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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


One year from the most important period of your life is a big deal.
Coming from a family with a rich history of war-related exodes, starvation and poverty, I'm having a hard time feeling much empathy for a generation having to spend one year watching Netflix instead of partying, or attending school through video-conference. Was that fun ? Definitely not. But don't act like it's the end of the world and you're "owed" your freedom of entertainment, you're still having it much easier than most generations before you.
Such a pandemic is a historical moment, and fortunately despite all the lockdowns and restrictions, it's a walk in the park compared to other historical events.


French people would organize a protest if someone ordered a medium rare steak in a restaurant.
I hear that but is intentionally vandalizing vaccine centers normal? Supposedly there are over 6 locations that have been burnt down.

Sadly this protest gives the protesters easy to hit targets with supply chains and stock that can be disrupted. Much different than protesting unfair pay or something like that.
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Gold Member
I hear that but is intentionally vandalizing vaccine centers normal?

Anti-Vaxxers in the US were blocking access to the vaccination sites

and driving their cars through them to try to kill the people getting the shot and those giving the shots.

Anti-vaxxers are as idiotic as Flat Earthers in my mind and I fail to see why one view is rejected and mocked while the other is defended.
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Coming from a family with a rich history of war-related exodes, starvation and poverty, I'm having a hard time feeling much empathy for a generation having to spend one year watching Netflix instead of partying, or attending school through video-conference. Was that fun ? Definitely not. But don't act like it's the end of the world and you're "owed" your freedom of entertainment, you're still having it much easier than most generations before you.
Such a pandemic is a historical moment, and fortunately despite all the lockdowns and restrictions, it's a walk in the park compared to other historical events.

Youth is getting poorer at an alarming rate. That's really the problem, not having to stay in a sofa.
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Gold Member
But what about freedom of speech??

Isn't the problem here freedom to procreate?
I mean as long as anybody can have children, dumbasses are going to have children, and may give them bleach to drink.
Freedom is meant for an autonomous person, which a majority of occidentals are not, hence the appalling state of western civilization.

I think the big problem of the west's democracies is that their politicians needs people to be dumb so they can control them. But they also need them to think they aren't controlled because "democracy".

So you make people dumb (public school budget cut, leading to brand financing what your child learn, etc...), but you can't predict which type of dumb they will be. Will it be the kind of dumb that make them listen to Rachel Maddow and keep voting for the same guys that screw them everytime they get elected? Or the other kind of dumb that makes them listen to Alex Jones and spread stupid crap on facebook?

Add a bit of innocuous freedom-adjacent concepts (sjw pun intended) like "freedom of speech" (seriously "freedom of speech" is code for posting crap on facebook... but on the other hand "pandemic emergency" just means you can denigrates people violently and shut them up because they don't think rightly, ie just like you do so noone wins), a lot of corporate greed, and you get the cesspool we live in.

I know i'm violently breaking open doors saying that but anyway...
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One year from the most important period of your life is a big deal.
Which period is that? The one where you have a summer job, and pass your time drinking and having sex at the university? Majority of adults would have told you your early 20s were fun, but it's not like you knew WTF you were doing.

The pandemic and lockdowns have hit families much more than they hit single, young people - as Alx Alx mentioned they spent a year watching Netflix, playing games, attending university via remote. If they started work they were able to chill and work remotely at the place of their choosing - I had to juggle lockdowns with two small kids while my single colleagues were working from their parents' home, how can you claim it has been even remotely difficult for them?
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I think the big problem of the west's democracies is that their politicians needs people to be dumb so they can control them. But they also need them to think they aren't controlled because "democracy".
I don't know exactly what you are trying to say with this post, especially the quoted part.

If anything, western democracies originally tried to address this issue. Its been an issue since the dawn of democracy and written about in Plato's "The Republic." Hell, the whole idea of a Republic is to try and address this issue (also, restrictive voting, but thats another conversation).

I fully believe social media is enables the worst in all of us to flourish and find support, rather than in the old days where the worst of us was constantly checked by real people face to face. In other words, society moved on-line, and on-line has little accountability.

Social media is the red slime of Ghostbusters 2. And its divorced humans from the parts of ourselves that are indeed "social."
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Which period is that? The one where you have a summer job, and pass your time drinking and having sex at the university? Majority of adults would have told you your early 20s were fun, but it's not like you knew WTF you were doing.

The pandemic and lockdowns have hit families much more than they hit single, young people - as Alx Alx mentioned they spent a year watching Netflix, playing games, attending university via remote. If they started work they were able to chill and work remotely at the place of their choosing - I had to juggle lockdowns with two small kids while my single colleagues were working from their parents' home, how can you claim it has been even remotely difficult for them?
You don't get to make judgment calls about what is important and what isn't to young people.

