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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Feels like we're in this weird limbo/uncanny valley socially ATM. We were watching the news at dinner break at my job tonight and we all noticed how even individual news items sort of seem to contradict each other. There was one special feature where they were interviewing a stand up comedian about his life during lockdown, and it had a clear "that's all behind us now" vibe to it. While other news items are still more on the "we are in danger" train.


Jesus christ this thread is like an insane asylum. I just click for GameAnalyst's updates.

Life has been normal here in Mexico the past 11 months.

I arrived at an airbnb. The host was a young 30s mom of 3 kids. When she noticed I wasn't wearing a mask she threw hers off and said "Good I can take this mask thing off". We went on to talk about how horrible the media has been about covid.
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What I get out of the CDC announcement is that unvaccinated are spreading the delta variant as much as the unvaccinated. In other words, the vaccine doesn't work. It IS deadly though. The vaccine has killed more people than any vaccine in history. So it is deadly, it doesn't work, and yet it is being pushed on us all to take it.

Federal workers and students must take it and if we fall into exemptions, we have to fall in for strict testing. This follows the news last week of Soros and Gates buying the testing company. So don't believe for a second that these things aren't connected. This is probably how they will go after those of us who will refuse the jab. They'll stick poison up our nose instead. They'll get us all one way or another.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What I get out of the CDC announcement is that unvaccinated are spreading the delta variant as much as the unvaccinated. In other words, the vaccine doesn't work. It IS deadly though. The vaccine has killed more people than any vaccine in history. So it is deadly, it doesn't work, and yet it is being pushed on us all to take it.

Federal workers and students must take it and if we fall into exemptions, we have to fall in for strict testing. This follows the news last week of Soros and Gates buying the testing company. So don't believe for a second that these things aren't connected. This is probably how they will go after those of us who will refuse the jab. They'll stick poison up our nose instead. They'll get us all one way or another.

They vaccines deployed in the west have demonstrated significant effectiveness at reducing risk of hospitalization and death in the elderly (clear difference in outcomes between the vaccinated and unvaccinated in the same age group), so I don't think it's accurate at all to say that it just doesn't work.
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They vaccines deployed in the west have demonstrated significant effectiveness at reducing risk of hospitalization and death in the elderly (clear difference in outcomes between the vaccinated and unvaccinated in the same age group), so I don't think it's accurate at all to say that it just doesn't work.

They also increase risk of hospitalization in the young. Yet all this rhetoric and anger against the unvaccinated, acting like we're the reason for variants developing, and now they're admitting the vaxed are spreading it just as much.
What I find strange is how this whole thing is very clearly being used as another method of divide and conquer but no one seems to notice. Humans and our tribalism always getting exploited in different ways.

I don't want to get political because I like it here, but if you look at the last couple years (especially in the states) the clear direction everything is going in involves vilifying your neighbor.


They also increase risk of hospitalization in the young. Yet all this rhetoric and anger against the unvaccinated, acting like we're the reason for variants developing, and now they're admitting the vaxed are spreading it just as much.
I haven't heard the risk increase of hospitalization in young people, do you mind sharing where this info came from?


Federal workers and students must take it and if we fall into exemptions, we have to fall in for strict testing. This follows the news last week of Soros and Gates buying the testing company. So don't believe for a second that these things aren't connected. This is probably how they will go after those of us who will refuse the jab. They'll stick poison up our nose instead. They'll get us all one way or another.

Yeah it's definitely all connected. People sitting in regulatory positions in the NIH and FDA, who blocked viable therapeutics for covid, either have ownership in Moderna/Pfizer patents or now outright joined those companies. The conflict of interest is everywhere.


Feels like we're in this weird limbo/uncanny valley socially ATM. We were watching the news at dinner break at my job tonight and we all noticed how even individual news items sort of seem to contradict each other. There was one special feature where they were interviewing a stand up comedian about his life during lockdown, and it had a clear "that's all behind us now" vibe to it. While other news items are still more on the "we are in danger" train.

