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Creepy image thread.

Dead Man

hateradio said:
This is very eerie. Plus, there is a bit of trypophobic imagery.

Reminds me of the creepy simpsons:

More here: http://imgur.com/a/V7OW5/disturbing_simpsons/1


The Most Dangerous Yes Man


The Garfield one creeped me out because it makes it seem like the creator is mentally deranged or something. I'm not sure what it was but there was a cartoon YouTube video that had a similar theme going.

The Simpsons cartoon doesn't have that vibe at all, though.


ezekial45 said:
A long time ago, there was a man who went out hunting in the woods. As night fell, he found himself in an unfamiliar part of the forest. He walked and walked, but he couldn’t find his way home. Wandering aimlessly in the dark, he eventually came to a small clearing where an old, ramshackle cabin stood. Tired and weary, he decided to see if he could stay there for the night.

When he came closer to the cabin, he saw that the door was standing ajar. Poking his head inside, he could see that the little cabin was completely empty, but there was a bed and a fire burning in the fireplace. The hunter threw himself on the bed and decided to sleep there for the night. If the owner came back, he would ask his permission in the morning.

Lying on the bed, half-asleep, he looked around and was surprised to see the walls were covered with paintings. They appeared to be family portraits, all framed and painted in incredible detail. They seemed very life-like and, without exception, each family portrait was uglier than the next. The hideous faces in the paintings made him incredibly uneasy. The way they were painted made it seem as if the eyes were staring directly at him. It was incredibly unnerving.

He decided that the only way he was going to get any sleep was to ignore the hideous faces staring at him. So he turned on his side, facing the wall, pulled the blanket over his head and drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, the hunter woke up to find the cabin bathed in sunlight. When he looked up, he discovered there were no family portraits on the walls of the cabin, only windows.
Do you have any more?
Lol, i was coincidentally listening to this, while reading; creeped me the fuck out and it's 3 AM here, i can't get any sleep, but this'll help i'm sure.
dragonlife said:
I don't think I get it with the Garfield comic. What's supposed to be unsettling...?

There's not much to 'get', I don't know that anyone could explain exactly what's so unsettling about it. It's sort of like some beyond-human, incomprehensible, demonic force infiltrated a bit of pop culture through some mechanism we don't understand. It's like that terrifying Mickey Mouse thing.
This is sort of off topic, but can anyone recommend me a creepy, pseudoscience documentary? I'm a sucker for those. Suspend your disbelief and you've got a solid scary experience, and I'm in the mood to be spooked. Any suggestions?


Death Prophet
ezekial45 said:
I love these scary stories. The Portrait scary story was great as well.

Do you have any more?
Alright, I'll admit that's creepy, but how the fuck would you not know they are real people? :p
Conciliator said:
There's not much to 'get', I don't know that anyone could explain exactly what's so unsettling about it. It's sort of like some beyond-human, incomprehensible, demonic force infiltrated a bit of pop culture through some mechanism we don't understand. It's like that terrifying Mickey Mouse thing.
Holy shit. Now that was unsettling. The Garfield comic was not in any way for me.


dragonlife said:
I don't think I get it with the Garfield comic. What's supposed to be unsettling...?

Looks like part of the Zalgo meme, or at least a similar idea where a previously harmless thing gets edited to have creepy stuff in it. I always thought those were more for laughs though.
dragonlife said:
Holy shit. Now that was unsettling. The Garfield comic was not in any way for me.

Well, not much lives up to Suicide Mouse. It is the sum of human suffering compiled into 7 minutes of video and sound, after all.
Yah, it's almost definitely born of 4chan's creepy board. Or maybe Something Awful. But probably 4chan.

Or the barren, infinite womb of an impossible creature older than time itself.

Also I hate the be the bearer of bad news but Mickey Mouse is going to come fuck your shit up in 7 days or something.
Conciliator said:
There's not much to 'get', I don't know that anyone could explain exactly what's so unsettling about it. It's sort of like some beyond-human, incomprehensible, demonic force infiltrated a bit of pop culture through some mechanism we don't understand. It's like that terrifying Mickey Mouse thing.

Am I the only person not creped out by this? Its just mishmash to me.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Flying_Phoenix said:
Am I the only person now creped out by this? Its just mishmash to me.
Did you mean not? I think it was weird but not creepy.

bangai-o said:
how is a murderous scream supposed to be suicide?
The music on the video isn't quite creepy to me since I have listened to lots of avantgarde music. The screams are pretty horrible, but that was it.


Keru_Shiri said:
Good God, that was painful to watch. I'm guessing its another internet prank presented as fact, but its the creepiest and most well-put together one I've seen yet.

Yeah, it was a popular creepypasta, then someone decided to make a video out of the description in the creepypasta. The video is kinda meh, but the story is classic as far as those go.


Fuck, I thought this thread was about "GAF creepy" and not about "creepy creepy".

I'm creeped out now :( AND I WANTED TO GO TO BED RIGHT NOW :(
hateradio said:
Did you mean not? I think it was weird but not creepy.

The music on the video isn't quite creepy to me since I have listened to lots of avantgarde music. The screams are pretty horrible, but that was it.

Yeah. Its just really weird with no aim at all.

SmithnCo said:
Yeah, it was a popular creepypasta, then someone decided to make a video out of the description in the creepypasta. The video is kinda meh, but the story is classic as far as those go.

Anyone have a link to more creepypasta stuff?
The pop culture creepy pasta stuff is interesting, usually people either don't respond to it at all, or think it's more disturbing than anything else. Count me in the latter! I guess it has a sort of Lovecraftian thing to it? I'm not really an expert but I think incomprehensible, omnipresent evil plays a big part in it.
Mortrialus said:
This is sort of off topic, but can anyone recommend me a creepy, pseudoscience documentary? I'm a sucker for those. Suspend your disbelief and you've got a solid scary experience, and I'm in the mood to be spooked. Any suggestions?
Lake Mungo


Einchy said:

I saw this few months ago on the TV. It was freaky. Felt bad for the baby.

There's also an even more scarier/freaky family. The whole family has some disease that gets passed on from generation to generations. When they grow up, they have a chance to start deforming (bones and muscles I believe) that cause them to look and act like monsters...maybe comparable to something from like horror movies or Silent Hill stuff...uh.
And now pretty much the whole family has this disease.
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