You're being obtuse about what the actual issue is to keep up this gloating
If a person thinks a certain way and is 'corrected', a lot hinges on whether the correctee actually trusts the correcter and their relationship is solid. If you get corrected by someone you believe is full of shit, you're not going to lose any sleep over it right? Like I've argued many times before, the core issue here is trust , not bad info or social media. The problem you are completely failing to acknowledge is that it isn't at all that apparent to many people who is trustworthy in the current social climate. You might feel that it's obvious to trust the doctors, but that will not be as obvious to everyone.
So basically "anyone who mistrusts the people I trust is not worthy of sympathy". I'd say you have little more to fear for your sympathy gland, it seems thoroughly shriveled as it is.
Scientists. I trust the scientists. The epidemiologists. The vaccinologists. The biologists. People like Professor Sarah Gilbert, Dr David Strain, Dr Catherine Green, Dr Larry Brilliant, to name but four. There are many more. All of them saying the same damn thing that many around here refuse to listen to.
When you have an issue in your life - whatever it is - you go to the people who are trained and have the skills in dealing with that issue for information, assistance and guidance. If you don’t, you’re a fucking idiot.
It is 100% blindingly apparent that they are the people we should listen to, because they are the experts. They know better than any of us.
And yeah, I have little time or regard for people who think they know better than the experts, especially when they spout their ill-informed bullshit at others.
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