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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]

I’m not telling you to take a vaccine to help lower the risk for the vulnerable… the scientists, epidemiologists and other experts in diseases are. The people who know better than you or me. They’re asking you to take the vaccine.

Your argument boils down to “fuck what they think, and anyone at risk. I’m not risking myself, no matter how small it is.”

I can still get it and possibly spread it even with the vaccine right? If that's the case it seems like getting the vaccine will cause people to go maskless ensuring the virus spreads more.


And who wouldn't jump at the chance to listen to them considering their impeccable track record during this pandemic?

Ah….. and we reach the inevitable end point. Everyone must be perfect all of the time, otherwise to hell with what they say.

Because Fauci is a bit of a pillock, I can safely ignore every other person more knowledgeable than me, who’s asking me to take the vaccine.

Well done, you’ve made yourself feel much better about avoiding the infinitesimally small risk you might have been exposed to.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Ah….. and we reach the inevitable end point. Everyone must be perfect all of the time, otherwise to hell with what they say.

Because Fauci is a bit of a pillock, I can safely ignore every other person more knowledgeable than me, who’s asking me to take the vaccine.

Well done, you’ve made yourself feel much better about avoiding the infinitesimally small risk you might have been exposed to.

No one is saying to "ignore" anyone. By all means listen to their expert opinions and ideas and take them into account. But giving up thinking for yourself and simply leaving your life decisions up to "people who know better than you and me" is not a way I would ever want to live, especially when we have countless examples of experts who know best getting things wrong or having their advice produce unintended consequences that would have changed how people behaved if they were known in advance.
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I’m not telling you to take a vaccine to help lower the risk for the vulnerable… the scientists, epidemiologists and other experts in diseases are. The people who know better than you or me. They’re asking you to take the vaccine.

Your argument boils down to “fuck what they think, and anyone at risk. I’m not risking myself, no matter how small it is.”
Of course they are telling us that. Im also not saying they are wrong. (Recall, I have been vaxxed).

They can recommend all they want, but they cannot and do not know what is right for each individual.

but yeah, if someone wants to say fuck it, I’m not taking it because fuck you that’s why…. Then yeah, it’s their choice. I’m vaxxed. So it doesn’t make any difference to me.

how is this so hard for some of you to understand.
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but yeah, if someone wants to say fuck it, I’m not taking it because fuck you that’s why…. Then yeah, it’s their choice.

how is this so hard for some of you to understand.

It’s perfectly easy to understand. It just makes them a selfish, chickenshit cunt 👍
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It’s perfectly easy to understand. It just makes them a selfish, chickenshit cunt 👍
It might. (Might not, you nor I have no idea someone’s individual circumstance) But that’s their choice. We can all be a selfish as we want to be. That’s the thing with freedom.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I am a big believer in Novavax, and I do think it's the best vaccine, in terms of both efficacy and low appearance of side effects. I participated in a Novavax trial last winter, so it's the one I personally chose to take as well. So I get that, and if you want to wait for Novavax that's a valid choice.

But choosing "no vaccine at all" is some dodgy calculus in my opinion. And mRNA vaccines are able to target diseases that traditional vaccines can't, like HIV, Herpes, and some forms of cancer. I will happily take those.

I am also following up on that one.


It might. (Might not, you nor I have no idea someone’s individual circumstance) But that’s their choice. We can all be a selfish as we want to be. That’s the thing with freedom.

Agreed. And the thing about freedom is that the rest of us can call them out for the selfish, chickenshit cunts they are, if we want 👍

free freedom GIF


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It might. (Might not, you nor I have no idea someone’s individual circumstance) But that’s their choice. We can all be a selfish as we want to be. That’s the thing with freedom.
This is not true at all. There are thousands of laws that limit our personal selfishness for the benefit of society overall.
Lol, y'all ever have a doctor seriously sit there and google something you just asked them about, that's in their specialty that they should definitely know about? I don't blame them, we all use it, but it makes them less relevant. Patients can also know their own body better especially when some doctors aren't good at listening.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
This is not true at all. There are thousands of laws that limit our personal selfishness for the benefit of society overall.

Limit us from *doing things*. What laws require that we submit ourselves to having things done to us, which is basically what we're talking about right now?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Limit us from *doing things*. What laws require that we submit ourselves to having things done to us, which is basically what we're talking about right now?
I mean schooling would be an obvious one, we force kids to have schooling. And if you want to your kids to go to a school that you pay for with your taxes they have to have vaccinations. You have to take a test to drive a car. Private businesses can go even further. I have to take a medical exam every year or I pay more fory health insurance. If my BMI was over 30 then I would have to pay more or go on a weight loss program.
I mean schooling would be an obvious one, we force kids to have schooling. And if you want to your kids to go to a school that you pay for with your taxes they have to have vaccinations. You have to take a test to drive a car. Private businesses can go even further. I have to take a medical exam every year or I pay more fory health insurance. If my BMI was over 30 then I would have to pay more or go on a weight loss program.
These are weak examples. They aren’t comparable to forcing people to take a medication they don’t want to take. This isn’t a drivers test, for fucks sake. That you would even have to reach that far really says it all.


