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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Gold Member
Are you trolling? You must be. Because you couldn’t possibly be dumb enough to actually think this.

Five seconds of Googling:

“Primary varicella occurs in all countries worldwide. In 2015 chickenpox resulted in 6,400 deaths globally – down from 8,900 in 1990.[6] There were 7,000 deaths in 2013.[14]


4.1 million deaths so far from Covid.


Go stick your head in a bin and give it a wash, you big fruitcake.
To be faaaiiiir, we have a vaccine for chickenpox plus it is far less deadly for children than adults (hence the chicken pox parties for kids), so looking at todays numbers of chicken pox versus covid is not an apples to apples comparison.
To be faaaiiiir, we have a vaccine for chickenpox plus it is far less deadly for children than adults (hence the chicken pox parties for kids), so looking at todays numbers of chicken pox versus covid is not an apples to apples comparison.

I just don't trust a vaccine that came out in such a short period of time, and I think realistically we won't know of long term side effects for decades, so I'll take my chances and do nothing.
Famous last words.

I'm trying to save humanity actually. I believe if you can mandate vaccines in less than 100 years we will mandate gene therapy and this will result in a political fight over the genes to be mandated, and the end result will be a non-viable humanity.

If you take the Fermi-paradox at face value it seems likely that technological innovation plays a role in the great filter. It's not even about whether or not the vaccine works, it's about whether or not you like freedom and what the negative results of restricting it might be.


Gold Member
I'm trying to save humanity actually. I believe if you can mandate vaccines in less than 100 years we will mandate gene therapy and this will result in a political fight over the genes to be mandated, and the end result will be a non-viable humanity.
Always Sunny Reaction GIF


Where are all the state-loving regulation-following morons now? You guys love this new trend of enforcing mask mandates even though we've had the vaccine for months now? Even in cities that have well over 50% vaccinated? ESPECIALLY in cities that have had the harshest lockdowns? I mean, it must feel horrible knowing everything they've been saying has been a massive con. (again, I am not anti-vax. I encourage people to get it if they feel it would help) but the bullshit politics is going to cost them. At some point the vast majority of Americans will begin to ignore them. Or they'll protest. A real protest, not the bullshit we saw over the summer or on Jan 6. One where the politicians are going to fear for the jobs.


Covid is happening … maybe you heard about it? Started about 1,5 years ago ..

Not to be a complete jack ass .. but yeah ..

Low vaccination rate together with delta .. disaster in the making. China jumps on even lower numbers .. if you let it spread you are even more fucked.

And those are the numbers you see, sometimes it’s a factor 2 - 5, sometimes higher that you don’t see..

For example at our peak we had 11k infections a day but it , so 70k a week while there where estimated 180k infections running around .

And before none knew , we had 240k infected running around with only 2 , 3 k official.. there are a lot of people spreading without symptoms or knowing they have it..

And if you do t have a system in place to handle or see these infections.. it gonna blow up in your face and overwhelm healthcare ..

Rinse repeat = covid
Not to mention, there are ZERO consequences for bringing in miltary, harsh lockdowns, forced quarantines, closing down businesses. I mean ZERO consequences. It's totally harmless. Don't pay attention to that soldier dude with the M16. Those bullets are rubber. Honest.




They’re going to have to sew a mask on my face. I’m not doing it anymore.
I've been with you mostly through this thread but I don't know if masks are a hill you should want to die on. I'd recommend you listen to the Eric Weinstein interview I posted, he talks pretty frankly about having taken the vaccine without actually trusting J&J, the fuckery around masks and what it's done to public confidence in the leadership etc etc. There was a lot of wisdom in his words I thought.
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I've been with you mostly through this thread but I don't know if masks are a hill you should want to die on. I'd recommend you listen to the Eric Weinstein interview I posted, he talks pretty frankly about having taken the vaccine without actually trusting J&J, the fuckery around masks and what it's done to public confidence in the leadership etc etc. There was a lot of wisdom in his words I thought.
I simply don’t care. I was never at high risk from the virus. I’m at even less now, fully vaccinated. I’m simply not going to do it anymore. I wear one at work because that’s the job. I won’t be wearing one in public again. I know a bunch of people that didn’t wear them the entire pandemic. I played along as long for as long as I could. But I’m done now.

They don’t release their data behind the mask bullshit, and at this point, I don’t trust them enough to believe whatever data they are likely to release. If they have the data to make the decision, why delay its release by one more second? Just because? It’s a damn joke. It’s purposefully obfuscating the rationale behind the decisions they are making for no good reason.

