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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Neighbours from Hell
Wait so you don't think the mandates that are incentivizing people to get the Covid vaccine that has been scientifically proven to be effective against the spread of Covid and helps reduce the number of deaths related to Covid will not help with the cost and spread of Covid?

What? That makes no sense at all. If more people are getting the vaccine then that helps against the fight against Covid and the damage it can do. That is just a simple fact.
There's no evidence federal mandates have that I've seen. Do you have any data that shows since the implementation of federal mandates, there's been a sharp decline in COVID spread?

I've seen none that exists. And if it does, I'm perfectly fine changing my opinion on it, as I try to be as data driven as I can. But I've seen no evidence that federal mandates have done anything whatsoever.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
There's no evidence federal mandates have that I've seen. Do you have any data that shows since the implementation of federal mandates, there's been a sharp decline in COVID spread?

I've seen none that exists. And if it does, I'm perfectly fine changing my opinion on it, as I try to be as data driven as I can. But I've seen no evidence that federal mandates have done anything whatsoever.
What reason do you have to believe they don't? This is basic common sense.

- The vaccines provide protection from Covid. Fact.

- The vaccines help reduce the number of hospitalizations. Fact.

- The vaccines help reduce the number of deaths. Fact.

- The mandates have increased the number of vaccinated people. Fact.

Meaning that as a result of the mandates we are in a better spot now than we were before them. This is not exactly rocket science dude.
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Neighbours from Hell
What reason do you have to believe they don't? This is basic common sense.

- The vaccines provide protection from Covid. Fact.

- The vaccines help reduce the number of hospitalizations. Fact.

- The vaccines help reduce the number of deaths. Fact.

- The mandates have increased the number of vaccinated people. Fact.

Meaning that as a result of the mandates we are in a better spot now than we were before them. This is not exactly rocket science dude.
Again, all I want is data to show it. Don't you think if it did exist, with the amount of push back there's been against vaccines, that health experts and politicians would be standing up at their podiums across the country pushing concrete data that shows they're working like they did with the vaccines? There hasn't been any. If there is, Fauci and others would be on TV daily saying "In so and so city, they have strong vaccine mandates and COVID cases in this city have dropped by 30% since" or whatever. It hasn't happened.

I think the reason for it is a variety of reasons. I don't think they've increased the number of vaccinated that much. Nationally, the numbers of those vaccinated still have basically flattened. Those vaccinated might be more carefree about mask usage and bunching in with other people. Things like that.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Again, all I want is data to show it. Don't you think if it did exist, with the amount of push back there's been against vaccines, that health experts and politicians would be standing up at their podiums across the country pushing concrete data that shows they're working like they did with the vaccines? There hasn't been any. If there is, Fauci and others would be on TV daily saying "In so and so city, they have strong vaccine mandates and COVID cases in this city have dropped by 30% since" or whatever. It hasn't happened.

I think the reason for it is a variety of reasons. I don't think they've increased the number of vaccinated that much. Nationally, the numbers of those vaccinated still have basically flattened. Those vaccinated might be more carefree about mask usage and bunching in with other people. Things like that.
Okay you can believe what you want. I can't stop you. But the reality is that the mandates have helped by virtue of what they do. Exactly how much they have helped as time has gone on is up for debate sure, but they have obviously helped because any increase in vaccinations is a net positive for the country.
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I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for evidence of policy effectiveness as long as you know it can only prove correlation, so any other possible influences also need to be counted. For example, did people taking covid sick days decrease compared to this time last year for a company mandate? Did hospitalisations fall in the region that implemented a mandate? Stuff like that...

