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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


how's Sweden doing?
As you can see in the graphs above our third wave came after many elderly got their jabs, so deaths stayed low (vaccination done by age group here and only recently open for 18+ in most regions because of supply limitations)

They seem to think the last recommendations for social distancing, wfh and big public events will be lifted in september/october. There are no limitations on people in gyms and such any more.

Rat Rage

Look man, your definition is just that. Your definition

No, it's not. I have to apologize, though. I didn't make clear where this defintion comes from. It is a wide spread definition and maybe (at the time) the most popular one amongst modern moral phylosophers. The definition is derived from pretty intelligent thoughts from the fields of anthropology, psychology and evolutionary biology. However, this may be better suited in another threat to not further rerail this one.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
OK, this was pretty damn awesome.

Forcing the vaccinated and those who already contracted COVID-19 to wear masks indoors is not backed by science and contradicts the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) has authority to enforce the order, but the underfunded/defunded Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will not expend our limited resources and instead ask for voluntary compliance. We encourage the DPH to work collaboratively with the Board of Supervisors and law enforcement to establish mandates that are both achievable and supported by science.


Count of Concision
Is anyone able to find the rate of hospitalization for confirmed COVID cases by age group? I'm looking for, say, the percentage of confirmed COVID cases in the 20-29 year old range which led to hospitalization. There's lots of data out there, but curiously they all go by "rates per 100K population". Now, if by "population" they mean "those confirmed as having COVID" (for the specified demographic), then that's exactly what I'm looking for. But I don't think they mean it in that sense - they're using "population" in the general sense. Thus the information is, imo, fairly useless except as a measure of overall population-level risk for various cohorts.

Anyone? Why is this data hard to find stated in an unambiguous manner?


Woah, plot twist. Let go of the fat hate man, do you think fat people want to be fat? There's such a thing as a dysfunctional metabolism. There's also definitely people who are just lazy and don't care but there's a lot more to it than that. How bout nobody goes to camps?


You get fat by consuming more calories than you burn. I’m not in the habit of fat shaming, because some people have deep seated psychological issues, the same as alcoholics or drug abusers, but most just eat too much and move too little. That’s not a ‘dysfunctional metabolism’, it’s a dysfunctional relationship with food.

Like Billy Connolly once said: you’re not retaining water… you’re retaining fucking chips.
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I'm shocked that there hasn't been more pushback in France. I can't imagine a world where you have to produce papers to enter a supermarket.

As shitty as the UK government is, that will not happen here (Or most other places).


I'm shocked that there hasn't been more pushback in France. I can't imagine a world where you have to produce papers to enter a supermarket.

As shitty as the UK government is, that will not happen here (Or most other places).

New French Covid app, now on the iOS store:




You get fat by consuming more calories than you burn. I’m not in the habit of fat shaming, because some people have deep seated psychological issues, the same as alcoholics or drug abusers, but most just eat too much and move too little. That’s not a ‘dysfunctional metabolism’, it’s a dysfunctional relationship with food.

Like Billy Connolly once said: you’re not retaining water… you’re retaining fucking chips.
Weight gain is also one of the most common and pernicious side effects of many psychiatric medications. It doesn't affect everybody but I've seen people explode in a matter of months when they go on that shit.


Weight gain is also one of the most common and pernicious side effects of many psychiatric medications. It doesn't affect everybody but I've seen people explode in a matter of months when they go on that shit.

Anti depressants are a popular one. Largely because people’s mental health improves, along with their appetites.

The thing is, nothing actually causes weight gain, other than too many calories. But people‘s consumption and levels of exercise do indeed change due to medications.

The sad thing about being fat is that it’s very easy to lose weight theoretically, but hard to do practically!


You mean France? Seems like we are first, but I expect others to follow shortly.
Im in ireland were doing it. It sounds wrong to me though.
In Ireland most people under 35 are not vaccinated yet so it's seen as a discriminatory practice. Just wondering if any other country is doing this as well.

