proven to be highly effective.
2 years into an pandemic you have found a solution that will only take 30 or 40 years to implement. Congratulations!


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Love how there isn't even a peep from the fascist brain trust in here regarding either of these ridiculous items. Banning interstate travel is ABSURD and a complete affront to freedom.
Have you read that article yet?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Love how there isn't even a peep from the fascist brain trust in here regarding either of these ridiculous items. Banning interstate travel is ABSURD and a complete affront to freedom.

Can I be the captain of the Fascist Brain Trust? Would be a dope title.

Anyways one item is from an anti-vaxxer website, the other is just some opinion piece from early August about something Biden never did but considered (and if he did doesn't sound that severe). But hey, we're the over reacting fascists right?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Seems a little early to be jumping on this study. Not sure why they would compare rates of hospitalization for COVID against possible adverse events that might not have resulted in hospitalization, especially when the adverse event can also be a side effect of viral infection.

It has yet to be peer reviewed, yea, but I am assuming it will be unless it comes out that they made some egregious mistake during the study. It's interesting that the overwhelming majority suffered the symptoms after the second shot.


But the move comes as hospitals in some areas have started to cancel operations as Covid cases have already started to surge.
Figures published this weekend reveal 8,085 people are in hospital with Covid – a six-month high. The number has gone up by 6% in a week and is at its highest since early March.

So, let me get this straight. Of those over 16, we have:

England 80% double jabbed
Scotland 83% double jabbed
Wales 84% double jabbed
N. Ireland 79% double jabbed

So we're having another surge in hospitals yet more than 80% of the UK is double jabbed. Is it not time the media accepts that we have to live with this now? I've seen a few reports of an "October firebreak" lockdown, if they do that, with the massive percentage of people double jabbed then, it's going to start looking very fishy.

Soon it'll be, everyones jabbed, but we have people with covid ... LOCKDOWN!!

No. We live with the flu and other respiratory diseases, it's time to cut this shit and accept this is something we now live with. Yes don't get me wrong its terrible that thousands have died from it but this circus of flapping around needs to end. If the vaccines aren't working and cases are "surging" then perhaps there's something else thats an issue, like how the stats are recorded.

tonight NHS experts warned extra pressures from the coronavirus could mean the UK’s record waiting lists could take seven years to clear.

We have to start considering and prioritising what requires action ... Covid cases where most people recover or the mountain of other problems people have from cancer to pneumonia.
So, let me get this straight. Of those over 16, we have:

England 80% double jabbed
Scotland 83% double jabbed
Wales 84% double jabbed
N. Ireland 79% double jabbed

So we're having another surge in hospitals yet more than 80% of the UK is double jabbed. Is it not time the media accepts that we have to live with this now? I've seen a few reports of an "October firebreak" lockdown, if they do that, with the massive percentage of people double jabbed then, it's going to start looking very fishy.

Soon it'll be, everyones jabbed, but we have people with covid ... LOCKDOWN!!

No. We live with the flu and other respiratory diseases, it's time to cut this shit and accept this is something we now live with. Yes don't get me wrong its terrible that thousands have died from it but this circus of flapping around needs to end. If the vaccines aren't working and cases are "surging" then perhaps there's something else thats an issue, like how the stats are recorded.

We have to start considering and prioritising what requires action ... Covid cases where most people recover or the mountain of other problems people have from cancer to pneumonia.

you're twisting the story to be about the messenger rather than the message, I guess this is the article you are talking about (which is about repealing certain lockdown rules, not installing them)

but don't let that get in the way of your whinge about mainstream media or whatever


It has yet to be peer reviewed, yea, but I am assuming it will be unless it comes out that they made some egregious mistake during the study. It's interesting that the overwhelming majority suffered the symptoms after the second shot.
I think this should really be looked into, the symptoms and side effects always happens after the 2nd shot. Friend's brother died after his 2nd shot, ex-father in law was hospitalized a week for myocarditis aftter his 2nd shot as well.


Rodent Whores
A tale of two cultures.

Baby deliveries will be paused at one NY hospital because too many hospital workers quit over the vaccine mandate.

