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Crusader Kings 2 MP Community Thread of Count, Duke, King, Emperor and MGO


It seems my connection problems are fixed, and I started as Hungary because the AI essentially made the Polish area of the game unplayable and people were okay with that. The game is a lot more enjoyable when you don't jump into a massive political mess due to the AI not managing things properly.

Then you can create your own. By getting your ruler maimed in war, then by accidentally auto-surrendering against a rebellion because you took too long to respond. But I subjugated Kiev in the process. And then my ruler became infirm from a war injury (since I'm under a king now and he sent me off to war). And then died in like a year.

But it's okay, I revoked a bunch of counties and got my heir quite a few in the process (3 of them- not bad for a pagan). Then started a rebellion to become king again, and the game crashed.

I think I'm in a pretty good position though. I should be able to retake my original title, then be able to manage my duke's children and holdings so this mess doesn't happen again. Also after thinking about it, I think the AI surrendered a 80% warscore/8k troop lead because he was worried about me rebelling and/or Catholic leaders joining the holy war to protect Greater Moravia.

I think that was a stupid choice though, he could have conquered it pretty easily and just gave it away. Now there's a very low chance of him successfully defending this rebellion. I haven't really played as pagans in the Old Gods start much (I've only played as the Byzantines), so all of this upheaval in such a short time frame is kind of new for me. >_>


I think we need to start experimenting with disabling certain DLCs. I checked my error logs and I get the following error:

[texturehandler.cpp:181]: Couldn't find texture file: gfx//coats_of_arms//dynasties3.tga.

I don't own dynasty coat of arms 3, so perhaps that's why I'm the source of a lot of problems. I don't really see anything else that would be a critical error. I've also read that the unit packs might cause similar issues. I suggest everyone check their error logs and see if anything else is causing problems.

It's located in home drive (for me C)/users/your Windows login/My Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings/logs

And there will be an error log in there, along with memory logs and other ones. I only had an obvious issue in my error logs, but there might be other stuff for other people going on, so I'd at least glance at it. If that doesn't work, I think we should consider moving to the beta patch. It also might be a good practice for the person who crashed to check their logs after they crash, because I suspect there are probably 5-6 different errors going on (and mine just happens to be at the top of the list).


Won't stop picking the right nation
I see the same thing in my error log, so I'm not sure it has any significance. One of the developers on the forum mentioned that most of the problems are related to memory issues.


Multplayer stability hasn't substantially improved for the last few major versions. Why should the next beta patch make a difference?


We should try disable unnecessary DLC like coat of arms etc, doesnt hurt and just give cosmetic stuff to the game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Multplayer stability hasn't substantially improved for the last few major versions. Why should the next beta patch make a difference?


As time goes to infinite, the chances of Paradox releasing a patch that fixes multiplayer approaches 1.



As time goes to infinite, the chances of Paradox releasing a patch that fixes multiplayer approaches 1.

Let's say the chance that Paradox releases a patch that fixes MP until day x is f(x).
As there is a finite n with f(m) = 0 for all m > n that means that lim x->inf f(x) = 0.



Let's say the chance that Paradox releases a patch that fixes MP until day x is f(x).
As there is a finite n with f(m) = 0 for all m > n that means that lim x->inf f(x) = 0.


Go home Phoenixyz, you are drunk.

EDIT: Oh, anyone up for game now? :D


Won't stop picking the right nation
Multplayer stability hasn't substantially improved for the last few major versions. Why should the next beta patch make a difference?
The developers have said that the next patch will substantially improve multiplayer stability, and reports on the forum from people who have opted into the beta program seem generally positive about it (although that doesn't guarantee we won't have issues; it is a beta patch after all). What happened in the past doesn't seem very relevant, because they just moved to Steam, and they're still fixing problems caused by it. They also seem to be more committed to making multiplayer stable.


Patch released, so no need for beta patch!


