So we hard roughly 200 admitted covid patients at one point with about 30+ on ventilators (over 60 ventilators if you include non covid patients). That was during our peak last December/January.
We are now down under 10 total patients with covid in my hospital and have remained there for several weeks. It’s been under 20 for about 2 months. We have seen a couple of people (like 2-3) in the last few weeks who have been very sick, but they continue to be the people you would expect: obese, diabetic, and unvaccinated.
And where I live, no one has been wearing a mask in six weeks. Most people it’s been even longer. Our vaccination rate is pretty high for adults (+60%), so between that and prior infections, it seems like we’ve hit a pretty good place. Local infection numbers have been averaging under 15 a day in a county of over 400,000 people.