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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


I've got nothing against vaccines in general and have had plenty myself. I get them for my kids, too. They're pretty cool.
That's good to here. Vaccines are mandatory for school kids here already.

However, This is the Covid-19 thread and more specifically to what's available. If I was in Russia I would get Sputnik, same as I would do with whatever available vaccine was on hand.

Are you somewhere without vaccine or a pandemic response?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

Another governor who blocked mask mandates in schools, but to his credit now wishes he never had done something so stupid.

At least he is honest enough to admit that he was wrong. Here's hoping that they are able to remedy the situation or the people are smart enough to help themselves.

My hopes are not high for the second option though to be honest.



Another governor who blocked mask mandates in schools, but to his credit now wishes he never had done something so stupid.

Watched an interview with him earlier. He re-assessed new data and acted on it. Understood the risk to unvaccinated kids.

Need to fortify. Fortifications for the forts! Expecting lots of scientists and engineers and creators this generation!

But before getting ahead in hopes for the future
the now
Pediatrics in the Southern states being overwhelmed fast was a huge concern in his decision. Their neighbouring states going to have to prepare for overflow, if they can. Not sure how it works down there.


If you were a medical professional from a state where the leadership wasn’t batshit stupid, why would you go to a state where the leadership is actively allowing the virus to spread? Good luck, Texans.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
If you were a medical professional from a state where the leadership wasn’t batshit stupid, why would you go to a state where the leadership is actively allowing the virus to spread? Good luck, Texans.
Some doctors genuinely want to help people. So going where the need is greatest is what they do.

Though I do agree. It must be hard knowing that the people in charge have no fucking idea what they are doing and are just playing politics with people's lives.


Some doctors genuinely want to help people. So going where the need is greatest is what they do.

Though I do agree. It must be hard knowing that the people in charge have no fucking idea what they are doing and are just playing politics with people's lives.
The shitty part is many do know that what they’re doing is wrong, but do it any way because they think it’s the popular choice.


Neo Member
Weird situation going on for me right now is me and my son's mom were intimate and slept in the same bed and shared a drink 4 nights ago. We all live in the same small house me her and my son. She tested positive for covid 2 days ago and has had some pretty bad symptoms the last 3 days. Me and my son both took 2 tests each about an hour ago and we were both negative on each one. We are not having any symptoms either. I am 29 my girlfriend is 28 and my son is 6.


Neo Member
Weird situation going on for me right now is me and my son's mom were intimate and slept in the same bed and shared a drink 4 nights ago. We all live in the same small house me her and my son. She tested positive for covid 2 days ago and has had some pretty bad symptoms the last 3 days. Me and my son both took 2 tests each about an hour ago and we were both negative on each one. We are not having any symptoms either. She is also a nurse in the ER at one of the hospitals here and a lot of nurses have it. Most of all of them are fully vaxxed. I am not vaxxed but my first shot was scheduled for this weekend. I am 29 my girlfriend is 28 and my son is 6.


Yeah we aren't ever getting rid of COVID-19, hopefully everyone is on the same page about that.
The rest just doesn't hold up at all, like it just doesn't even align with the data in anyway.
“The CDC don’t bother to read science…everything being recommended by the CDC and the state board of health is contrary to the rules of science.”

Tell me you’re full of shit without saying you’re full of shit. Jesus
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Yep. Science being bought and sold for is nothing new, so we need to question it all and regularly, especially consensus opinions. Look no further than the once consensus support for cigarettes, or Harvard's infamous sugar studies in the 60s, paid for by the sugar industry, which led to ridiculous things like the food pyramid and impacted the health of millions for the worse over an entire generation.
Consensus support for cigarettes?
There was no consensus on sugar not being bad, the Harvard stuff was because the scientific consensus was that sugar was bad, which has remained the consensus.


Hope the good news keeps with the negative tests and the lady gets better, R Ryugarr .

