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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


This thread is funny. The COVID numbers go up and the doomsday prophet bootlickers show up and say , "SEE?" Like anything was going to stop this virus short of the vaccine. Now all of a sudden they care about the health of anti-vaxxers. They just want them to be healthy! Isn't that sweet? Two weeks from now, those numbers will go back to down and almost certainly the other side will rear their ugly head and say "SEE?" It's all so tiring.

I'm just glad I live in a state with a Democrat governor that is allowing people to make up their own minds about their health instead of forcing people by threat of imprisonment or unemployment or fines to do something they don't want to do. He should have done it from the beginning, but he's at least doing the right thing now. I feel for the people living in the Philippines or Australia with endless pointless-ass lockdowns. They didn't do any good before, they don't do any good now. Get vaccinated and shut the fuck up about other people's health.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Will be interesting to see how the CDC reacts and if anyone cares if they do make a correction.

The health department said there were 15,319 cases on Sunday, and a three-day average of 18,795. The CDC did not immediately respond to an after-hours email from Fox News about the issue.

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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
This thread is funny. The COVID numbers go up and the doomsday prophet bootlickers show up and say , "SEE?" Like anything was going to stop this virus short of the vaccine. Now all of a sudden they care about the health of anti-vaxxers. They just want them to be healthy!
Look, I don't want anyone to die, but you're oversimplifying here. These people are doing damage to more than themselves. Besides spreading the disease, they're filling up hospital beds and occupying healthcare workers that could be saving other people's lives, using up tremendous resources that we all pay for, and keeping the rest of us from getting back to life as normal.

Do you realize how many healthcare workers have just quit because they're suffering from PTSD or just couldn't handle working the ICU in Covid? It's not sustainable. These chucklefucks are burning down the healthcare system that they rest of us all have to use.

So yeah, I'd like these people to try to not put themselves in the hospital, but not just for their sake. They're being huge burdens and not taking personal responsibility.

We're all tired of this shit, but we're extra tired of the people dragging it out. It's not okay to just go around shitting all over the side walk. This is a society. Be a grown up.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I think Israel is underreporting (not necessarily deliberately) mild cases, which makes the proportion of severe cases appear higher than it is. But the amount of hospitalizations and deaths there is still very low and disproportionately unvaccinated. We're still talking a daily death rate of like 5-6 people.


Honestly man, i just feel so fucking angry. We were so close to getting back to normal. I followed the rules, i was vaccinated, i was harrassed by anti-vaxxers, yet with delta sending us right back to square one, it feels like im being punished for following them. And now these fucks have ruined it for everyone else. I havent felt this much seething rage in a long time.

Your rage is misplaced. Anyway, what percentage of the population must be fully vaccinated for freedom to return? How will you react if the definition of "fully vaccinated" changes to also require a booster?


Will be interesting to see how the CDC reacts and if anyone cares if they do make a correction.

The health department said there were 15,319 cases on Sunday, and a three-day average of 18,795. The CDC did not immediately respond to an after-hours email from Fox News about the issue.

They'll correct it and everyone will move on with the latest. Few will dwell and try to imply something out of nothing.

Floridians are questioning policy at least.

Cases among children are surging, too, raising questions about the health consequences of students returning to campuses and a state ban on school mask mandates while vaccines are available for only some of the schoolchildren.

Public health experts and pediatricians said last fall that the most important factor to consider when deciding whether to start classes in-person was the amount of viral spread in the community at large. With cases so much higher than last year, districts are going against those recommendations by welcoming students to campus and limiting online learning options. Those moves follow instructions from the state government, which also prohibited schools from requiring masks for all children.

Over the seven days before last Friday's state report, Florida saw 13,596 cases among children under 12, and 13,858 cases among ages 12 to 19.

In the corresponding report a year ago, Florida reported 2,396 cases under age 12 and 3,596 cases among ages 12 to 19.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
To me the biggest evidence that the vaccine approach is the correct one (or at least the best available for most people) is the fact that I haven't heard of a single government around the world pushing back. There has to be at least one government that is outside of the influence of this very powerful group of people manipulating the information to get chips into people or whatever the theory behind the true intentions behind the vaccination efforts are.

