Rat Rage
The best thing about the covid virus is, that it blatantly exposes the weaknesses of modern societies (current humankind) to a) identify huge threats and b) act accordingy (wisely). It also exposes the weaknesses of political systems that are build mainly on greed, capitalism, showmanship and craving for power that hinder point's a) and b) massively.
The amount of back and forth and idiocy is quite a sight to behold.
It's time the world got ruled by reason AND good wills alone.
The great philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804 said it right:
― Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
The amount of back and forth and idiocy is quite a sight to behold.
It's time the world got ruled by reason AND good wills alone.
The great philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804 said it right:
Nothing in the world—indeed nothing even beyond the world—can possibly be conceived which could be called good without qualification except a good will
“A good will is good not because of what it effects, or accomplishes, not because of its fitness to attain some intended end, but good just by its willing, i.e. in itself; and, considered by itself, it is to be esteemed beyond compare much higher than anything that could ever be brought about by it in favor of some inclinations, and indeed, if you will, the sum of all inclinations. Even if by some particular disfavor of fate, or by the scanty endowment of a stepmotherly nature, this will should entirely lack the capacity to carry through its purpose; if despite its greatest striving it should still accomplish nothing, and only the good will were to remain (not of course, as a mere wish, but as the summoning of all means that are within our control); then, like a jewel, it would still shine by itself, as something that has full worth in itself".”
― Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals