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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]

Rat Rage

The best thing about the covid virus is, that it blatantly exposes the weaknesses of modern societies (current humankind) to a) identify huge threats and b) act accordingy (wisely). It also exposes the weaknesses of political systems that are build mainly on greed, capitalism, showmanship and craving for power that hinder point's a) and b) massively.

The amount of back and forth and idiocy is quite a sight to behold.

It's time the world got ruled by reason AND good wills alone.

The great philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804 said it right:

Nothing in the world—indeed nothing even beyond the world—can possibly be conceived which could be called good without qualification except a good will

“A good will is good not because of what it effects, or accomplishes, not because of its fitness to attain some intended end, but good just by its willing, i.e. in itself; and, considered by itself, it is to be esteemed beyond compare much higher than anything that could ever be brought about by it in favor of some inclinations, and indeed, if you will, the sum of all inclinations. Even if by some particular disfavor of fate, or by the scanty endowment of a stepmotherly nature, this will should entirely lack the capacity to carry through its purpose; if despite its greatest striving it should still accomplish nothing, and only the good will were to remain (not of course, as a mere wish, but as the summoning of all means that are within our control); then, like a jewel, it would still shine by itself, as something that has full worth in itself".”​

― Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
It's time the world got ruled by reason AND good wills alone.

Philosophizing about how the world should be run is all well and good, but who do you know that is good enough to make this work?

This seems to say good intentions are a good in themselves, which I would have to disagree with.

Rat Rage

but who do you know that is good enough to make this work?

That is to be found out (however, it shouldn't be that hard, or better, it is entirely feasable to come up with ideas that help bring the right people to power). At least the problem is known as well as the solution. Everything else is a matter of execution.
I mean, if the cumulative effects will only be seen in the medium to long term then we can only wait and monitor. At least for now it's good to see there are still some docs out there looking at these things from different angles. Better to know about potential implications to prepare for them if they arise.
I’m fine with people having concerns. I think they need to be realistic about their concerns about the vaccine and about covid itself. People over 50 should get the vaccine. Almost 100% of the time, in my opinion. I’m not saying they should be forced at all, but I would strongly encourage older people to get the shots. And very fat people. And diabetics. Younger, healthy people will have to make their own decisions.

I don’t think I’ll have my kids get it for a really long time (years). They’re both under 8. The threat of covid is so insignificant to them personally that I don’t think it justifies even the very small risk the vaccines might present over the short and long term. And I’m not anti vax. My kids have all their shots. We have them get a flu shot every year too. But as much as people don’t want to admit it, these are new. There are things we do not know about these vaccines based solely on the fact they have not been around long enough.
That is to be found out (however, it shouldn't be that hard, or better, it is entirely feasable to come up with ideas that help bring the right people to power). At least the problem is known as well as the solution. Everything else is a matter of execution.
You do understand that every tyrannical maniac or political party in history assumes they are acting in “good will”. It is hubris to think any one of us is so pure. “Good will” is also almost completely subjective and intentional. I can do a lot of horrible things under the idea that I’m acting in good will. In fact throughout history, many of the most awful things imaginable were done under the impression of good will towards someone. Very few people see themselves as the villain of their own story.

I’m not saying it wouldn’t be great to do what you’re saying. I just don’t believe human beings are capable of it.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I mean, if the cumulative effects will only be seen in the medium to long term then we can only wait and monitor. At least for now it's good to see there are still some docs out there looking at these things from different angles. Better to know about potential implications to prepare for them if they arise.

We won't know what cumulative super powers the vaccines will unleash in the medium to long term, all we can do is wait and monitor and make shit up with zero evidence in the meantime. Good thing there are mad scientists looking at it from different angles (what "angles" would these be? Who knows just go with it). Better to know about potential super powers we made up to prepare for them if they arise.

Personally my fingers are crossed for telekinesis.

I wouldn’t denigrate anyone just for being on Bitchute. But these people who are really pushing the “covid vax is bad for you” are going to have to start putting up some numbers. Because while I think we can all admit there is some risk of a bad outcome, it’s not any higher than the risk you take when you pull your car out of the driveway every day.

This is the front page of BitChute right now. Why would anyone take anything from this extremely fringe, conspiracy theory laden hate site seriously?:

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The best thing about the covid virus is, that it blatantly exposes the weaknesses of modern societies (current humankind) to a) identify huge threats and b) act accordingy (wisely). It also exposes the weaknesses of political systems that are build mainly on greed, capitalism, showmanship and craving for power that hinder point's a) and b) massively.