I mean, not even governments that are under immense pressure because they can't get enough vaccines and distribute them fast enough are saying it doesn't work.

That said, it's a tough situation. I really want this to work and we need most people to jump in so it can be effective but I'm torn about making people do it.

Didn't the Mexican president recently come out against coercion and mandates?


Lil’ Gobbie
we've had like 5 sentinel events in my hospital in the last week alone (where people die or are severely injured due to reasons unrelated to why they were admitted) from the staff being stretched so thin that they are essentially doing 2-3 people's jobs. we are completely fried. most people couldn't handle one shift under these circumstances, let alone 3 days a week every week. people are leaving and it's just getting worse and worse.

I'm in Missouri and we are obviously not doing well, so they brought in the regional CNO to help manage this crisis, but yesterday she was called to help in Florida so I can't imagine how bad it must be there.

we have people dying in the middle of the night under mysterious circumstances, angry families wanting to know their loved ones are suddenly dying unexpectedly, and nurses going home crying and just calling in for their next shifts because they know the hospitals can't afford to terminate them

this goes much beyond covid, and now everyone is paying the price
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we've had like 5 sentinel events in my hospital in the last week alone (where people die or are severely injured due to reasons unrelated to why they were admitted) from the staff being stretched so thin that they are essentially doing 2-3 people's jobs. we are completely fried. most people couldn't handle one shift under these circumstances, let alone 3 days a week every week. people are leaving and it's just getting worse and worse.

I'm in Missouri and we are obviously not doing well, so they brought in the regional CNO to manage this crisis, but yesterday she was called to help in Florida so I can't imagine how bad it must be there.

we have people dying in the middle of the night under mysterious circumstances, angry families wanting to know their loved ones are suddenly dying unexpectedly, and nurses going home crying and just calling in for their next shifts because they know the hospitals can't afford to terminate them

this goes much beyond covid, and now everyone is paying the price
I’m so sorry, that sounds awful. It’s not as bad here but it’s trending toward that, I know my friends that are nurses/PAs are already feeling it too.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's been good to see a lot of experts in the UK talking sense in these last couple of months.

Honestly man, i just feel so fucking angry. We were so close to getting back to normal. I followed the rules, i was vaccinated, i was harrassed by anti-vaxxers, yet with delta sending us right back to square one, it feels like im being punished for following them. And now these fucks have ruined it for everyone else. I havent felt this much seething rage in a long time.
It is unfortunate but it is how it go sometime. We fought and fought and did everything right and what was asked of us and it still come to this. Remind me of the speech Ardbert made for causing the Flood in XIV.


Didn't the Mexican president recently come out against coercion and mandates?

Not sure, to be honest. Luckily the absolute majority of Mexicans have always been OK with vaccines so I don't think a mandate is necessary. There are a few now that have learned the antivaxxed doctrine and follow it but it's not really an issue as most people are eager to get the shots.

Supply is the issue in our country.


I feel for the people living in the Philippines or Australia with endless pointless-ass lockdowns. They didn't do any good before, they don't do any good now. Get vaccinated and shut the fuck up about other people's health.

You have no clue what's going on in Australia. The country has to keep doing lockdowns, because they don't have enough vaccines. And lockdowns are the only proven way to prevent the spread of the disease, and high serious illness and death rates without a vaccine present in enough quantity.
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It's been good to see a lot of experts in the UK talking sense in these last couple of months.

It’s a great argument to get vaccinated if the Delta variant is so infectious that it’s just a matter of when you’ll get it, since it’s proven to prevent serious illness or death in the overwhelming majority of cases


It's been good to see a lot of experts in the UK talking sense in these last couple of months.

Yes it is. He's a scientist I follow, because he was one of the ones partly responsible for the AstraZeneca vaccine, and is obviously saying that everybody should get vaccinated. Do what he says everybody.


Trust your gut. I did a risk assessement for myself and came to the conclusion that I don't need the xeen. Maybe for you it's different.