Lewis County General Hospital will stop delivering babies after September 24 because too many maternity unit workers have resigned over COVID vaccination mandates.

That’s according to Lewis County Health System Chief Executive Officer Gerald Cayer, who held a news conference Friday in Lowville.

He said 6 employees in the maternity unit resigned rather than get a COVID shot and another 7 are undecided.

According to Cayer, the hospital will be unable to safely staff the unit and will pause delivering babies after September 24.

In August, the state announced all health care workers at hospitals and long-term care facilities across New York would be required to have gotten at least their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination by September 27.

Cayer said the announcement prompted 30 workers to get vaccinated, while another 30 resigned.

Meanwhile, in Europe,

France follows through on their promise to fast track frontline COVID healthcare workers into French citizenship.

France has granted citizenship to more than 12,000 frontline workers whose jobs put them at risk during the Covid pandemic under a special fast-track scheme.

As well as speeding up the application process, which normally takes up to two years, the government also cut the residency requirement from five years to two.

“Frontline workers responded to the call of the nation, so it is right that the nation takes a step towards them,” said the citizenship minister, Marlène Schiappa. “The country pulled through thanks to them.

“I welcome our new compatriots to French nationality and thank them in the name of the republic. The country also thanks them.”

“France has been very good to me since my arrival and has given me opportunities I could never have dreamed of before stepping off the Eurostar in 2016 – a home of my own, a wonderful relationship, a 20-year-old Peugeot 106, a 40-year-old Mobilette, the most satisfying job in the world and a very bright future.

“Soon, I’ll be able to vote, will regain my freedom of movement and will finally feel fully European once more, finally feel fully integrated into the nation I’ve already come to love like my own.”

In April 2020, French hospital staff and nursing home workers were awarded tax-free bonuses of between €1,000 and €1,500 as part of the government thank you for their work during the Covid-19 crisis.

In August 2020, France’s 320,000 home-care workers were given Covid-19 bonuses of up to €1,000.


you're twisting the story to be about the messenger rather than the message, I guess this is the article you are talking about (which is about repealing certain lockdown rules, not installing them)

but don't let that get in the way of your whinge about mainstream media or whatever

Actually no, that's not the article.

But thanks, I'll continue to whinge about the mainstream media you incorrectly posted a link to.



Rodent Whores
So we're having another surge in hospitals yet more than 80% of the UK is double jabbed. Is it not time the media accepts that we have to live with this now? I've seen a few reports of an "October firebreak" lockdown, if they do that, with the massive percentage of people double jabbed then, it's going to start looking very fishy.

Soon it'll be, everyones jabbed, but we have people with covid ... LOCKDOWN!!
If you were in charge, what do you do when the NHS is overwhelmed with COVID patients? What is your alternative, better plan?

We have to start considering and prioritising what requires action ... Covid cases where most people recover or the mountain of other problems people have from cancer to pneumonia.
COVID19 can cause pneumonia.


If you were in charge, what do you do when the NHS is overwhelmed with COVID patients? What is your alternative, better plan?

It's going to be overwhelmed with the 7yr long waiting list.

How many deaths are there? Are a lot of the people going into hospital with positive tests through fear, fear created by tabloids and shit press?

What I'm saying is, this isn't going away. We've got 80% of the over 16 population vaccinated, that's a pretty high number. So what do we do? because in a few months time when that reaches 90% (10% for the anti-vaxxers) ... that extra 10% in actual numbers won't be that big to cause a huge difference.

So, we'll still have a surge of people in hospital. Why? Again, how many are dying now? (Yes all deaths are bad, im not saying otherwise).

So its time we started saying to people, we've gotta live with this. Firebreaks and more lockdowns will not help. We're almost fully vaccinated and still getting "surges". People need to start treating this like a bad cold/flu ... get some rest, stay inside, drink Lemsip etc. Stop treating the A&E dept like the local GP where every granny goes when they want someone to talk to.

We're in Sept 2021.

Will the world be drastically different in Jan 2022? No. Because we've broke the back of people getting vaccinated. Deaths are low. Tbh i dont really give a shit about cases. How many cases of X other diseases do we report on daily in the mainstream media? None because people would flap & shit themselves. (The uneducated).