The amount of back and forth and idiocy is quite a sight to behold.

It's time the world got ruled by reason AND good wills alone.

The great philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804 said it right:

“A good will is good not because of what it effects, or accomplishes, not because of its fitness to attain some intended end, but good just by its willing, i.e. in itself; and, considered by itself, it is to be esteemed beyond compare much higher than anything that could ever be brought about by it in favor of some inclinations, and indeed, if you will, the sum of all inclinations. Even if by some particular disfavor of fate, or by the scanty endowment of a stepmotherly nature, this will should entirely lack the capacity to carry through its purpose; if despite its greatest striving it should still accomplish nothing, and only the good will were to remain (not of course, as a mere wish, but as the summoning of all means that are within our control); then, like a jewel, it would still shine by itself, as something that has full worth in itself".”​

― Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals

I Like reason perfectly fine, but she's a whore who serves all comers.

Good will is fine and all, but all of the people in power currently have a claim to serving some group of people. Your vague notions about good will are completely meaningless when you try to use it to argue against anyone currently in power, they all have a narrative of how they are the only ones trying to save the downtrodden and the oppressed.
We won't know what cumulative super powers the vaccines will unleash in the medium to long term, all we can do is wait and monitor and make shit up with zero evidence in the meantime. Good thing there are mad scientists looking at it from different angles (what "angles" would these be? Who knows just go with it). Better to know about potential super powers we made up to prepare for them if they arise.

Personally my fingers are crossed for telekinesis.

I was hoping you would become super intelligent and no longer have time to waste lecturing the common rabble. You could just exist as a big brain knowing how right you are but be cursed that the whole world is too stupid to understand.

Rat Rage

every tyrannical maniac or political party in history assumes they are acting in “good will”

Your vague notions about good will are completely meaningless

I will specify. Good will is the the faithfull will to do good. What is "good"? it's not subjective, but rather objective (from the viewpoint of the human species): the good is equal to all actions that both enable/foster sociality (the one super power that made humans as a species win the battle of nature/survial of the fittest) and at the same time aid the biological fitness of the human species.

When you talk about tyrants and bad dictatorships, they fail to be good (eventhough they themselves might believe they are doing something good), because they have never fostered sociality and aided the biological fitness of the human species at the same time. That's why most, if not all, dictatorships failed and their leaders died. Same goes for most obvious evil/bad groups like Isis and whatnot.
I've found it fascinating how so many people are just passing off what Psaki and Biden have said recently. Shouldn't matter what your opinions on the vaccine are, the fact that they're openly talking about working with social media companies to flag posts for removal is quite concerning.

Remember the good ole days when we could point and laugh at china for it's draconian internet policies? Good times. They were just the beta test.


I've found it fascinating how so many people are just passing off what Psaki and Biden have said recently. Shouldn't matter what your opinions on the vaccine are, the fact that they're openly talking about working with social media companies to flag posts for removal is quite concerning.

Remember the good ole days when we could point and laugh at china for it's draconian internet policies? Good times. They were just the beta test.

Social conditioning is what you are witnessing. Quote:

"Big Brother is infallible and all-powerful. Every success, every achievement, every victory, every scientific discovery, all knowledge, all wisdom, all happiness, all virtue, are held to issue directly from his leadership and inspiration." (George Orwell 1984)
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I've found it fascinating how so many people are just passing off what Psaki and Biden have said recently. Shouldn't matter what your opinions on the vaccine are, the fact that they're openly talking about working with social media companies to flag posts for removal is quite concerning.

Remember the good ole days when we could point and laugh at china for it's draconian internet policies? Good times. They were just the beta test.

There have been people actively calling for this for a while, people in this thread as well, they're just giving them what they've been asking for.

On a side note: Psaki needs a better makeup team, she looks like a greasy zombie up there. Bring back Kayleigh.
I will specify. Good will is the the faithfull will to do good. What is "good"? it's not subjective, but rather objective (from the viewpoint of the human species): the good is equal to all actions that both enable/foster sociality (the one super power that made humans as a species win the battle of nature/survial of the fittest) and at the same time aid the biological fitness of the human species.