I have zero faith in the public health officials at this point. None. They have been wrong or lied too many times. I’m not wearing a fucking mask just because they tell me to. Fuck that. Either the vaccine will keep me safe or it won’t. Either way, I am finished just going along. Enough.


I simply don’t care. I was never at high risk from the virus. I’m at even less now, fully vaccinated. I’m simply not going to do it anymore. I wear one at work because that’s the job. I won’t be wearing one in public again. I know a bunch of people that didn’t wear them the entire pandemic. I played along as long for as long as I could. But I’m done now.

They don’t release their data behind the mask bullshit, and at this point, I don’t trust them enough to believe whatever data they are likely to release. If they have the data to make the decision, why delay its release by one more second? Just because? It’s a damn joke. It’s purposefully obfuscating the rationale behind the decisions they are making for no good reason.

I have zero faith in the public health officials at this point. None. They have been wrong or lied too many times. I’m not wearing a fucking mask just because they tell me to. Fuck that. Either the vaccine will keep me safe or it won’t. Either way, I am finished just going along. Enough.

OKOK, never mind, didn't mean to trigger you

when times are tough and I have the feeling the man is putting his boot on me, I listen to this track, and I usually feel a bit better:

OKOK, never mind, didn't mean to trigger you

when times are tough and I have the feeling the man is putting his boot on me, I listen to this track, and I usually feel a bit better:

I’m not attacking you. Sorry if it came off that way. But I’m done playing along with this nonsense. The more we play along, the longer this goes on. Get the vaccine. Once you do that, your personal pandemic is over.

The vaccines either work or they don’t. And they appear to work very well based on everything I’ve personally seen in the community and hospital I live and work in. I’m not going to ignore what I have experienced because some hack at the CDC wherever else changed their mind this week once cases went up. Especially when they won’t even say what they’re using to justify this bullshit. I’m done being jerked around like that. It’s insulting. They are desperate to look like they’re doing something about the rise in cases. I’m not playing this game anymore. This is not science.
Am I missing something, why is there a concern over wearing masks? We have been doing it for a year so far. Seriously what am I missing, what is the big deal?

1: People were told if they got the vaccine they could take off the mask. Now they are being told that isn't the case.

2: It's dehumanizing.

3: Wearing a mask is the opposite of traditional American values, and culture. If you let this persist for long enough it will erode the good parts of American culture, and all you will have left is the greed and the backstabbing. It's much easier to attack someone, to dehumanize them, to lie to them, all deception, cruelty, malice, it's all easier with a mask on your face and that of the other person. You know who wears masks? Bandits, bank robbers, anyone up to no good.


If I die without the vaccine I die free. If I die with it, I am nothing more than a slave of the empire. The shame I would feel after I got the vaccine would make life not worth living.

Making what I believe to be the correct moral and philosophical decision is more important than living.
Ummmm if you die with it, I dont think you'll have to worry about life not being worth living anymore.

1: People were told if they got the vaccine they could take off the mask. Now they are being told that isn't the case.

2: It's dehumanizing.

3: Wearing a mask is the opposite of traditional American values, and culture. If you let this persist for long enough it will erode the good parts of American culture, and all you will have left is the greed and the backstabbing. It's much easier to attack someone, to dehumanize them, to lie to them, all deception, cruelty, malice, it's all easier with a mask on your face and that of the other person. You know who wears masks? Bandits, bank robbers, anyone up to no good.
1. Because the virus mutated. Something that was said could happen for months, that is, if not enough people got vaccinated. Well.... not enough people got vaccinated.

2. Dehumanizing? Whats more Dehumanizing than a disease that we've seen can reduce you into a mound of flesh on an a medical bed with a thousand tunes jammed inside if you helping you breathe?

3. Ya know who else wears a mask? Miners who gather importsnt resources. Nurses and doctors and surgeons who save millions every day. Military soldiers, heroes where there may be a risk of toxic fumes or unhealthy pathogens. Painters who make our houses and buildings and places of business prettier. Id say masks have had a place in "traditional American values" for the last century or two.
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I wonder is there any studies of long term breathing in of mask fibre? :messenger_confounded:
Who knows, maybe take a look to Japan's , China and Korea urban population ? There doesn't seem to be any fucks given about wearing a mask.
Masks are even fashion accessories.

I think that real masks, the ones that actually filter and could protect the wearer are not recommended for people with respiratory conditions.
1: People were told if they got the vaccine they could take off the mask. Now they are being told that isn't the case.

