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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Yeah I'm not getting into immigration nonsense. If you want to talk about Covid and it's policies then I'm all for it. That's what this whole thread is for obviously. But complaining and debating about whether or not immigration is being properly handled is a topic that took place in a section that is long dead now. Praise be. I put that kind of talk right up there with the race based nonsense that a few people have already tried to bring up in this thread and I am not going to waste time on immigration deflections. It is a quagmire of politics and opinion that just gets in the way of any reasonable and intelligent discussion.

Not to mention that just like the race related arguments that were made earlier have no impact or importance to the actual discussion at hand. It is just distraction that have been drummed up by the powers at be to distract from the real issues.

Did you read the article that I linked about the vaccine mandate precedent set by the SCOTUS yet? Never heard a response from you on that unless I missed a notification. If I did then I apologize.
NI- I’m not making this a race thing or anything remotely like that. Purple people eaters could come across the border, but it remains that there are inconsistencies at the border which DIRECTLY do correlate to the COVID crisis. Tangential? Yes. Related? Yes. But related nonetheless.

We had our talk, back to the broader subject at hand.
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If it was out now and people were able to choose without any of the tribalism and/or coercion or effective blackmail from the government, then maybe I would've. You know, kind of like the flu shot. Plus the reporting around this virus has smelled off since the beginning and I don't believe its the existential threat its been drummed up as. Average age of death here is 2 years above average life expectancy. The flu killed more people here in 2017 then covid did last year and this year combined.
Australia was able to stop the transmission of previous strains with lockdowns. So Belgium for example had 17x more cases and 23x more deaths, with half the population. If a fire starts in your house, you call the fire brigade, and they stop the fire before it can do any real damage, it doesn't make sense to think that the fire wasn't a real threat because your house is now fine.

With life expectancy, you have to remember that this includes deaths shortly after birth and early on in life. So on reaching your "life expectancy", you are actually expected to live several years longer.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
We actually discussed the legality of and how common vaccine mandates are in this thread a few times, the most recent conservation I am aware of is here:

Over a century of legal precedent including very recent decisions involving the current Supreme Court. Vaccine mandates common in schools and universities, the military, the federal government, amongst healthcare networks/systems, and on, and on. We seem to have a fresh influx of people who get their information from random social media figures, who neither they nor themselves understand the terms and phrases they thoughtlessly use ("nazi", "facist", "authoritarian", "unconstitutional", etc), and clearly do not understand the scientific process and would prefer that people lie to them or make something up on the fly - like what they're used to from Facebook and Twitter.

And in case no one reported it yet, today from the CDC:

Unvaccinated people are 11 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than those who are fully vaccinated, new research has found, bolstering evidence that the inoculations continue to provide powerful protection, even against the delta variant.

The latest studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released on Friday also found that vaccinated people were nearly five times less likely to get infected and 10 times less likely to get so sick they ended up in the hospital.
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Rodent Whores
Not sure if you did the math there, because it doesn't really support your case (you'd get ~114K dead, which is far less than COVID has actually killed).
Not sure if I did the math? Not sure if you did the math.

I know the numbers don't add up, which should lead you to ask yourself how you are calculating that 1 in 50,000 and 1 in 70,000 risk assessment if the numbers don't add up. (It doesn't add up because 1. your risk value is wrong and 2. not everyone in the world has been infected with SARCOV2 yet)

According the the latest data, this is the current best estimate for the infection fatality rate of COVID 19.

0–17 years old: 20 per 1,000,000 = 1 in 50,000
18–49 years old: 500 per 1,000,000 = 1 in 2,000
50–64 years old: 6,000 per 1,000,000 = 1 in 170
65+ years old: 90,000 per 1,000,000 = 1 in 11

I don't know where you are located in the world, but for a person in the USA, the 1 in 50,000 chance risk assessment only applies to kids under 17. Everyone else who is older is progressively more vulnerable.

Regardless, the fact remains that the actual risk from COVID is not nearly large enough to justify the measures we're seeing enacted, the loss of liberty, and the fundamental changes to our society which are occurring.
You are still underestimating the risk, and overestimating the severity of the new rules and their impacts on society.

I feel like I'm the only one who sees that the emperor has no clothes.
There's the word "feel" again.


Count of Concision
Do you encourage others to not get the vaccine? Are you vocally anti mask? If not, you’re not who we’re talking about. The dumbshits who refuse the vaccine and also refuse to distance or mask up are actively trying to fuck people over. Fuck them. And fuck anyone who defends them. How is this so damn difficult to grasp?