Nurses are around a lot of virus particles on the job. PPE and vaccine can only do so much. They need the best work environments and proper rest/recovery/treatments.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Weird situation going on for me right now is me and my son's mom were intimate and slept in the same bed and shared a drink 4 nights ago. We all live in the same small house me her and my son. She tested positive for covid 2 days ago and has had some pretty bad symptoms the last 3 days. Me and my son both took 2 tests each about an hour ago and we were both negative on each one. We are not having any symptoms either. I am 29 my girlfriend is 28 and my son is 6.
No need to quote your own post, we get it, you had sex, congratulations.



Same idiot who banned mask mandates in schools is now seeking outside medical help for a situation that could have been greatly mitigated if he had chosen not be a complete moron.

So we're gonna pretend this is solely happening cause he denied a forced mask mandate for children (they could still wear them) instead of possibly other reasons? Because of this logic is why we will continue to fail at truly getting past covid.


So we're gonna pretend this is solely happening cause he denied a forced mask mandate for children (they could still wear them) instead of possibly other reasons? Because of this logic is why we will continue to fail at truly getting past covid.
Yes…are most school districts there even in session yet? They can’t have been for long if they are.


Assuming this is what you meant, how does "praying daily", according to the articles you referenced from Pew, preclude you from being a skeptic, then?

Secondly, I'm not sure you understood the study you cited. The study includes many statistics, two of which produce outliers in reference to religion when compared with income inequality. The first graph shows religion when compared to GDP per capita, and the other is a linear regression showing the United States on global average with other nations. It does not show an overwhelming level of religiosity to likes of Ethiopia or Pakistan.

And again, by what measure? Does daily prayer mean you're a religious fanatic who believes that anything not warranted by God is the Devil, or does it simply mean you're a spiritual person without denomination?

Are you embarrassed by your nation’s high level of religiosity? Or are you in denial about how much more religious it is when compared to the other major developed nations?
As an atheist, not at all, because the criticism should of the institutions of religion, not spirituality itself, especially when the US has one of the largest-growing Latino populations in the world, where religion is much more cultivated. And I find it rather ironic that you'd describe it as an "embarrassment", which seems to imply that you have a general intolerance or just downright indignation of other people's spiritual beliefs. That's embarrassing.

And do you really believe that I, or anyone else in those countries, feels inadequate to you folks in the US? And you speak of US hegemony, as if you’re countries soft power hasn’t slipped greatly in the recent past. Do you understand your country at all, when it comes to how it’s viewed by the rest of the world?
Well, judging by your indignant tone and thinly veiled mockery, I'd say you aren't doing yourself or anyone else in those countries any favors.

I don't care an ounce about what other countries think about the United States, or whether or not you're wearing blue jeans or watching shitty Star Wars sequels. The only thing I do care about is keeping Australia from being used as a Chinese aircraft carrier in the next 50 years.


So we're gonna pretend this is solely happening cause he denied a forced mask mandate for children (they could still wear them) instead of possibly other reasons? Because of this logic is why we will continue to fail at truly getting past covid.
Who said that? That’s just one of his many failures. You don’t get where Texas is now by doing much of anything right.



FunkMiller FunkMiller

This to me is a zealot, grifter, provocateur type of person that finds irrationality and takes advantage of it. Like taking advantage of the fuzzy nature of the current common and fractured understanding and approaches of how to balance the individual freedom with the national responsibility.

It's not exactly a direct product of either religion or individuality, but an intentional corruption.
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Count of Concision
definitely not the way to go IMO, but what if that's what Parisians want so that they can feel safe while dining out, etc?

Unlike the US if the French are unhappy with govt policies, they will make themselves heard and burn Paris down to the ground if they have to, without hesitation

I'd love to see independent polls of citizens to see if that is what they actually want, because I'd wager that no more than 25-35% of folks actually want that level of enforcement, or vaccine mandates in general. You can't just assume that it's only the ~40-45% of unvaccinated adults who would be against it - there are also many folks who ARE vaccinated who nevertheless think that such things are governmental overreach.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
So it is HER fault that they died of COVID. Am I understanding your reaction correctly?
No, my point is that she doesn't get that this was preventable and that her anti-vax position was wrong, even when confronted with the harshest possible wake up call.
Do those people use their platforms to try to stop people from protecting themselves from the dangers of direct sunlight? If so, I won’t shed a tear for them either.
I'm looking back through this thread, and I can't help but wonder, what would make a person say something so narrow minded and cold as this? Why are we reducing a persons value and worth to one dumb thing they say now? It reminds me of the people that disown immediate family members because of their political affiliation. We need to stop acting like babies throwing tantrums.


