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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Agreed, but there are people who think that complete vaccination would end this. Even still, we've seen repeatedly we can "return to normal" if vaccine uptake was high enough, yet in Gibraltar where they have almost 100% of the population vaccinated, they are bringing back restrictions to get cases down. It doesn't look like a return to normal can be done with the current mentality of rising cases followed by bringing back restrictions. Again, the vaccines are working at keeping hospitalizations/deaths down and they turn covid into a minor flu/cold so that should be our cue to get back to normal. Here in Canada 82% of eligible people have had their first shot and 71% are fully vaccinated, yet I get the feeling in the Fall/Winter we'll be bringing back restrictions and looking at lockdowns again because we are chasing some unattainable idea of zero cases.
Complete vaccination followed by a period of allowing the virus to propagate to fill in the remaining gaps in herd immunity probably could end it (until the next variant). In the UK at least that seems to be the approach.
Germany is at 27 cases per 100k over 7 days and people are already sweating. I just read that Florida is at 653 cases per 100k.

Heidi Klum Wow GIF by Lifetime



Makes some good points.

Oh god. Poor fucker.

Anti-vax idiocy boils my brain and I have no skin in the game personally like he does. But if my girlfriend was that sick, and unable to be treated with her life at stake like that… then I’d happily yank the anti-vax cunts off the respirator myself and watch them suffocate.

…oh, and some of you: do please spare me the bleating again about ‘being kind to your fellow man, no matter what he thinks’ bullshit, eh? Your disingenuousness is wholly transparent.
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Oh god. Poor fucker.

Anti-vax idiocy boils my brain and I have no skin in the game personally like he does. But if my girl was that sick, and unable to be treated with her life at stake, then I’d happily yank the anti-vax cunts off the respirator myself and watch them suffocate.

…oh, and some of you: do please spare me the bleating about ‘being kind to your fellow man no matter what he thinks’ bullshit, eh? Your disingenuousness is wholly transparent.
Now do everyone who smokes and/or drinks alcohol and/or is a fat fuck. The hospitals would be basically empty.


Now do everyone who smokes and/or drinks alcohol and/or is a fat fuck. The hospitals would be basically empty.

Our medical infrastructure handles those kinds of things on a regular basis. Day to day dealing with the sick, regardless of the reasons.

Covid is a pandemic disease way beyond business as usual. People have been told repeatedly… over and over again… that getting vaccinated prevents hospitals being overwhelmed (which is exactly what’s happened in the U.K. Hospitals not overwhelmed because of high vaccine rates, even with delta).

…And still they refuse to get a vaccine. Hence putting other people’s lives at risk like that poor guy’s wife.

False equivalence is possibly the dumbest argument you can posit.
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Are you a cretin?

Our medical infrastructure handles those kinds of things on a regular basis. Day to day dealing with the sick, regardless of the reasons.

Covid is a pandemic disease way beyond business as usual. People have been told repeatedly… over and over again… that getting vaccinated prevents hospitals being overwhelmed (Which is exactly what’s happened in the U.K)

…And still they refuse to get a vaccine. Hence putting other people’s lives at risk like that poor guy’s wife.
I see. So people with certain lifestyle choices should not be accountable for those choice, while people with other lifestyle choices should die. Makes sense.


I see. So people with certain lifestyle choices should not be accountable for those choice, while people with other lifestyle choices should die. Makes sense.

I’ll say it once more (though I’m sure you’ll ignore it again just so you can make a fatuous point):

We have been told countless times that getting vaccinated against covid prevents hospitals being overwhelmed.

Anti-vaxxers are ignoring this, and are directly putting other‘s lives at risk because of it.

In all the other examples you cite, none of this is the case. Fat people, smokers and drinkers do not cause the medical system to be overwhelmed to the point that that guy’s wife can’t get life saving treatment.
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On May 9th, India's Delta wave peaked at approx 283 cases per million.
At that point the percentage of the population fully vaccinated was 2.50%.
By July 10th, India's Delta wave had largely run its course, confirmed cases were down to 30 cases per million.
At that point the percentage of the population fully vaccinated was 5.28%.