You say France?


Im in ireland were doing it. It sounds wrong to me though.
In Ireland most people under 35 are not vaccinated yet so it's seen as a discriminatory practice. Just wondering if any other country is doing this as well.

You say France?
In France from July 21st you need either a proof of complete vaccination (2 doses + 7 days, one dose Janssen + 4 weeks), a negative PCR test less than 72hrs, or a proof of having had Covid in the last 6 months to go to cinema, theatre or a concert that has more than 50 people. Starting August 1st this will be extended to bars, cafés, taking the plane, taking the train.

Note that from June 1st all adults had a right to get vaccinated. I saw this coming from miles away so me and my wife got our shots as early as possible.

Also today starting at midnight the rules to enter French territory changed - as long as you are considered completely vaccinated (see above), it doesn’t matter what country you come from, even the ones considered by the French government as being the most dangerous Covid-wise right now.
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In France from July 21st you need either a proof of complete vaccination (2 doses + 7 days, one dose Janssen + 4 weeks), àla negative PCR test less than 72hrs, or a proof of having had Covid in the last 6 months to go to cinema, theatre or a concert that has more than 50 people. Starting August 1st this will be extended to bars, cafés, taking the plane, taking the train.

Note that from June 1st all adults had a right to get vaccinated. I saw this coming from miles away so me and my wife got our shots as early as possible.
In France though how far ahead are your vaccinations?Is it open to all age groups now?

The main issue in Ireland is they opened it up to the Elderly first which is compeltely fine, then the nursing home patients which again fine and then we started slooowly going down the age groups which makes sense but it took aggges.
I have only got shot number 1 last week of Moderna and I'm 33 and won't be getting another until another 4 weeks and we're going to be requesting these digital certs at the end of this month for indoor dining etc.


In France though how far ahead are your vaccinations?Is it open to all age groups now?

The main issue in Ireland is they opened it up to the Elderly first which is compeltely fine, then the nursing home patients which again fine and then we started slooowly going down the age groups which makes sense but it took aggges.
I have only got shot number 1 last week of Moderna and I'm 33 and won't be getting another until another 4 weeks and we're going to be requesting these digital certs at the end of this month for indoor dining etc.
All adults are allowed to get a shot starting June 1st (I actually got it a couple weeks before that, there were some centres just taking everyone that had a booking), I think from mid June this also goes for 12-17 years old, but their requirements only go into effect September 1st, a month after everybody else’s .

The government also accelerated the time need to get the second dose (from 4-5 weeks down to 3), and time delay for vaccination to be completed (from 14 days after the second shot down to 7). Of course after last Monday and announcements everybody rushed to book and appointment so very quickly it was only possible 2-3 weeks forward.

As of July 15th we are at 43.6% of population fully vaccinated.
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My guess is that there is a secondary link to risk for C19, such as alcohol consumption, that may or may not ever be identified. That may also explain why adults get whacked but kids don’t…
You mean France? Seems like we are first, but I expect others to follow shortly.
Perhaps. Perhaps not. One place you will not see it is the United States.
In France from July 21st you need either a proof of complete vaccination (2 doses + 7 days, one dose Janssen + 4 weeks), a negative PCR test less than 72hrs, or a proof of having had Covid in the last 6 months to go to cinema, theatre or a concert that has more than 50 people. Starting August 1st this will be extended to bars, cafés, taking the plane, taking the train.

Note that from June 1st all adults had a right to get vaccinated. I saw this coming from miles away so me and my wife got our shots as early as possible.

Also today starting at midnight the rules to enter French territory changed - as long as you are considered completely vaccinated (see above), it doesn’t matter what country you come from, even the ones considered by the French government as being the most dangerous Covid-wise right now.
so how’s that work with kids? Are parents not allowed to take their kids to lunch with them? Would I have to subject them to nasal swabs every 3 day? Or are the exempt from the rules?