I guess I'm not who you're talking about either, then. Because I don't encourage others not to get vaccinated (I advise people to do what they feel is best for themselves and their families, as it is a personal decision), and I am not anti-mask (I still wear a mask even in stores where it is no longer required here in NYC).


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I guess I'm not who you're talking about either, then. Because I don't encourage others not to get vaccinated (I advise people to do what they feel is best for themselves and their families, as it is a personal decision), and I am not anti-mask (I still wear a mask even in stores where it is no longer required here in NYC).
So is that a no on reading the article I provided you explaining the court situation to you? Because you seemed really adamant earlier about the mandate being unconstitutional. You even called for Biden to be impeached because you felt so strongly about it.

You suddenly seem very uninterested in that line of dialogue for some reason. :goog_unsure:


Your cynicism is depressing. Is it seriously that hard to believe that people here just want people to be healthy and want things to go back to normal?
Yes when you and others spend as much time in this thread shitting on others as you do "being concerned". You laugh react to others post who simply comment differently than you, it's a little clique in here. If people came in here seeking information or wanting to discuss any other line of thought outside of "GET VAXED OR STFU!!!" You guys act like the thought police. It's literally team sports which is no different than what happened in the politics threads.

There have been people reacting to Republicans getting covid by saying "oh no poor virus", fuck that way of thinking and fuck that person and anyone who finds that kinda humor funny. But of course you and those same people are extremely concerned for others, doubt.
I guess I'm not who you're talking about either, then. Because I don't encourage others not to get vaccinated (I advise people to do what they feel is best for themselves and their families, as it is a personal decision), and I am not anti-mask (I still wear a mask even in stores where it is no longer required here in NYC).
You don’t advise them to do what Is best, you advise them to do what they want. “What’s best” one has one option unless you are a rare condition.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Yes when you and others spend as much time in this thread shitting on others as you do "being concerned". You laugh react to others post who simply comment differently than you, it's a little clique in here. If people came in here seeking information or wanting to discuss any other line of thought outside of "GET VAXED OR STFU!!!" You guys act like the thought police. It's literally team sports which is no different than what happened in the politics threads.
Of course I laugh at ignorant conspiracy theories and other nonsense. Have you seen some of the ignorant shit that has been said here? A few pages ago we had someone claiming the CIA was involved with Covid. We have had people claim that race is involved with Covid. We have had people claim that a fucking anti-parasitic should be used to fight a fucking virus. We have stories of people being hospitalized because they are INGESTING FUCKING ANIMAL MEDICATION.

You either laugh or you go crazy with the abject stupidity that is on display in here. So the only people being ridiculed in here are the people who deserve to be ridiculed. If you come at me with some anti-science anti-vax nonsense I am of course going to laugh. As should every other intelligent and sane person who is paying attention after the last year or so of absolute crackpot nonsense.
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Count of Concision
So is that a no on reading the article I provided you explaining the court situation to you? Because you seemed really adamant earlier about the mandate being unconstitutional. You even called for Biden to be impeached because you felt so strongly about it.

You suddenly seem very uninterested in that line of dialogue for some reason. :goog_unsure:

Thread moves very quickly, and I have to tend to real life in between posts. I tend to leave what I feel will be longer posts for later when I have a good chunk of time, which is why my recent posts have been more brief. I will get to it.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I got a text from rite aid to sign up for this vaccine proof app called Clear. I downloaded it and took a look at it and it felt so gross.

I got that as well (we Rite Aid vaccine brothers now). I get that it can make approval more convenient for a variety of things if the merchant supports it, but the hell if I am uploading my driver's license to some private company. I'll just scan the vaccination card with Apple Notes, thank you very much. If that's not enough for a company then I guess I can go elsewhere.
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But you know that person 100% well enough to decide it’s “good for them”? Because if you don’t, then it’s still a personal issue.

I’m glad your situation is transparent enough that you fully understand your circumstances…but it’s not always that way for everyone. I agree that in summary, the masses and majority should be vaccinated, but it should not be forced. Simple.
Simple is right


Count of Concision
You don’t advise them to do what Is best, you advise them to do what they want. “What’s best” one has one option unless you are a rare condition.

Exhibit A for uniformity of opinion and an inability or unwillingness to concede that there are other rational viewpoints/decisions both here and in any situation. This is the social sickness of binary thinking and tribalism that I mentioned earlier. No, what is best for each person is dependent on a number of factors - neither you nor Fauci nor Joe Biden is the arbiter of what is best for me or anyone else. That's what being free is all about.


