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Coworker sniffed my lunch. I made him buy a new one. Am I being unfair?

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first thing I noticed was, that the Abominable Snowman's boss is called Serah. I thought it was just a coincidence. but something didn't quite feel right and I googled Arnold in the final fantasy wiki.

there's no character named Arnold, but(!) I found this instead:

Rafflesia was found in the Indonesian rain forest by an Indonesian guide working for Dr. Joseph Arnold in 1818

Rafflesia is an enemy in Lightning Returns and guess what its ability is:

Nutrient Absorption

this is just some weird FF fanfiction, nothing to see here, folks.
Thank you. Matter of fact he wiped his hands on his slacks because he had grease/sauce from the chicken on them. Of all the time I've worked with people, that's was probably the most invaded I ever felt. I don't know whether he washes his hands or is sick. He snorts occasionally and blames 'allergies'. He digs in his ears at his desk. I wouldn't touch anything of his, so why did he feel compelled to pick up and finesse and caress my food? I'm very particular about my food. I would hope most people are.

I do hate it when the OP asks whether they were in the right and then proceeds to ignore the vast majority of comments condemning them and focuses only on the few sympathetic comments.


I actually don't think that the OP was out of line with his reaction. The co-worker clearly had some issues with keeping appropriate distance and basic manners and needed to be told where he overstepped the boundaries. I'm not even concerned about the germs, it's more a principle thing.

Don't like something? Say it!

Also, maybe OP even prevented future trouble for that guy since he now knows that fumbling with someone else's food is not considered normal.


I used to have a plant on my desk. Succulent, didn't need too much water. My colleague always tried to water it. When I wasn't looking she would add water and sometimes it was so much it would leak onto my desk. My plant died thanks to drowning. I was too scared to confront her and make her buy me a new one so I quit my job. I feel you OP.


It's like people don't know basic human interaction anymore. Throwing a scene like this is downright embarrassing.

Basic human interaction doesn't mean letting everything slide just because you don't want to upset someone.

In this case I think it was a huge overreaction, but generally you shouldn't be afraid to say when something makes you uncomfortable.
You acted like a child.


I hate myself for getting this


Yes you overacted, my coworkers pretty much always wanted to sniff my food (Kurdish/middle eastern) because it was different from what they where eating and i always offered them some.
If this is how you overreact on smelling food, I'd hate to see what happens if someone rear ends you or bumps into you accidentally.

Would you have them caned in the streets?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Both you and Arnold are weird as hell, dude.


I'm with OP too. Guy should know boundaries and not be grabbing your lunch and sniffing it. That's the behaviour of an oddball.

Maybe shouting at him (it reads as such - making a scene etc.) was over the top, but it's a good idea to stop that behaviour before it gets too much.
I'm with OP too. Guy should know boundaries and not be grabbing your lunch and sniffing it. That's the behaviour of an oddball.

Maybe shouting at him (it reads as such - making a scene etc.) was over the top, but it's a good idea to stop that behaviour before it gets too much.

He wasn't shouting, he was just half-joking, you know?

"Get your boogers out of here. Buy me a new lunch.



The fuck is your problem dude. He sniffed your food, he didn't masturbaate in it.

At some point you are going to have to admit to yourself that your germaphobia is causing you genuine issues in everyday life and social situations.

Explain to him that you're ridiculously anal about food and germs, and that you didn't appreciate the completely innocuous thing he did because of it. This is on you.

Some of you posters are total fucking weirdos, sorry about that.


I'm with OP too. Guy should know boundaries and not be grabbing your lunch and sniffing it. That's the behaviour of an oddball.

Maybe shouting at him (it reads as such - making a scene etc.) was over the top, but it's a good idea to stop that behaviour before it gets too much.

Totally agree. OP's coworker has zero idea what boundary means and it's better to establish it early on than to suffer everyday at work.

Wouldn't make a scene out of it but I would damn hell make sure he wouldn't try this shit again.


I haven't met someone like you OP. But in case I did, I'll probably won't speak to him/her again and probably will tell everyone how of a dick he is.


Whether you should be annoyed he sniffed it is another issue here, but the main problem is your reaction. Most normal people would tell someone off for something minor like this in a sort of joking way, like "what the hell are you doing with my food?" with a bit of a smile on their face.

The way you handled it only serves to be negative and humiliate. Most people don't want to be around people like that. On the plus side, you probably came out looking the bigger idiot.
Its an extreme over reaction!

If someone picked up my recently resealed container to sniff it my reaction would be in a very jovial manner "Hey don't you steal my food! don't make me get Pheobe to write a note!" (I'd probably have to explain the friends reference then....)

but your reaction was way off the charts
he inhaled, air was taken into his body, the particles of food carried upwards in the warm air entered his nose - something you are doing right now op you are breathing and inhaling particles

Now if he went over your food and breathed like that weird kid that followed Helga around on hey Arnold on it (in out ,in out heavy breathing) then Maybe you could be a little annoyed, because possibly he could have directly exhaled something onto your food

but you know what OP, you are a germophobe so this should be fun to explain, in an office environment there will be skin particles, sweat particles, faecal matter particles all being recirculated in minute quantities through the air, at no point no matter what you do will you have 100% 'clean' food
and that is not considering the food production environment, if they washed their hands etc
The simple fact is the human bodies immune system is designed to filter shit out, you over reacted over the potential for something you breath into your own body being consumed, your overreaction was over the realisation of reality

Get over it! I used to be a germophobe, but I grew out of it because you can't be 100% clean you are wasting your time, what Poor Arnold did was nothing

go apologise or at the bare minimum exp-lain you are a germophobe and irrationally so then buy him lunch and apologise again
do that for a week and whilst you are at it, think about your life and how you are wasting it worrying over microscopic particles! especially while you're typing on a keyboard that will have been touched by unwashed hands for gods sake! in a room that will be filled with germs and reassess your priorities!

