This thread (and many others like it elsewhere) are becoming fascinating insights into human psychology, the more proof emerges about how effective and safe the vaccines are. Those who choose to believe that the vaccines are either dangerous, ineffective or both, are very much starting to thrash around the topic, looking for ways to be angry at those of us who were, and always have been, right about this because we trust in the science.
This might be slightly off topic, but there was something I was wrong about recently and I was so sure I was right about it, but it was proven to me that I was wrong and my assumptions were wrong and it is vital to see that happening and very humbling too. Sometimes it can be addicting and easy to be a contrarian and want to be right based on your gut feeling, but it is much better to trust other human beings who are a lot smarter than us on matters that they have dedicated their lives to. When it comes to science a great deal of people forget that science is constantly evolving and looking for the truth and not claiming that it is perfect and knows the truth.
The internet can be a dark and deceiving place depending on where you go and echo chambers full of confirmation bias make it very hard for uneducated people to escape and admit they are wrong, especially after a 4 year stint of a person that basically brainwashed people into believing that the media is fake and wrong.
At some point some self reflection is needed. One assumption and belief easily leads to another and when it starts with doubting every person then it helps a lot to look at what group of people you surround yourself with. It can be exciting to belief that a global conspiracy is happening that involves all scientists and governments of this world (for whatever reason), but reality is often much more boring and less exciting than that.
It helps a lot to slow down for a moment and ask yourself "maybe I am just wrong and the amount of assumptions I have to make are actually a big big stretch to confirm my bias". Think about what would be next? Flat Earth? Lizard people? The way you look at those crazy conspiracy theorists is the same way vaccinated people look at anti vax people.
The amount of data and proof that we have heavily suggests that the vaccines are helping and saving lives and our only shot at making life return to normalcy. At some point you are not a resilient wolf in a world of sheep, but just an actual idiot fooling yourself because of pride. Even the owner of this website, who is an open minded intelligent person that looks at both sides, had to come to this thread to tell anti vax people they are idiots.