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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


CDC can only recommend.

Naturally, the White House will have to give a directive. Unfortunately, this will now become political because they've muddied the waters so hard under the previous administration with "follow the science", that they'll look like hypocrites when a dose of realism is introduced into the economic equation. The WH has been hesitant to make any sort of recommendation for an economy that seems to be functioning at high capacity but with an increasing amount of inflation and no legislative stimulus with which keep workers employed.


Eh, life has a habit of kicking you in the butt ever so often. Had a good day, got my second jab of the Pfizer vaccine.

Then my pop called, is in the hospital with, I think you call it pulmonary edema? Doc's say it's a side effect of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, he's been feeling down ever since he took it, and went in for a checkup, they just straight sent him to the ER.

Hardcore guy, one of those that never has had a sick day off, when we get the flu, he sneezes once and is ok, when we get the parlov virus (winter barfing disease?), we are all puking and pooping all over the place, he farts and asks what is wrong. Wonder if a strong immune system is a issue with the Astrazeneca vaccine.

I hope he pulls through, 78, but nobody on his side in the family has died before 95, would fucking suck if this did him in. Mom has been in the same state of living in life, and she's been coughing alot, so, hope to god, we don't get hit with a double whammy.. Man.


That was not his point. His point wasn’t just that the unvaccinated may contribute to mutation more than the vaccinated. His point was that the vaccinated were not contributing to mutation at all, which is simply false based on all available knowledge of the virus. It is clearly spreading among the vaccinated at some level, albeit less efficiently.

This virus is here to stay. Forever. The sooner we come to grips with that, the better we will all be. Covid is a part of life now. And that’s ok.

I don't see where RoboFu says or implies that. I see only posts from them saying that the unvaccinated are fueling mutations. If you can point out the post that they do, that would be appreciated.

It is true the virus is likely here to stay but it doesn't mean we can't do more to stop it, as is the case with other viruses in our history.

1. We actually don't have any hard evidence that it is "harder" for the vaccinated to become infected. Please share if you do.

2. What's your logic that it would it be likely that an unvaccinated person would be the source of a mutation that is better at infecting the vaccinated? There is precedent for antibody-dependent enhancement and many have been sounding the alarm about it in regards to trying to vaccinate your way out of an ongoing full blown pandemic, although others think it's less likely to occur with a coronaviruses.

1. What do you mean? We have data for breakthrough cases showing how many people did get sick from COVID despite the vaccine. I don't know if this qualifies as hard evidence to you, it does give us an idea of how effective it is, especially when comparing it to infection rates amongst populations that aren't vaccinated. If we're not talking about COVID specifically, we have viruses that have been nearly or already eradicated due to vaccinations. Polio worldwide and Measles in the US are examples of how effective vaccinations are at preventing infections. Granted, I think infection implies getting sick and being able to spread the disease in this case so if that's not the definition we're working under, it might look a little different.

If you're talking about the brass tacks of the actual interaction between created antibodies with viruses and how much protection it provides, I don't have anything on hand for that. I don't even know if we can access to something like that on a general web search.

2. The more chances a virus has to mutate, the better chance a random mutation or multiple mutations piled up can appear that makes it better at infecting a vaccinated person. An individual vaccinated against a certain type of virus generally doesn't get sick from it and thus doesn't produce enough to get others sick. No replications means no copy errors. Unvaccinated individuals don't have that protection so they're a more fertile ground for mutations to occur they not protection against it.

While not COVID, there was a situation with Polio similar to this.

Basic gist of it was they found an outbreak of Polio in 2014 of 445 people amongst unvaccinated people but here's the interesting bit.

To investigate, Christian Drosten, a virologist at the University of Bonn Medical Centre in Germany, together with an international team of researchers, sequenced the virus strain that caused the outbreak. They found a never-before-seen combination of two mutations, both in the proteins of the strain's 'coat', which make it harder for antibodies to stick to the virus. “It’s a virus that can escape the usual level of population immunity that we have,” says Drosten.

Fresh immunity

The team also tested blood samples from volunteers in neighbouring Gabon, where part of the research team is based, as well as from German medical students who had all been vaccinated. Their antibodies were less potent against the Congo strain than against the strain used in the vaccine. The researchers say that 15–29% of the German students would have been essentially unprotected from the 2010 virus.