However the lack of evidence doesn't automatically mean lack of effectiveness, and if the only criterion is "more people got vaccinated" then that might be good enough and the easiest one to prove.
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Count of Concision
Mayor DeBozo in NYC is set to enact the nation's first vaccine mandate for private businesses (of any size) on December 27th. This was done without consultation with any business groups or the legislature. Complete fiat on his way out the door. Question: if federal judges have stayed what is essentially the same sort of mandate at the federal level (re: Biden's OSHA-based mandate), how can this local mandate not fall under the purview of those same rulings/arguments? The only case I can see is if the federal courts had cited federal vs. state rights in their decision to stop the mandate, but from the parts of the decisions I read, that was not the thrust of it. Completely insane authoritarian overreach by Comrade DeBozo.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Mayor DeBozo in NYC is set to enact the nation's first vaccine mandate for private businesses (of any size) on December 27th. This was done without consultation with any business groups or the legislature. Complete fiat on his way out the door. Question: if federal judges have stayed what is essentially the same sort of mandate at the federal level (re: Biden's OSHA-based mandate), how can this local mandate not fall under the purview of those same rulings/arguments? The only case I can see is if the federal courts had cited federal vs. state rights in their decision to stop the mandate, but from the parts of the decisions I read, that was not the thrust of it. Completely insane authoritarian overreach by Comrade DeBozo.
If morons in Texas and Florida are going to demand the right for the local governments to decide how to handle the mandates then that is what is gonna happen. You will obviously have the ignorant appealing to the anti-vaxxers by removing the mandates and ignoring common sense. But you will also have the complete opposite end of the spectrum as well for places like NYC.


Bla bla bla pointless new restrictions in France - clubs will close for 4 weeks in December when everyone is visiting family lol.

Why not do what Italy does? PCR test is no longer valid for your pass sanitaire, it's vaccination or nothing.


One thing that bothers me a lot about mandates NOW is the government first (seemingly out of principle) offered people the choice to get vaccinated, but when not enough people took the vaccine to the government's liking the message changed to "there is only one right, socially responsible choice in this matter", hence mandates. It seems like ad-hoc policy, the principle of choice doesn't apply when it's inconvenient. Why give people a choice in the first place if you truly believe there is only one right choice? Seems pretty asinine treatment if you ask me.

Okay you can believe what you want. I can't stop you. But the reality is that the mandates have helped by virtue of what they do. Exactly how much they have helped as time has gone on is up for debate sure, but they have obviously helped because any increase in vaccinations is a net positive for the country.
I just want to point out that in the analysis you are making there is a hidden social cost to mandates; i.e. more or less forcing people who are deeply entrenched against vaccination to take one anyway is going to cause a hell of a lot of resentment and bitterness in a time when there is already more than enough of that going around to cause society to become increasingly insular and unstable.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I just want to point out that in the analysis you are making there is a hidden social cost to mandates; i.e. more or less forcing people who are deeply entrenched against vaccination to take one anyway is going to cause a hell of a lot of resentment and bitterness in a time when there is already more than enough of that going around to cause society to become increasingly insular and unstable.
If our society is so ignorant and fragile that making people take a vaccine that is free and can actually save their life and/or the lives of their loved ones is enough to cause it all to crumble then that society doesn't need to exist in the first place.

Let the kids throw the tantrum and tucker themselves out. It will pass. Just like it did for the Polio vaccine.


Bla bla bla pointless new restrictions in France - clubs will close for 4 weeks in December when everyone is visiting family lol.

Why not do what Italy does? PCR test is no longer valid for your pass sanitaire, it's vaccination or nothing.

Follow the rules.

People are still dying.

Why can't you people just understand that its about more than just "you", we need to protect the old & vulnerable and if closing clubs for 4 week means that then so be it. Rules are rules. Also whilst you're at it, have a 4th jab just for peace of mind.

Or something like that, which I got spouted over & over. Take the damn jab! Sit at home damnit!!

Sorry I was meant to be sitting & just watching wasn't I, back to the sidelines I go.

Follow the rules.

People are still dying.

Why can't you people just understand that its about more than just "you", we need to protect the old & vulnerable and if closing clubs for 4 week means that then so be it. Rules are rules. Also whilst you're at it, have a 4th jab just for peace of mind.

Or something like that, which I got spouted over & over. Take the damn jab! Sit at home damnit!!

Sorry I was meant to be sitting & just watching wasn't I, back to the sidelines I go.

I don’t think governments have any clue on how to handle the whole thing.


Rodent Whores
I said mandates, not the vaccine. The vaccine saves lives, but I don't believe enforcing federal mandates is going to have a noticeable impact on COVID spread. There's been no evidence that it has. There's been surges in cities and countries that have strict mandates. We've seen no significant drops in COVID spread in regions that have mandates as far as I can tell. I've looked around and found no evidence of it. If there was any indication that mandates would wipe COVID out flat, then I may even change my opinion on it, but it doesn't exist.