When you talk about tyrants and bad dictatorships, they fail to be good (eventhough they themselves might believe they are doing something good), because they have never fostered sociality and aided the biological fitness of the human species at the same time. That's why most, if not all, dictatorships failed and their leaders died. Same goes for most obvious evil/bad groups like Isis and whatnot.
This is an incredibly naive view of human nature. The reason being that your own personal view of “good will” is entirely subjective to you. You presuming that your metrics are objective means nothing. There will immediately be disagreement from all directions about what constitutes good will. What do you do with intractable groups who would refuse to follow your leadership? This is where you either become a self deluded “benevolent”authoritarian or your ideology crumbles. But this is a thread derail so I should probably move on.
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We are in a time loop like some twilight zone shit. Every start of a new global wave people lose their minds like its gonna rise until the end of humanity and infect and kill every living being on the planet and not like it's gonna just die down after a few months or weeks like the wave before it. And the wave before that. And the wave before that.


Lil’ Gobbie
We are in a time loop like some twilight zone shit. Every start of a new global wave people lose their minds like its gonna rise until the end of humanity and infect and kill every living being on the planet and not like it's gonna just die down after a few months or weeks like the wave before it. And the wave before that. And the wave before that.
anything to distract people from having to think about exercising, eating healthy, and mitigating stress ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
BREAKING: Ground-breaking virus reducing risk strategy

1. Lose some weight
2. Supp some VitD
Pretty shitty strategy. Losing weight does absolutely zero to reduce your risk of infection, only your time to recovery and risk of death. Vitamin D has almost no bearing unless you're seriously deficient, it is hardly some magic prophylactic. Double blind studies have not shown taking Vitamin D to lower the infection rate.

Vaccines are are like 96% effective and 99% effective with regard to sever cases and deaths. That seems better than your plan.

Let the fear porn cycle commence once again...
It's probably true though. Like, if you aren't vaccinated, you will get Covid. Not necessarily this season, but in the next, say, 5 years, if you continue to be unvaccinated and especially if you live in a community that is undervaccinated you will get it.

That's not being dramatic or anything, obvious most people who get are fine, but it doesn't seem like a great choice to me, even in that circumstance.
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Pretty shitty strategy. Losing weight does absolutely zero to reduce your risk of infection, only your time to recovery and risk of death. Vitamin D has almost no bearing unless you're seriously deficient, it is hardly some magic prophylactic. Double blind studies have not shown taking Vitamin D to lower the infection rate.
C'mon dude. I would count your recovery time and risk of death to be pretty important factors.

Over 70% of American covid deaths have been overweight and obese people. I would consider getting in shape a pretty solid strategy not only for covid, but your overall health as well. Death rates are 10 times higher in countries where more than 50% of adults were overweight/obese.

I'm not discounting the efficacy of vaccines, but believe it or not, two things can be true at the same time.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Pretty shitty strategy. Losing weight does absolutely zero to reduce your risk of infection, only your time to recovery and risk of death. Vitamin D has almost no bearing unless you're seriously deficient, it is hardly some magic prophylactic. Double blind studies have not shown taking Vitamin D to lower the infection rate.

Vaccines are are like 96% effective and 99% effective with regard to sever cases and deaths. That seems better than your plan.

It's probably true though. Like, if you aren't vaccinated, you will get Covid. Not necessarily this season, but in the next, say, 5 years, if you continue to be unvaccinated and especially if you live in a community that is undervaccinated you will get it.

That's not being dramatic or anything, obvious most people who get are fine, but it doesn't seem like a great choice to me, even in that circumstance.

There is strong evidence that Vitamin D lowers your risk of hospitalization. Or rather, I should say that there is strong correlation to lower Vitamin D levels and hospitalization.

...wait, you're responding to a post about generally reducing risk and focusing solely on infection? Why would you do this? Who gives a shit about infection?
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The best thing about the covid virus is, that it blatantly exposes the weaknesses of modern societies (current humankind) to a) identify huge threats and b) act accordingy (wisely). It also exposes the weaknesses of political systems that are build mainly on greed, capitalism, showmanship and craving for power that hinder point's a) and b) massively.

The amount of back and forth and idiocy is quite a sight to behold.

It's time the world got ruled by reason AND good wills alone.

The great philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804 said it right:

“A good will is good not because of what it effects, or accomplishes, not because of its fitness to attain some intended end, but good just by its willing, i.e. in itself; and, considered by itself, it is to be esteemed beyond compare much higher than anything that could ever be brought about by it in favor of some inclinations, and indeed, if you will, the sum of all inclinations. Even if by some particular disfavor of fate, or by the scanty endowment of a stepmotherly nature, this will should entirely lack the capacity to carry through its purpose; if despite its greatest striving it should still accomplish nothing, and only the good will were to remain (not of course, as a mere wish, but as the summoning of all means that are within our control); then, like a jewel, it would still shine by itself, as something that has full worth in itself".”​

― Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
A good will stops being good when it has to coerce (force) others into doing what they think is right for oneself.

