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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]

You gave a one word answer to which, as Airola Airola points out, within 15 seconds, Fauci says ... "They're really really good against variants"

I gave a possible answer to that. Now to turn it around I'd like your possible answer. Can you give one that doesn't make you sound like a conspiracy loon?


Yeah that's not on the vaccine guidelines. That sounds like a person who had severe mental issues to begin with.

There's a lot of people who have more or less severe mental issues in the world. We are seeing massive tightening of restrictions here in the EU and I bet it's going to get even uglier for the people who already have distress in their lives. What Italy, Greece, Austria and Germany is doing is insane, and it probably will be like that in other EU countries too as there is already push for forced vaccinations for all EU countries.

Personally I will refuse to use vaccine passport. If it's needed somewhere, then I just won't go and won't use their services. Not that I even can use it now since I only have one jab taken and I'm not sure about the second one yet (I had to cancel my second jab because I had to be available to do stuff I couldn't do for a few days if I got the vaccine, and now that I don't have it scheduled I'm hesitating because of heart and leg problems I got from the first jab). I could be able to have the jab and the passport in a week or two, but even if that happens, I refuse to use the passport. Which kinda stings a bit because we had bought ten movie tickets we can use for whatever movies we want and there would be Ghostbusters and Scream 5 and plenty of other interesting movies, but in our movie theater vaccine passport is required. Sure the tickets are already paid, but they aren't going to get my money from sodas and popcorn that's for sure. Probably going to have to sell the tickets at some point as I guess that rule is going to be there for quite a while.


I gave a possible answer to that. Now to turn it around I'd like your possible answer. Can you give one that doesn't make you sound like a conspiracy loon?

I'm not a conspiracy loon, that is such a typical bullshit approach to anything that isn't what the other party feels/thinks. Pretty standard in this topic.

You also didn't give me an answer, you said "Delta" ... what does that even mean? Its the name of a variant. What about it?

We have multiple people saying with vaccines you cannot get Covid, its really good against variants, you cant pass it on etc etc etc ... these are the "experts" that you listen to, that you still listen to. Why has their stance changed? Cos of a new variant that is weaker that Delta?

You literally only look at one side of the story don't you. Everyone outside of the media & gov are all conspiracy theorists.
I'm not a conspiracy loon, that is such a typical bullshit approach to anything that isn't what the other party feels/thinks. Pretty standard in this topic.

You also didn't give me an answer, you said "Delta" ... what does that even mean? Its the name of a variant. What about it?

We have multiple people saying with vaccines you cannot get Covid, its really good against variants, you cant pass it on etc etc etc ... these are the "experts" that you listen to, that you still listen to. Why has their stance changed? Cos of a new variant that is weaker that Delta?

You literally only look at one side of the story don't you. Everyone outside of the media & gov are all conspiracy theorists.

You shared a video of out of context clips that tries to form a narrative about...something about experts. You don't really know, but I'd be interested to read why you thought this worth sharing and what point the video was trying to prove. It's not me that is taking one side of the story.

If you don't know anything about the virus, variants or vaccines you should educate yourself on those first before sharing any old shite conspiracy video you get sent and then expect people to entertain your "well, what about this then?!" trolling.
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I got sent the following video earlier today. I didn't really have a response to it, which is what the sender essentially wanted.

I dont, repeat, I DO NOT, care about American politics... however this is very much an American video.

So could someone enlighten me as to how we've gone from the info start of the video, to the info at the end of the video.

I assume the "answer" is "Fully vaccinated now means 3+ jabs with a new one at a 3-6 month schedule".

PS: I'm aware there are a lot of conspiracy videos out there but this one is basically just snippets of "experts" and politicians very much contradicting themselves over the specific timeframe.

What Biden said was wrong when he said it. Vaccines can reduce the chance of symptomatic infection by ~90%, but that's not the same as reducing it to zero. That applies to Delta so the vaccines are actually great against Delta on an individual level. The problem is that the transmissibility of Delta is so high, you need basically the whole population immunised to reach herd immunity and stop the virus from spreading, not taking into account vaccine waning.


