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Coworker sniffed my lunch. I made him buy a new one. Am I being unfair?

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He just opened up your food like that and sniffed? I wouldn't have went off on him but definitely would have given him a disapproving look that would have burned into his soul.
Someone did that to me and I called them out on their BS and said don't sniff my food.

I wouldn't make them buy another one for me. In fact, now that I have a one year old, sniffing my food would be the least of my worries!
The sniffer should mind his manners, but you overreacted. Should have politely told him to not touch your food and left it at that.


Fucking germaphobes, I swear.

If your neurotic asses only knew...

C'mon. See this post up here? Just one example of being more of an asshole than the OP.

First of all Baraka, germaphobia is a real thing that many people with OCD have. So, I think it is a little bit more than, "Oh your such an unbalance person, let me act like everyone like that has a choice to feel like that." Yeah, this may be new to you, but the brain is SLIGHTLY more complicated than that. Of course many people with germaphobia know what goes on with food and what some servers do. And it is silly to think that, oh what harm is it to sniff someone else food or to touch it without permission when blahblah happens when making it? Uh, people can't control what happened with their food before, but they can certainly stop a man from sniffing their food. It is a difference of actually seeing things up in person. And why are all germaphobes asses? Did they do something to you? Not everyone would be this extreme (people even agreeing with the OP believes he overreacted).

But calling someone a germaphobe over something like this doesn't even make complete sense. Sure, the OP finds it 100% disgusting (enough to even get more food) but what about me? I don't care about the germs, but the disrespect of getting too close to people's food. That has nothing to do with germs (although I too find it a bit disgusting). Generalizing it as just "germaphobes" is, well, ignorant.
I responded to at least 2 other people. The thing is, there's a crowd of everyone hammering down on me. I'm not going to go through responding to each post when they're saying the same thing.

Either way, I've read your posts. I read it all.

Well, I mean don't feel bad. Your reaction was human.

Anyone who'd be silly enough to sniff your food like that has to expect some sort of reaction. Maybe you over-reacted? Just a little, yeah?

No biggie though. Buy him the same thing on pay day and let bygones be bygones.

I do want some nice crispy chicken wings now. Thanks...

So people are being jerks to OP on behalf of the poor victimized food sniffer.

Time to bow out of this one. You guys have at it. :)

People aren't being jerks. He asked a "question" to everyone that he clearly didn't want the answer to because he's not going to listen to the overwhelming advice to apologize. He just wants to feel good about being an asshole.


OP you are pathetic.

Oh and I usually edit posts like this in after I make a recent post as both I and Neogaf don't care for immediate same posts, but I REALLY WANT to make this clear.

How can anyone call the OP an asshole and then ignore this whole thread in which posts like this happen? Thankfully more people are seeing this, but this has happened in several threads in the past week. I know, I know, this happens way more than I realize, but the majority not even calling shit like this out?

Come on. Come on. Sigh. Done with this thread. Full of hate.
He never actually touched the food just the container. He is already known to be overly friendly. You brought stinking food in to an office. You acted like a child. You made him buy you a new one. You dumped the one he sniffed on his desk. It just descends into passive aggressive threatening behavior, I don't know how you can't identify that, your boogers statement is kind of jokey but TELLING him to buy you a new one and then dumping yours on his desk is not acceptable behavior.

All of this is down to OP, let Arnold know you don't like him touching you and being too close, be polite about it. Set some boundaries.

No need now anyway because you acted like a big baby in an adult work place, you will be know as "food guy" or "chicken guy" from now on probably.


Guys no one is saying that what Arnold did was right. Hell I'd be a little put off if that happened to me too. But look at the thread title again. Is the question being asked "is it cool that Arnold sniffed my chicken"? No, it's " am I being unfair"? And the answer to that is yes, quite so. There were much better ways to handle the situation than what the OP did.

Jay Seven

if someone is putting their face in my food as a way to try and befriend me, I'd rather not be friends with him

I feel for you OP. I guess we're assholes
Nah just socially inept.
I eagerly await the thread by OP saying he broke up w his girl cos she ate one of his French fries after she clearly told him she didn't want her own order of them
It'll be because Arnold sniffed her... But surprise twist, she liked it.


Gold Member
OP you definitely overreacted. Now you've made things really awkward at work. That being said I can't stand people touching my food either.