The only entity that truly has the power to force people to do anything is the state.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
There is strong evidence that Vitamin D lowers your risk of hospitalization. Or rather, I should say that there is strong correlation to lower Vitamin D levels and hospitalization.

...wait, you're responding to a post about generally reducing risk and focusing solely on infection? Why would you do this? Who gives a shit about infection?

Again, there were early anecdotal shit that showed Covid deaths more likely to be Vitamin D deficient but correlation isn't causation and later efforts to do double blind studies didn't suggest it was very helpful for most (although possibly for dark skinned people more susceptible to severe Vitamin D deficiency which lowers you immune system broadly).

None of those benefits are specific to Covid either.
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Count of Concision
Is anyone able to find the rate of hospitalization for confirmed COVID cases by age group? I'm looking for, say, the percentage of confirmed COVID cases in the 20-29 year old range which led to hospitalization. There's lots of data out there, but curiously they all go by "rates per 100K population". Now, if by "population" they mean "those confirmed as having COVID" (for the specified demographic), then that's exactly what I'm looking for. But I don't think they mean it in that sense - they're using "population" in the general sense. Thus the information is, imo, fairly useless except as a measure of overall population-level risk for various cohorts.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Again, there were early anecdotal shit that showed Covid deaths more likely to be Vitamin D deficient but correlation isn't causation and later efforts to do double blind studies didn't suggest it was very helpful for most (although possibly for dark skinned people more susceptible to sever Vitamin D deficiency which powers you immune system broadly).

None of those benefits are specific to Covid either.

The study discussed in the video was published last month.

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Again, there were early anecdotal shit that showed Covid deaths more likely to be Vitamin D deficient but correlation isn't causation and later efforts to do double blind studies didn't suggest it was very helpful for most (although possibly for dark skinned people more susceptible to severe Vitamin D deficiency which lowers you immune system broadly).

None of those benefits are specific to Covid either.
What about the fat people thing I brought up a few posts back that you ignored? You don't need to downplay it to upplay the efficacy of the current vaccines. It comes off rather shill-ish.

Side note: I think your username is subconsciously making me want to play some bangaio


The study discussed in the video was published last month.

yeah, the problem with Rogan touting it (due to Rhonda "I hope it works" Patrick) was not that, it was the exaggeration of its effect, and that many who believed it would be significantly boost immune function probably didnt have a vitamin d deficiency.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
The study discussed in the video was published last month.

And yet its methodology is identical to the earlier study I described, simply examining the incidence based on outcome. That is not a scientific basis for claiming that taking Vitamin D will actually work to mitigate or prevent Covid, and in fact the study does not conclude that.

You could observe a higher incidence of Covid in, say, Latinos, as well but it doesn't mean that speaking Spanish is a Covid risk. And that's not even really that far off from the issue here, since Vitamin D deficiency is way more common in people with dark skin for purely biological reasons, and Covid incidence is higher among that same group for sociological reasons.

Correlating these things is useful but it isn't enough to draw that sorts of conclusions where you can just say Vitamin D will make you less vulnerable to Covid. Studies like this are usually just used to justify further studies where they do actual double blind trials to see if it works and those studies for Vitamin D have not been promising.

Here's a study where they actually tried to give patients Vitamin D to see if it produced any positive impacts on infection rate or recovery time. It did not.

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I will specify. Good will is the the faithfull will to do good. What is "good"? it's not subjective, but rather objective (from the viewpoint of the human species): the good is equal to all actions that both enable/foster sociality (the one super power that made humans as a species win the battle of nature/survial of the fittest) and at the same time aid the biological fitness of the human species.

When you talk about tyrants and bad dictatorships, they fail to be good (eventhough they themselves might believe they are doing something good), because they have never fostered sociality and aided the biological fitness of the human species at the same time. That's why most, if not all, dictatorships failed and their leaders died. Same goes for most obvious evil/bad groups like Isis and whatnot.
So suppose we have various possible distributions of resources. How do we determine which distribution has the most "sociality" in it, or leads to the most "biological fitness"?

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
What about the fat people thing I brought up a few posts back that you ignored? You don't need to downplay it to upplay the efficacy of the current vaccines. It comes off rather shill-ish.