Tired of writing now. Whether I've made sense above or not, if we keep flipping & flopping around, we'll not get anywhere. Tell people to live with it and sort the 7yr backlog of people with other ailments.


Rodent Whores
It's going to be overwhelmed with the 7yr long waiting list.

How many deaths are there? Are a lot of the people going into hospital with positive tests through fear, fear created by tabloids and shit press?

What I'm saying is, this isn't going away. We've got 80% of the over 16 population vaccinated, that's a pretty high number. So what do we do? because in a few months time when that reaches 90% (10% for the anti-vaxxers) ... that extra 10% in actual numbers won't be that big to cause a huge difference.

So, we'll still have a surge of people in hospital. Why? Again, how many are dying now? (Yes all deaths are bad, im not saying otherwise).

So its time we started saying to people, we've gotta live with this. Firebreaks and more lockdowns will not help. We're almost fully vaccinated and still getting "surges". People need to start treating this like a bad cold/flu ... get some rest, stay inside, drink Lemsip etc. Stop treating the A&E dept like the local GP where every granny goes when they want someone to talk to.

We're in Sept 2021.

Will the world be drastically different in Jan 2022? No. Because we've broke the back of people getting vaccinated. Deaths are low. Tbh i dont really give a shit about cases. How many cases of X other diseases do we report on daily in the mainstream media? None because people would flap & shit themselves. (The uneducated).

Tired of writing now. Whether I've made sense above or not, if we keep flipping & flopping around, we'll not get anywhere. Tell people to live with it and sort the 7yr backlog of people with other ailments.
I asked you what you would do instead if you were in charge. I'm not sure if you answered that, because it sounds like you said you wouldn't do anything. If hospitals are overflowing because you have too many COVID patients, you wouldn't do anything? Tell people to live with it?

that extra 10% in actual numbers won't be that big to cause a huge difference.
What is your reasoning behind that?

People need to start treating this like a bad cold/flu
Why should they do that when COVID is a lot more lethal than a bad cold or flu?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
TIL that I got Moderna and not Pfizer like I thought I did. I could have swore they said Pfizer when they gave it to me, but my vaccination card says Moderna. I never really looked at the card that closely until now I guess lol


I asked you what you would do instead if you were in charge. I'm not sure if you answered that, because it sounds like you said you wouldn't do anything. If hospitals are overflowing because you have too many COVID patients, you wouldn't do anything? Tell people to live with it?

What is your reasoning behind that?

Why should they do that when COVID is a lot more lethal than a bad cold or flu?

1: I'd prioritise. I cba finding the doc on the Gov website but Covid was like the 26th cause of deaths in the UK. The number of deaths reported are low. So do we have a line of people needing cancer treatment or a bed full of people who will most likely recover? Again, prioritise. Look at their health ... underlying condition? Over 70? No? go to bed. Send me the cancer patient instead (hey that rhymed).

2: 66m people in UK. Remove all the under 16s - 13m give or take. Remove 13 from 66 = 53. 80% of 53m = 42m. 90% of 53m = 48m ... so the 10% would equal approx 6m people. So when we get those 6m people vaccinated, it'll stop the surge? No... it'll barely change anything. So what do we do ... keep on this merry-go-round of lockdown/firebreaks and fucking about or time to accept we gotta live with it and actually let the public know so the uneducated can stop reading Billy-bob on Facebook's bullshit news.

3: You're right, nobody dies from flu anymore. Weird. Not a single case of flu detected by Public Health England this year as Covid restrictions suppress virus | The Independent

Look im not saying this is all a conspiracy and we need to worship the flat earth reptiles. I'm simply saying we need to live with it and get the shit media outlets to stop putting fear into everyone with their "daily covid doom & gloom".


Rodent Whores
Fetal deaths have doubled among unvaccinated pregnant women with COVID in Mississippi. 72, which is double than normal.

Fetal deaths have doubled among unvaccinated pregnant women who suffer COVID-19 infections, State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs said during a Mississippi State Department of Health press conference today.

“We’ve identified 72 fetal deaths associated with pregnant moms who had COVID, which is twice the background rate of what we would’ve expected” prior to the pandemic, he said.

A “fetal death,” also known as a “stillbirth,” refers to deaths that occur after 20 weeks gestation. The statistic does not include miscarriages, which are deaths that occur at 20 weeks or earlier.

Hayes’ memories of weeks in UMMC’s Medical Intensive Care Unit on a ventilator are blurred. She doesn’t remember how, time after time after time, her condition was so dire that her caregivers thought they had lost her.

What she does remember is the realization, as she struggled to separate vent-induced dreams from reality, that her baby was no longer in her womb.

“My mom said, ‘Your baby is a month old.’ I said, ‘What? I was out for a month?’”

Of about 300 pregnant moms infected with COVID-19 treated at the Medical Center since the pandemic’s beginning, seven have died. Several of the babies have been stillborn, Morris said. The majority of those mothers were moved to the OR for delivery, but in some cases, the mother is too critically ill to move, and the delivery must take place in the ICU.

“It is devastating to watch these mothers endure this morbidity and the critical nature of this disease,” Morris said. “To lose them to the same illness, over and over again, is an impossible burden.”

Although Hayes’ prognosis is promising, pregnant moms coping with COVID-19 is a continuing concern for Morris and her team. Morris and Dr. J. Martin Tucker, chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology, feel so strongly about educating women on the COVID-19 vaccine’s safety that they made a video to underscore its importance.

“I told a mother this morning about the vaccine,” Morris said. “The mom said to me, ‘It all seems so new.’ I was very honest with her and said that morbidity and mortality for pregnant moms is not new.

“If patients could see what I see, they’d have no question as to whether they need the vaccine. The fear is in the wrong place. The fear needs to be fear of the virus, and what it can do to you.”



“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Fetal deaths have doubled among unvaccinated pregnant women with COVID in Mississippi. 72, which is double than normal.

That's just horrifying.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Fetal deaths have doubled among unvaccinated pregnant women with COVID in Mississippi. 72, which is double than normal.

Probably not great to be heavily de-oxygenated and struggling to breath while pregnant. There's still relatively low awareness of the extreme risk pregnant mothers are in if they have a severe case of COVID. It's kind of a worst case scenario in a lot of ways.


A tale of two cultures.

Baby deliveries will be paused at one NY hospital because too many hospital workers quit over the vaccine mandate.

Meanwhile, in Europe,

France follows through on their promise to fast track frontline COVID healthcare workers into French citizenship.

This will happen here too, on October 15th. There will be services no longer available once the mandatory shots goes live


Rodent Whores
1: I'd prioritise. I cba finding the doc on the Gov website but Covid was like the 26th cause of deaths in the UK. The number of deaths reported are low. So do we have a line of people needing cancer treatment or a bed full of people who will most likely recover? Again, prioritise. Look at their health ... underlying condition? Over 70? No? go to bed. Send me the cancer patient instead (hey that rhymed).
You are underestimating the magnitude of COVID deaths. I will come back to this in a minute.

2: 66m people in UK. Remove all the under 16s - 13m give or take. Remove 13 from 66 = 53. 80% of 53m = 42m. 90% of 53m = 48m ... so the 10% would equal approx 6m people. So when we get those 6m people vaccinated, it'll stop the surge? No... it'll barely change anything.
I asked you what your reasoning was behind your statement that a 10% increase in vaccinations won't be that big to cause a huge difference. Your answer was some multiplication, but that's still not a reason. You have not presented a causal or correlative argument for your claim.

To date, the vaccinations have been the greatest factor for reducing hospitalizations not only in the UK but around the world. You can see this in the data of every single country with a high vaccination rate when you compare them with countries with a low vaccination rate. You can see in these comparisons that a 10% difference in vaccination rate does have a significant impact on the number of hospitalizations and deaths a country experiences.

