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Creepy image thread.

Blue Ninja said:
I swear I've seen that alien-thing before. Where's it from?

I just edited out a web site. Is it cool to post the site? It's pretty NSFW, though I'm sure tons of people here have been there....


Read through all of this thread and come to the dissapointing conclusion that nothing creeps me out anymore, I always just think 'it's fake' then move on, instead of actually focusing on the creepiness.

Can't even remember the last scary film that actually affected me, probably blair witch.


Concept17 said:
That was a whole lot of buildup for something that wasn't even remotely scary.
In the context of the movie it is.
Here, you're going in expecting something, while in the movie, up to that point averything was pretty normal, nothing that hinted at an "horror" twist.


Nightmare fuel: Mexico’s island of dead dolls (pics inside)

It was around 50 years ago that a little girl drowned off a small island hidden deep amongst the canals of Xochimico. The island’s only permanent inhabitant was a recluse named Don Julián Santana Barrera. Soon after the girl’s death Barrera fished an old doll out of the water. The next day he fished out another. And then another. Convinced that this was a sign from the netherworld, Barrera started collecting old dolls and hanging them around the island. These dolls, he believed, formed vessels for spirits that kept the deceased girl company and prevented further evil from descending upon the island.

From here the story becomes murky. Some claim that Barrera himself died under mysterious circumstances, and that the spirit-inhabited dolls murdered him Chucky-like. Others swear that they’ve witnessed the dolls become alive at night and that after Barrera’s death they assumed his role as the island’s caretaker.
jillytot said:

Is that other guy using a cell phone?

despite being just a drawing, i swear this is the worst picture i have ever seen. i can feel the psychological damage it does to me. my imagination takes me back to the time when this was actually done to people, people just as real as you and i. imagine the terror and pain they felt.. just... unspeakable :E

but thanks for seeing some humor in it :p now i can't unsee that cellphone haha
OuterWorldVoice said:

Also, I think I would prefer to go with the Rocky Horror Picture show story. Fits Occam's Razor, right down to the unhappy expression. As for the "ectoplasm", I have no idea.


The Floorshow scene.

Same exact makeup.

JDS 1977

Creepy imagining that guy on top of her all "Unghhhhhhhh!!!" probably with tobacco juice dripping from the corners of his mouf.
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