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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]




Neighbours from Hell
I don't know how I could blame anyone who looks at the money being made by pharma companies and suspects nefariousness. How could I?

The amount of corruption behind money in human history is immeasurable. I'm not saying there is, nor am I saying the vaccines don't work, they obviously do. But that doesn't mean there can't also be motivation to sell the public on unneeded extra shots to keep that money rolling in.

As of now, we've seen nothing from Omicron that warrants some emergency booster. We don't even know how deadly it is. If anything it seems much milder than other variants.


I don't know how I could blame anyone who looks at the money being made by pharma companies and suspects nefariousness. How could I?

The amount of corruption behind money in human history is immeasurable. I'm not saying there is, nor am I saying the vaccines don't work, they obviously do. But that doesn't mean there can't also be motivation to sell the public on unneeded extra shots to keep that money rolling in.

As of now, we've seen nothing from Omicron that warrants some emergency booster. We don't even know how deadly it is. If anything it seems much milder than other variants.
There is, I've worked with pharmaceuticals from 2003 to 2021. Anyone saying otherwise are clueless
I don't know how I could blame anyone who looks at the money being made by pharma companies and suspects nefariousness. How could I?

The amount of corruption behind money in human history is immeasurable. I'm not saying there is, nor am I saying the vaccines don't work, they obviously do. But that doesn't mean there can't also be motivation to sell the public on unneeded extra shots to keep that money rolling in.

As of now, we've seen nothing from Omicron that warrants some emergency booster. We don't even know how deadly it is. If anything it seems much milder than other variants.

Everything is up in the air at the moment. One German study says 3 shots gives 25% protection compared to 0% with 2 shots. One South African study says that double vaccine with natural immunity is the way to go. These aren't contradictory. The problem is that another study advocating for boosters was by Pfizer themselves, so of course there's a potential conflict of interest there.

As this is a developing situation though it won't be wise to selectively choose sources to confirm an already set viewpoint.


Neighbours from Hell
Everything is up in the air at the moment. One German study says 3 shots gives 25% protection compared to 0% with 2 shots. One South African study says that double vaccine with natural immunity is the way to go. These aren't contradictory. The problem is that another study advocating for boosters was by Pfizer themselves, so of course there's a potential conflict of interest there.

As this is a developing situation though it won't be wise to selectively choose sources to confirm an already set viewpoint.
They're trying to push an additional 4th booster just to combat Omicron. Which at the moment seems way premature and totally unnecessary if you've already gotten 3 shots.
They're trying to push an additional 4th booster just to combat Omicron. Which at the moment seems way premature and totally unnecessary if you've already gotten 3 shots.

If you're referring to the recent CNBC interview there's something funny about the reporting. In written articles there's direct quotes about "fourth dose" but if you watch the video he is specifically talking about an Omicron tailored version of the vaccine as the fourth one.

Anyway, he's a CEO so take it with a pinch of salt. It's important to view his words through the lense of his position.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
They're trying to push an additional 4th booster just to combat Omicron. Which at the moment seems way premature and totally unnecessary if you've already gotten 3 shots.
We don't even know yet. Yeah companies are gonna try and make money, but the Pfizer CEO doesn't get to decide if we need one, the data does. If Omicron hits like a wet fart, then it might be a 'think about getting it' rather than a 'you have to get this'. Time will tell.


I'm in ICU at the moment. I kept getting weaker until I collapsed on concrete and was lifted on a trolley onto an ambulance an into ICU. I'm early 40's. It's pure torture. Dr's come and go with drugs drips and tests, isolated room with nothing to do.

I wouldn't wish this on an enemy, I can walk one minute and feel like I'm about to collapse the next. Practically in the dark here. It's no joke for some people. No visitors, no nothing. Docs might re-emerge if lucky to put you on another drip that makes you want to piss yourself only you have to get their attention to disconnect. It's crazy.

So sorry for what you are going through. Have you asked your nurse (s) to have a chaplain come and visit you? They offer spiritual care and emotional support to the religious and non-religious. I would recommend, if you are willing, to have one come and talk with you so that you can process many of the feelings you are experiencing (i.e., disconnectedness, isolation, fear, etc.). They are experts in listening and are prohibited from proselytizing.

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These stupid pure mathematical nonsense forecasts are becoming annoying. According to "Telegraph Global Health Security" (which are part of the highly "reputable" and "never dependent on clicks & money" Telegraph), Gauteng should currently have 50,000+ new cases per day. Let's look at the numbers for the Gauteng province, which is by far the hardest hit region with Omikron.

1 Dec - 6.168
2 Dec - 8.280
3 Dec - 11.553
4 Dec - 11.607
5 Dec - 7.929
6 Dec - 4.488
7 Dec - 8.445
8 Dec - 11.703
9 Dec - 11.791


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if you have an Android phone, ask Google to sing you a song. You'll get a catchy song about the Covid vaccine!



So sorry for what you are going through. Have you asked your nurse (s) to have a chaplain come and visit you? They offer spiritual care and emotional support to the religious and non-religious. I would recommend, if you are willing, to have one come and talk with you so that you can process many of the feelings you are experiencing (i.e., disconnectedness, isolation, fear, etc.). They are experts in listening and are prohibited from proselytizing.

This sounds like a good tip, these people are normally available in many hospitals and might have some kind of special dispensation to visit covid patients.


This sounds like a good tip, these people are normally available in many hospitals and might have some kind of special dispensation to visit covid patients.