Don't trust your gut. Your gut knows nothing. Trust the scientists (like the one we've been referencing in the past few posts).
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Don't trust your gut. Your gut knows nothing. Trust the scientists (like the one we've been referencing in the past few posts).
Scientists don't know the long term effects of the xeen. They literally can't know since they erased all the control groups. The science is also changing all the time, so you gotta use a different way to assess the situation. Rule of thumb for me is if you're young and healthy, you probably don't need the xeen.


Scientists don't know the long term effects of the xeen. They literally can't know since they erased all the control groups. The science is also changing all the time, so you gotta use a different way to assess the situation. Rule of thumb for me is if you're young and healthy, you probably don't need the xeen.
If a person thinks they're going to make sense of the science by themselves is in for a realization if they realize how much medical technology there is to learn and specialize and the oversight and review and authority. In countries with their particular vaccines should access their family doctors for a helping with profound decision and treatments. They can take into consideration how to communicate to a hesitant in their unique cases.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It’s a great argument to get vaccinated if the Delta variant is so infectious that it’s just a matter of when you’ll get it, since it’s proven to prevent serious illness or death in the overwhelming majority of cases

Sure! I think everyone who wants the vaccine should have the opportunity to get it and it's amazing that a lot of countries have 4 or more options to choose from.


It’s a great argument to get vaccinated if the Delta variant is so infectious that it’s just a matter of when you’ll get it, since it’s proven to prevent serious illness or death in the overwhelming majority of cases
You’d think that would be obvious, but apparently it needs to be explained.


smart journalism

Vaccination reduces the death, suffering and recovery of individuals and economies. Vaccination is medical technology, preventative and part of the entire medical infrastructure or preventative to palliative medicine. Blind natural immunity is old school alright, hospice style. "Let the kids play together they'll be fine"

Bring out yer dead.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
smart journalism

Haven't read the article but I do hate the term natural immunity. All immunity is natural unless you are getting antibodies injected directly into your body or getting adoptive or CAR-T cell therapies.
4 million dead says that the immune system is pretty bad at fighting a first infection from COVID though.


We have to accept that we will have lock downs in the near future ! And build a new normal around knowing this ..

Looks like people are still not seeing and accepting, even if we are vaccinated. There will be tracing / isolation / quarantine and lock downs.

But I have always been someone with a great future insight and sense .

This stuff will be cat and mouse game for the coming decade.

I know it’s hard to accept , but you all can take it .
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smart journalism


How fucking stupid and/or deluded do you have to be to think this?

Your body is not always amazing. It does not always know how to take care of itself. Literally billions of people have died of diseases because the body hasn’t got a fucking clue how to naturally defend itself against them.

Cretins. Miles and miles of gold plated cretins.
How fucking stupid and/or deluded do you have to be to think this?

Your body is not always amazing. It does not always know how to take care of itself. Literally billions of people have died of diseases because the body hasn’t got a fucking clue how to naturally defend itself against them.

Cretins. Miles and miles of gold plated cretins.
Judging by the numbers, most bodies are doing just fine with natural defense. Especially if the bodies are young and healthy.


So you must pro life, right? I’m guessing you also don’t believe in euthanasia under any circumstances whatsoever. I mean both of those ‘muh choices’ effect others.

And to the virus- the vaccines not work? Because I could’ve sworn many on this board say it does. If it does work, are the vaccines not plentiful and immediately available? Because if it is, then it really doesn’t effect people they way you and POTUS and all the other bootlickers say it does.

So, maybe it really does come to down to choice and people really should mind their own business.
edit: i typed that out earlier but didnt mean to post it. Sorry to stir the pot more than it has been. It wont get us anywhere.
smart journalism

yeah, generations of inbreeding would cause people to be this stupdid
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I like Rogan, he’s a funny meat head who has interesting people on, I loved his set when I saw him live, but he’s been so far off on COVID it’s embarrassing.

Yet he's more credible than our president and most of congress, and heck he's more credible than most everyone including Fauci. The fact that people are concerned over what Joe Rogan says is an indictment of the system. The system isn't credible.


Neighbours from Hell
Can someone answer this question for me. Honest question, not rhetorical. I've been out of touch with the COVID stuff lately.