2: It's dehumanizing.

3: Wearing a mask is the opposite of traditional American values, and culture. If you let this persist for long enough it will erode the good parts of American culture, and all you will have left is the greed and the backstabbing. It's much easier to attack someone, to dehumanize them, to lie to them, all deception, cruelty, malice, it's all easier with a mask on your face and that of the other person. You know who wears masks? Bandits, bank robbers, anyone up to no good.
I definitely get that once we get vaccinated we wouldn't have to wear masks but or not even 50% as a country where I'm at or at least at my work we have masked since he began having stopped at all even with 70 percent of the people that I work with getting vaccinated even the boss is vaccinated and he wearsthe mask as well. I think we have to wait until we get to the 80% vaccinated before we can have a full-on permanent no more masks would just not there yet.

How is a dehumanizing?

What are the good parts of American culture that this is a eroding?


I’m done as well. Eff that. I played along, wore the mask, got the vaccine. Chances of me being hospitalized are close to zero.
Now they want to say “put a mask on even if vaccinated without a lick of science to back that up?”
Eff off cdc. And worse? I’m not alone… including states. They lost even more credibility than they already had with this nonsense.

Im done. And so are many other people (left and right)
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Truth is, if pharma industry would have released an inactivated virus vaccine there would be no hesitancy at all.

But someone figured that hey, we’re getting emergency authorization so we can’t be sued… sounds like a good opportunity to get data on this new mRNA tech.


Simps for Amouranth
1: People were told if they got the vaccine they could take off the mask. Now they are being told that isn't the case.

Aye additional data is a beautiful thing, that's why science constantly evolves and stupid people stay the same

2: It's dehumanizing.

How in the fuck is it dehumanising, it's just covering your nose and mouth, it's not like you're wearing a burka and you only wear it inside when in public

3: Wearing a mask is the opposite of traditional American values, and culture. If you let this persist for long enough it will erode the good parts of American culture, and all you will have left is the greed and the backstabbing. It's much easier to attack someone, to dehumanize them, to lie to them, all deception, cruelty, malice, it's all easier with a mask on your face and that of the other person. You know who wears masks? Bandits, bank robbers, anyone up to no good.

Is that not American culture?
Truth is, if pharma industry would have released an inactivated virus vaccine there would be no hesitancy at all.

But someone figured that hey, we’re getting emergency authorization so we can’t be sued… sounds like a good opportunity to get data on this new mRNA tech.
That’s ridiculous. of course there would be hesitancy. Selfish cowards find a way. Conspiracy theorists find a way.

‘someone’? You don’t just flip a switch in your lab. Thank god the research was done that led them to be able to create this so insanely quickly.


Sorry for replying to myself, but I'm reading through this and it's really interesting that this clinical trial, which I understand to be the basis for the Emergency Use Authorizations, actually does not show any benefit in mortality between the vaccine group and the placebo group during the double blind period or after.

Am I misunderstanding something with these numbers?

Now, I am not trying to say that vaccines are doing nothing to reduce death, but this is the clinical trial that got them Emergency Use Authorization, isn't it?
The deaths are across the total population, and only 3.8% of those given a placebo contracted COVID. With an IFR of 0.5%, you would expect only 4 extra deaths in the placebo group, which could be swallowed up by variations in overall death rates across the two populations.


I'm surprised that no country has advertised weight loss yet. Regardless of age, there are now several data and studies that show that 70-80% of hospitalizations are people with excess weight. In addition, there are other general health factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes and some more, which can occur independently of obesity. For 99.8% of the affected people, all these factors can be influenced and are usually self-inflicted.

Starting with a BMI of 23, the risk of hospitalization or death increases linearly for each BMI point. The younger you are, the stronger the increase (source: https://theconversation.com/severe-...stly-be-explained-by-obesity-new-study-159072).

CFR, IFR, severe disease progression, hospitalization rate - all these are many times lower for healthy people with a normal body weight.It is shocking how such trivial things are being ignored, because obesity, next to age, is the biggest driver of the death toll in this pandemic.


I’m not attacking you. Sorry if it came off that way. But I’m done playing along with this nonsense. The more we play along, the longer this goes on. Get the vaccine. Once you do that, your personal pandemic is over.