Cases are rising across the country right now, many in states that have mandates. They aren't doing anything positive. I think the reason is because for mandates to have any significant impact, they need to be extreme, like parts of Australia extreme, which the US obviously isn't going to do, because that's authoritarian. Most people have already made up their minds on the vaccine, so it isn't going to make much of a difference. And COVID can still spread with those vaccinated.

And with individual businsesses and institutions doing their own mandates independently... with masks and still a lot of people vaccinated, federal mandates aren't really necessary.
If the USA didn't have the vaccine mandates in place, do you think we'd have a higher vaccination rate or lower vaccination rate?

Also worth thinking about - is it the mandates that people have a problem with, or the entities who are proposing/supporting it? If the polarized politicization of our zeitgeist wasn't so bad, would this even be an issue? In the current climate, if the Ds and Rs were reversed, would the same people be for and against mandates?


Neighbours from Hell
If the USA didn't have the vaccine mandates in place, do you think we'd have a higher vaccination rate or lower vaccination rate?

Also worth thinking about - is it the mandates that people have a problem with, or the entities who are proposing/supporting it? If the polarized politicization of our zeitgeist wasn't so bad, would this even be an issue? In the current climate, if the Ds and Rs were reversed, would the same people be for and against mandates?
Slightly higher, because individual mandates would already account for the far majority of vaccination increases, and like I said, I'm ok with private business and institutional mandates, not federal.

But like I said the question is does the damage federal mandates do outweigh the benefits of however many get vaccinated that weren't already either of their own desire or through mandates via their private employer. I say yes. People losing jobs, the work force being dinged, affecting the supply chain issues even more. And most of all, the trust in our government who said months back there'd be no forced mandates, and turn around and did a 180. I don't think people yet grasp how damaging the loss of trust in our government, health experts, institutions, and news media is going to be in the long run. I think if you put all that in a pot, the damage will be worse than however many lives the federal mandates alone save that weren't already covered by private employer mandates and everyone else already vaccinated.

Just like I think the extreme lockdowns in places like California where they banned outdoor dining for no logical reason, did more damage than lives saved. They likely put hundreds if not thousands of businesses out of business or severely crippled them potentially beyond saving, but how many lives did banning outdoor dining save? Probably can count them on one hand.

My support or lack of support for everything COVID has always come from the formula of totality of lives saved vs totality of damage done. If it's close on both sides, I'll always side with the policy that saves lives. But just throwing out s totally made up number to make a point. I'm not saying these are real. But if Policy X saves 50 lives, but puts 2,000 businesses out of commission, I'm sorry I'm siding with saving the businesses.
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Rodent Whores
Slightly hire, because individual mandates would already account for the far majority of vaccination increases, and like I said, I'm ok with private business and institutional mandates, not federal.
Then, if you think that the vaccines save lives, and that mandates make vaccine adoption higher in general, you'd have to conclude that vaccine mandates save lives too because of the higher uptake.

But like I said the question is does the damage federal mandates do outweigh the benefits of however many get vaccinated that weren't already either of their own desire or through mandates via their private employer. I say yes. People losing jobs, the work force being dinged, affecting the supply chain issues even more. And most of all, the trust in our government who said months back there'd be no forced mandates, and turn around and did a 180. I don't think people yet grasp how damaging the loss of trust in our government, health experts, institutions, and news media is going to be in the long run. I think if you put all that in a pot, the damage will be worse than however many lives the federal mandates alone save that weren't already covered by private employer mandates and everyone else already vaccinated.

Just like I think the extreme lockdowns in places like California where they banned outdoor dining for no logical reason, did more damage than lives saved. They likely put hundreds if not thousands of businesses out of business or severely crippled them potentially beyond saving, but how many lives did banning outdoor dining save? Probably can count them on one hand.