For example, University is an extremely unique portion of your life. You only get about 4 years of that (at least in the U.S.). At least 25% of this experience has now been taken from them. You discount the experience to drinking and sex, but that says more about your development than countless others who continue their development into adulthood. Its not about what was "hard" (ie, looking after kids during this), it was about what these young adults missed out on in their life experience (that cannot be replicated) and in their development.


You don't get to make judgment calls about what is important and what isn't to young people.

For example, University is an extremely unique portion of your life. You only get about 4 years of that (at least in the U.S.). At least 25% of this experience has now been taken from them. You discount the experience to drinking and sex, but that says more about your development than countless others who continue their development into adulthood. Its not about what was "hard" (ie, looking after kids during this), it was about what these young adults missed out on in their life experience (that cannot be replicated) and in their development.
Your life is a series of unique experiences - your childhood, teen years, university, starting a career, starting a family, raising your kids, becoming a grandparent - university is not more important than the other parts of your life. On the contrary, raising your kids for a minimum of 18-20 years looks to me to be much more important than spending 4 years at school.


Your life is a series of unique experiences - your childhood, teen years, university, starting a career, starting a family, raising your kids, becoming a grandparent - university is not more important than the other parts of your life. On the contrary, raising your kids for a minimum of 18-20 years looks to me to be much more important than spending 4 years at school.
I didn't say more important. I said cannot be replicated. Starting a career, raising kids, becoming a grandparent, all have much larger windows. University (and teen years), really, cannot, be replicated, pushed off, or done a different way. This year was flat out taken, and cannot be given back.


Gold Member
I don't know exactly what you are trying to say with this post, especially the quoted part.

If anything, western democracies originally tried to address this issue. Its been an issue since the dawn of democracy and written about in Plato's "The Republic." Hell, the whole idea of a Republic is to try and address this issue (also, restrictive voting, but thats another conversation).

I fully believe social media is enables the worst in all of us to flourish and find support, rather than in the old days where the worst of us was constantly checked by real people face to face. In other words, society moved on-line, and on-line has little accountability.

Social media is the red slime of Ghostbusters 2. And its divorced humans from the parts of ourselves that are indeed "social."
Democracy in Ancient Greece, tho perfectible, is nothing like the nightmare we live in. If any citizen could be chosen to rule, it means that any citizen was more or less able to do it. This concept of democracy is gone, only the word remains. An empty shell brandished by malevolent rulers to legitimate themselves.

to put it bluntly, I think western politicians learned quickly that it’s easier to rule over stupid people than trying to make them better. What they did not predict was that stupid people tends to act wildly differently.
Social média is the revelator, but where does all this dumbness comes from. I guess a bit of glorifying the wrong role models, not giving fund to public school system, and lots of other stuff.

Tl dr : i think the western intelligentsia tried to make people dumb on purpose but they did it too well, and now we have gen z
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Democracy in Ancient Greece, tho perfectible, is nothing like the nightmare we live in. If any citizen could be chosen to rule, it means that any citizen was more or less able to do it. This concept of democracy is gone, only the word remains. An empty shell brandished by malevolent rulers to legitimate themselves.

to put it bluntly, I think western politicians learned quickly that it’s easier to rule over stupid people than trying to make them better. What they did not predict was that stupid people tends to act wildly differently.
Social média is the revelator, but where does all this dumbness comes from. I guess a bit of glorifying the wrong role models, not giving fund to public school system, and lots of other stuff.

Tl dr : i think the western intelligentsia tried to make people dumb on purpose but they did it too well, and now we have gen z
Im not the cynical. If anything, I think we are in more of an Idiocracy type situation than we are social design to make the population dumb. In the end, those dumb people vote, and cannot be controlled unless by authoritative type governments.


Tl dr : i think the western intelligentsia tried to make people dumb on purpose but they did it too well, and now we have gen z

I think it's a mix of both with gen z, but probably not an even split. Simultaneously we have some of the brightest kids and stupidest kids of all time.


Anti-Vaxxers in the US were blocking access to the vaccination sites

and driving their cars through them to try to kill the people getting the shot and those giving the shots.

Anti-vaxxers are as idiotic as Flat Earthers in my mind and I fail to see why one view is rejected and mocked while the other is defended.
Yeah but the label Anti-vaxxers is miss leading. I am 100% for the vaccine especially people that need it but I will never be okay with it being forced on people. I would never hurt some one or do anything to prevent others from getting it as in the articles but I 100% support people pushing back against it. In fact I hope there is much more push back so that other countries don't try it.... I would prefer it to be peaceful protests but I doubt that will be the case.