Exhibit A for uniformity of opinion and an inability or unwillingness to concede that there are other rational viewpoints/decisions both here and in any situation. This is the social sickness of binary thinking and tribalism that I mentioned earlier. No, what is best for each person is dependent on a number of factors - neither you nor Fauci nor Joe Biden is the arbiter of what is best for me or anyone else. That's what being free is all about.
“everyone says the sky is blue but they’re just fuckin conformists maaaan! Joe Biden can’t tell me what sunlight does when it interacts with nitrogen!! I’ll make my own judgment about what color the sky is thank you, I’m freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!”


My favorite strawman of them all. Pretty sure there's about 0.1% of the population that actually believes this and on the flipside there are people just as dumb with the opposite beliefs.

This guy at work told me the other day that "if you get COVID, you're going to die" and I just nodded along with him cuz it wasn't worth the effort but inside I was like wtf did this guy just say?

Thinking you could die if you get covid is support by evidence of millions dying after getting covid.

Thinking you can develop superpowers from the vaccine is supported by absolutely zero evidence of anyone getting superpowers from the vaccine.

Don't try to both sides this.
“everyone says the sky is blue but they’re just fuckin conformists maaaan! Joe Biden can’t tell me what sunlight does when it interacts with nitrogen!! I’ll make my own judgment about what color the sky is thank you, I’m freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!”

Lmao exactly. All of their excuses are illogical, they are full of shit 100% and do this out of spite because their identity is tied to being a type of Republican. The smart ones learn to protect themselves efficiently and the ones who are left are straight up stupid.
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Exhibit A for uniformity of opinion and an inability or unwillingness to concede that there are other rational viewpoints/decisions both here and in any situation. This is the social sickness of binary thinking and tribalism that I mentioned earlier. No, what is best for each person is dependent on a number of factors - neither you nor Fauci nor Joe Biden is the arbiter of what is best for me or anyone else. That's what being free is all about.

It fascinates me to no end that people pick a GLOBAL PANDEMIC as a fight for personal freedom and not language, or using computers to type random shit, or wearing clothes. No, it has to be a worldwide health issue. That's the good fight.


Rodent Whores
It fascinates me to no end that people pick a GLOBAL PANDEMIC as a fight for personal freedom and not language, or using computers to type random shit, or wearing clothes. No, it has to be a worldwide health issue. That's the good fight.
It be what it be. It's unfortunate for them since a lot of the grassroots support won't be around to vote for their side because they'll be dead.


Rodent Whores
Non-essential unvaccinated Americans banned from France.

France has become the latest European country -- and the most significant tourism destination -- to remove the United States from its safe travel list, following EU recommendations in the wake of a US Covid spike.

A French government decree issued on Thursday bumped the United States and Israel from the country's "green" list, down to "orange," effectively prohibiting nonessential travel to France for unvaccinated visitors.
Under France's rules, unvaccinated travelers from either country will still be allowed in provided they have an essential reason for travel, however they'll need a negative Covid-19 test before travel and must quarantine for seven days on arrival.

France's move follow restrictions imposed on US travelers from several other European destinations. Earlier this week, Spain changed its entry policy for arrivals from the US, requiring them to have a certificate proving double vaccination.


We need more scary.

Article Excerpt:
NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC (WWAY) — A clip from a local healthcare provider’s meeting is going viral.

The video that is being shared across social media features three Novant / New Hanover Regional Medical Center employees, the president of NHRMC Shelbourn Stevens, Doctor Mary Kathryn Rudyk, and Director of Marketing Carolyn Fisher, discussing COVID communication.

Dr. Rudyk can be seen and heard saying, “Maybe we need to be completely a little more scary for the public.”

They discuss including men and women still in the hospital after recovering from COVID in COVID case numbers.

“There are many people still hospitalized that we’re considering post-COVID,” Rudyk continued, “so how do we include post-COVID in the number of patients we have in the hospital?”

“So is that all the people who have been in the hospital since the beginning of COVID?” Carolyn Fisher asked. They clarified it meant post-COVID patients still in the hospital after testing negative.

Towards the end, Dr. Rudyk says, “you know if you don’t get vaccinated, you are going to die. *laugh* Let’s just be really blunt with these people.”
Response from hospital:
A spokesman with the hospital released the following statement in response to the video.