Look at this chart. In terms of a fully vaccinated population, Iceland and Denmark are in the 70s. Israel, the UK, France, and Germany are in the 60s. The USA is in the 50s. Of course there are exceptions, but I tried to limit the example countries to those with similar cultures and similar approaches to mitigation. (That means no Australia or New Zealand because of their extreme lockdown strategies, and no Japan or South Korea because many more people there aren't fat, and they have a much greater appreciation for masking)

As you can see, a 10% difference in vaccination coverage makes a big difference among these countries. This is a reason. What is your reason?


1: I'd prioritise. I cba finding the doc on the Gov website but Covid was like the 26th cause of deaths in the UK. The number of deaths reported are low. So do we have a line of people needing cancer treatment or a bed full of people who will most likely recover? Again, prioritise. Look at their health ... underlying condition? Over 70? No? go to bed. Send me the cancer patient instead (hey that rhymed).

OK back to this. When you say "COVID was like the 26th cause of deaths in the UK", that was temporary. That was only for a small time. The vaccines were being administered, and deaths were falling, as expected, but they started rising again because of the delta variant.


Covid-19 dropped to the 24th leading cause of death in England last month, new figures show.
A total of 333 deaths were due to coronavirus in May, the equivalent of 0.9% of all deaths registered in England, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Keep in mind that this same article ALSO said this:

Covid-19 was the leading cause of death in England every month from November 2020 to February 2021.

Now flash forward to a more recent time.

(DATE: August 23)

Covid-19 was the ninth biggest cause of death in England in July, having been the 26th most common cause in June.
In Wales it was the 22nd leading cause of death, having been too low to rank the previous month.
The total number of people dying rose back above the average levels for 2015 to 2019 in July.

Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, Covid has been the number one cause of death in England and Wales for six months (April, May, November and December 2020 and January and February 2021).
When there isn't a pandemic, the top causes of death are usually heart disease and dementia.

In the months when Covid has been the leading cause, it has generally been the leading cause by a long way.

If you look at the annual stats for 2020, the leading cause of death in England and Wales was COVID19.

  • In 2020, there were 607,922 deaths registered in England and Wales; an increase of 14.5% compared with 2019 (530,841 deaths).
  • The leading cause of death in England and Wales in 2020 was the coronavirus (COVID-19), with 73,766 deaths (12.1% of all deaths); the second most common cause of death was dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, accounting for 11.5% of all deaths registered in 2020 (compared with 12.5% in 2019, when dementia and Alzheimer’s disease was the leading cause of death).


That's not weird. Both the flu and COVID are respiratory diseases and they spread in similar ways. Therefore mitigations such as social distancing, masks, and lockdowns work on the flu too. Since the flu is less transmissible than COVID, strategies that work well against COVID work REALLY well against the flu.

Look im not saying this is all a conspiracy and we need to worship the flat earth reptiles.
I know. I'm not saying you are.

I'm saying your reasoning is faulty, and while criticism is fine, I want to know if you actually have a better alternative. If you don't have a better alternative, then the plan we have now is the best we've got.

I'm simply saying we need to live with it and get the shit media outlets to stop putting fear into everyone with their "daily covid doom & gloom".

This is why I'm asking you what your plan is if you're in charge. "Simply living with it" results in overcrowded hospitals and an overabundance of dead people. If you are the leader of the UK, is that worth it to you?


You are underestimating the magnitude of COVID deaths. I will come back to this in a minute.

I asked you what your reasoning was behind your statement that a 10% increase in vaccinations won't be that big to cause a huge difference. Your answer was some multiplication, but that's still not a reason. You have not presented a causal or correlative argument for your claim.

To date, the vaccinations have been the greatest factor for reducing hospitalizations not only in the UK but around the world. You can see this in the data of every single country with a high vaccination rate when you compare them with countries with a low vaccination rate. You can see in these comparisons that a 10% difference in vaccination rate does have a significant impact on the number of hospitalizations and deaths a country experiences.

Look at this chart. In terms of a fully vaccinated population, Iceland and Denmark are in the 70s. Israel, the UK, France, and Germany are in the 60s. The USA is in the 50s. Of course there are exceptions, but I tried to limit the example countries to those with similar cultures and similar approaches to mitigation. (That means no Australia or New Zealand because of their extreme lockdown strategies, and no Japan or South Korea because many more people there aren't fat, and they have a much greater appreciation for masking)

As you can see, a 10% difference in vaccination coverage makes a big difference among these countries. This is a reason. What is your reason?