Authoritarian fetishists abound...making excuses for ignorance.

I've gotten my booster and the knot in my arm lasted a good two weeks. Didn't get any other side effects though.


You shared a video of out of context clips that tries to form a narrative about...something about experts. You don't really know, but I'd be interested to think why you thought this worth sharing and what point the video was trying to prove. It's not me that is taking one side of the story.

If you don't know anything about the virus, variants or vaccines you should educate yourself on those first before sharing any old shite conspiracy video you get sent and then expect people to entertain your "well, what about this then?!" trolling.

Out of context? What?

Its a bunch of people stating specific things from various press & media conferences. Nevermind me educating myself, how about the experts do that so they don't change their mind about stuff 6 months later.

The problem is that the transmissibility of Delta is so high, you need basically the whole population immunised to reach herd immunity and stop the virus from spreading, not taking into account vaccine waning.

Thank you for an actual response.

The transmissibility of Omicron (and the next ones when they inevitably show up) are even higher, the world wont ever be fully immunised. So, like I said pages & pages ago ... we either develop some new medicine or pills or whatever people want to stick in their bodies ... and let the rest live their lives ... like we do with everything else.... or we continue on with this flip flop jab lockdown jab.


Thank you for an actual response.

The transmissibility of Omicron (and the next ones when they inevitably show up) are even higher, the world wont ever be fully immunised. So, like I said pages & pages ago ... we either develop some new medicine or pills or whatever people want to stick in their bodies ... and let the rest live their lives ... like we do with everything else.... or we continue on with this flip flop jab lockdown jab.
Yearly vaccinations are likely what will allow us to live with the virus and prevent future lockdowns. When they're in pill form you can call them "medicine" if it makes you feel better. (Frankly the aversion to *preventing* a virus from effectively taking hold is super bizarre to me.)


Yearly vaccinations are likely what will allow us to live with the virus and prevent future lockdowns. When they're in pill form you can call them "medicine" if it makes you feel better. (Frankly the aversion to *preventing* a virus from effectively taking hold is super bizarre to me.)

This is what I said pages ago. We should be treating this like the flu now. Yearly vaccine is advised, not mandated, by the NHS (British health service). The rest of us live on ... we get the flu, we stay in bed and drink copius amounts of Benylin etc.

We don't keep shoving it in peoples faces to scare them. Which is essentially what happens (thanks media). I dread to think how some peoples actual immune systems are coping, there's people not been outside for 12-18 months due to the fear inducing shite they've read.

Lockdowns need to stop now. Simple as. Yet, here we are ... multiple countries still imposing various bans/restrictions etc.
Out of context? What?

Its a bunch of people stating specific things from various press & media conferences. Nevermind me educating myself, how about the experts do that so they don't change their mind about stuff 6 months later.

Yes, out of context. For example, that one Fauci clip he was referring to variants on and before the UK variant. He wouldn't have known about Delta at that time, and now that we do things have changed.

And that's just a one second clip that's out of context, you can maybe find more if you track down the sources of all the clips used. Unfortunately they have been manipulated and edited in such a way to fit a specific narrative that I'd like to find out if you're buying into it, and by the idea that it's the experts that need to be educated you are falling for it hook, line and sinker. Your whole presence in the last page has been an exercise in confirmation bias and gaslighting, I wonder when you'll see that.
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Yes, out of context. For example, that one Fauci clip he was referring to variants on and before the UK variant. He wouldn't have known about Delta at that time, and now that we do things have changed.

Nothing has changed. We're still taking the same jab(s). We're still messing about with restrictions etc. Delta and each subsequent variant will become weaker & more transmissible.

Weaker virus, people mostly already jabbed (Myself included) ..... restrictions keep coming though. Those poor souls who went to Africa (or anywhere for that matter) and now have to spend a fortune on isolation hotels, extra PCR jabs etc.