My support or lack of support for everything COVID has always come from the formula of totality of lives saved vs totality of damage done. If it's close on both sides, I'll always side with the policy that saves lives. But just throwing out s totally made up number to make a point. I'm not saying these are real. But if Policy X saves 50 lives, but puts 2,000 businesses out of commission, I'm sorry I'm siding with saving the businesses.
Almost all the responsible people who would voluntarily get the vaccine did so when it was first available. Fortunately, it was a majority of the eligible population. Unfortunately, that isn't good enough because herd immunity of the delta variant requires a much higher percentage of vaccination among the population. Once the carrot stops working, stricter methods are some of the only options left on the table.


Neighbours from Hell
Then, if you think that the vaccines save lives, and that mandates make vaccine adoption higher in general, you'd have to conclude that vaccine mandates save lives too because of the higher uptake.

Almost all the responsible people who would voluntarily get the vaccine did so when it was first available. Fortunately, it was a majority of the eligible population. Unfortunately, that isn't good enough because herd immunity of the delta variant requires a much higher percentage of vaccination among the population. Once the carrot stops working, stricter methods are some of the only options left on the table.
What I’m saying is the few people I think federal mandates lead to getting vaccinated is outweighed by the drawbacks of the mandates.

If saving lives is truly all that matters and no drawbacks are to be factored in, then telling everyone to not leave their homes at all for any reason would be perfectly acceptable. Because that would for sure save lives. If you can’t go anywhere, you can’t spread COVID. But we don’t do that here. Because the negatives it would cause would far outweigh the positives.

A policy is only as good as the cost benefit analysis.


Rodent Whores
What I’m saying is the few people I think federal mandates lead to getting vaccinated is outweighed by the drawbacks of the mandates.

If saving lives is truly all that matters and no drawbacks are to be factored in, then telling everyone to not leave their homes at all for any reason would be perfectly acceptable. Because that would for sure save lives. If you can’t go anywhere, you can’t spread COVID. But we don’t do that here. Because the negatives it would cause would far outweigh the positives.

A policy is only as good as the cost benefit analysis.
Would it be fair to say that you think that vaccine mandates do encourage "X amount" more people to get vaccinated, which does save lives, but that the "X amount" increased is marginal and that it doesn't move the needle enough to offset the negative drawbacks of the mandate?

What are, specifically, the drawbacks of the mandate as it relates to the well-being of the US populace, and how did you determine that? Is this a uniquely American problem? Why is it that you think other countries can get to a higher vaccination rate without having a mandate?

(Also, we should keep in mind that this "mandate" still offers the choice to refuse the vaccination. You just have to test regularly. It is not compulsory. You have a choice.)


Neighbours from Hell
Would it be fair to say that you think that vaccine mandates do encourage "X amount" more people to get vaccinated, which does save lives, but that the "X amount" increased is marginal and that it doesn't move the needle enough to offset the negative drawbacks of the mandate?

What are, specifically, the drawbacks of the mandate as it relates to the well-being of the US populace, and how did you determine that? Is this a uniquely American problem? Why is it that you think other countries can get to a higher vaccination rate without having a mandate?

(Also, we should keep in mind that this "mandate" still offers the choice to refuse the vaccination. You just have to test regularly. It is not compulsory. You have a choice.)
For the federal mandates yes. I'm not going to put a percentage on it, but I think people choosing to get the vaccine on their own accord + people giving in and getting the vaccines due to work mandates or individual private business mandates(like their favorite restaurants) account for the far far FAR majority of those vaccinated. I think federal mandates make up a very tiny % of those who're vaccinated.

I think drawbacks include people losing their jobs or people not wanting to get jobs(because they're being forced to comply with mandates they disagree with), which hurts the workforce, which is a problem in America right now. Still tons of people unemployed, plus supply chain issues, which is a small part of that.

Lack of trust in our government and institutions. Experts have said for the beginning, this is a test run for something more serious. Once that more serious virus happens, I believe the government forcing federal mandates will make vaccines the next pandemic a nonstarter for many people because of how it was handled with COVID. When it will be even more vital to get the vaccines if say a virus has a mortality rate next time of 20%.

And other things like stores not having rights over their own business and being forced to check vaccine status at the door when they don't want to, which may hurt their business. Schools being forced to, which could hurt developmental growth of kids whose parents don't want them vaccinated due to low risk of COVID in minors, plus increased risk of myocarditis in minors. And the general ickiness of calling government and other essential workers heroes for working during the height of the pandemic and now telling them if they can fuck off if they aren't vaccinated. When they were on the ground letting people cough and spit in their faces all during the pandemic so things could function normally.

