Is this GAF or Reset? DeepBreath87 is completely correct - the vaccines were sold to the public promising everything and have now been reduced to um hopefully they’ll keep you out of ICU but no guarantees. Oh and also you’ll need to take them every four months cause they kinda don’t work much after that.
And businesses and govenments around the world mandated these promising them to be the way out of the pandemic. Yet everyone still got infected and unless you have underlying health issues it didn’t matter if you’ve had zero or three shots.
The rational people have realised they’ve been duped and the governments are still not admitting they stuffed up and are not changing course.
And businesses and govenments around the world mandated these promising them to be the way out of the pandemic. Yet everyone still got infected and unless you have underlying health issues it didn’t matter if you’ve had zero or three shots.
The rational people have realised they’ve been duped and the governments are still not admitting they stuffed up and are not changing course.
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