Side note: I think your username is subconsciously making me want to play some bangaio
I mean saying "Don't be fat or old" is not a realistic strategy for fighting Covid and many countries with low Obesity rates have been completely slammed by Covid.

Obviously being fat is a risk factor for Covid and losing weight has many health benefits but that's clearly an un-serious response.

You should definitely play some Bangai-O
I mean saying "Don't be fat or old" is not a realistic strategy for fighting Covid and many countries with low Obesity rates have been completely slammed by Covid.

Obviously being fat is a risk factor for Covid and losing weight has many health benefits but that's clearly an un-serious response.

You should definitely play some Bangai-O

.if you are fat you don't care about your body. If you don't care about yourself why should anyone else?
I went to a church function a week ago (Louisiana) of a out 50 people, and I know of about 7 people that got covid there. 1 person was already vaccinated and got it anyway.

I'm not vaccinated, and I assume that I'll get it at some point. I'm also young and healthy, so I'm in no rush to get the vaccine.

I'm not anti vaccine, but I only get it for things I deem catastrophic. So, not the flu, generally. Are there any reliable statistic websites out there with no agenda that give real death numbers, comparisons to other flus, etc?

I'm honestly trying to understand the panic. I've seen two deaths from covid so far, and they were both people that were already in late stage cancer, so I'm not sure what to make of that. What I have seen is a complete deterioration of the physical health of people that decided to stay indoors.
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Seems the vax pass in France was successful. I imagine it’s only a matter of time til a similar pass is implemented in NA.

Within 72 hours of the French learning they would soon need to be vaccinated or tested to go to the cafe, more than 3 million had booked appointments and France had broken its vaccination record, administering 800,000 shots in a single day.

Macron announced that from 21 July, anyone visiting a theatre, cinema, sports venue or festival with an audience of more than 50 people would need a health pass proving they were either fully vaccinated, had tested negative or were immune.

The same requirement will be extended to bars, cafes, restaurants, shopping centres (though not supermarkets), hospitals, long-distance trains, coaches and planes from 1 August, he said – including for children aged between 12 and 17 from 1 September.

Children can’t escape from this.

People unable to present a valid health pass risk up to six months in prison and a fine of up to €10,000 (£8,500), according to the draft text of the law, while owners of “establishments welcoming the public” who fail to check patrons’ passes could go to jail for a year and be hit with a €45,000 fine.

.if you are fat you don't care about your body. If you don't care about yourself why should anyone else?

True, I don’t understand why the vaccinated are meant to suffer for the unvaccinated with all these restrictions coming back. Clearly the unvaccinated don’t care nor want the help yet vaccinated are now required to wear masks to help them out. The unvaccinated are really ruining it for everyone else for some weird sense of pride or some “fear” of not knowing what they’re putting in their body...really?! As if we aren’t taking some risk just eating simple food everyday from unknown sources. Makes no sense

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Here's a study where they actually tried to give patients Vitamin D to see if it produced any positive impacts on infection rate or recovery time. It did not.

There wouldn't be much expectation that a single high dose of Vitamin D would really do anything for someone who is already sick. If you are deficient and just start trying to remedy that through daily food, sun, and supplements, it will take multiple weeks to a month or so until the vitamin D levels in your blood reach a steady level. You need to be getting more Vitamin D before you get infected to expect much of a benefit.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You want to get a bunch of people who are too lazy or selfish to pop a mask on when they’re in large crowds to stop shovelling food into their mouths constantly like fucking pigs, and exercise a bit?

This is such a weird post. I don't think almost any of the resistance toward mask wearing orders has to do with laziness.


True, I don’t understand why the vaccinated are meant to suffer for the unvaccinated with all these restrictions coming back. Clearly the unvaccinated don’t care nor want the help yet vaccinated are now required to wear masks to help them out. The unvaccinated are really ruining it for everyone else for some weird sense of pride or some “fear” of not knowing what they’re putting in their body...really?! As if we aren’t taking some risk just eating simple food everyday from unknown sources. Makes no sense
If France is anything to go by expect major restrictions on the non-vaccinated, just today the government announced vaccinated people can travel abroad freely (arrival in another country subject to specific regulations of course), while non vaccinated are obliged to do tests, auto isolate, etc.

Also next week the 21st a complete vaccination or test will be required when going to theatre, cinema, museum. From 1st of August same for restaurants and cafés.
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