You know things are cray when the Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research's lastest podcast gets canceled due to “medical misinformation.” lol



So just to be clear about this Delta variant nonsense. The UK had a spike. It peaked a week ago at an average of 47000 cases a day. In the following week cases have dropped to 32,000. That’s roughly a decrease of 1/3 in a week.

In past waves the UK peak in reported deaths has followed the peak in cases by about 2 weeks. Right now they are averaging 64 deaths per day. Let’s say that triples this week to 192. In January they averaged over 1200 deaths a day for about a week. So even if deaths triple between now and their peak, you’re looking at 1/6 the death. That is not a public health emergency. And everything is open in the UK, yet cases are falling still.

Yep. Vaccines work. I may have repeated this a few times. I can’t quite remember.


Concerning comments from Malone on yesterday's news of vaccines viral load and waning protection. "Signs of ADE are happening"

New CA lockdown coming. Newsom is already bracing people for it:

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Sure doesn't help that they basically implemented a "don't ask, don't tell" policy for vaccinated people back in May.

It is interesting to see even the mainstream liberal media criticize this latest CDC course reversal, though.
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Sure doesn't help that they basically implemented a "don't ask, don't tell" policy for vaccinated people back in May.

It is interesting to see even the mainstream liberal media criticize this latest CDC course reversal, though.
Shits going to get wild. Too many people know too many people who had covid and it was no big deal for most of them, and now the people who were scared a year ago followed all the rules and got the vaccine but 3-4 months later they’re trying to put the clamps on again? The resistance to restrictions this time around will be bigger. Way bigger.


Shits going to get wild. Too many people know too many people who had covid and it was no big deal for most of them, and now the people who were scared a year ago followed all the rules and got the vaccine but 3-4 months later they’re trying to put the clamps on again? The resistance to restrictions this time around will be bigger. Way bigger.
Yep. My wife was very much in the camp of masking and doing everything we were asked to do last year. She is a nurse and has a medical background and felt like what we were doing made sense through flu season. We butted heads on covid. She doesn't really follow the news and gets what little news she does get from buzz feed. But around April her tune changed on covid. We are both are vaccinated. She

Her mindset at this point is that the vaccine is out there. We made it through flu season. Time to move forward, keep an eye on it but that universal masking and lockdowns don't make sense at this point. She has no desire to continue to do any of this any longer.


Based NB governor

“The CDC’s new guidance suggesting that vaccinated people wear masks indoors flies in the face of the public health goals that should guide the agency’s decision making,” Ricketts said. “The CDC announcement only furthers the distrust many have with the CDC and does not help to encourage more people to get the vaccines that are helping bring the pandemic to a conclusion. The State of Nebraska will not be adopting their mask guidance.”

“Furthermore, I will reiterate my expectations for schools and universities in the fall. Schools should convene in person without mask or vaccine requirements,” Ricketts said.


They also increase risk of hospitalization in the young. Yet all this rhetoric and anger against the unvaccinated, acting like we're the reason for variants developing, and now they're admitting the vaxed are spreading it just as much.

Where do you think the vaxxed people are getting it from guy?


The vaccines appear very effective. We can talk to people about getting them. I’ve talked to family members a bit. I have the benefit of seeing the impact of the vaccines at the hospital, so that helps. But I don’t berate people. If they listen to me and still don’t want the shots, so be it. I hope they’ll be fine, and statistically speaking, they likely will be. And if not, I can live with that too. That’s life.

This is getting exhausting…unfortunately in a global pandemic ‘so be it’ doesn’t cut it, you are not the only one bearing the consequences of your actions.

At some point you have to stop with the carrot and pull out the stick, which is what governments around the world are doing - people had ample time to ‘ask questions’, ‘do research’, ‘educate themselves’ - if you still do not want to get vaccinated you are sitting on your ass at home.