Count of Concision
Something I was wondering about the other day in light of the reports that there was likely already an outbreak/quarantine underway in Wuhan during the world military games, and how that event helped disperse Covid around the world: who selects the location for the military games every year (or however often it's held)? I can't find any information on that. Interesting that these games would happen to be held in Wuhan the same year that a pandemic-level respiratory virus was brewing.
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Weird situation going on for me right now is me and my son's mom were intimate and slept in the same bed and shared a drink 4 nights ago. We all live in the same small house me her and my son. She tested positive for covid 2 days ago and has had some pretty bad symptoms the last 3 days. Me and my son both took 2 tests each about an hour ago and we were both negative on each one. We are not having any symptoms either. I am 29 my girlfriend is 28 and my son is 6.
That's not weird just no talks about it. I know of 5 instances where the same thing happened and only one or some people of a household got it. It's not as contagious as everyone likes to believe and I have no clue how mass infections happen.

Case 1 the wife of my cousin got it. Their Two kids, my cousin and her parents didn't get albeit living in the same household and interacting normal.

Case two a friend of my wife got it, husband and her daughter didn't get it living in a more or less small apa2.

Case three the husband of friend of my wife got it. She and her two kids didn't get it.

Case four A friend from work got and his parents but the remaining family members sister plus husband and their kids all living in the same house didn't get it.

Case give another colleague of mine got it and her husband didn't get it according to several tests but he ended up in hospital but no matter how much they tested him he didn't have covid 🤔

The only case I know where a whole household got it was the Cousine of my dad. Their she and her husband got it. Both risk patients but nothing happened.

So all in all I consider this normal what happened to you and your kid. But don't tell anyone they will think you are crazy 😜
So we're gonna pretend this is solely happening cause he denied a forced mask mandate for children (they could still wear them) instead of possibly other reasons? Because of this logic is why we will continue to fail at truly getting past covid.
Are you going to pretend this is only about masks? Right wing leaders and media mocked covid and pushed people to actively pretend it didn’t matter.

I feel terrible for healthcare workers and people that won’t be able to get emergency care.
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I'm looking back through this thread, and I can't help but wonder, what would make a person say something so narrow minded and cold as this? Why are we reducing a persons value and worth to one dumb thing they say now? It reminds me of the people that disown immediate family members because of their political affiliation. We need to stop acting like babies throwing tantrums.
One dumb thing they say? They dedicate their lives to encouraging people to avoid the one thing that could save their lives. What’s wrong with you?


Rodent Whores
Utah is handling data collection and dissemination very well. There's a very clear difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations and you can see it change over time.

As of July, I think Delta was around 80% prevalent IIRC.



Rodent Whores
Additional information from Singapore, comparing viral loads over time among both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. It confirms that in the beginning, viral loads are indeed similar, but over time, the vaccinated people eliminate their viral loads at a much faster pace, which would explain the high protective effect against hospitalization and death. (not yet peer reviewed)


Virologic kinetics​

Serial Ct values of individuals were analyzed as a surrogate marker for the viral load. The initial median initial Ct value did not differ between unvaccinated and fully vaccinated patients (unvaccinated median Ct 18.8 (14.9-22.7), vaccinated 19.2 (15.2-22.2), p=0.929). However, fully vaccinated patients had a faster rate of increase in Ct value over time compared with unvaccinated individuals, suggesting faster viral load decline (coefficient estimates for interaction terms ranged from 9.12 (standard error 3.75) to 12.06 (standard error 3.03); p-value <0.05 for each interaction terms) (Figure 1).

