The below is from an online blog I read.
Israel has one of the highest vaccine-acceptance rates in the world, and started vaccinating its population in earnest earlier than nearly every other country. Yet, according to Israeli figures released over the weekend, infections there have increased by over THIRTY TIMES during the last month. More curiously, hospitalizations — serious cases — are up more than thirteen times in the same period of time.
So, in actual numbers, during June the country was averaging about five hospitalizations per week. Last week there were sixty-eight (68).
While the numbers are still much lower than at Israel’s peak, the trend is in the wrong direction for a country that has vaccinated so many of its citizens. Clearly Israel is entering a new Covid wave, and the emerging hospitalization data strongly suggests that the vaccines are NOT, as the CDC claims, preventing serious cases in any significant way.
The Israeli government has abandoned hope that the vaccines are any kind of Holy Grail or miracle cure for Covid. “Anyone who hoped that vaccines on their own would solve the problem — they won’t,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said at an emergency meeting in Tel Aviv attended by ministers, health officials, national security council members, police and the military.
Bennet explained that, after six months of experience with them, the Israelis still have no idea how much the vaccines help reduce Covid, but the data does not appear to show any measurable helpful effects. “We don’t know exactly to what extent the vaccine helps, but it is significantly less [than expected] … We all hope to see a slowdown, but the facts at the moment are that there isn’t a slowdown — not here and not around the world.”
The SAGE group presented a regular report to the UK government on July 7, and included a point clarifying that it is the LEAKY VACCINES and the vaxx people — not the naturally-immune people — that are the risks for creating more difficult variants. Quoting the report:
> A “Combination of high prevalence and high levels of vaccination creates conditions in which an immune escape variant is most likely to emerge.”
The tiny country of Gibraltar was the most-vaccinated country in the world, having fully vaccinated every single eligible citizen by April. But now, 2.5 months later, Gibraltar has the third highest per-capita rate of Covid infection on Earth. Over 80% of Gilbraltar’s Covid cases over the past two days are in folks who were “fully” vaccinated.
Apparently, 100% vaccination does NOT lead to zero Covid.