Based NB governor
Governor is an idiot, then again it’s Nebraska…
In France they are adopting an interesting system - starting from college if there is a Covid case in class the vaccinated students can continue to come to class, the unvaccinated need to learn via remote.

Also ridiculous how the UN decried two days ago schools should be the last to close and the first to open - where were they last year? I’m glad France was one of the countries very strict on keeping the schools open as much as possible.


Had my second dose of Pfizer on the weekend. I must have gotten lucky, because I had no side effects at all. First time round I had a slightly arm ache.

Cutting through all of the nonsense, I maintain that once everyone who wants the vaccine has it, then hospitalisation and deaths will be at a manageable level. I don’t think there will be another lockdown in the UK. The current focus seems to be on vaccinated people being able to carry or in rare cases become unwell, but that’s in line with other antibodies, is it not? The immune system isn’t turret defences to stop anything getting in, it’s a hit squad that takes out invaders once it finds them inside the city walls.

I’m waiting for society on a wider scale to start reframing Covid as just another one of the millions of bacteria and viruses that can harm us. I’ll still take a mask out with me in public, especially as it’s needed on public transport for the time being, but with everyone in my household and immediate friend group being double jabbed there’s nothing stopping me going back to normal (bar stated exceptions).

I'm currently on a train in London and there's only 2 people in my section of the carriage wearing masks, I don't think it's mandatory any more, not that it ever really was.


This is getting exhausting…unfortunately in a global pandemic ‘so be it’ doesn’t cut it, you are not the only one bearing the consequences of your actions.

At some point you have to stop with the carrot and pull out the stick, which is what governments around the world are doing - people had ample time to ‘ask questions’, ‘do research’, ‘educate themselves’ - if you still do not want to get vaccinated you are sitting on your ass at home.

Imagine the consequences if an as yet unknown side effect of the vaccine is all females become sterile...


Imagine the consequences if an as yet unknown side effect of the vaccine is all females become sterile...
Imagine if you go through life being terrified of everything. What evidence you need? 5, 10, 15 years of data? Why not 3 or 8? Why not 20? Maybe the data needs to come from a very specific laboratory that you find trustworthy?

See? We can go on forever like this.

At the end - you are not obligated to take the vaccine. But do not expect you will profit from the same as the vaccinated.
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I'm currently on a train in London and there's only 2 people in my section of the carriage wearing masks, I don't think it's mandatory any more, not that it ever really was.
I don’t follow it much, I only take a train once every month or two so it could easily have changed now. Last time I was on (going between towns) they had someone walk up and down doing checks and enforcing mask wearing.
Imagine the consequences if an as yet unknown side effect of the vaccine is all females become sterile...
That’s the main reason one of my friends, who has just had her first, is sceptical. Understandable, but I don’t know if there’s ever been precedent to think that’s a possibility. I was under the impression that vaccines just feed an impotent dose of a virus to train your immune system so that you don’t have to go through the initial illness to fight it off.

Anyone know if a vaccine has been known to cause infertility? I know there have been bad vaccines in the past, but isn’t that why we have so many layers of phased testing and other regulations?


Oh look. AZ no different to Pfizer in terms of serious side effects.

What a bang up job politicians and anti-vaxxers have done convincing people it was more ’dangerous’ than Pfizer.


Imagine if you go through life being terrified of everything. What evidence you need? 5, 10, 15 years of data? Why not 3 or 8? Why not 20? Maybe the data needs to come from a very specific laboratory that you find trustworthy?

See? We can go on forever like this.

At the end - you are not obligated to take the vaccine. But do not expect you will profit from the same as the vaccinated.

How did you get from a hypothetical situation to me going through life scared of everything? 😂

By the that last statement you have well and truly picked out a nice brown shirt to wear, jeepers 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


How did you get from a hypothetical situation to me going through life scared of everything? 😂

Except your hypothesis is based on nothing more than the contents of your brain, because there is no data to even begin to suggest that the vaccine could in any way ever cause infertility.