The person who made your lunch took a shit before they did it. Then they touched that food with their hands. Their hands had poop on them at one point. Poop!
People aren't being jerks. He asked a "question" to everyone that he clearly didn't want the answer to because he's not going to listen to the overwhelming advice to apologize. He just wants to feel good about being an asshole.
This guy gets it. This is exactly how most of these "Am I on the right side of this situation?" threads go.
People aren't being jerks. He asked a "question" to everyone that he clearly didn't want the answer to because he's not going to listen to the overwhelming advice to apologize. He just wants to feel good about being an asshole.
? He said he was going to apologize. People doing things like "you're pathetic" drive-by posts are acting jerk-like.


It sounds like you could have been a lot more diplomatic in dealing with your co-worker's mild rudeness. There must be something between ignoring what he did and "Hey guess what, now you have to go buy me another lunch."
You were both in the wrong.

Him for invading your privacy.

You for overreacting.( asking him to buy you a new meal, and putting the old one on his desk is super passive aggressive lol)

Man up, and explain all that to him tomorow and buy him lunch.

But before he eats it, sniff the shit out of it.
You mean when he said that two pages ago and not immediately after he realized people were disagreeing with him?

He did say it though, which is more than one could say for virtually any other "overreaction backfire thread." Better late than never. People are beating a dead horse at this point. The thread has been resolved, it's done.


No need now anyway because you acted like a big baby in an adult work place, you will be know as "food guy" or "chicken guy" from now on probably.

OP's lucky that he's only there temporarily, because when he goes in tomorrow he's going to get stares and snickers.
You mean when he said that two pages ago and not immediately after he realized people were disagreeing with him?
So now he didn't do it fast enough to avoid being subsequently crapped upon and categorized?

"I will apologize."

"No! Too late! Pathetic OP!"
How can anyone call the OP an asshole and then ignore this whole thread in which posts like this happen? Thankfully more people are seeing this, but this has happened in several threads in the past week. I know, I know, this happens way more than I realize, but the majority not even calling shit like this out?

Come on. Come on. Sigh. Done with this thread. Full of hate.

Heh, if I really was a open, bleeding heart such words would really get to me. Pathetic, "A sad individual", socially inept, complete douchebag, etc etc etc posts are way more common than the "You're wrong, here's why". Or at least they feel that way. But I thank you in pointing out the hypocrisy. as 'pathetic' or a 'piece of shit' I am, I don't try to make myself feel better railing on someone over the internet.

If he sniffed your ass would you make him clean it?

I'd make him buy me a new one. I have Dr Miami's number.

no you make yourself feel better by railing on your coworker for doing something completely innocious

I will never apologize for reacting to having my personal space invaded and my food creeped on. I will apologize for overreacting, which perhaps I did, but I'd rather someone eat the food than throw it away. However, I am still of the belief that what he did was not acceptable. I didn't rail on him, though.
You were both in the wrong.

Him for invading your privacy.

You for overreacting.( asking him to buy you a new meal, and putting the old one on his desk is super passive aggressive lol)

Man up, and explain all that to him tomorow and buy him lunch.

But before he eats it, sniff the shit out of it.

That would be pretty damn funny. At least both would learn a lesson.


So now he didn't do it fast enough to avoid being subsequently crapped upon and categorized?

"I will apologize."

"No! Too late! Pathetic OP!"

That's not what I have a problem with. I have a problem with you calling out the people who were calling out the OP before he made the apology.

If the people didn't rag on him, then he would have never thought there needed to be an apology made.
When two people who have no sense of self-awareness collide...you'll never believe what happens next!



Yes you overreacted but I think he was rude to pick up your food container and sniff it without permission. (most people would be fine smelling food without being that close to it).

Apologize for the overreaction (though based on the last few posts, I'm guessing you're going to do that - not read the whole thread) and explain to him how he went past your personal boundaries (we all have our own boundaries after all and he should understand that) so he knows for next time.

If he is still pissed then that is on him. You will have done all you can do to remedy the situation.


You could have handled it much more diplomatically. He was wrong, but you could have handled it better.

Perhaps could have said if he likes it enough to open it he can have it. But in a friendly "giving" way. You go and buy yourself another. He'll eventually figure out what really happened and feel ashamed.
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