The good news is that the strain will not cause problems for someone who is newly vaccinated with the oral vaccine. “Fresh immunity caused by a fresh re-vaccination will stop it,” says Drosten.

Remember that Polio is near eradicated in a lot of places but a population of unvaccinated folks caused two mutations like this.

That's not to say that there couldn't be a mutation in vaccinated populations but those breakthrough cases are much fewer in number so there's far fewer chances for it to replicate and then pass it on. There's just more chance for it to go nuts in an unprotected population. If anything, a likely scenario is that some variant appears in the unvaccinated population that can make headway on vaccinated groups then that further mutates from there.

I think this is a slight misunderstanding. All organisms evolve by random mutation. Which is an error in copying the genome. Most mutations are not useful and thus die off. However some are useful, and these stand a higher chance of surviving and passing on the new (mutated) genome. "Biological pressures" are the environment the organism is in. If it's very hostile and survival chances are slim, the only survivors (if any) will be lean & mean. If the environment is hospitable, just about everyone survives, not just badass MF's. The base mutation rate never changes though, there's always a small % chance a mutation will happen each consecutive generation.

When there's a ton of vaccinated people, overall number of mutations will drop dramatically (fewer new generations are born) BUT any especially virulent mutations will have an easier time becoming dominant.
When there's few vaccinated people, there's a lot more mutation and overall sickness and death, but (small upside) any ultra virulent version of the virus will have a tougher time getting a foothold (all of the hosts are already taken)

Unlike a lot of other organisms, viruses need hosts to reproduce. Since mutations occur in the copying of the genome, denying viruses the ability to reproduce removes chances it gets to mutate. More vaccinated people means it has a harder time taking root and replicating which lowers the chances of it spreading and mutating as a result. I don't know much about increases in virulence with vaccines but I'm mostly concerned about spread in any case


You're moving the goal posts Jaysen Jaysen . That's not what you said. Here's your exact quote in case you forgot:

You said anyone, which means you called out black and Hispanic people disproportionately by calling them fucking idiots. GTFO peddling that racist shit.
Yes those people are idiots too. So what? They’re also not the predominant group attempting to influence others to be idiots.


Had my second dose of Pfizer on the weekend. I must have gotten lucky, because I had no side effects at all. First time round I had a slightly arm ache.

Cutting through all of the nonsense, I maintain that once everyone who wants the vaccine has it, then hospitalisation and deaths will be at a manageable level. I don’t think there will be another lockdown in the UK. The current focus seems to be on vaccinated people being able to carry or in rare cases become unwell, but that’s in line with other antibodies, is it not? The immune system isn’t turret defences to stop anything getting in, it’s a hit squad that takes out invaders once it finds them inside the city walls.

I’m waiting for society on a wider scale to start reframing Covid as just another one of the millions of bacteria and viruses that can harm us. I’ll still take a mask out with me in public, especially as it’s needed on public transport for the time being, but with everyone in my household and immediate friend group being double jabbed there’s nothing stopping me going back to normal (bar stated exceptions).


Dude... here's hoping everything goes alright...

Eh, life has a habit of kicking you in the butt ever so often. Had a good day, got my second jab of the Pfizer vaccine.

Then my pop called, is in the hospital with, I think you call it pulmonary edema? Doc's say it's a side effect of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, he's been feeling down ever since he took it, and went in for a checkup, they just straight sent him to the ER.

Hardcore guy, one of those that never has had a sick day off, when we get the flu, he sneezes once and is ok, when we get the parlov virus (winter barfing disease?), we are all puking and pooping all over the place, he farts and asks what is wrong. Wonder if a strong immune system is a issue with the Astrazeneca vaccine.

I hope he pulls through, 78, but nobody on his side in the family has died before 95, would fucking suck if this did him in. Mom has been in the same state of living in life, and she's been coughing alot, so, hope to god, we don't get hit with a double whammy.. Man.