To name a handful of things. But all these things add up and I really believe down the road lockdowns and federal mandates are going to be looked back at as bad and ended up causing more harm than good.
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A whole week to confirm Omnikron spreads faster 🤣🤡 no shit Sherlock.. look at the South Africa numbers a couple of days back ..

I am sure lots of smart people stared at numbers on paper in a cubicle a week long 🤣
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Rodent Whores
I'm not going to put a percentage on it, but I think people choosing to get the vaccine on their own accord + people giving in and getting the vaccines due to work mandates or individual private business mandates(like their favorite restaurants) account for the far far FAR majority of those vaccinated. I think federal mandates make up a very tiny % of those who're vaccinated.
How did you determine this, and what makes you think that it is correct? Is it merely a hunch?

I think drawbacks include people losing their jobs or people not wanting to get jobs(because they're being forced to comply with mandates they disagree with), which hurts the workforce, which is a problem in America right now. Still tons of people unemployed, plus supply chain issues, which is a small part of that.
The unemployment rate now is the same as it was in 2017.

Lack of trust in our government and institutions. Experts have said for the beginning, this is a test run for something more serious. Once that more serious virus happens, I believe the government forcing federal mandates will make vaccines the next pandemic a nonstarter for many people because of how it was handled with COVID. When it will be even more vital to get the vaccines if say a virus has a mortality rate next time of 20%.
I don't see the connection between the current mandate and lack of trust. Could you explain how one leads to the other?

If this is a test run for something more serious, then we're fucked. Well, specifically, the 30% of us who don't want to do what's necessary to protect themselves and their families are particularly fucked.

And other things like stores not having rights over their own business and being forced to check vaccine status at the door when they don't want to, which may hurt their business.
Do businesses not have rights because they're forced to check ID of people buying alcohol and cigarettes even though limiting their pool of potential customers hurts their business?

Schools being forced to, which could hurt developmental growth of kids
Mandatory vaccination for schooling has been in place for decades now, with hardly anyone complaining about it, and most people acknowledging the benefits of it.

whose parents don't want them vaccinated due to low risk of COVID in minors, plus increased risk of myocarditis in minors.
Those parents are being irresponsible if they're not vaccinating their kids because it's not just about the kids, but it's also about the people whom those kids come into contact with.

Myocarditis side effects are an insignificant speck compared to the numerous health risks of contracting COVID19. Not vaccinating because of myocarditis worries is like not locking your house in a neighborhood full of thieves because you're afraid you might forget your key.

And the general ickiness of calling government and other essential workers heroes for working during the height of the pandemic and now telling them if they can fuck off if they aren't vaccinated. When they were on the ground letting people cough and spit in their faces all during the pandemic so things could function normally.
Those healthcare workers who braved the early days of COVID should be commended for their help. Does that mean they can be derelict in their duty now by refusing vaccination? Because that's what they're doing if they're not vaccinated. Healthcare workers should be experts and practitioners in, you know, health optimizing protocols.

Besides, even without the federal mandate, how many hospitals do you think would have decided to not implement a vaccine mandate for COVID like many do for the flu? They would be crazy to not make sure they're doing all that they can to preserve and protect life, since that is their job.

From 2018:

In two surveys taken four years apart, the percentage of Veterans Affairs hospitals that have a flu vaccine mandate rose only slightly, from 1 percent in 2013 to 4 percent in 2017, the study shows.

But at the same time, the percentage of non-VA hospitals requiring flu shots rose from 44 percent to nearly 70 percent.

The study, by a team from the University of Michigan and VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, is published in JAMA Network Open, a new open-access journal from the publishers of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

“In just four years, the non-VA hospitals have really stepped up on requiring the vaccine, rather than just encouraging it,” says Todd Greene, Ph.D., M.P.H., the U-M and VA researcher who led the study. “Studies have shown that vaccination mandates, coupled with an option of declining vaccination in favor of wearing a mask, are most effective in reaching high percentages of vaccination.”