They do. Chaplains have access to all hospital units and can enter COVID rooms (speaking from experience).
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I don't know how I could blame anyone who looks at the money being made by pharma companies and suspects nefariousness. How could I?

The amount of corruption behind money in human history is immeasurable. I'm not saying there is, nor am I saying the vaccines don't work, they obviously do. But that doesn't mean there can't also be motivation to sell the public on unneeded extra shots to keep that money rolling in.

As of now, we've seen nothing from Omicron that warrants some emergency booster. We don't even know how deadly it is. If anything it seems much milder than other variants.
Here I'd say there is a fine line between acknowledging the corrupting influence of money, and acquiescing in it. Obviously profit motives play a role, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be holding people (especially pharmaceutical companies) to a higher standard. Putting profits ahead of human lives/suffering is and will always be unacceptable.


I'm in ICU at the moment. I kept getting weaker until I collapsed on concrete and was lifted on a trolley onto an ambulance an into ICU. I'm early 40's. It's pure torture. Dr's come and go with drugs drips and tests, isolated room with nothing to do.

I wouldn't wish this on an enemy, I can walk one minute and feel like I'm about to collapse the next. Practically in the dark here. It's no joke for some people. No visitors, no nothing. Docs might re-emerge if lucky to put you on another drip that makes you want to piss yourself only you have to get their attention to disconnect. It's crazy.
Just a note of support here, I'm also early 40ies so this post hit me. Obviously you're always welcome to post here, or PM me if you just want to vent. Also, try what Chaplain Chaplain suggested and see if you can talk to a chaplain. Get well soon!
I'll be playing this 80s banger from Monday.

I had my booster yesterday (Pfizer) Woke up at 1am shaking like having a fit. Not fun when you try and go for a piss and end up friendly fireing the walls. Whole body aches today.
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They're trying to push an additional 4th booster just to combat Omicron. Which at the moment seems way premature and totally unnecessary if you've already gotten 3 shots.
I've gotten 3 shots, I will take a booster because I am not a damn snowflake spending precious hours of my life debating stuff and 'educating myself'. Imagine in 1944 soldiers in their 20's being afraid of that happens if Germans shoot at them.


Neighbours from Hell
I've gotten 3 shots, I will take a booster because I am not a damn snowflake spending precious hours of my life debating stuff and 'educating myself'. Imagine in 1944 soldiers in their 20's being afraid of that happens if Germans shoot at them.
I will take another booster if the data backs it up being necessary and the antibodies from the booster start declining. Not because some Big Pharma CEO told me so.


Rodent Whores
Man I couldn't make that shit up. That sounds so reee it's scary.

Can I play too?

You're irrelevant and so are your supposed rebuttals.
You may not be familiar with actual reeeing if you're getting triggered by this.

I'm stating facts. You wondered why things developed so quickly. I responded with an explanation that demonstrates how things are different now than 50 years ago and why that enables quicker R&D.

Your response to that was to move the goalposts and change the subject to a completely different criticism instead of acknowledge the point I made.

Conversations don't work if you change the subject when you're not supposed to.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
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People going into the ICU for a second time from COVID-19, still won't get vaccinated. "My ImMuNNE syTEm!". It's starting to feel like a cult at this point.

Is that from your link?

I can not find anything in there about going in to the icu after reinfection.


Patients in ICU/IVA in Sweden, unvaccinated outnumber vaccinated by 9 fold over the last four weeks (mean average per 100000 treated).

(source in Swedish, use google translate, unsure how to post it translated)

Cases rising by 16%/week.

(green line, unvaccinated, dotted line, vaccinated)
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going great in the UK! Freedom day really helped ! Letting all measures go was a very smart move 🤡 before Xmas the UK will have even more new measures!
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
People going into the ICU for a second time from COVID-19, still won't get vaccinated. "My ImMuNNE syTEm!". It's starting to feel like a cult at this point.

I hate to break it to you, but if they were reinfected after recovering, then vaccination is extraordinarily unlikely to have helped them in the slightest.

You do understand that vaccines stimulate immune response right? They don't do shit in an immunocompromised person.

If you want to avoid serious complications from any strain of Covid then having a strong and healthy immune system is a requirement.


Random PSA:

Last thursday all (50-ish) residents at my work (assisted living home for psychiatric patients) got a pfizer booster after getting the moderna vaxx 2x in april. I just asked one of my colleagues whether there were any major adverse reactions or heavy side effects but so far everyone seems fine. These are generally people whose overall health isn't great (a lot of chain smokers, overweight people, use a lot of other medication, etc) which is why it's so surprising to me that so few of them report any side effects at all. The overall picture is pretty similar to the first round of vaccinations, where there were also very few side effects reported.


Random PSA:

Last thursday all (50-ish) residents at my work (assisted living home for psychiatric patients) got a pfizer booster after getting the moderna vaxx 2x in april. I just asked one of my colleagues whether there were any major adverse reactions or heavy side effects but so far everyone seems fine. These are generally people whose overall health isn't great (a lot of chain smokers, overweight people, use a lot of other medication, etc) which is why it's so surprising to me that so few of them report any side effects at all. The overall picture is pretty similar to the first round of vaccinations, where there were also very few side effects reported.

Anecdotally… I haven’t heard of anyone having any real side effects from the third Pfizer booster jab, and I’ve spoken to quite a lot of people who’ve had it.
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