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Creepy image thread.


Junior Member
Melchiah said:

That can be interpreted as something physically repulsive as well. Different strokes for different folks. Some get a similar feeling from "repulsive" stuff, as some get from ghost stories.
Okay, but this isn't a "repulsive" thread. It's a creepy thread. And the definition of "creepy" you posted talks about fear, not revulsion. Nobody is scared by gross-out photos of medical procedures. They are just gross. Those images are also NSFW, btw and this thread has not been labeled as such. So I think it should stop.

I am not a mod, but I think it's inappropriate. If everyone else thinks it's cool, then I'll shut up.


AVclub said:
Okay, but this isn't a "repulsive" thread. It's a creepy thread. And the definition of "creepy" you posted talks about fear, not revulsion. Nobody is scared by gross-out photos of medical procedures. They are just gross. Those images are also NSFW, btw and this thread has not been labeled as such. So I think it should stop.

I am not a mod, but I think it's inappropriate. If everyone else thinks it's cool, then I'll shut up.

Unless a person has a pathological fear of medical procedures. =) I, for one, find those "faceless" black and white pictures, I've posted here a while back somewhat creepy, but someone else might find them more repulsive perhaps. But I agree, that autopsy pics and such aren't necessarily appropriate here.


AVclub said:
I am not a mod, but I think it's inappropriate. If everyone else thinks it's cool, then I'll shut up.
Doesn't bother me one bit since this is the creepy thread. I expect pics/video that of the disturbed and obscure. Of course, this thread is not for anyone but the internet desensitize me years ago so for me, it's interesting. I actually like this thread alot so keep on doing what your doing Melchiah and the rest of you posters.


Sielys said:
Did anyone else read those "Scary Stories" books when they were young?

The stories themselves weren't always scary, but the pen-and-ink drawings were straight out of nightmares.
This is the first thing I think about when I see threads like this. I used to genuinely fear turning to this page when I was a kid. It still kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies.



This was in the hotel I was staying in over the weekend. The eyes are really creepy, but the worst part about it was the exact same print was on all 9 floors.


DemonNite said:
some of these are old but worth posting again i think :D



Love the first, but can't get the second to work. It tells me I don't have Quicktime plugin, eventhough I have the program installed.

Doesn't bother me one bit since this is the creepy thread. I expect pics/video that of the disturbed and obscure. Of course, this thread is not for anyone but the internet desensitize me years ago so for me, it's interesting. I actually like this thread alot so keep on doing what your doing Melchiah and the rest of you posters.

As ordered.




For the discussion above: It's really simple really, put the more graphically crude and repulsive pictures as links, so whoever feels like it can click them.
Acrylamid said:
As mentioned before, this is from a Tool music video.
More specifically, it's from Stinkfist.
Ahh the good old days. Back when their imagery was actually profoundly creepy and delicious.

Miss who the band was during Aenima.


AVclub said:
I am not a mod, but I think it's inappropriate.

^Pretty well sums up every post of yours I've noticed recently. I'm not one for the "disgusting" pictures either but I can understand how plenty of folks would label them as creepy.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Axion22 said:

This was in the hotel I was staying in over the weekend. The eyes are really creepy, but the worst part about it was the exact same print was on all 9 floors.

No, it was just the one. The rest were empty frames. She was watching you. She is still watching you.
~Kinggi~ said:


you're welcome[/QUOTE]

I realize this is from way back on page 2, but I always found Mrs. Harvard quite attractive, even in these shots.


Typical COD gamer
I saw it some time ago on the Internet. Google 'red eye room hotel horror' or something like that, and you'll find a few sites with this story.


Incredibly Naive
NotTarts said:
The end was a bit disappointing, I have to say.

Yeah not to be a downer, but it's really a letdown... it really could've been any color, and the way it was delivered is so clunky.


czk said:

I love these scary stories. The Portrait scary story was great as well.

A long time ago, there was a man who went out hunting in the woods. As night fell, he found himself in an unfamiliar part of the forest. He walked and walked, but he couldn’t find his way home. Wandering aimlessly in the dark, he eventually came to a small clearing where an old, ramshackle cabin stood. Tired and weary, he decided to see if he could stay there for the night.

When he came closer to the cabin, he saw that the door was standing ajar. Poking his head inside, he could see that the little cabin was completely empty, but there was a bed and a fire burning in the fireplace. The hunter threw himself on the bed and decided to sleep there for the night. If the owner came back, he would ask his permission in the morning.

Lying on the bed, half-asleep, he looked around and was surprised to see the walls were covered with paintings. They appeared to be family portraits, all framed and painted in incredible detail. They seemed very life-like and, without exception, each family portrait was uglier than the next. The hideous faces in the paintings made him incredibly uneasy. The way they were painted made it seem as if the eyes were staring directly at him. It was incredibly unnerving.

He decided that the only way he was going to get any sleep was to ignore the hideous faces staring at him. So he turned on his side, facing the wall, pulled the blanket over his head and drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, the hunter woke up to find the cabin bathed in sunlight. When he looked up, he discovered there were no family portraits on the walls of the cabin, only windows.

Do you have any more?
The Garfield comic is unsettling for whatever reason, even though I know it shouldn't be.


I think I love this thread as much as I am scared of it :D
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