“The team members involved in this excerpt of an internal meeting are seeing the highest level of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths so far in this pandemic – despite having safe and effective vaccines widely available. This was a frank discussion among medical and communications professionals on how we can more accurately convey the severity and seriousness of what’s happening inside of our hospitals and throughout our communities. Specifically, the data we have been sharing does not include patients who remain hospitalized for COVID-19 complications even though they are no longer COVID-19 positive, so it does not provide a complete picture of the total impact of COVID-19 on our patients and on our hospitals. We continue to be concerned with the amount of misinformation in our communities and consistently strive for more ways to be transparent and tell the whole story. The continued rise of hospitalizations makes it evident that we have more work to do to reach our communities with these messages.”
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Non-essential unvaccinated Americans banned from France.

Bring back Freedom Fries. That'll show em'.

"On March 11, 2003, Republican U.S. Representatives Bob Ney and Walter B. Jones directed the three House cafeterias to change all references to French fries and French toast on menus, and replace them with Freedom fries and Freedom toast, respectively. "
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Bring back Freedom Fries. That'll show em'.

"On March 11, 2003, Republican U.S. Representatives Bob Ney and Walter B. Jones directed the three House cafeterias to change all references to French fries and French toast on menus, and replace them with Freedom fries and Freedom toast, respectively. "
Man every time I think we can’t get stupider I just have to remember what this country was like when I was a teenager







Their rollout looks like it's still at bookings. With 76% they'll go right by UK and Canada on schedule. Add drop-in later in rollout to add a few more percent.

CANZUK uptake comparison. Both UK and Canada slowed at 65%. Very obvious when supplies arrive too.

Response to Alberta's case numbers going up. A long weekend and in-school learning last week with only a week into the restart of bare restrictions compounded by the continuing low vaccination rates it's good planning.


Rodent Whores
Florida has been seeing a sustained downward trend in cases. Let's hope that continues longer.

In other news, Ireland now has a 90% vaccination rate among eligible adults , which is about 70% of the total population.

Restrictions will continue to ease according to this plan: https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/covid19/living_with_covid19_plan.html

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Look at this fear porn from the AP:
Just kind of common sense nothing article really. Says that a large crowd of unmasked people with no mask mandate can potentially be a risk, but it's outside so it's not as huge of a risk. Says some stadiums have mandates, some don't. Says if you're concerned, get the vaccine, wear a mask and bring hand sanitizer. It's really an article about nothing. But that's local news a lot of the time, especially anything related to sports.


Rodent Whores
Look at this fear porn from the AP:
Mildly sensational headline, and it isn't necessarily wrong, but it's "not wrong" in a very unhelpful manner because nearly anything "could" create anything else.

The most useful information I would want to convey, if I were writing that article and headline, would be that there are large gathering event models that have already been shown to work, like Lollapalooza, and ones that didn't work so well, like the Sturgis Rally. We should try to be more like the former and less like the latter.


Rodent Whores
That's not cool.

"This time last year, my grandmother, who was a former teacher at the Rutherford County school system died of COVID because someone wasn't wearing a mask," Knox, who is a junior at Central Magnet School, said at Tuesday night's board meeting.

Knox wanted to speak in support of a mask mandate in schools. But he was forced to halt his speech, as his remarks could barely be heard amid the jeering and laughter from people in the audience.

"Hey guys," board chair Coy Young said as he tried to restore calm. "We're here to act professional."
"This time last year, my grandmother, who was a former teacher at the Rutherford County school system died of COVID because someone wasn't wearing a mask," Knox, who is a junior at Central Magnet School, said at Tuesday night's board meeting."
Not acceptable to mock this kid while he speaks, but at the same time I would like to see the proof that it was 90+% because of someone not wearing a mask that his grandmother got sick. I bet there is no way to know how she got sick, but he is buying into the hysteria that all Covid illeness and death is because of those scary people not wearing masks or unvaccinated, even thought a good portion of them most likely do not have Covid and are no risk to them.

He is just being influenced by the fear mongering that paint people not wearing masks 100% of the time as biological terrorists.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Not acceptable to mock this kid while he speaks, but at the same time I would like to see the proof that it was 90+% because of someone not wearing a mask that his grandmother got sick. I bet there is no way to know how she got sick, but he is buying into the hysteria that all Covid illeness and death is because of those scary people not wearing masks or unvaccinated, even thought a good portion of them most likely do not have Covid and are no risk to them.

He is just being influenced by the fear mongering that paint people not wearing masks 100% of the time as biological terrorists.
Good thing they only allow people with data and evidence to speak at school board meetings.
Not acceptable to mock this kid while he speaks, but at the same time I would like to see the proof that it was 90+% because of someone not wearing a mask that his grandmother got sick.

I agree, the claim is dubious and those meetings aren’t a show for a jeering audience to participate in.
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