Gold Member
I think it's a mix of both with gen z, but probably not an even split. Simultaneously we have some of the brightest kids and stupidest kids of all time.
True, and arguably all the brightest kids come from private education, barring the occasionnal uber genius who would have thrived in anywhere...



Interesting, because here you have a French Holocaust survivor being appalled by the use of the yellow star modelled after Nazi identification for Jews by non-vaccinated during the recent protests:

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True, and arguably all the brightest kids come from private education, barring the occasionnal uber genius who would have thrived in anywhere...

I think we can credit in large part the internet, but maybe before the all massive censorship and spread of far leftist ideologies. Still such a great tool for learning about anything but can be hard to sift through the BS.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You are free not to be vaccinated, but you need to own up to it with consequences. Going into a nightclub is not a right.

I would agree with you if it were the nightclubs themselves imposing this requirement rather than the government.


Gold Member
Im not the cynical. If anything, I think we are in more of an Idiocracy type situation than we are social design to make the population dumb. In the end, those dumb people vote, and cannot be controlled unless by authoritative type governments.
I was a bit exaggerating with the "on purpose" stuff.

But when you say this : "In the end, those dumb people vote, and cannot be controlled unless by authoritative type governments."

It makes me think of a study that showed that the presidential candidate with the most mediatic presence during election year is the one who will be elected. Can't find it (of course) but it was around 2007 (it talked about sarkozy in France). Trump was elected in 2016 i think because every media was talking about him (not so much in 2020, and he ended up loosing to a senile dude...). In France, macron was unknown a year before being elected, had done nothing, and after 49 features in prominent french magazine (each owned by a friend of his) through the election year he miraculously manage to get elected. This wouldn't happen if the majority of people were able to think by themselves...

But anyway it was more a question of deliberately fueling people's bad habits, enabling their crass instincts, stiring up their useless desires, and telling them they are good as they are (which they are not), instead of telling them they can be better through work and hardship.

In Alfred Jarry's Ubu Roi, published in 1896 (another visionnary), the titular character rules with the help of the "machine à décerveler" (de-braining machine i guess) and the "pompe à finance" (money pump). I think our rulers do the same. As a matter of fact that explain their need to control all medias, since they already control money...

I drew my picture with a really broad brush, of course everything is more subtle and insidious and not quite so manichean, but the outcome is there, parents giving bleach to their kids, and lying sociopaths ruling over honest and kind people.


I would agree with you if it were the nightclubs themselves imposing this requirement rather than the government.
Every government on earth has a mandate to take measures to protect public safety and health, it’s like people realised it only in the past year.

You could also make a case nightclub licence or alcohol licence is illegal since the government shouldn’t dictate how a business can operate - and yet it is something perfectly normal.

Also, how is this situation different from TSA screening after 9/11 or passing of the Patriot Act?
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Every government on earth has a mandate to take measures to protect public safety and health, it’s like people realised it only in the past year.

How is this situation different from TSA screening after 9/11 or passing of the Patriot Act?

I am, of course, against the Patriot Act as well.

The difference between this and the TSA screenings is that they don't ask you to present your vaccine records during the security check. They are checking for weapons and illegal substances.

Every government has a mandate to ensure the rights and freedoms of their citizens are not infringed, so this is rather the opposite.

Besides, I find it quite hilarious that they went ahead with Freedom Day, but decided to reimpose restrictions in one and a half months from now... If it's not OK in the future, then why is it OK now? Very strange behavior.
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Besides, I find it quite hilarious that they went ahead with Freedom Day, but decided to reimpose restrictions in one and a half months from now... If it's not OK in the future, then why is it OK now? Very strange behavior.
Because Boris Johnson is a fucking idiot and together with illustrious personalities like GW Bush and Trump a living proof you just need to be lucky to be born in the right family to succeed in life, no personal competences are required.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

But remember, 99.7% or whatever of hospitalizations and deaths in the US are among the unvaccinated. This time we should definitely trust the people that have lied to us incessantly.


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But remember, 99.7% or whatever of hospitalizations and deaths in the US are among the unvaccinated. This time we should definitely trust the people that have lied to us incessantly.
UK vaccinated massively with AstraZeneca which is proven to be way less efficient against Delta variant. One of the irony of history would be how Europe dodged the AZ bullet because of risk of blood clots and kept the use of AZ limited.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
First Bitchute sources. Then The Daily Caller (known to publish climate change denial articles, among other anti-science topics, and articles from white supremacists/neo nazis like Peter Brimelow and Jason Kessler). Now disclose.tv, renowned conspiracy theory and anti-science site since about 2011 (if you're unfamiliar with disclose.tv, go ahead and browse their front page for several minutes. It's, uhhh..... something else).