I just hope you get the only person willing to interact with you to actually want to interact with you again, otherwise you'll get lonely/isolate mentally and that's far worse than a tiny amount of germs

boiled goose

good with gravy
What he did was rude.

You overreacted.

What you said can never be said nicely haha. Dont kid yourself.

I would have told him, please dont sniff my food next time and leave it at that.


Overreacted a bit. I would apologize but explain that when it comes to food, you'd rather he not do that in the future or at the very least ask first. Just tell him you were having a bad day and move along.
Overreacted a bit. I would apologize but explain that when it comes to food, you'd rather he not do that in the future or at the very least ask first. Just tell him you were having a bad day and move along.

Yeah, this is a perfectly normal response. Nobody likes people getting close to their food but throwing around the word 'boogers' then asking him to buy you a new lunch (for fucking smelling your food) then passively aggressively leaving your lunch on his desk is pure manchild behaviour. It's like you didn't get the attention you wanted with your booger comment and thought to yourself 'How can I make sure people remember this exchange?'


I make my point that if he didn't know, he would not change.

How effective has this logic been in your case? Seems like you have mostly gravitated to justifying yourself and framed people making a huge deal out of your reaction as unworthy of listening too and becoming dismissive and defensive.

There is an irony and a lesson from that you seem to not be getting.


I do think the coworker should have left your food alone. It would have made me a bit upset too. However I wouldn't have made him buy me a new lunch. Probably just asked him to not do it again. Maybe that is considered okay to do where he is from?
I once pushed someone's face back because he invaded personal space unlike anyone I've ever seen before. I regret nothing and I am on your side.
Does Arnold get into the office earlier than you?

Is he petty? Or give off the vibe that he's the type of guy who who lick your phone, keyboard or mouse?


first thing I noticed was, that the Abominable Snowman's boss is called Serah. I thought it was just a coincidence. but something didn't quite feel right and I googled Arnold in the final fantasy wiki.

there's no character named Arnold, but(!) I found this instead:

Rafflesia is an enemy in Lightning Returns and guess what its ability is:

this is just some weird FF fanfiction, nothing to see here, folks.

Holy shit
If I were in your exact situation and when I noticed his face was that close to my food I would have looked at him and said

"Please don't do that." He would have stopped and probably asked "what happened? or something like that" I would have reply with "hey I'm alittle weird about germs and while I don't mind you getting a wif of my food can I ask you not put your face too close to it? I don't mean to offend you but my food is uncover and you have a stash."

And handle the rest of the ceversation accordingly while acting professional and being understanding to were he's coming from. I would have ended with something like "hey no need to apologize and I'll catch up with you later after I get done."

I read the OT yesterday so I hope all my facts are correct. And I'm not really a germaphobe so that conversation would have never really happend. I prolly would have offered him some of it and that would have probably been enough to get him to back away alittle.


Yes, you overreacted. Funny that you even have to ask, you're honestly being completely unreasonable imo. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't like someone sniffing my food, but your reaction is just wtf. I only read the OP btw and based my answer on that.
Assistant to Office manager/HR here. Gonna give OP and rest of GAF some perspective.

There are three parts where he could have over reacted.

OP complaining to co-worker about sniffing his food
OP asking for him to buy replacing the food he sniffed
OP placing the food co-worker sniffed on his desk

Well let's go through it.

Did OP buy his food for his coworker to sniff it in close proximity? No
Did OP ask him to sniff his food before he ate it? No
Did coworker ask for permission to touch OP's food? No
Did coworker ask for permission to sniff OP's food? No
Should OP be forced to eat food he's not comfortable eating? Of course not
Yes, the people who prepared his food may have germs, but said people and establishment has to make sure the kitchen, cookware, and cooking practices are up to code in order to serve food, his coworker is not held to the same standard, so OP shouldn't assume that his face, follicles, hair, skin are perfectly clean and harmless. OP already said he doesn't know him.
Is it customary in OP's office to touch things that doesn't belong to them? Probably not
Is it customary in OP's office to sniff things that doesn't belong to them? Probably not
Is it customary in OP's office to not ask for permission before doing any of the above two? Probably not
Serah admitted that she would not eat food that a person she doesn't know already sniffed from so at the very least she understand why OP was upset. OP isn't 100% in the wrong. If a person does something you don't approve of, which Serah and OP has acknowledged, then why would you not tell said person to stop it? If not, they will think that behavior is acceptable. But not telling them, you are reinforcing something you find unacceptable to YOUR belongings.
What kind of tolerance people have with their own stuff is on them, but people have to respect how you feel about your own stuff. Especially if they didn't pay for it and/or is not theirs to begin with. Serah is completely wrong and thank goodness she isn't in HR.

You were even kind enough to not throw it away and gave it to him. He should have either saved it to eat it at some other time or tossed it himself.
In your eyes, coworker made your food inedible. If he didn't touch/smell it, this wouldn't be the case. He didn't ask for permission so he should have made some attempt to make it right. Not even an apology or acknowledgement that you were upset about it. He should have at least come half way if he TRULY felt you were trying to get over on him.

And why would you buy food for your lunch just to make someone else pay for some more food? The point was to not be hungry from lunch until close of business, not to extract money from his pocket for the lolz. OP still paid for the initial lunch. How dense is that logic?

This is probably gonna fall on deaf ears, but OP you were right. I can't believe 100% of the people who finds strangers putting their faces in close proximity to their food is comfortable to eat it afterwards and to think it's acceptable after the fact.

If the coworker thinks you are an asshole for it, he's probably not worth getting chummy with anyhow. Respect people's personal space and their belongings. If you didn't ask for permission, don't assume that it's okay.
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