You might as well be worried about the vaccine making your head fall off. Therefore you're just scaring yourself thinking that these things might be possible, when they are comprehensively not.

Also, I've been on public transport a fair bit in London, and a majority of people seem to still be wearing masks. Where were you going?


Oh look. AZ no different to Pfizer in terms of serious side effects.

What a bang up job politicians and anti-vaxxers have done convincing people it was more ’dangerous’ than Pfizer.

What the world showed me , they have no fucking clue about what / how / why with this virus … it’s all pragmatic.. and it’s handled poorly.

From the start the WHO was lagging for example .. and the pile of shit just kept growing .
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Except your hypothesis is based on nothing more than the contents of your brain, because there is no data to even begin to suggest that the vaccine could in any way ever cause infertility.

You might as well be worried about the vaccine making your head fall off. Therefore you're just scaring yourself thinking that these things might be possible, when they are comprehensively not.

Also, I've been on public transport a fair bit in London, and a majority of people seem to still be wearing masks. Where were you going?
To London, i commute every day.

The above situation, is not from my head, its from scientists as an argument against population wide vaccination


95% of the cases in the outbreak that caused the indoor mask mandate return in my area weren't fully vaxxed according to health officer for the region. 20/75 partial/non if conforms to provincial numbers for covid hospitalizations from a few days ago.

It's difficult to say with certainty but maybe should have kept the mask mandate for another month or two if there's still too many un-/not fully vaxxed which could potentially overwhelm health resources in an outbreak. Then again, new data to decisions that were based off models changes things. Rationale, but people are habitual.

All this comes with news of a bunch of new pop up vaxx clinics planned for the area. They don't want things potentially getting worse and closing things down for longer. Especially all that touristy money and casino. Don't feel too bad for the hotels though. Their rates are almost an order of magnitude over normal.


Neo Member
That’s the main reason one of my friends, who has just had her first, is sceptical. Understandable, but I don’t know if there’s ever been precedent to think that’s a possibility. I was under the impression that vaccines just feed an impotent dose of a virus to train your immune system so that you don’t have to go through the initial illness to fight it off.

Anyone know if a vaccine has been known to cause infertility? I know there have been bad vaccines in the past, but isn’t that why we have so many layers of phased testing and other regulations?

That is how a normal vaccine works but the COVID ones are completely different. The mRNA is injected, it is moved into your own cells and your cells create the spike protein according to the coding in the mRNA. The spike protein will then stick out from your cells and your immune system will detect it and attack it. I am almost certain that this kills your own cells as well because they will look like foreign objects to your immune system.

As for safety, I haven't been able to find details of how long your cells produce the spike protein, is the spike protein on its own harmless, if it is all localised around the injection site or if the mRNA or spike protein gets moved around your body (like to the heart, brain, ovaries etc.). The human body is insanely complicated and there is so much that we don't know so a treatment that utilizes new tech/methods really shouldn't be rushed. Personally, I would have preferred them to do more research and longer clinical trials before releasing the vaccine.


Oh look. AZ no different to Pfizer in terms of serious side effects.

What a bang up job politicians and anti-vaxxers have done convincing people it was more ’dangerous’ than Pfizer.

I don't know that this is the best summary of what happened. AZ got taken off the market here in the Netherlands very early, in fact it was one day after I had my first jab with it, some time early april. At the time the vaxx vs anti vax wasn't as salient as it is now, because most people that wanted a vaccine still hadn't had one. Also the politicians that pulled it are otherwise very much promoting vaccination, so the definition of 'antivax' used here is a bit broad perhaps?


That is how a normal vaccine works but the COVID ones are completely different. The mRNA is injected, it is moved into your own cells and your cells create the spike protein according to the coding in the mRNA. The spike protein will then stick out from your cells and your immune system will detect it and attack it. I am almost certain that this kills your own cells as well because they will look like foreign objects to your immune system.