- Fixed crash after changing savegame directory with the delete save dialog open
- Minor optimizations
- Ironman now autosaves once every 6 months rather than every month
- Fixed crash where AI would evaluate religious elector titles when you didn't have Sons of Abraham
- Fixed OOS regarding battle chokepoints.
- Optimized AI for elector titles for religions
- Optimized so interface should seem smoother at all times, less stuttering
- Fixed a bug where wars against vassals would not start properly, and freeze any plot related to that war.
- Fixed crash when you hover over dead characters religion icon
- Fixed CTD when AI is evaluating targets
- Fixed issue where taking the last county from the Pope would not properly give its baronies to the winner.
- Fixed issue where taking the last county from the Pope ended his Crusades.
- Texture memory usage has been optimized, this should result in far lower memory useage, both on the graphics card and RAM.
- Even more memory usage optimization, reduced memory usage growth over time.
- Fixed issue where temporary revolt titles got inherited by characters outside the revolt. ( Old saves affected by this should also be repaired )
- Fixed issue where vassals under a temporary revolt title got independent on Liege's death.
- Fixed issue where vassals with a liege in a revolt could create new higher tier titles and become independent of the original liege when the revolt ended
- Fixed issue where a vassal got independent when they joined a rebellion outside the realm of its liege.

- Holding Alt and left-clicking while a unit is selected will no longer make that unit un-selectable.
- The Third Temple in Jerusalem is now completed even if the ruler who ordered its construction dies.
- Fixed an error in the German text for the completion of the Third Temple.
- "Great Indian Sultanate" and "Looking East and West" achievements now work even if Rajastan has become a part of the Empire of of India.
- Fixed an issue with the allow triggers for Kali Puja.
- Plots to revoke vassal titles no longer resets when not supposed to.
- Resolved issue were the educate child interaction would not auto suggest a guardian.
- Now properly resets the de facto liege of revolt vassals when the revolt ends inconclusively.
- Revolt wars now end when the provinces in revolt gets vassalised by another leader.
- Horse archers no longer use the Norse horse archers model as default.
- Fixed a bug where AI characters would not go on pilgrimages.
- No longer shows the order of a character's wife in the opposite order.
- The event to become Saoshyant no longer requires non-existing duchies.
- Game no longer crashes on death if the diplomacy view is opened.
- Fixed bug where a revolt Casus Belli became invalidated when it was not supposed to.
- Kingdom of Jerusalem's duchies can no longer be assimilated by other kingdoms
- Fixed small issue with logging incompability with launcher.
- Fixed freezing of plot when surrendering to a war to revoke a vassal title.
- Resolved issue with offering to educate children where the liege of the child was automatically assigned as a tutor instead of you or one in your realm.
- Fixed bug where rulers got vassalised when they lost a claim war even though they had vassals outside the contested title.
- Zoroastrian vassals now only consider liege marriages as divine if they are truly close kin.
- Fixed issue where the pope would always grant divorces as the marriages where wrongly considered a consanguinity.
- Fixed English localisation of Hellenic priests, training grounds and mustering grounds.
- Changed the "Become King" ambition to be called "Become Queen" for female rulers.
- Changed font for changing language in the settings menu to match fonts used for other settings.
- Resolved issue where thumbs up and thumbs down icons when browsing the list of claimants did not match if they could be invited to court or not.
- Fixed bug for Muslim rulers where your latest wife was set as your First Wife, instead of the wife you first married.
- Fixed bug where AI republic characters with other titles did not build trade posts.
- Fixed bug where the graphic for special units changed when merged with troops of another culture.
- Resolved issue where Muslim male characters could not get married if betrothed to a minor.
- Fixed issue where revolt occupations were removed when another revolt claimed the contested title.
- Improved AI decision-making for inviting vassals to celebrate Ramadan.
- Faction backers are now removed from the faction upon death.
- Now properly shows the special unit icon in the reorganize unit view.
- Now properly updates holy sites for Muslim religions.
- Added missing localisation for coa_plain_pagan and coa_plain_indian.
- Modified decisions, achievments and events for Indian empires to also trigger for the empire of India.
- Your spymaster can now properly persuade other nobles to join your faction.
- Fixed a bug where characters were having their tutor reassigned from the tutor the player had picked for them
- Muslim Special Troops now use the Muslim Horse Archer model, rather than the Western Light Cavalry model
- Fixed issue where a character would not be counted as incapaciteded or pilgrim after loading a savegame
- Fixed a minor bug with the white elephant events.
- Fixed a bug with scheming regents sometimes not stopping their schemes if they lost their original target.
- Vassals can no longer participate in the same war as their lieges, except in Crusades or when fighting the liege in a rebellion.
- Lieges can now offer to join vassals wars when they are pressing a claim outside of the realm, replacing the vassal as participant.
- Jewish buildings and retinues no longer need Jewish religion, only Israelite culture group.
- Added Nubian cultural retinue and building.
- Pagans can now raid and use holy orders against each other.
- Fixed a bug that made it possible for a player to activate several pilgrimages at once.
- Costs for pilgrimages fixed.
- "What Schism?" achievement now correctly uses Constantinople and not Thrace province in trigger.
- Fixed a bug in the trigger for the "Visit Mount Athos" event.
- Fixed a minor bug with an opinion modifier in the Jeanne d'Arc events.
- Changed 'Have a Son' and 'Have a Daughter' ambitions to work properly with the gender of the character.
- Ghanan band and Ghilman merc compositions are no longer naval.
- Saint Addai holy order is no longer available before the event chain enables them.