Maybe hospital staff should also decide to have their own set of rules and leave unvaccinated covid patients out in the parking lot.
gonna cry tobey maguire GIF


Yes. No excuses. Personally, I don't think it should be legal to be over 50 pounds overweight. The police should arrest you on sight and detain you in a fat camp. Fat people are ugly to look at and cost a lot to our Healthcare system. Their mental health will be a lot better when they are no longer a fatty. You aren't doing fat people any favors by making excuses for them.
Outer Space Yes GIF by NASA

Why we’re at it let’s arrest people for having the wrong color of eyes. I am pretty sure this post is bait.... if so 9/10
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I'm shocked that there hasn't been more pushback in France. I can't imagine a world where you have to produce papers to enter a supermarket.

As shitty as the UK government is, that will not happen here (Or most other places).

Apparently there are protest that the media does not cover. I have no idea how big the protest are as social media never shows the full picture.



Apparently there are protest that the media does not cover. I have no idea how big the protest are as social media never shows the full picture.

It has been covered by the media here, there were 114K people all over the country. Which is at least starting to be relevant (unlike the 20K the other day), but still a minor contestation everything considered. Mostly fueled by the usual suspects, yellow vests and far-right complaining about anything coming from the government.
On the other hand we hit a new record on Friday with almost 900K jabs in a single day.

*edit - also judging by the video the police officers haven't "joined the demonstration", they're doing their job by keeping the flow under control, lol.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It has been covered by the media here, there were 114K people all over the country. Which is at least starting to be relevant (unlike the 20K the other day), but still a minor contestation everything considered. Mostly fueled by the usual suspects, yellow vests and far-right complaining about anything coming from the government.
On the other hand we hit a new record on Friday with almost 900K jabs in a single day.

*edit - also judging by the video the police officers haven't "joined the demonstration", they're doing their job by keeping the flow under control, lol.

Yeah, I think some people are just seeing what they want to see with that video. Police being near the front of a protest march is pretty common and I certainly don't see any of them chanting slogans or anything.


so how’s that work with kids? Are parents not allowed to take their kids to lunch with them? Would I have to subject them to nasal swabs every 3 day? Or are the exempt from the rules?
If you are above 12 you need the pass (described in my previous post) in order to go to restaurant starting September 1st. Your parents need it starting August 1st. Everyone in the restaurant needs either the test, or the completed vaccination protocol.


Gold Member
If you are above 12 you need the pass (described in my previous post) in order to go to restaurant starting September 1st. Your parents need it starting August 1st. Everyone in the restaurant needs either the test, or the completed vaccination protocol.

Honestly...that's not the problem with the situation. The problem is JAIL TIME for the people who don't have a pass and the owner of the restaurant. Why don't we just save a step and give everyone who isn't vaccinated an armband so they can easily be rounded up? I'm pretty sure that'll be coming before the end of the year.


Honestly...that's not the problem with the situation. The problem is JAIL TIME for the people who don't have a pass and the owner of the restaurant. Why don't we just save a step and give everyone who isn't vaccinated an armband so they can easily be rounded up? I'm pretty sure that'll be coming before the end of the year.
This is common feature in the French law - jail time applies only to someone being a repeatable offender. It’s not like the take you to prison immediately.
If you are above 12 you need the pass (described in my previous post) in order to go to restaurant starting September 1st. Your parents need it starting August 1st. Everyone in the restaurant needs either the test, or the completed vaccination protocol.
So you guys have vaccine options for people under 12? Or am I misunderstanding when you say “everyone in the restaurant” because in the US you cannot be vaccinated under 12.