Neo Member
The current focus seems to be on vaccinated people being able to carry or in rare cases become unwell, but that’s in line with other antibodies, is it not? The immune system isn’t turret defences to stop anything getting in, it’s a hit squad that takes out invaders once it finds them inside the city walls.

Being immune doesn't stop the virus from entering your body again. It should stop you from feeling ill though because your immune system should quickly recognise the threat, replicate loads of antibodies and kill it. It shouldn't need to do the "generic" immune responses (like induce a fever, which is your body waging a war of attrition against the virus). Then, when the infection has been taken care of, your body will start to break down the antibodies again because they are no longer needed, leaving you with a low level of them that can be replicated again if you get infected again.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

That is some lazy ass shit, just dropping links like that. Did you even read and understand them? Put in some effort and at least summarize what they are saying and how it constitutes evidence that these vaccines are working to significantly preventing infections, specifically with regard to the currently dominant Delta variant.

I love that. DeBlasio pretty much says, “We tried voluntary. It didn’t work. Now it’s time for involuntary.” So it was never actually voluntary then, was it asshole? It was always with the implicit threat that if people didn’t do what you wanted, you were going to force them.

That would be like saying, you can choose to give me $100 right now or not. But if you choose not to, in a few weeks I’m going to come back with a gun and force you to give me $100. Does that sound voluntary?
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The hysterics are out of fucking control in this country. Cases are basically where they were this time last year. Deaths are way down. COVID-19 is seasonal, the Delta may cause it to spread a bit more, but we've managed to reduce hospitalizations and deaths dramatically and well under a manageable level.




^- due to vaccines

signs people are ready for this to be over

- many friends and acquaintances I know are going away sometime between this long weekend and end of august
- I watch “virtual tourism” content and anything remotely touristy is jammed with people as of about a week or two ago
- getting loads of ads, including on this site for travel (e.g whale watching) and local attractions (e.g. trampolining) etc

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
^- due to vaccines

signs people are ready for this to be over

- many friends and acquaintances I know are going away sometime between this long weekend and end of august
- I watch “virtual tourism” content and anything remotely touristy is jammed with people as of about a week or two ago
- getting loads of ads, including on this site for travel (e.g whale watching) and local attractions (e.g. trampolining) etc

I've never claimed the vaccines do not reduce the risk of hospitalization and death for older people (who were always most at risk and were dying in the largest numbers) to a significant degree.


That is some lazy ass shit, just dropping links like that. Did you even read and understand them? Put in some effort and at least summarize what they are saying and how it constitutes evidence that these vaccines are working to significantly preventing infections, specifically with regard to the currently dominant Delta variant.
The summary of the studies are literally right at the top of the articles. All it requires is to click a link and read a couple of paragraphs.
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The hysterics are out of fucking control in this country. Cases are basically where they were this time last year. Deaths are way down. COVID-19 is seasonal, the Delta may cause it to spread a bit more, but we've managed to reduce hospitalizations and deaths dramatically and well under a manageable level.



Bingo! Non-issue frenzy of fear.


Off-Site Inflammatory Member
You said anyone, which means you called out black and Hispanic people disproportionately by calling them fucking idiots. GTFO peddling that racist shit.


There's no fucking way you're serious. It's not racist to say "These people are morons for not getting the vaccine" -- Even though the group is largely black/hispanic he's not singling out any race, or even hinting at a race. You GTFO with the reeee shit.



There's no fucking way you're serious. It's not racist to say "These people are morons for not getting the vaccine" -- Even though the group is largely black/hispanic he's not singling out any race, or even hinting at a race. You GTFO with the reeee shit.

Was thinking this exactly. That is reaching so hard and isn't what he meant AT ALL.


Was kind of disappointed to learn he wasn't just some random dude off the street. Still, no lies detected.
Not sure about this as applying at all in or across Canada due to the high vaccination rates. In BC things are still moving forward re-opening. Some local service industry businesses closed on their own over becoming hotspots recently. Not government enforced. It's pretty capitalist part of Canada and since a lot of people know each other or have multiple businesses in these industries they don't want hotspots to force gov to shut down all so a few take the hit for many.

Vaccine uptake is pretty good in BC too. Think it's around 80/60% 1st/2nd dose for eligible.