To name a handful of things. But all these things add up and I really believe down the road lockdowns and federal mandates are going to be looked back at as bad and ended up causing more harm than good.
I'm going to ask this again:

Is this a uniquely American problem? Why is it that you think other countries can get to a higher vaccination rate without having a mandate? Is it the mandates that people have a problem with, or the entities who are proposing/supporting it? If the polarized politicization of our zeitgeist wasn't so bad, would this even be an issue? In the current climate, if the Ds and Rs were reversed, would the same people be for and against mandates?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Salt: 90
Tears: 76
Wit: 03

oh come on man, if you drop a hot take, be a good sport and just own it
Instead of adding nothing to the conversation you could be more productive by just explaining how I was wrong in your opinion.


Instead of adding nothing to the conversation you could be more productive by just explaining how I was wrong in your opinion.
well maybe just because there's a bunch of anti-vaxxers around that are deeply entrenched and perhaps not entirely rational in their decision making doesn't mean we should declare our entire society/civilization futile.


I wanted to comment on this part briefly. This is a misleading number. Labor force participation has dropped by 2% from 63% of people in the workforce prior to covid to now only 61% of people in the labor force. I believe that 2% difference in labor force size results in 4 million fewer workers. So unemployment appears to be the same at face value but it has a smaller denominator in its calculation so we are looking at fewer people employed and/or looking for work.
The unemployment rate now is the same as it was in 2017.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
well maybe just because there's a bunch of anti-vaxxers around that are deeply entrenched and perhaps not entirely rational in their decision making doesn't mean we should declare our entire society/civilization futile.
Thats not what I said. I said that if something as simple as a mandate regarding a life saving vaccine is enough to cause society to crumble then it was a weak society in the first place. That is not the same as saying it is worthless.

In fact I ended the post by saying that it is all going to pass and society will be fine.


Rodent Whores
I wanted to comment on this part briefly. This is a misleading number. Labor force participation has dropped by 2% from 63% of people in the workforce prior to covid to now only 61% of people in the labor force. I believe that 2% difference in labor force size results in 4 million fewer workers. So unemployment appears to be the same at face value but it has a smaller denominator in its calculation so we are looking at fewer people employed and/or looking for work.
Well yeah, it's always been misleading, but it's consistently misleading. What other metric should we use that is better?

The thing is, attributing the shrink in labor to vaccine mandates without showing work is basically just stating an opinion. I could just as easily claim that the shrinkage is due to vaccine uptake not being as high as necessary thus leading to many laborers getting sick and going out of commission, which means some people can't work because they have to care for their family, which leads to job creators closing their businesses, etc, and that a more robust COVID response like an even sooner vaccine mandate could have curbed the waves better and restarted the economy sooner and more robustly.

Who's right? How do we tell?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion


Neighbours from Hell
How did you determine this, and what makes you think that it is correct? Is it merely a hunch?

The unemployment rate now is the same as it was in 2017.

I don't see the connection between the current mandate and lack of trust. Could you explain how one leads to the other?

If this is a test run for something more serious, then we're fucked. Well, specifically, the 30% of us who don't want to do what's necessary to protect themselves and their families are particularly fucked.

Do businesses not have rights because they're forced to check ID of people buying alcohol and cigarettes even though limiting their pool of potential customers hurts their business?

Mandatory vaccination for schooling has been in place for decades now, with hardly anyone complaining about it, and most people acknowledging the benefits of it.

Those parents are being irresponsible if they're not vaccinating their kids because it's not just about the kids, but it's also about the people whom those kids come into contact with.

Myocarditis side effects are an insignificant speck compared to the numerous health risks of contracting COVID19. Not vaccinating because of myocarditis worries is like not locking your house in a neighborhood full of thieves because you're afraid you might forget your key.

Those healthcare workers who braved the early days of COVID should be commended for their help. Does that mean they can be derelict in their duty now by refusing vaccination? Because that's what they're doing if they're not vaccinated. Healthcare workers should be experts and practitioners in, you know, health optimizing protocols.

Besides, even without the federal mandate, how many hospitals do you think would have decided to not implement a vaccine mandate for COVID like many do for the flu? They would be crazy to not make sure they're doing all that they can to preserve and protect life, since that is their job.