I feel my IQ plummeting with each visit to this thread in recent weeks. I'm out :messenger_grinning_smiling:



First Bitchute sources. Then The Daily Caller (known to publish climate change denial articles, among other anti-science topics, and articles from white supremacists/neo nazis like Peter Brimelow and Jason Kessler). Now disclose.tv, renowned conspiracy theory and anti-science site since about 2011 (if you're unfamiliar with disclose.tv, go ahead and browse their front page for several minutes. It's, uhhh..... something else).

I feel my IQ plummeting with each visit to this thread in recent weeks. I'm out :messenger_grinning_smiling:

You could take two seconds to Google what that tweet had in it to see that it is being reported across all mainstream platforms (which are so much more reliable.....) or even just Google the AAP.....
The below is from an online blog I read.

Israel has one of the highest vaccine-acceptance rates in the world, and started vaccinating its population in earnest earlier than nearly every other country. Yet, according to Israeli figures released over the weekend, infections there have increased by over THIRTY TIMES during the last month. More curiously, hospitalizations — serious cases — are up more than thirteen times in the same period of time.
So, in actual numbers, during June the country was averaging about five hospitalizations per week. Last week there were sixty-eight (68).
While the numbers are still much lower than at Israel’s peak, the trend is in the wrong direction for a country that has vaccinated so many of its citizens. Clearly Israel is entering a new Covid wave, and the emerging hospitalization data strongly suggests that the vaccines are NOT, as the CDC claims, preventing serious cases in any significant way.
The Israeli government has abandoned hope that the vaccines are any kind of Holy Grail or miracle cure for Covid. “Anyone who hoped that vaccines on their own would solve the problem — they won’t,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said at an emergency meeting in Tel Aviv attended by ministers, health officials, national security council members, police and the military.
Bennet explained that, after six months of experience with them, the Israelis still have no idea how much the vaccines help reduce Covid, but the data does not appear to show any measurable helpful effects. “We don’t know exactly to what extent the vaccine helps, but it is significantly less [than expected] … We all hope to see a slowdown, but the facts at the moment are that there isn’t a slowdown — not here and not around the world.”

The SAGE group presented a regular report to the UK government on July 7, and included a point clarifying that it is the LEAKY VACCINES and the vaxx people — not the naturally-immune people — that are the risks for creating more difficult variants. Quoting the report:
> A “Combination of high prevalence and high levels of vaccination creates conditions in which an immune escape variant is most likely to emerge.”

The tiny country of Gibraltar was the most-vaccinated country in the world, having fully vaccinated every single eligible citizen by April. But now, 2.5 months later, Gibraltar has the third highest per-capita rate of Covid infection on Earth. Over 80% of Gilbraltar’s Covid cases over the past two days are in folks who were “fully” vaccinated.
Apparently, 100% vaccination does NOT lead to zero Covid.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
First Bitchute sources. Then The Daily Caller (known to publish climate change denial articles, among other anti-science topics, and articles from white supremacists/neo nazis like Peter Brimelow and Jason Kessler). Now disclose.tv, renowned conspiracy theory and anti-science site since about 2011 (if you're unfamiliar with disclose.tv, go ahead and browse their front page for several minutes. It's, uhhh..... something else).

I feel my IQ plummeting with each visit to this thread in recent weeks. I'm out :messenger_grinning_smiling:


Why would you care about the messenger if primary sources are being cited?


The below is from an online blog I read.

Israel has one of the highest vaccine-acceptance rates in the world, and started vaccinating its population in earnest earlier than nearly every other country. Yet, according to Israeli figures released over the weekend, infections there have increased by over THIRTY TIMES during the last month. More curiously, hospitalizations — serious cases — are up more than thirteen times in the same period of time.
So, in actual numbers, during June the country was averaging about five hospitalizations per week. Last week there were sixty-eight (68).
While the numbers are still much lower than at Israel’s peak, the trend is in the wrong direction for a country that has vaccinated so many of its citizens. Clearly Israel is entering a new Covid wave, and the emerging hospitalization data strongly suggests that the vaccines are NOT, as the CDC claims, preventing serious cases in any significant way.
The Israeli government has abandoned hope that the vaccines are any kind of Holy Grail or miracle cure for Covid. “Anyone who hoped that vaccines on their own would solve the problem — they won’t,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said at an emergency meeting in Tel Aviv attended by ministers, health officials, national security council members, police and the military.
Bennet explained that, after six months of experience with them, the Israelis still have no idea how much the vaccines help reduce Covid, but the data does not appear to show any measurable helpful effects. “We don’t know exactly to what extent the vaccine helps, but it is significantly less [than expected] … We all hope to see a slowdown, but the facts at the moment are that there isn’t a slowdown — not here and not around the world.”