Whatever helped India to weather the Delta storm and come out the other side, it wasn't vaccines.


Neo Member
When monitoring SpO2 at what percent should you go to the hospital and be very worried while having covid? Just curious.


On May 9th, India's Delta wave peaked at approx 283 cases per million.
At that point the percentage of the population fully vaccinated was 2.50%.
By July 10th, India's Delta wave had largely run its course, confirmed cases were down to 30 cases per million.
At that point the percentage of the population fully vaccinated was 5.28%.

Whatever helped India to weather the Delta storm and come out the other side, it wasn't vaccines.

The answer is always the same, it was the virus. He's in charge, not us (sadly) and he moves at his own pace.

Andrew Pollard eloquently explains the situation we have moving forward.

It's not based on boosters, on vaccinating children, on staying at home the rest of your life, on social distance, on masks, on covid passes, but start vaccinating globally those at risk. Something the west has failed miserably and keeps utterly uninterested in pursuing.

I can imagine twitter fact checkers seething for not being able to block this video.
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Rodent Whores
The answer is always the same, it was the virus. He's in charge, not us (sadly) and he moves at his own pace.

Andrew Pollard eloquently explains the situation we have moving forward.

It's not based on boosters, on vaccinating children, on staying at home the rest of your life, on social distance, on masks, on covid passes, but start vaccinating globally those at risk. Something the west has failed miserably and keeps utterly uninterested in pursuing.

I can imagine twitter fact checkers seething for not being able to block this video lol


Do you really think he would have recommended that course of action to India back then?

edit: Actually let's go back a step and let me ask you what you think he's saying, why he's saying it, and what action he's recommending logistically?
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Oh, about 5 million dead people, give or take.

This is the consequence of natural immunity. Vaccines let you bypass that step and skip the inevitable deaths.

India has a population of approx 1.366 billion people.
At the height of India's Delta wave they were getting approx 3 deaths per million a day.
The Indian data refutes the idea that getting the population to 100% vaccination is the only way to reduce infections.
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Do you really think he would have recommended that course of action to India back then?

This is india deaths per capita ranking:


So you are either a negationist of their official data or I'm misunderstanding why you brought up one of the least affected countries in this pandemic.

There is only one strategy, to vaccinate globally. Failing to do so is an humanitarian crisis.


Rodent Whores
Indian has a population of approx 1.366 billion people.
At the height of India's Delta wave they were getting approx 3 deaths per million a day.
The Indian data refutes the idea that getting the population to 100% vaccination is the only way to reduce infections.
Yes, and I'm telling you the cost of that was about 5 million deaths.


Rodent Whores
This is india deaths per capita ranking:


So you are either a negationist of their official data or I'm misunderstanding why you brought up one of the least affected countries in this pandemic.

There is only one strategy, to vaccinate globally. Failing to do so is an humanitarian crisis.
India's numbers are underreported. Death count didn't match up to cremation count, and the sheer scope of deaths made official counting hard.

Let me ask this way:

What you think Pollard is saying, why he's saying it, and what action he's recommending logistically?

Paraphrase what you think his argument is, his thoughts on the importance of vaccines, and his recommended course of action is, according to that clip.


Yes, and I'm telling you the cost of that was about 5 million deaths.

I clearly addressed that.
As a percentage of India's enormous population that is clearly not a bad outcome. Certainly far better than both the UK and USA fared with their second wave around Christmas (when there was similar rates of full vaccination in the population).


India's numbers are underreported. Death count didn't match up to cremation count, and the sheer scope of deaths made official counting hard.

Let me ask this way:

What you think Pollard is saying, why he's saying it, and what action he's recommending logistically?

Paraphrase what you think his argument is, his thoughts on the importance of vaccines, and his recommended course of action is, according to that clip.

I see, so we only believe numbers when they support our favoured narrative, got it.