Again, maybe none of this affects you, for all I know, you could live with your parents, work from home, hate travelling and have a lot of virtual friends ... no idea. For the majority of people, the updates are muddled, confusing, scaremongering by & large by the tabloids and restricting peoples lives. We only get 1 ... yes, nobody wants to die from a virus that keeps getting weaker, but what good is life if we're limited constantly by stuff ... even after being jabbed like we were asked.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Mandates are required in the US because we've essentially hit the ceiling of anti-vaxxers who can be convinced to get any of these particular vaccines due to ideological stances (as one demographic example).

Some European and Asian countries are having to deal with US expats now; as they roll out their own mandates these types of Americans living abroad are in uproar, amazed to find that most of these countries have no such thing as religious exemptions against vaccines - because a person does not have the right to endanger others during a public health crisis based on their own unprovable beliefs and feelings. Such a concept is laughable in much of the world.

Anyways, we'll drag them along kicking and screaming just as past societies had to do with Polio vaccination, the first influenza vaccines, adopting electricity, wearing seat belts, etc. They're basically living caricatures from humorous cartoons from 50, 60, 100 years ago.
Nothing has changed. We're still taking the same jab(s). We're still messing about with restrictions etc. Delta and each subsequent variant will become weaker & more transmissible.

Weaker virus, people mostly already jabbed (Myself included) ..... restrictions keep coming though. Those poor souls who went to Africa (or anywhere for that matter) and now have to spend a fortune on isolation hotels, extra PCR jabs etc.

Again, maybe none of this affects you, for all I know, you could live with your parents, work from home, hate travelling and have a lot of virtual friends ... no idea. For the majority of people, the updates are muddled, confusing, scaremongering by & large by the tabloids and restricting peoples lives. We only get 1 ... yes, nobody wants to die from a virus that keeps getting weaker, but what good is life if we're limited constantly by stuff ... even after being jabbed like we were asked.

"Nothing has changed" when you've seen the loosening and tightening of restrictions over the summer.

"Nothing has changed" when you see UK approving antibody treatments this week.

"Nothing has changed" when this time last year we were in lockdown and now we are not.

"Nothing has changed" when a new variant has appeared that requires weeks of analysis, which we're not even through yet.

Things change all the time, except one thing. T8SC T8SC hasn't changed.


"Nothing has changed" when you've seen the loosening and tightening of restrictions over the summer.

"Nothing has changed" when you see UK approving antibody treatments this week.

"Nothing has changed" when this time last year we were in lockdown and now we are not.

"Nothing has changed" when a new variant has appeared that requires weeks of analysis, which we're not even through yet.

Things change all the time, except one thing. T8SC T8SC hasn't changed.

I wrote a reply to this and deleted it because it literally makes no difference what I write.

All you wrote above is literally:


But thanks for the insult to finish the post. As I said before, typical bullshit comment in this topic. You want to call me a conspiracy theorist again for good measure? I might not have heard you the first time.


Delta and each subsequent variant will become weaker & more transmissible.

Weaker virus, people mostly already jabbed (Myself included) ..... restrictions keep coming though. Those poor souls who went to Africa (or anywhere for that matter) and now have to spend a fortune on isolation hotels, extra PCR jabs etc.

None of this has been proven so far, maybe you should just shut up for a bit.

Yeah, pot meet kettle.
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I wrote a reply to this and deleted it because it literally makes no difference what I write.

All you wrote above is literally:


But thanks for the insult to finish the post. As I said before, typical bullshit comment in this topic. You want to call me a conspiracy theorist again for good measure? I might not have heard you the first time.

I never actually called you a conspiracy theorist, go read it again. That's just your confirmation bias, you cant see anything beyond what your mind is already set on. So you'd rather just post gif images and then run away, I've seen this song and dance before but maybe, hopefully next time you won't say "nothing has changed" without thinking about it a little bit.


Viruses generally become more transmissible and less pathogenic over time. It makes sense to not harm the host for which it depends upon for survival from an evolutionary perspective.

This is the nonsense spewed by undecated idiots trying to talk into a field they have no understanding of.