The SAGE group presented a regular report to the UK government on July 7, and included a point clarifying that it is the LEAKY VACCINES and the vaxx people — not the naturally-immune people — that are the risks for creating more difficult variants. Quoting the report:
> A “Combination of high prevalence and high levels of vaccination creates conditions in which an immune escape variant is most likely to emerge.”

The tiny country of Gibraltar was the most-vaccinated country in the world, having fully vaccinated every single eligible citizen by April. But now, 2.5 months later, Gibraltar has the third highest per-capita rate of Covid infection on Earth. Over 80% of Gilbraltar’s Covid cases over the past two days are in folks who were “fully” vaccinated.
Apparently, 100% vaccination does NOT lead to zero Covid.
How long before people finally accept that zero covid is impossible. Yes, vaccines can have their place with the vulnerable and elderly. But it's time to start treating people with traditional methods and repurposed drugs.


I'll go live in the mountains completely secluded from society before I get vaccinated if they even attempt to make it mandatory here. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Went through this it's safe we promise charade with the anthrax vaccine, never again.


Apparently, 100% vaccination does NOT lead to zero Covid.
Who said it will? Does flu vaccine lead to zero flu each year?

I don’t understand why this is some rocket science for people - vaccines both reduce the transmission and prevent more severe cases requiring hospitalisation, that was always the case. The more people are vaccinated the less the number of severe cases so healthcare system can actually cope. If you want pure stupidity look to Australia and their zero-Covid policy, that is some serious LOL stuff.


The below is from an online blog I read.

Israel has one of the highest vaccine-acceptance rates in the world, and started vaccinating its population in earnest earlier than nearly every other country. Yet, according to Israeli figures released over the weekend, infections there have increased by over THIRTY TIMES during the last month. More curiously, hospitalizations — serious cases — are up more than thirteen times in the same period of time.
So, in actual numbers, during June the country was averaging about five hospitalizations per week. Last week there were sixty-eight (68).
While the numbers are still much lower than at Israel’s peak, the trend is in the wrong direction for a country that has vaccinated so many of its citizens. Clearly Israel is entering a new Covid wave, and the emerging hospitalization data strongly suggests that the vaccines are NOT, as the CDC claims, preventing serious cases in any significant way.
The Israeli government has abandoned hope that the vaccines are any kind of Holy Grail or miracle cure for Covid. “Anyone who hoped that vaccines on their own would solve the problem — they won’t,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said at an emergency meeting in Tel Aviv attended by ministers, health officials, national security council members, police and the military.
Bennet explained that, after six months of experience with them, the Israelis still have no idea how much the vaccines help reduce Covid, but the data does not appear to show any measurable helpful effects. “We don’t know exactly to what extent the vaccine helps, but it is significantly less [than expected] … We all hope to see a slowdown, but the facts at the moment are that there isn’t a slowdown — not here and not around the world.”

The SAGE group presented a regular report to the UK government on July 7, and included a point clarifying that it is the LEAKY VACCINES and the vaxx people — not the naturally-immune people — that are the risks for creating more difficult variants. Quoting the report:
> A “Combination of high prevalence and high levels of vaccination creates conditions in which an immune escape variant is most likely to emerge.”

The tiny country of Gibraltar was the most-vaccinated country in the world, having fully vaccinated every single eligible citizen by April. But now, 2.5 months later, Gibraltar has the third highest per-capita rate of Covid infection on Earth. Over 80% of Gilbraltar’s Covid cases over the past two days are in folks who were “fully” vaccinated.
Apparently, 100% vaccination does NOT lead to zero Covid.

Probably right .. in the end life as we know it needs to change to life with it ..

The question is now , how long are you protected to getting serious ill and when does COVID manage to beat vaccines and becomes dangerous again.
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How long before people finally accept that zero covid is impossible. Yes, vaccines can have their place with the vulnerable and elderly. But it's time to start treating people with traditional methods and repurposed drugs.

Prevention and early treatment was never a priority and never will be, despite many studies and reports in the field from front line docs showing how critical it is. If they did the vaccines would have never been able to be approved for EUA.

Even if vaccines are shown to be far from as effective as advertised, they'll just take this opportunity to ramp up boosters and more frequent shots.
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