The vaccines either work or they don’t. And they appear to work very well based on everything I’ve personally seen in the community and hospital I live and work in. I’m not going to ignore what I have experienced because some hack at the CDC wherever else changed their mind this week once cases went up. Especially when they won’t even say what they’re using to justify this bullshit. I’m done being jerked around like that. It’s insulting. They are desperate to look like they’re doing something about the rise in cases. I’m not playing this game anymore. This is not science.
You didn't come off as attacking me, I just got taken aback by the anger level dude. One of the points Eric Weinstein made in the podcast that I thought was interesting is that when you lose trust in the authorities and come to see them as doing wrong, there's a tendency in a lot of people (I'm no stranger to this myself) to reflexively want to do the opposite of what they're saying/asking, but if you think about it that really isn't always the best or most reasonable course of action, all things considered. If you think about it, that's just another way to be under their control, right? (i.e. the meme that all Biden has to say is 'don't vaccinate!' and republicans will be lining up all of the sudden)

If I die without the vaccine I die free. If I die with it, I am nothing more than a slave of the empire. The shame I would feel after I got the vaccine would make life not worth living.

Making what I believe to be the correct moral and philosophical decision is more important than living.
Basically I'd say roughly the same to you that I said to DeepBreath87 DeepBreath87 ... many (including many in this thread) have taken the vaccine despite all kinds of misgivings. We more or less decided to take one for the team. You can argue it's hypocritical and shameful, but I haven't really seen you say that to other posters, so you seem to understand that everyone makes their deliberations in this and other considerations besides philosophical convictions can matter.

Is that not American culture?
This was also brutal, but deserved

Truth is, if pharma industry would have released an inactivated virus vaccine there would be no hesitancy at all.
This is far from the truth, there was a huge amount of anti-pharma sentiment even before the pandemic. It isn't all about the type of vaccine, trust was being lost/squandered by pharma through various shenanigans for at least 20 years already. It's just that the pandemic put that shit center stage.
Aye additional data is a beautiful thing, that's why science constantly evolves and stupid people stay the same

How in the fuck is it dehumanising, it's just covering your nose and mouth, it's not like you're wearing a burka and you only wear it inside when in public

Is that not American culture?
They didn’t release any data. When asked they said they would release it later. So no, this is not something they based on any available data. They have claimed to have seen data themselves, but they won’t let anyone see it. Forgive me if I don’t want to take what they’re saying in faith. Particularly with what is going on in the UK right now. If they had the data, they should’ve provided it to everyone immediately. You don’t get to force people to do things with literally no justification.

And I think part of the idea that covering your face is dehumanizing is part of the reason we don’t like the burka/hijab in the west, no?
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I'm trying to save humanity actually. I believe if you can mandate vaccines in less than 100 years we will mandate gene therapy and this will result in a political fight over the genes to be mandated, and the end result will be a non-viable humanity.

If you take the Fermi-paradox at face value it seems likely that technological innovation plays a role in the great filter. It's not even about whether or not the vaccine works, it's about whether or not you like freedom and what the negative results of restricting it might be.

Jesus, you absolute fucker. You go and choose a gaming forum for the second coming. You're a magnificent cunt.


Jesus, you absolute fucker. You go and choose a gaming forum for the second coming. You're a magnificent cunt.
LOL dude, as much as I understand why this is funny, if you're honest about it everybody is the hero in their own story. You, me, everyone we know.


Interesting feature from Peter Doshi, senior editor of The BMJ, alerting how most control groups have been unblinded too soon.

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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
CFR, IFR, severe disease progression, hospitalization rate - all these are many times lower for healthy people with a normal body weight.It is shocking how such trivial things are being ignored, because obesity, next to age, is the biggest driver of the death toll in this pandemic.
Yes, but telling someone they need to lose weight makes you a Nazi.


Elden Member
I have a Bahama trip in September… wonder if I should start considering canceling it…. Both the wife and I are vaccinated but I also don’t want to get stuck in a Foreign country if we are shown as carriers during the required testing.
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I'm surprised that no country has advertised weight loss yet. Regardless of age, there are now several data and studies that show that 70-80% of hospitalizations are people with excess weight. In addition, there are other general health factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes and some more, which can occur independently of obesity. For 99.8% of the affected people, all these factors can be influenced and are usually self-inflicted.

Starting with a BMI of 23, the risk of hospitalization or death increases linearly for each BMI point. The younger you are, the stronger the increase (source: https://theconversation.com/severe-...stly-be-explained-by-obesity-new-study-159072).

CFR, IFR, severe disease progression, hospitalization rate - all these are many times lower for healthy people with a normal body weight.It is shocking how such trivial things are being ignored, because obesity, next to age, is the biggest driver of the death toll in this pandemic.
lol. You know why. Please. Get this science out of here.
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