Sounds like you are against people having a choice because you think it interferes with the sanctity of life. You're pro-life and anti-choice. Interesting.

Congrats. That’s possibly the silliest interpretation of anything I’ve ever posted.

I’m not making any argument against someone making a choice. What I’m saying is that by making the choice not to get vaccinated, they are taking the selfish, cowardly choice. Not once have I argued that they shouldn’t be able to make that choice - just that by doing so, they are revealing a lot about themselves.

Choices come with consequences and judgements. This is unavoidable, unless you want to live in a snowflake land where it doesn’t happen. In which case, wrong forum.


Ah….. and we reach the inevitable end point. Everyone must be perfect all of the time, otherwise to hell with what they say.

Because Fauci is a bit of a pillock, I can safely ignore every other person more knowledgeable than me, who’s asking me to take the vaccine.

Well done, you’ve made yourself feel much better about avoiding the infinitesimally small risk you might have been exposed to.
This is a straw man. Nobody is asking for people to be perfect, but the recent history of this pandemic has shown that the government (in my country, The Netherlands, at least) is willing to spread misinformation if it is expedient to their policies. I can understand their motivations for doing so but regardless the consequence still is that I will start questioning what information the government or its anointed experts is broadcasting. The problem isn't so much that I think I know more about biology or medicine than relevant experts, it's that I believe the information I´m getting could well be compromised or 'spun'. The basis for what you would call 'conspiratorial thinking' is simply a level of distrust in the current government/establishment and their motivations. IMHO it's pretty hard to argue that distrust is not justified, based on what has gone before.


So I saw a post online that protest are happening in France because of the forced vaccine rules.... is this fake news?

Can anyone on gaf from over there confirm or deny?
It's only minor contestation all around. 20K people over the whole country (anything below 100K is a small event for France), while almost one million people a day have been making appointments to get vaccinated since the announcement.
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No matter what side the coin you fall on about this whole thing we cannot deny the impact of the lockdowns have been devastating. I wonder what the stats for abuse are as well..... a lot of people don't know how to cope besides lashing out. Tons of kids that would escape their parents abuse by going to school were out of school for a whole year. The data coming out of this timeframe is going to be so interesting.

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This should not be surprising. If you have any imagination you understand where this is going. It's not about the vaccine it's about a precedent.

I fear if there are too few people like me willing to take a stand, that I will one day wake up and my only choice in life is whether I buy my water from Walmart or Amazon.

Yeah it seems obvious to me but people are too trusting of these mega corps and bumbling letter organizations with spotty track records.

It's interesting they went full send on these passports in France first though. The French are readily known to protest for their rights so I guess they want to gauge the strongest reactions from the public.
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It's only minor contestation all around. 8K people over the whole country (anything below 100K is a small event for France), while almost one million people a day have been making appointments to get vaccinated since the announcement.
I appreciate the local context. Media never gives the true picture.
No matter what side the coin you fall on about this whole thing we cannot deny the impact of the lockdowns have been devastating. I wonder what the stats for abuse are as well..... a lot of people don't know how to cope besides lashing out. Tons of kids that would escape their parents abuse by going to school were out of school for a whole year. The data coming out of this timeframe is going to be so interesting.

This will, of course, never be acknowledged and there will be zero accountability for the people who pushed the insanity. Just wait until teachers in some areas again refuse to teach kids in person due to this Delta nonsense.
Congrats. That’s possibly the silliest interpretation of anything I’ve ever posted.

I’m not making any argument against someone making a choice. What I’m saying is that by making the choice not to get vaccinated, they are taking the selfish, cowardly choice. Not once have I argued that they shouldn’t be able to make that choice - just that by doing so, they are revealing a lot about themselves.

Choices come with consequences and judgements. This is unavoidable, unless you want to live in a snowflake land where it doesn’t happen. In which case, wrong forum.

And what are these consequences and judgements you speak of? Not being able to get groceries? Being fired from your job? If you are for letting people make their own decisions, how do you feel about vaccine passports (which has been all the talk today here in Toronto).

Get off your high horse with calling other people cowardly, selfish and then following it up with a string of expletives. I don't judge anyone who gets the vaccine, if you think it's right for you, go for it. I wouldn't sit there calling you a brainwashed sheep who does whatever the government/media tells them to do. If you don't want to get vaccinated for whatever reason, I'm not going to sit there calling you a crazed lunatic. Let people make their own decisions and stop judging people based on what they decide to do.


This is not true at all. There are thousands of laws that limit our personal selfishness for the benefit of society overall.
Yes, that is of course true, and a line must be drawn somewhere. The fact that some people happily draw it where they want instead of respecting what they are doing when limiting someone's freedom to choose is EXACTLY the point I'm making. They must totally love dictatorships and totalitarian governments.