So I see Ron DeSantis getting killed all over social media for rising COVID cases in Florida.

But the same people killing him are also people who call anti-vaxxers selfish idiots.

If you believe the data, 99.99% of severe illness and death of current COVID patients in the US right now are unvaccinated.

And there's an overabundance at this point. They're readily available everywhere and totally free even without insurance.

So, where is the criticism coming from? Isn't all DeSantis doing is leaving the decisions for mandates up to the individual institutions and essentially saying "if you aren't vaccinated, that's your choice, but we can't hold society back for you at this point"?

What did he do that is so bad? And how can someone be pissed at the unvaccinated, but also be pissed at DeSantis for running his state to where only the unvaccinated are affected by these new spikes?


Neighbours from Hell

I like Rogan, he’s a funny meat head who has interesting people on, I loved his set when I saw him live, but he’s been so far off on COVID it’s embarrassing.

No, in this case, she's wrong. I listened to the show. He didn't say that study applied to COVID. He said there should be discussions on if studies like this can apply to things like COVID.

Some absolute fucking moron misrepresented Rogan, and in typical social media fashion, everyone ran with it. If you listen to the episode he did not in any way apply that study to COVID definitively.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's almost as if the new government in Israel is lying.

Or, Delta really was a game changer in terms of infection, and Israel is just ahead of the United States in both vaccinations and spread of the Delta variant.

According to Our World in Data, the United States only just broke 50% Delta on June 28th and we just broke 95% near the beginning of August. For Israel, it was a bit before June 14th when they broke 50% and June 28th when they hit 98%. For the UK it was sometime near the end of May when they broke 50% and mid-June when they hit 98%. This lines up pretty well with the timing of the sharp increases in cases we've seen in each country, so we need at least another couple weeks to determine if there really will be a huge discrepancy between the US and Israel. We're just not as far into our wave as they are.

Anyway, going back to the 99.99% claim, I just want to put the numbers in a bit of context. Since Delta first really appeared in the United States (which I choose to define as breaking 5% of total cases) on May 31st and through July 26th (going by the cutoff date for the CDC data in the CNN article), there have been approximately 1.25 million new cases and 17,441 deaths. As of July 26th, there were around 163 million fully vaccinated individuals in the United States. 17,441 / 163,173,366 = 00.01%, making it a mathematical impossibility for anything less than 99.99% of vaccinated individuals to have survived Delta at that point in time.

Even if you take all of the 261,012 deaths since January 1st, 2021 through July 26th, 2021 (ignoring that barely anyone was vaccinated when the vast majority of these deaths happened), you would still get 261,013 / 163,173,366 = 0.16%. So, even if somehow ALL of those deaths were attributed to the fully vaccinated (which is ridiculous to even hypothesize, but bear with me), you would still be able to say that 99.84% of the vaccinated did not die as a result of a COVID breakthrough infection.
Being skeptical when good facts are unavailable is a good thing. Being skeptical when good facts are freely available to your is a BAD thing. But you know this. You're only skeptical because people you like politicized the issue over a year ago now and you have been completely unable to update your interpretation of reality with the facts and the actual problem facing society right now. Choke on your sweet freedom virus and try not to die. If you do, the vast majority of the world won't feel sorry for you.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Haven't read the article but I do hate the term natural immunity. All immunity is natural unless you are getting antibodies injected directly into your body or getting adoptive or CAR-T cell therapies.
4 million dead says that the immune system is pretty bad at fighting a first infection from COVID though.

How many of those 4 million did not have compromised immune systems due to obesity or some other comorbidity? Every bit of data we have indicates it was a rather small percentage.

Vaccine debate aside, just as we saw in that South Korea study shared earlier, this pandemic should have been a wake up call for people with the means to get healthy and fit.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe people like you should think about how their irresponsible choices are LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYONE ELSE OVER. We could have been done with this, we could have been back to normal. I blame every anti vaxxer for the sorry state we are in.

I ask you again (maybe you've got me on ignore?), but what percentage of the population must be fully vaccinated for our freedoms to return? Is it 55.15% like in the United Kingdom? They seem to be attempting a return to normalcy. Is that the finish line? We just need 23.1 million more people to complete their vaccinations and we can be done with this?