There was an interesting article on vaccine hesitancy that humanized their struggle. Well, not antivaxxer knuckleheads that try to drag others down with them.

One of the standout quotes :

the vast majority of Canadians are not diametrically opposed to vaccines. In fact, fewer than 2 per cent of Canadian parents refuse childhood shots for their kids.
is encouraging that Canadian parents are more likely to listen to their medical professional than some loudmouth dumbass trying to shame them into not vaxxing by calling them dummies. lol

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
New CA lockdown coming. Newsom is already bracing people for it:

"Projections are sobering"

I wonder if their projection models include data from how the Delta wave played out in India and the UK. Gotta love the language they use, "roughly eight times the rate from four weeks ago!" Panic, Fear, Despair! Let's not mention that such a number is not even 20% of the winter peaks the state saw and that deaths are currently around 4% of those same peaks.
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That’s COVID, after more than 1,5 years you should think governments know how to keep the beast at bay ..

First it looks like you can ease , it than builds in the population and than pop a lock down 🤣🤡

Instead of a laying it save and keep basic stuff like masks and distance and some crowd control .
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Gold Member
"Projections are sobering"

I wonder if their projection models include data from how the Delta wave played out in India and the UK. Gotta love the language they use, "roughly eight times the rate from four weeks ago!" Panic, Fear, Despair! Let's not mention that such a number is not even 20% of the winter peaks the state saw and that deaths are currently around 4% of those same peaks.
I kind of hope he is dumb enough to issue a new mask mandate or lockdown. Would be fun to see how fast the new Governor reverses it in September.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I kind of hope he is dumb enough to issue a new mask mandate or lockdown. Would be fun to see how fast Governor Larry Elder reverses it in September.

As a huge fan of Larry Elder, I would absolutely love to see him as governor, but I just don't see it happening in a place like California. I hope I'm wrong.


Gold Member
As a huge fan of Larry Elder, I would absolutely love to see him as governor, but I just don't see it happening in a place like California. I hope I'm wrong.
The point is he’s facing a recall and if he issues a new mask mandate or tried to lockdown the stare again he’s toast. I think he’s dumb and arrogant enough to try to.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That’s COVID, after more than 1,5 years you should think governments know how to keep the beast at bay ..

First it looks like you can ease , it than builds in the population and than pop a lock down 🤣🤡

Instead of a laying it save and keep basic stuff like masks and distance and some crowd control .

Nah, plenty of countries have high mask adherence and social distancing stuff, but still get ravaged. Strict lockdowns are the only proven control method, but even crazy-ass Australia seems to be losing control a bit lately.
So just to be clear about this Delta variant nonsense. The UK had a spike. It peaked a week ago at an average of 47000 cases a day. In the following week cases have dropped to 32,000. That’s roughly a decrease of 1/3 in a week.

In past waves the UK peak in reported deaths has followed the peak in cases by about 2 weeks. Right now they are averaging 64 deaths per day. Let’s say that triples this week to 192. In January they averaged over 1200 deaths a day for about a week. So even if deaths triple between now and their peak, you’re looking at 1/6 the death. That is not a public health emergency. And everything is open in the UK, yet cases are falling still.

Whatever is going on the US right now, it isn’t about good public health policy. All I can tell you is I’m not putting the mask back on when I go out in public. I’m not putting them on my kids. I had friends and relatives that basically never wore masks. My family played along. Not this time.
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The hysterics are out of fucking control in this country. Cases are basically where they were this time last year. Deaths are way down. COVID-19 is seasonal, the Delta may cause it to spread a bit more, but we've managed to reduce hospitalizations and deaths dramatically and well under a manageable level.


This chart is the only one you need to show why all mask mandates, social distancing, and lockdowns as well as talk of mandatory vaccines need to end everywhere immediately. If people aren't dying from it any more than the flu (which wasn't true in January, but is now) then let's get back to normal. Not new normal, but NORMAL normal. Like it was before COVID.


Indoor mask mandate returned locally 30min ago due to Delta outbreak spreading into the province from the area. At press conference it was noted that deaths and hospitalizations are still low. No other measures enacted. Non-essential travel not recommended if unvaccinated.
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