In this case, if we were talking airborne Ebola then we would have a very different conversation. Covid...well, honestly, its just not as severe to limit someone's freedom to make their own choices about their own health.

You can get vaccinated. Get it. IF someone else decides not to...its THEIR CHOICE. Again, why is it that hard for some folks to understand that? They can do what they want. If the die, not your problem. Why do some people insist on anything to do about them? Why do they want to control what they do? Why do they want to control what they think? Their choices do not effect you at all (if you made the choice to be vaxxed).
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Agreed. And the thing about freedom is that the rest of us can call them out for the selfish, chickenshit cunts they are, if we want 👍

free freedom GIF
But are they? Who are they being selfish towards? How does them not getting a vaccine effect you (assuming you have been vaxxed), in anyway effect you?

You are free to do what you want, but they are also free to say you are a totalitarian jackbooted asshole who wants to tell people how to live.

Just let other people do what they want. And live your life the way you want to.


And what are these consequences and judgements you speak of? Not being able to get groceries? Being fired from your job? If you are for letting people make their own decisions, how do you feel about vaccine passports (which has been all the talk today here in Toronto).

Get off your high horse with calling other people cowardly, selfish and then following it up with a string of expletives. I don't judge anyone who gets the vaccine, if you think it's right for you, go for it. I wouldn't sit there calling you a brainwashed sheep who does whatever the government/media tells them to do. If you don't want to get vaccinated for whatever reason, I'm not going to sit there calling you a crazed lunatic. Let people make their own decisions and stop judging people based on what they decide to do.
What this guy said.


But are they? Who are they being selfish towards? How does them not getting a vaccine effect you (assuming you have been vaxxed), in anyway effect you?

You are free to do what you want, but they are also free to say you are a totalitarian jackbooted asshole who wants to tell people how to live.

Just let other people do what they want. And live your life the way you want to.

This statement more than any other, underlines the problem with your position.

I’m not thinking about how it affects me.

No good reason not to get the vaccine. Safe, effective, proven.

Only reason not to comes from either selfishness or fear, or both. That really is the end of this conversation… I'm now just repeating myself.

The same can be said about your line of thinking. You're selfish and believe everyone must bend to your will because you are afraid of covid.

And there are good reasons not to get the vaccine. Of course you don't want to hear them and will handwave them away, because you come from a "fuck you, I'm right" mindset.


advanced basic bitch
The same can be said about your line of thinking. You're selfish and believe everyone must bend to your will because you are afraid of covid.

And there are good reasons not to get the vaccine. Of course you don't want to hear them and will handwave them away, because you come from a "fuck you, I'm right" mindset.
Give it up. This is the guy who called a highly intelligent POC a "grifter" because he doesn't subscribe to his ideology.

Edit: Different guy. Same attitude.
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This statement more than any other, underlines the problem with your position.

I’m not thinking about how it affects me.
And this statement more than any other underlines the problem with your position.

IF IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU, WHY DO YOU GIVE A SHIT? You are being obtuse. You want other people to bend to what you think is right...and even worse, you don't have a dog in the hunt.
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And this statement more than any other underlines the problem with your position.

IF IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU, WHY DO YOU GIVE A SHIT? You are being obtuse. You want other people to bend to what you think is right...and even worse, you don't have a dog in the hunt.

If it doesn’t affect me, then i must give a shit because…..?


If it doesn’t affect me, then i must give a shit because…..?
You want to tell other people how to make their own decisions about their own healthcare...because you believe you know what is best for them.

People are free to choose. I'm sorry that bothers you. Maybe you can move to China where they will decide for you and give you a social credit score. Child.


You want to tell other people how to make their own decisions about their own healthcare...because you believe you know what is best for them.

People are free to choose. I'm sorry that bothers you. Maybe you can move to China where they will decide for you and give you a social credit score. Child.

I’m not telling anyone what choices they should make. I’m just saying people who don’t take the vaccine are being needlessly selfish and/or scared of incredibly minimal risk.


I’m not telling anyone what choices they should make. I’m just saying people who don’t take the vaccine are being needlessly selfish and/or scared of incredibly minimal risk.
Yes, you are. They aren't being selfish. You just view them as such because they aren't doing something you want them to do to "protect" others who they have no obligation to protect...and those others (that need protecting) can make their own decisions about taking a vaccine or not.
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Yes, you are. They aren't being selfish. You just view them as such because they aren't doing something you want them to do to "protect" others who they have no obligation to protect...and those others (that need protecting) can make their own decisions about taking a vaccine or not.

The vaccine is not 100% effective. Some vulnerable people cannot take it. Your argument holds no water whatsoever.

Those vulnerable to the disease can get vaxxed. Stop with this,

Not all of them genius. That’s the point.
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No good reason not to get the vaccine. Safe, effective, proven.

The vaccine is not 100% effective. Some vulnerable people cannot take it. Your argument holds no water whatsoever.

Weird 15 minutes ago you were telling us there was no good reason not to take the vaccine because it is effective and now you are saying there ARE reasons not to take the vaccine and it's not effective.

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