As for safety, I haven't been able to find details of how long your cells produce the spike protein, is the spike protein on its own harmless, if it is all localised around the injection site or if the mRNA or spike protein gets moved around your body (like to the heart, brain, ovaries etc.). The human body is insanely complicated and there is so much that we don't know so a treatment that utilizes new tech/methods really shouldn't be rushed. Personally, I would have preferred them to do more research and longer clinical trials before releasing the vaccine.
True , normally they study vaccines 5 - 10 years ..

But hey fast ! Economy must recover .. anyway it’s a endless loop , that’s what’s it’s gonna look like , now there are studies that after a year Pfizer is 50% less effective..

It’s just a waiting game now for a version of COVID that is evading vaccines. For us humans it’s wise to look how we can live differently..

With some measures in place but that’s my opinion.
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This is getting exhausting…unfortunately in a global pandemic ‘so be it’ doesn’t cut it, you are not the only one bearing the consequences of your actions.

At some point you have to stop with the carrot and pull out the stick, which is what governments around the world are doing - people had ample time to ‘ask questions’, ‘do research’, ‘educate themselves’ - if you still do not want to get vaccinated you are sitting on your ass at home.
Look, you’re an authoritarian. It’s pretty simple. You can justify it with whatever rationale makes that more palatable to you, just like all authoritarians do. But you are what you are at this point.

Forcing healthy people who won’t take a medicine into their homes is grotesque. It’s literally a step away from quarantining them at a separate facility… like a camp. To concentration them… I’m sure you’ll think that’s a ridiculous. But I think everyone here sees the road your traveling down with your rhetoric.

The vaccine isnt mandated in the UK. They had their spike, barely anyone died and they’ve been getting along fine with things open. The vaccines work for the people who get them. Adoption has been high enough without the “stick” that the wider societal impacts of the virus have been blunted. The people who don’t get the vaccine will reap whatever consequences life throws at them.
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Gold Member
Governor is an idiot, then again it’s Nebraska…
In France they are adopting an interesting system - starting from college if there is a Covid case in class the vaccinated students can continue to come to class, the unvaccinated need to learn via remote.

Also ridiculous how the UN decried two days ago schools should be the last to close and the first to open - where were they last year? I’m glad France was one of the countries very strict on keeping the schools open as much as possible.

Interesting as in "interesting to see how fascist our leaders can get?" i suppose...

What happens if the first covid case is found among the vaccinated people?
Will he still be able to come to class even though he's responsible fro the outbreak?
What if the unvaccinated kid has dumb anti vax parents? He must be punished for it?
Instead of trying to help him you just let him full time with his dangerous guardians?
I take the metro everyday with fucked up dirty people with no mask, 100 peoples in each car and no one bat an eye, but we need to punish children for something they cannot do anything about?
Deux poids deux mesures is never good. There's always a time when you are the one getting fucked.
Macron is a wimpy fascist so there's really no surprise he pulled a policy of that kind from his loose anus, but anyone with sense should see the slippery slope we are taking with this crap.


Look, you’re an authoritarian. It’s pretty simple. You can justify it with whatever rationale makes that more palatable to you, just like all authoritarians do. But you are what you are at this point.

Forcing healthy people who won’t take a medicine into their homes is grotesque. It’s literally a step away from quarantining them at a separate facility… like a camp. To concentration them… I’m sure you’ll think that’s a ridiculous. But I think everyone here sees the road your traveling down with your rhetoric.

The vaccine isnt mandated in the UK. They had their spike, barely anyone died and they’ve been getting along fine with things open. The vaccines work for the people who get them. Adoption has been high enough without the “stick” that to wider societal impacts of the virus have been blunted. The people who don’t get the vaccine will reap whatever consequences life throws at them.
It’s to early to say the UK is out of the clear , as numbers are rising and less people test or are abroad .. we will see how things go when we approach fall.


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