From 2018:

I'm going to ask this again:

Is this a uniquely American problem? Why is it that you think other countries can get to a higher vaccination rate without having a mandate? Is it the mandates that people have a problem with, or the entities who are proposing/supporting it? If the polarized politicization of our zeitgeist wasn't so bad, would this even be an issue? In the current climate, if the Ds and Rs were reversed, would the same people be for and against mandates?
I determined that with the vaccine rates having no real increase nationally after federal mandates and a combination of generally reading the tea leaves. I've seen nothing to convince me otherwise. No data to dispute that opinion.

Last time I checked there were 5 million more people unemployed than there were in Feb. 2020.

The lack of trust will come from the fact that the president, VP, and other politicians promised no mandates. Yet now they're pushing them. Also if people lose their jobs over mandates or their lives are impacted, they're going to be resentful, hold grudges, and no longer do anything the government recommends going forward. There are people who won't get a vaccine for the next pandemic purely out of distrust, spite, or something in between because they felt like they were lied to or forced into this.

I agree we'd be fucked. And in more serious disease, I would approve a federal mandate. If we had a modern day plague or another smallpox, then sure. Those diseases are way more deadly and we are talking about preserving human civilization at that point.

I don't really think the ID for cigarettes or alcohol is the same thing. There are laws against drinking and smoking, there's no law for being unvaccinated. And underage people are still allowed in the stores to buy other things and give them business, with mandates unvaccinated aren't allowed in stores at all.

With the schooling, what vaccines are we talking about? Measles, etc? Most of the vaccines given to kids are for diseases that adversely affect kids way more than COVID does. COVID being deadly to kids is incredibly rare. And I know it also goes both ways, protecting the teachers, but if teachers are vaccinated and the vaccine works as well as everyone says it does, major spread in the schools shouldn't be a big issue. All the reports I've seen there haven't been major COVID spreads originating from schools.

I agree about myocarditis for adults. I'm not sure if I agree for kids. I haven't made up my mind on that, I'm waiting for more data to come out for the relation to myocarditis in young kids to COVID symptoms. The vaccines haven't been given to enough children yet for a large enough sample size.

The healthcare workers I think should be vaccinated, it's the smart and wise thing. Should they be fired for it? No. Especially if they've already caught COVID and are more immune and protected to those who are only vaccinated. It makes no sense. For one, we need them. There aren't a large stockpile of healthcare workers on the ready. It's a give and a take we are just going to have to accept. I actually think lessening the healthcare force will do more damage to our system than having some unvaccinated workers in circulation.

I don't think it's uniquely American, I've seen massive protests in the streets across the globe. People want to get back to normal. I do think America is more freedom centric than other countries though so that matters to Americans more, so you may have more die-hards in the US than other countries ultra sensitive or protective of their individual liberties.
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It’s going stealth people , Omnikron has already mutated in a stealth version, what a cluster fuck that we let it circulate this much and after 2 years we have no world wide signaling and search solution, like the tsunami safety net .. the brightest minds ..

good thing it’s every country for them selves.. instead of putting the brightest minds from the world together to tackle this all.
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I got sent the following video earlier today. I didn't really have a response to it, which is what the sender essentially wanted.

I dont, repeat, I DO NOT, care about American politics... however this is very much an American video.

So could someone enlighten me as to how we've gone from the info start of the video, to the info at the end of the video.

I assume the "answer" is "Fully vaccinated now means 3+ jabs with a new one at a 3-6 month schedule".

PS: I'm aware there are a lot of conspiracy videos out there but this one is basically just snippets of "experts" and politicians very much contradicting themselves over the specific timeframe.
I got sent the following video earlier today. I didn't really have a response to it, which is what the sender essentially wanted.

I dont, repeat, I DO NOT, care about American politics... however this is very much an American video.

So could someone enlighten me as to how we've gone from the info start of the video, to the info at the end of the video.

I assume the "answer" is "Fully vaccinated now means 3+ jabs with a new one at a 3-6 month schedule".

PS: I'm aware there are a lot of conspiracy videos out there but this one is basically just snippets of "experts" and politicians very much contradicting themselves over the specific timeframe.

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