Let me ask you this :

In light of the Indian data, do you think a fully vaccinated population is the only way to reduce Delta wave infection?
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Rodent Whores
Oh you're one of those. The famous soccer mom indian health expert, let me guess.
I see, so we only believe numbers when they support our favoured narrative, got it.

India lacks an authoritative estimate of the death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic. We report excess mortality estimates from three different data sources from the pandemic’s start through June 2021. First, extrapolation of state-level civil registration from seven states suggests 3.4 million excess deaths. Second, applying international estimates of age-specific infection fatality rates (IFR) to Indian seroprevalence data implies a higher toll of around 4 million. Third, our analysis of the Consumer Pyramid Household Survey, a longitudinal panel of over 800,000 individuals across all states, yields an estimate of 4.9 million excess deaths. Each of these estimates has shortcomings and they also diverge in the pattern of deaths between the two waves of the pandemic. Estimating COVID-deaths with statistical confidence may prove elusive. But all estimates suggest that the death toll from the pandemic is likely to be an order of magnitude greater than the official count of 400,000; they also suggest that the first wave was more lethal than is believed. Understanding and engaging with the data-based estimates is necessary because in this horrific tragedy the counting—and the attendant accountability—will count for now but also the future.

And with hospitals full and oxygen and medicines in short supply in an already creaky health system, several major cities are reporting far larger numbers of cremations and burials under coronavirus protocols than official COVID-19 death tolls, according to crematorium and cemetery workers, media and a review of government data.

I clearly addressed that.
No you didn't. You're not taking into consideration the magnitude of the pain and suffering that India went through.

As a percentage of India's enormous population that is clearly not a bad outcome.
As a percentage, it doesn't "look" bad, but that's because India's population is so huge. Just looking at that, clapping your hands, and saying "well it wasn't that bad lol!" is truly burying your head in the sand.



No you didn't. You're not taking into consideration the magnitude of the pain and suffering that India went through.

As a percentage, it doesn't "look" bad, but that's because India's population is so huge. Just looking at that, clapping your hands, and saying "well it wasn't that bad lol!" is truly burying your head in the sand.

I see.. you're going for the emotional gambit rather than addressing the actual data itself.
Here's a helpful graph that shows India's Delta wave in context.



Rodent Whores
I see.. you're going for the emotional gambit rather than addressing the actual data itself.
*provides the data itself*

*accuses me of not addressing the data*

That's your prerogative if you don't think India's numbers are underreported.

If we were to take the "official" numbers of 400,000 dead by mid July, do you think that's an acceptable price to pay for "natural" herd immunity in the population?


Problem with negationists is that you don't even read what you post. You end up so deep in your fabricated reality, you lose grasp of things. I will help you Rentahamster Rentahamster


Did you read beyond the reuters headline?

I have to ask you if you know what excess mortality even is? You know that in 2020 that both americans and europe also have an considerable excess mortality (50%-60% more than covid deaths)?

There was another negationist months ago on this thread who was sure the india curve would keep going up. He was so sure of it. Almost like he wanted misery to confirm his bias.
Soccer-mom things. I'm waiting for you to pull up a nano-machines conspiracy on india.
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Rodent Whores
Problem with negationists is that you don't even read what you post. You end up so deep in your fabricated reality, you lose grasp of things. I will help you Rentahamster Rentahamster


Did you read beyond the reuters headline?

I have to ask you if you know what excess mortality even is? You know that in 2020 that both americans and europe also have an considerable excess mortality (50%-60% more than covid deaths)?

There was another negationist months ago on this thread who was sure the india curve would keep going up. He was so sure of it.
It's like you're not even listening.

The cost of reaching herd immunity through natural infection and recovery rather than vaccines is the amount of suffering that's not just deaths alone. It's deaths as a direct result of the virus itself along with deaths due to the inability of hospitals to properly care for the surge of infections, along with the greatly increased amount of pain and suffering that accompanies this. Even going by the inaccurate official death total alone does not encapsulate the scope of the cost in human suffering. Not to mention the appearance of Delta itself. Letting a virus run through a population makes it all the more likely that new variants will appear (assuming it's the kind of virus that tends to evolve to bypass resistance and increase transmissibility, which COVID is).