OK back to this. When you say "COVID was like the 26th cause of deaths in the UK", that was temporary. That was only for a small time. The vaccines were being administered, and deaths were falling, as expected, but they started rising again because of the delta variant.


Keep in mind that this same article ALSO said this:

Now flash forward to a more recent time.

(DATE: August 23)

If you look at the annual stats for 2020, the leading cause of death in England and Wales was COVID19.


That's not weird. Both the flu and COVID are respiratory diseases and they spread in similar ways. Therefore mitigations such as social distancing, masks, and lockdowns work on the flu too. Since the flu is less transmissible than COVID, strategies that work well against COVID work REALLY well against the flu.

I know. I'm not saying you are.

I'm saying your reasoning is faulty, and while criticism is fine, I want to know if you actually have a better alternative. If you don't have a better alternative, then the plan we have now is the best we've got.

This is why I'm asking you what your plan is if you're in charge. "Simply living with it" results in overcrowded hospitals and an overabundance of dead people. If you are the leader of the UK, is that worth it to you?
1918 was Spanish Flu , looks like COVID mirrored it and that’s with complete lockdowns, it would have easily surpassed it with 3 times and more ..
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This is why I'm asking you what your plan is if you're in charge. "Simply living with it" results in overcrowded hospitals and an overabundance of dead people. If you are the leader of the UK, is that worth it to you?
So far the UK is living with it, in the sense that all legal restrictions have been removed. Perhaps stronger measures will be needed over winter, but that isn't clear yet.


So far the UK is living with it, in the sense that all legal restrictions have been removed. Perhaps stronger measures will be needed over winter, but that isn't clear yet.

I'd say we're likely to see regional lockdowns across winter, but no return to national lockdowns. The figures so far don't suggest a need for them, and the vaccine levels will only continue to rise, especially with the booster program.

Let's face it, we're all getting covid at some point or another. The only thing that matters is keeping serious cases and deaths down, which the vaccines are doing.


Rodent Whores
So far the UK is living with it, in the sense that all legal restrictions have been removed. Perhaps stronger measures will be needed over winter, but that isn't clear yet.
That's the thing that I wanted more clarity out of his argument since the UK's restrictions aren't actually that bad, relative to some other places. Everyone's definition of "living with it" is different, and so I need specifics. "living with it" isn't policy.


That's the thing that I wanted more clarity out of his argument since the UK's restrictions aren't actually that bad, relative to some other places. Everyone's definition of "living with it" is different, and so I need specifics. "living with it" isn't policy.
Well, the UK doesn't have any national restrictions at all. Some transport operators still insist on mask wearing and masks are compulsory at airports. Other than that the UK is following a Sweden style model where it is left up to individuals to decide how much social contact to have.

So far the movement data shows that we are still well below the baseline for workplace and public transport attendance:

Also the latest data indicates just under half of adults are still complying with social distancing

So I can't speak for T8SC, but to me "living with the virus" means no more national restrictions on movement and the vaccines and individual behaviour changes doing the heavy lifting.


So I can't speak for T8SC, but to me "living with the virus" means no more national restrictions on movement and the vaccines and individual behaviour changes doing the heavy lifting.


I was at work earlier so rushing to type & make sense.

UK has (as of a few weeks ago) removed most restrictions as Firefly said. The increase is number of vaccines will only go up by about 6m people, because 80% of the over 16s are already double jabbed. This is why I dont believe Sept 21 is going to be much, if any, different from Jan 22. Those few extra vaccined people won't make much of a dent in stats for cases. So if we cant live with it now, we wont be living with it in Jan .... we wont ever be living with it. Which is why I believe the Gov needs to go on air and broadcast to people that this ISNT going away and we have to live with it like we do with flu and many other ailments. Stop the scaremongering of the papers, stop the "can I or cant I go on holiday", stop the ongoing expense its costing people for countless tests just get people jabbed, inform them its not going away, and people will have to live with it like any other disease.
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