Rabies? HIV? Herpes? Polio, which is a really slow mutator? Look at any major virus, your statement simply isn't true, it was a thing that came from a poorly conducted study done in the 80's with a whole whopping 100 participants, regarding the flu.

Take your statement and explain Ebola, progressing from Zaire to Sudan strains.
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I never actually called you a conspiracy theorist, go read it again. That's just your confirmation bias, you cant see anything beyond what your mind is already set on. So you'd rather just post gif images and then run away, I've seen this song and dance before but maybe, hopefully next time you won't say "nothing has changed" without thinking about it a little bit.

"Nothing has changed" when you've seen the loosening and tightening of restrictions over the summer. - Cracking change here, we loosened and tightened restrictions. Pretty amazing really, glad this was brought up.

"Nothing has changed" when you see UK approving antibody treatments this week. - Ok, if you'd said its being rolled out and ready to go ... but alas, its just going through approval like the vaccines did and like anything does.

"Nothing has changed" when this time last year we were in lockdown and now we are not. - Ask Austria about this... whilst you're at it, ask Slovakia too.

"Nothing has changed" when a new variant has appeared that requires weeks of analysis, which we're not even through yet. - And another will appear, and another. Are we really listing this as a change?
Viruses generally become more transmissible and less pathogenic over time.

If that ends up being true...then the question will be how much more transmissible vs how much less pathogenic and how those changes impact our society. They don't operate on an equal scale.
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This is the nonsense spewed by undecated idiots trying to talk into a field they have no understanding of.

Rabies? HIV? Herpes? Polio, which is a really slow mutator? Look at any major virus, your statement simply isn't true, it was a thing that came from a poorly conducted study done in the 80's with a whole whopping 100 participants, regarding the flu.

Immunological characteristics govern the transition of COVID-19 to endemicity (science.org)

I'll let you read the nonsense spewed by the uneducated.
"Nothing has changed" when you've seen the loosening and tightening of restrictions over the summer. - Cracking change here, we loosened and tightened restrictions. Pretty amazing really, glad this was brought up.

"Nothing has changed" when you see UK approving antibody treatments this week. - Ok, if you'd said its being rolled out and ready to go ... but alas, its just going through approval like the vaccines did and like anything does.

"Nothing has changed" when this time last year we were in lockdown and now we are not. - Ask Austria about this... whilst you're at it, ask Slovakia too.

"Nothing has changed" when a new variant has appeared that requires weeks of analysis, which we're not even through yet. - And another will appear, and another. Are we really listing this as a change?

You shifting goalposts to Austria or "well the drugs not in my mouth" and just not liking some responses are not, in anyway, a counter.
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You shifting goalposts to Austria and just not liking some responses are not, in anyway, a counter.

I'm just pointing out that there are still lockdowns in force and although we're not fully locked down in the UK, we're imposing a lot of restrictions on travel and other areas.



Yeah, read that again, you dolt.

"Considering data and model predictions from emergence through endemicity of HCoVs revealed a framework for understanding immunity and vaccination that may apply to a variety of infections, such as respiratory syncytial virus and seasonal influenza, which share similar age distributions and immune responses."

"The findings presented here suggest that using symptoms as a surveillance tool to curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2 will become more difficult, as milder reinfections increasingly contribute to chains of transmission and population-level attack rates. In addition, infection or vaccination may protect against disease but not provide the type of transmission-blocking immunity that allows for shielding (26) or the generation of long-term herd immunity (2)."
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If that ends up being true...then the question will be how much more transmissible vs how much less transmissible and how those changes impact our society. They don't operate on an equal scale.

Yes, however how long do you think people are willing to wait for this sort of result? You've seen the riots across Europe, there needs to be some sort of middle ground. This is why I believe we need to adapt & move with how we deal with the flu. The general public are tired, the ones who dont sit reading & debating crap on Internet forums etc. They just want to live their lives and yet there's obstacles being moved in their way every few weeks. To think we started with "Herd immunity" in March 2020, and now we're at 3 jabs.