Paraphrase what you think Pollard's argument is, his thoughts on the importance of vaccines, and his recommended course of action is, according to that clip.

Please elaborate where his thoughts on vaccines align with yours and where it differs.
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*provides the data itself*

*accuses me of not addressing the data*

That's your prerogative if you don't think India's numbers are underreported.

If we were to take the "official" numbers of 400,000 dead by mid July, do you think that's an acceptable price to pay for "natural" herd immunity in the population?

You're struggling with the context and trying to throw out absolute numbers without considering the vast size of India's population.
I showed you a graph that outlines the true picture of just how bad India was hit. Relatively compared with the UK and US, India fared pretty well despite what the media projected and your emotive signalling.

Looking at the data from India, do you agree that vaccines don't reduce infection rates?
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Makes some good points.

Can’t blame him one bit for being angry. I also can’t blame the unvaccinated for quickly backtracking on their stance about the virus and running to the hospital when they realize they can’t breathe. Honestly I don’t understand why insurance companies are still insuring these people who are admitted for the virus when they’re voluntarily unvaxxed. I can’t even imagine what it’s costing them in hospital bills for treatment that could’ve been mitigated by a free shot.

I think I’m with this guy though, if you’re voluntarily unvaxxed because you were willing to take your chances with a virus that is no big deal then don’t look for help from the professional medical community and go seek treatment advice from the Facebook group you got your info from.
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Oh god. Poor fucker.

Anti-vax idiocy boils my brain and I have no skin in the game personally like he does. But if my girlfriend was that sick, and unable to be treated with her life at stake like that… then I’d happily yank the anti-vax cunts off the respirator myself and watch them suffocate.

…oh, and some of you: do please spare me the bleating again about ‘being kind to your fellow man, no matter what he thinks’ bullshit, eh? Your disingenuousness is wholly transparent.

Saying you shouldn't advocate murder is disingenuous? You'd happily watch someone suffocate? You should probably get help, this isn't a normal way for people to think.
Saying you shouldn't advocate murder is disingenuous? You'd happily watch someone suffocate? You should probably get help, this isn't a normal way for people to think.
I decided to ignore his temper tantrum today. He has the fits from time to time where he just goes on about letting people die or wishing they were dead. It’s interesting to watch, that’s for sure. I mean, I’m at least one of the ones he’s referring to when he’s talks about “be kind bullshit”. So at least he knows he’s being terrible human being when he says this stuff. Self righteously raging about killing people is a bad look. Beyond that, what can you do but watch the show?
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Saying you shouldn't advocate murder is disingenuous? You'd happily watch someone suffocate? You should probably get help, this isn't a normal way for people to think.
One of the biggest (social) issues with Covid and its response is that it’s been entirely politicized; turned into another us vs. them talking point. To the extent where people who aren’t vaxxed are vilified, called plague rats (Nazi propaganda btw), and humiliated by others claiming superiority due their health status (which it turns out may not be as iron-clad as we were led to believe).

I believe in vaccination. I also believe in medical autonomy and in treating others with dignity and respect. These ideas can co-exist and exist exclusive of the other. We need to find a middle ground for these discussions in order to sway people to reason. Our governments need to consolidate and clean up their terrible messaging to restore trust in our institutions. Engaging in further tribalism will lead to the same complications and disastrous results we’ve seen for the last decade or so, only with far deadlier consequences.

I’m fairly confident—and given what we’ve seen in the last couple weeks—that the Delta variant will cause significant issues even to vaccinated populations, so this isn’t a problem that’s just going to vanish from browbeating people into submission or surrendering further power to the State to mandate procedures for our protection.