"Covid hardship isn’t just affecting renters, It’s affecting mom and pop landlords in New York City. Join me as we talk to a family struggling from a lack of income due to a tenant who is legally protected to not pay rent." (7/18/21)
I know "bitching" isn't allowed, but I hope it's still OK to share related news:

I can only hope that further vindication is on the way as it becomes clearer and clearer that tiny aerosols are the primary way the virus spreads.
I read the article - and nothing of value nor was anything that we didn’t already know was stated


Gold Member
Ontario finally allowed dine in at restaurants since this past Friday. Am going to do it this week. Since covid started, it's been a wacky roller coaster ride between whats open and closed based on what step or stage the government thinks we're in. There were times the government flip flopped two weeks later reverting back to a more limited stage. And before the provincial government blanketed policies, it was initially based on regional decisions like Toronto would be on major lock down but neighbouring regions might be open. So someone wanting shop or get a hair cut would drive to Vaughan or Burlington and get things done.

Total shit show.
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What are you guys thoughts on this take?

Doesn't seem quite as black and white to me. At this point I'm more concerned that people may end up suffering from other problems due to the excessive waiting list on the NHS.

If hospitalisations have been gradually increasing of late anyway (they have), they will definitely increase slightly at least after 'Freedom Day' which will put more time on the already huge backlog.

I'm not sure Maaj is seeing the full picture here tbh.


Outer Space Yes GIF by NASA

Why we’re at it let’s arrest people for having the wrong color of eyes. I am pretty sure this post is bait.... if so 9/10
Well, your eye colour has no impact on you or other people around you, as opposed to you being fat, so not really a good comparison.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I'm honestly confused about the situation in the UK.

Millions of people have been double jabbed already, yet we're now talking of cases exceeding 200,000 per day and a possible third lockdown?! I thought the jab would prevent another lockdown?


I'm honestly confused about the situation in the UK.

Millions of people have been double jabbed already, yet we're now talking of cases exceeding 200,000 per day and a possible third lockdown?! I thought the jab would prevent another lockdown?

Seems more like 50K a day. But anyway, the vaccine is no guarantee of completely preventing people from being infected, it mostly reduces the chances of it happening, and the severity when it does. So it should help a lot containing the contagion, but it's no miracle either. Also I think UK relied a lot on Astrazeneca, which seems to be significantly less effective on the Delta/Indian variant.
Anyway people in ICU aren't rising as fast as on previous waves, compared to the rise of new cases, so it's another sign that the vaccines are doing their job.


I'm honestly confused about the situation in the UK.

Millions of people have been double jabbed already, yet we're now talking of cases exceeding 200,000 per day and a possible third lockdown?! I thought the jab would prevent another lockdown?

Some people have simply gone insane, that's really. it. Maybe another booster, another lockdown, another layer of cloth in your mouth lol.
We will never control a respiratory virus like this. Never did, never will.
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Millions of people have been double jabbed already, yet we're now talking of cases exceeding 200,000 per day and a possible third lockdown?! I thought the jab would prevent another lockdown?
It makes things better and more manageable, doesn't make Covid magically go away. Think of it like this:

1mln old people - chance of being hospitalised 10% - 1mln infected - 100 000 people in hospital
10mln young people - chance of being hospitalised 1% - 10mln infected - 100 000 people in hospital

The thing is majority of old people know the risk of Covid, since it hit them much more from the beginning, whereas younger people think they are invincible and no measures are needed for them (vaccinated of not).



What are you guys thoughts on this take?

Doesn't seem quite as black and white to me. At this point I'm more concerned that people may end up suffering from other problems due to the excessive waiting list on the NHS.

If hospitalisations have been gradually increasing of late anyway (they have), they will definitely increase slightly at least after 'Freedom Day' which will put more time on the already huge backlog.

I'm not sure Maaj is seeing the full picture here tbh.

My take is that I hope any sane person in this world backs the irreversibility of it.

Undiagnosed cancers is, most likely, a much bigger pandemic that is going to explode in everyone's face. Hopefully we will able to hold accountable everyone who backed (and keeps backing) this lunacy of freezing life.
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