I know someone who lost their grand parent about 2 month ago. No big deal you might think. However, that grand parent was so scared they didnt have any visitors and never went outside from Lockdown 1. So they're family that never lived with them, didn't see them for over a year. Now, is that life? They died of natural causes ... but they sat inside and didnt see their family (including grand children) for over a year and died. Is that really worse than seeing their family & "potentially" catching covid & "potentially" dying from it?

This is 1 single case that I know of and means nothing to most but it puts things into perspective for me.
Yes, however how long do you think people are willing to wait for this sort of result? You've seen the riots across Europe, there needs to be some sort of middle ground. This is why I believe we need to adapt & move with how we deal with the flu. The general public are tired, the ones who dont sit reading & debating crap on Internet forums etc. They just want to live their lives and yet there's obstacles being moved in their way every few weeks. To think we started with "Herd immunity" in March 2020, and now we're at 3 jabs.

I know someone who lost their grand parent about 2 month ago. No big deal you might think. However, that grand parent was so scared they didnt have any visitors and never went outside from Lockdown 1. So they're family that never lived with them, didn't see them for over a year. Now, is that life? They died of natural causes ... but they sat inside and didnt see their family (including grand children) for over a year and died. Is that really worse than seeing their family & "potentially" catching covid & "potentially" dying from it?

This is 1 single case that I know of and means nothing to most but it puts things into perspective for me.

"To think" things have changed since March 2020, we keep looping back to this.

I'm more interested in how long you are willing to wait rather than invoke the mythical "people" to try and prove any point one way or another. People don't like to go against the crowd so will oblige, in the same breath people have had enough and will revolt. Its not really a worthwhile avenue of discussion for me and it's largely irrelevant because any properly calibrated sociological models will take into account what people are likely to do when making policy changes.
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"To think" things have changed since March 2020, we keep looping back to this.

I'm more interested in how long you are willing to wait rather than invoke the mythical "people" to try and prove any point one way or another. People don't like to go against the crowd so will oblige, in the same breath people have had enough and will revolt. Its not really a worthwhile avenue of discussion for me and it's largely irrelevant because any properly calibrated sociological models will take into account what people are likely to do when making policy changes.

Well, with that I'll vacate this topic and leave you and the 4 others who post daily to continue it.


Well, with that I'll vacate this topic and leave you and the 4 others who post daily to continue it.



Like clockwork. Took you a bit longer this time but still never fails. Talking to you is a bit like a rogue-like, I know the run has to end soon but I always inch a bit closer to understanding each time.
Haven't posted here in a while.

Patient wise: Thankfully there's a shift. So much less hostility, so much more thankfulness, but so much of a high demand. Only one patient has told me I'm killing people by vaccinating them in the last month or so; which is nice. I will never understand why people come to see me, but also think I'm killing people.

I've been forced to put so many more people on oxygen recently. These people have all been unvaccinated, except for one, a JJ vaccine. These are all younger people, even in the 20s, which is the harder part, and they're sometimes hospitalized. Afterwards they're really remorseful, and want to be vaccinated. A few weeks ago I signed seven sympathy cards in a day; six of them were for covid, which was the highest number I've personally had of my patients meeting their end throughout the entirety of covid. It made me think about how crazy it is to know how many people from different age groups have been hospitalized, or even at home on oxygen, and then they struggle to get back to their regular life activities.

You need to make a decision for you. Hopefully everyone here is vaccinated at this point.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I'm not a conspiracy loon, that is such a typical bullshit approach to anything that isn't what the other party feels/thinks. Pretty standard in this topic.

You also didn't give me an answer, you said "Delta" ... what does that even mean? Its the name of a variant. What about it?

We have multiple people saying with vaccines you cannot get Covid, its really good against variants, you cant pass it on etc etc etc ... these are the "experts" that you listen to, that you still listen to. Why has their stance changed? Cos of a new variant that is weaker that Delta?