I also believe that short of a broad-spectrum Covid sterilizing vaccine (read: total immunity, not anything tin foil about reproduction lol), we are going to be living with this disease and its permutations for quite some time, if not forever. The staggered rollout of the original vaccines seems a huge mistake in hindsight; we should have waited—regardless of the short term sufearing incurred--until we could’ve done 80% or more of our populations in one go.
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I see.. you're going for the emotional gambit rather than addressing the actual data itself.
Here's a helpful graph that shows India's Delta wave in context.

Standards and infrastructure vary across region within regions within regions interlinked.

Always casually look to local health numbers first. That's what would be most relevant to a person for the vaccine and the security of the data collected and your own doctor and network of health.

For myself

Vast majority of those taking up hospital space are unvaccinated. That's taxpayer money keeping them alive at the expense of access to health care for others.

Then compare with other regions in your immediate area and country. Then trusted regions with the best medical care, record keeping and oversight for the overall population. So if records are tampered with to make a policy/person look better(attempts are made everywhere) from the bottom to the top it's caught and corrected.

I find that helps the keep a clear picture and context.

For example, it's looking like with Alberta ending testing,tracing and isolating on Monday at the start of a delta wave in their province they remove early warning so they don't have to adjust policy until much later in than jurisdictions. They're looking more and more like they got caught in a gamble of calculus where with some optimistic model they got convinced they could steal pandemic management thunder, declare it over in Alberta(therefore Canada) and pretend they did it all. Sweep a few dead under the rug. Mission accomplished.
They can change course, like Asa Hutchinson in Arkansas, or stick it out and fight science like Tennessee.
Now do everyone who smokes and/or drinks alcohol and/or is a fat fuck. The hospitals would be basically empty.
The healthcare industry already accounted for those people. And there was always still room for elective surgeries, specialists and such because there wouldn’t be a sudden wave of 10x as many cancer patients.

That industry doesn’t account for pandemics to happen. They don’t have entire empty wings just in case. And we can’t build new hospitals or create new doctors and nurses overnight. It really is simple that a lot of shit breaks down once hospitals are full.

Suddenly blaming individuals for their bad smoking, eating, drinking habits or other dangerous lifestyles does not solve the issue at hand. Or at least not within the next decade.
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The healthcare industry already accounted for those people. And there was always still room for elective surgeries, specialists and such because there wouldn’t be a sudden wave of 10x as many cancer patients.

That industry doesn’t account for pandemics to happen. They don’t have entire empty wings just in case. And we can’t build new hospitals or create new doctors and nurses overnight. It really is simple that a lot of shit breaks down once hospitals are full.

Suddenly blaming individuals for their bad smoking, eating, drinking habits or other dangerous lifestyles does not solve the issue at hand. Or at least not within the next decade.
But without fat diabetics and smokers and drinkers, we’d have a lot more room for all these covid patients, right? So it fundamentally doesn’t make a difference why they are in the hospital. Either we are going to treat everyone or no one. You don’t get to draw a distinction about which avoidable health consequences you punish and which you do not.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
But without fat diabetics and smokers and drinkers, we’d have a lot more room for all these covid patients, right? So it fundamentally doesn’t make a difference why they are in the hospital. Either we are going to treat everyone or no one. You don’t get to draw a distinction about which avoidable health consequences you punish and which you do not.
They're full. They're drawing that distinction right now. They're cancelling elective procedures.


I decided to ignore his temper tantrum today. He has the fits from time to time where he just goes on about letting people die or wishing they were dead. It’s interesting to watch, that’s for sure. I mean, I’m at least one of the ones he’s referring to when he’s talks about “be kind bullshit”. So at least he knows he’s being terrible human being when he says this stuff. Self righteously raging about killing people is a bad look. Beyond that, what can you do but watch the show?

I was reacting to the very understandable anger that the poor guy felt that his wife wasn’t getting the life saving treatment she needs directly due to anti-vaxxers.

If only you gave a shit as much about his life and hers - and many people like it - as you do your anti-vax friends (I assume they’re your friends given how much you defend them).
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