In this study, we found that fully vaccinated patients had significantly lower odds of moderate or severe outcomes following infection by the SARS-CoV-2 VOC B.1.617.2. Vaccination was associated with lower peak measures of systemic inflammation, fewer symptoms, including more asymptomatic infection, and better clinical outcomes. Notably, in contrast to existing studies that showed lower viral load in vaccinated patients [22], initial viral load indicated by PCR Ct values was similar between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients with B.1.617.2. However, vaccinated patients appeared to clear viral load at a faster rate. Our serologic data suggest an early rapid rise in neutralizing and binding antibodies indicated by C-Pass and Roche anti-S antibodies, which may be evidence of memory immunity to COVID-19 vaccination on challenge with a breakthrough infection with B.1.617.2.

The finding of diminished severity with B.1.617.2 infection in vaccinated individuals is reassuring and corroborates emerging data from the United Kingdom which have found that mRNA vaccination remains protective against symptomatic and severe disease[12, 23]. An observational cohort study conducted in Scotland suggested that ≥14 days after the second dose, BNT162b2 vaccine offered 92% vaccine effectiveness against presumptive non-B.1.617.2 infection and 79% protection against presumptive B.1.617.2 [24]. Protection associated with the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine was 73% and 60% respectively. Although vaccine-breakthrough infections are increasingly reported, with the largest series to date in the United States reporting 10,262 breakthrough infections, a majority of these were mild (27% asymptomatic, 10% hospitalization, 2% mortality)[25]. Vaccine-breakthrough infections will continue to be observed, especially with genetic drift and selection pressures resulting in emergence of newer VOCs; however, it is likely that there will be a shift toward milder disease spectrum with more widespread implementation of vaccination programs.


mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are protective against symptomatic infection and severe disease by the B.1.617.2 variant. Vaccinated individuals had a more rapid decline in viral load, which has implications on secondary transmission and public health policy. Rapid and widespread implementation of vaccination programs remains a key strategy for control of COVID-19 pandemic. Further studies should elucidate immunologic features driving vaccine-breakthrough infection to improve vaccine-induced protection.
Additional information from Singapore, comparing viral loads over time among both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. It confirms that in the beginning, viral loads are indeed similar, but over time, the vaccinated people eliminate their viral loads at a much faster pace, which would explain the high protective effect against hospitalization and death. (not yet peer reviewed)


Virologic kinetics​

Serial Ct values of individuals were analyzed as a surrogate marker for the viral load. The initial median initial Ct value did not differ between unvaccinated and fully vaccinated patients (unvaccinated median Ct 18.8 (14.9-22.7), vaccinated 19.2 (15.2-22.2), p=0.929). However, fully vaccinated patients had a faster rate of increase in Ct value over time compared with unvaccinated individuals, suggesting faster viral load decline (coefficient estimates for interaction terms ranged from 9.12 (standard error 3.75) to 12.06 (standard error 3.03); p-value <0.05 for each interaction terms) (Figure 1).

In this study, we found that fully vaccinated patients had significantly lower odds of moderate or severe outcomes following infection by the SARS-CoV-2 VOC B.1.617.2. Vaccination was associated with lower peak measures of systemic inflammation, fewer symptoms, including more asymptomatic infection, and better clinical outcomes. Notably, in contrast to existing studies that showed lower viral load in vaccinated patients [22], initial viral load indicated by PCR Ct values was similar between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients with B.1.617.2. However, vaccinated patients appeared to clear viral load at a faster rate. Our serologic data suggest an early rapid rise in neutralizing and binding antibodies indicated by C-Pass and Roche anti-S antibodies, which may be evidence of memory immunity to COVID-19 vaccination on challenge with a breakthrough infection with B.1.617.2.

The finding of diminished severity with B.1.617.2 infection in vaccinated individuals is reassuring and corroborates emerging data from the United Kingdom which have found that mRNA vaccination remains protective against symptomatic and severe disease[12, 23]. An observational cohort study conducted in Scotland suggested that ≥14 days after the second dose, BNT162b2 vaccine offered 92% vaccine effectiveness against presumptive non-B.1.617.2 infection and 79% protection against presumptive B.1.617.2 [24]. Protection associated with the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine was 73% and 60% respectively. Although vaccine-breakthrough infections are increasingly reported, with the largest series to date in the United States reporting 10,262 breakthrough infections, a majority of these were mild (27% asymptomatic, 10% hospitalization, 2% mortality)[25]. Vaccine-breakthrough infections will continue to be observed, especially with genetic drift and selection pressures resulting in emergence of newer VOCs; however, it is likely that there will be a shift toward milder disease spectrum with more widespread implementation of vaccination programs.


mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are protective against symptomatic infection and severe disease by the B.1.617.2 variant. Vaccinated individuals had a more rapid decline in viral load, which has implications on secondary transmission and public health policy. Rapid and widespread implementation of vaccination programs remains a key strategy for control of COVID-19 pandemic. Further studies should elucidate immunologic features driving vaccine-breakthrough infection to improve vaccine-induced protection.
That’s quite significant. Hopefully anyone here that spread lies that vaccines don’t reduce spread will change their minds and get vaccinated.

Idk what's worse, this happening or people pretending that this is normal. Or maybe I'm just a lunatic for thinking that this is dystopian as fuck?
No one thinks it’s normal, just like hospitals being full in the US isn’t normal.
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Idk what's worse, this happening or people pretending that this is normal. Or maybe I'm just a lunatic for thinking that this is dystopian as fuck?
It's this, empty streets as everything is closed or people stacked three high in hospital corridors. There is no miracle option to make covid go away and have everything be as it was, no matter what horse worm medicine they push.

edit: or this kind of wishful thinking from early 2020 where it was 'proved' covid will go away summer 2020 regardless of lockdown, which do nothing. Covid would go away, exponential growth does not exist.

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Weird situation going on for me right now is me and my son's mom were intimate and slept in the same bed and shared a drink 4 nights ago. We all live in the same small house me her and my son. She tested positive for covid 2 days ago and has had some pretty bad symptoms the last 3 days. Me and my son both took 2 tests each about an hour ago and we were both negative on each one. We are not having any symptoms either. I am 29 my girlfriend is 28 and my son is 6.
Dont worry, you really are only at risk if you are over 50. At 28, it is like 0.1% death rate. She has to be really unlucky to die. She needs multiple comorbidities to be in any real danger.


Rodent Whores
Something I was wondering about the other day in light of the reports that there was likely already an outbreak/quarantine underway in Wuhan during the world military games, and how that event helped disperse Covid around the world: who selects the location for the military games every year (or however often it's held)? I can't find any information on that. Interesting that these games would happen to be held in Wuhan the same year that a pandemic-level respiratory virus was brewing.


Neo Member
Dont worry, you really are only at risk if you are over 50. At 28, it is like 0.1% death rate. She has to be really unlucky to die. She needs multiple comorbidities to be in any real danger.
She is a lot more healthy than me. I am also unvaxxed. I vape quite a bit and have really bad diet. I am also on a few meds that lower my immune system just a bit. So I am trying my best not to catch it.
She is a lot more healthy than me. I am also unvaxxed. I vape quite a bit and have really bad diet. I am also on a few meds that lower my immune system just a bit. So I am trying my best not to catch it.
Are you unable to get vaccinated because of your meds?

you are very high risk for hospitalization. You should avoid her for some time as you can still catch it from her.


Rodent Whores
She is a lot more healthy than me. I am also unvaxxed. I vape quite a bit and have really bad diet. I am also on a few meds that lower my immune system just a bit. So I am trying my best not to catch it.
If you and your son have somewhere you can stay for a week or more while she rides it out, that would help. Just make sure that if you're staying at someone else's place, you're sure you're not infected since you don't want to bring it to someone else's home.

Staying in the same house is a pretty big risk since you have comorbidities.

Work on your health and diet too. Your body is already struggling by having to take meds. Don't make it worse with an unhealthy lifestyle. Your son needs a father.


It’s almost as if the vaccines are working and the scientists were right. I’m shocked.

This thread (and many others like it elsewhere) are becoming fascinating insights into human psychology, the more proof emerges about how effective and safe the vaccines are. Those who choose to believe that the vaccines are either dangerous, ineffective or both, are very much starting to thrash around the topic, looking for ways to be angry at those of us who were, and always have been, right about this because we trust in the science.
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