You literally only look at one side of the story don't you. Everyone outside of the media & gov are all conspiracy theorists.
Think about it this way. The different variants aren't actually battling it out in people's bodies to come out on top. When people say that Delta out competed alpha, what we really mean is that Delta became the predominant variant and Alpha dwindled to very low levels.
Without the Delta variant we would already be in a 'remember Covid, man that sucked?' world. Alpha (and Beta and basically everything but Delta) was effectively beaten. Without Delta and it's massively increased transmission the '6 months ago' would have been correct.


Haven't posted here in a while.

Patient wise: Thankfully there's a shift. So much less hostility, so much more thankfulness, but so much of a high demand. Only one patient has told me I'm killing people by vaccinating them in the last month or so; which is nice. I will never understand why people come to see me, but also think I'm killing people.

I've been forced to put so many more people on oxygen recently. These people have all been unvaccinated, except for one, a JJ vaccine. These are all younger people, even in the 20s, which is the harder part, and they're sometimes hospitalized. Afterwards they're really remorseful, and want to be vaccinated. A few weeks ago I signed seven sympathy cards in a day; six of them were for covid, which was the highest number I've personally had of my patients meeting their end throughout the entirety of covid. It made me think about how crazy it is to know how many people from different age groups have been hospitalized, or even at home on oxygen, and then they struggle to get back to their regular life activities.

You need to make a decision for you. Hopefully everyone here is vaccinated at this point.
Thank you for this thoughtful post. Let me give you some additional replies:





Haven't posted here in a while.

Patient wise: Thankfully there's a shift. So much less hostility, so much more thankfulness, but so much of a high demand. Only one patient has told me I'm killing people by vaccinating them in the last month or so; which is nice. I will never understand why people come to see me, but also think I'm killing people.

I've been forced to put so many more people on oxygen recently. These people have all been unvaccinated, except for one, a JJ vaccine. These are all younger people, even in the 20s, which is the harder part, and they're sometimes hospitalized. Afterwards they're really remorseful, and want to be vaccinated. A few weeks ago I signed seven sympathy cards in a day; six of them were for covid, which was the highest number I've personally had of my patients meeting their end throughout the entirety of covid. It made me think about how crazy it is to know how many people from different age groups have been hospitalized, or even at home on oxygen, and then they struggle to get back to their regular life activities.

You need to make a decision for you. Hopefully everyone here is vaccinated at this point.

Ugh. Sorry you’re having to deal with this shit.

We all have lots of fun arguing here on this forum, but none of us have to face the consequences of the anti-vax idiocy that’s running rampant.

I’m glad the amount of politically motivated, entitled fools are dropping and things are getting a little easier.
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You know what the nuts will say - that Pfizer is obviously trying to boost their profits by making the shot 'necessary' again Omikron.

Oh, I’m sure. Oh, I’m sure. But I’ve blocked most on here, and ignore them elsewhere!

Fact is, variants of viruses always happen. Sometimes they‘re worse, sometimes they’re not as bad. Vaccines constantly change and update to cover these variants. None of this is new… but that’s an inconvenient truth for all the anti-vaxxers and politics saps out there.
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🤣 like I said , COVID fucked us, everyone gets a piece . Big mouth Johnson at the front lines .. how does it taste eating crow? It’s time to change how we life .

we didn’t do Wuhan lockdown world wide , so now we have lots of nice variations because of circulation..

good thing we did not listen to experts who experimented with corona viruses in the past ! We sure showed them !
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Beginning Wednesday, December 8th, dancing in Berlin clubs will be banned.

As COVID-19 cases in Germany continue to rise at an alarming rate, officials announced that clubs may remain open but that attendees cannot dance in them. The curious restriction resulted from ongoing legal proceedings with the German federal government. While they intend to outright close clubs, they currently cannot as such a restriction requires action from parliament. Due to the wording of the Infection Protection Act, however, they can ban dancing. Government officials have the power to enforce the ban for one week, at which point discussions about closing clubs will begin.

You can go to the club in Berlin, but you can't dance. :messenger_robot:
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