Doesn't seem to be so in Israel with 61.48% as they are currently reimplementing restrictions and considering lockdowns. Doesn't even seem to be 74% in Iceland's case.

Finally, whatever that number is, how do you think you would react if the definition of "fully vaccinated" changed to also require regular boosters?
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One thing that people have to remember which sadly gets lost in the debate of "freedom" vs vaccinated is that the healthcare system, health workers and many other people get involved in the ugly side of this as well.
Governments don't want to overburden the hospitals to the brink of collapse because people aren't vaccinated and occupying it out of selfishness.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
One thing that people have to remember which sadly gets lost in the debate of "freedom" vs vaccinated is that the healthcare system, health workers and many other people get involved in the ugly side of this as well.
Governments don't want to overburden the hospitals to the brink of collapse because people aren't vaccinated and occupying it out of selfishness.

Which is exactly why we ban all sorts of unhealthy and dangerous activities that might lead to people going to the hospital!



One thing that people have to remember which sadly gets lost in the debate of "freedom" vs vaccinated is that the healthcare system, health workers and many other people get involved in the ugly side of this as well.
Governments don't want to overburden the hospitals to the brink of collapse because people aren't vaccinated and occupying it out of selfishness.
Oh I brought this up and another poster’s response was basically “fuck em, it’s their job.”

Which is exactly why we ban all sorts of unhealthy and dangerous activities that might lead to people going to the hospital!


We have seatbelt laws, helmet laws, cigarette taxes, DUI laws...oh wait we actually do fine people for engaging in dangerous activities.
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I ask you again (maybe you've got me on ignore?), but what percentage of the population must be fully vaccinated for out freedoms to return? Is it 55.15% like in the United Kingdom? They seem to be attempting a return to normalcy. Is that the finish line? We just need 23.1 million more people to complete their vaccinations and we can be done with this?

Doesn't seem to be so in Israel with 61.48% as they are currently reimplementing restrictions and considering lockdowns. Doesn't even seem to be 74% in Iceland's case.

Finally, whatever that number is, how do you think you would react if the definition of "fully vaccinated" changed to also require regular boosters?
I didnt mean to post that, i typed it out earlier when i was frustrated. I didnt realize it was saved in the text box when i made my other comment. I think fully vaccinated will keep evolving. Its likely something we will need to keep up with once or twice a year, similar to a flu shot


Trust your gut. I did a risk assessement for myself and came to the conclusion that I don't need the xeen. Maybe for you it's different.
I never get flu shots and I don’t ever get sick, I’m not anti vaccine I just don’t ever get flu shots. My son and my gf both supposedly tested positive and my son and I never got sick, my gf was slightly sick. I say supposedly tested positive just because I have heard about false positives for the tests.


We have seatbelt laws, helmet laws, cigarette taxes, DUI laws...oh wait we actually do fine people for engaging in dangerous activities.
It's this sort of basic understanding that makes me wonder what part of the world they live in. lol

To provide context to read/respond to their posts and understand the vacuity and absence of experience with Western life that is implied in the questions.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
We have seatbelt laws, helmet laws, cigarette taxes, DUI laws...oh wait we actually do fine people for engaging in dangerous activities.

And yet, as a society, at this point we basically encourage and celebrate obesity, which quite possibly directly led to at least half of our COVID hospitalizations and deaths, nevermind all of the heart disease we see, which continues to be our leading cause of death by far.
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Which is exactly why we ban all sorts of unhealthy and dangerous activities that might lead to people going to the hospital!


Is contracting a virus an unhealthy and dangerous activity?

I think the only activity I see here is you moving the goalpost
And yet, as a society, at this point we basically encourage and celebrate obesity, which quite possibly directly led to at least half of our COVID hospitalizations and deaths, nevermind all of the heart disease we see, which continues to be our leading cause of death by far.
Who is "we"? Last I checked nearly everybody with any kind of knowledge/information on the subject agrees you should be in better health whether it's your doctor, nutritionist, health insurance, etc. Who, outside of randoms on social media, is encouraging obesity?
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