For Details on the Changes in these areas please see the complete announcement on our forums


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Ask and you shall receive!


Wow, is that huge steppe nation what I started, or did my nation get swallowed up?


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Who thought it was a good idea to schedule the US-Belgium match during our CK2 game?

Best game of the tournament so far. Actually decently happy I stopped this, would have been annoying to play and watch the tournament for a month. Rejoining after the summer!


The Birthday Skeleton
As fanboi is "unavailable" for the moment, I post here to announce that there is no game tomorrow and the next one is on Tuesday.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I can play, since I don't futbol.


Won't stop picking the right nation
What's surprising is that the AI educated him - and he wasn't given a single mental or physical defect at all. His good stats are probably a result of the genius guardian he had.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Might be bowing out soon, game just isn't fun for me anymore.

Over this session:

1) Got invaded by a 25k stack adventurer (had only 15k after a war)
2) Invaded by two 10k stack Abyssinian Liberation Armies, I beat the first and managed to wait until the aforementioned adventurer killed the second Liberation army.
3) Faction that wrested control of my entire empire (which I gamed by raising all levies and then plotting to usurp the throne with my 800% army strength)
4) Death of my current ruler, immediate assassination of my heir, sending me to another son with shitty stats, most notably Intrigue, which is more important now than ever
5) Half my most powerful Vassals hate me for some reason or another and keep starting factions to put other people in the throne, including my dynasty members! How fucking stupid can you get to boot out your own dynasty from power. Part of the problem is everytime I missed a game, the AI took the liberty of giving out a shitload of titles and land, making Duchies and then handing them out like candy so now I have to deal with a bunch of super dukes.

I honestly didn't know it was possible for the CK2 AI to sabotage itself this hard. I'm hanging on by the skin of my teeth through abuse of as many mechanics as I can think of, which is not how I want to play this game.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Might be bowing out soon, game just isn't fun for me anymore.

Over this session:

1) Got invaded by a 25k stack adventurer (had only 15k after a war)
2) Invaded by two 10k stack Abyssinian Liberation Armies, I beat the first and managed to wait until the aforementioned adventurer killed the second Liberation army.
3) Faction that wrested control of my entire empire (which I gamed by raising all levies and then plotting to usurp the throne with my 800% army strength)
4) Death of my current ruler, immediate assassination of my heir, sending me to another son with shitty stats, most notably Intrigue, which is more important now than ever
5) Half my most powerful Vassals hate me for some reason or another and keep starting factions to put other people in the throne, including my dynasty members! How fucking stupid can you get to boot out your own dynasty from power. Part of the problem is everytime I missed a game, the AI took the liberty of giving out a shitload of titles and land, making Duchies and then handing them out like candy so now I have to deal with a bunch of super dukes.

I honestly didn't know it was possible for the CK2 AI to sabotage itself this hard. I'm hanging on by the skin of my teeth through abuse of as many mechanics as I can think of, which is not how I want to play this game.
It shouldn't be too difficult to break up powerful vassals. Just let the faction fire, revoke some of their titles, and reorganize your realm. That will take care of most of your problems. The other stuff is just bad luck, so in the long run you should be okay. Your character has good stats outside of intrigue, and you currently have a quick heir.


Won't stop picking the right nation
It was my own mistake that precipitated his death. Or rather, the RNG gods were to blame. A landless claimant was about to declare war on me and so I did what any sensible despot paranoid and desperate to cling to power would do: I tried to assassinate him before he could gather an army. I thought with a 50% chance I shouldn't have any issues killing him. But of course the RNG was not very kind to me and it required five different attempts, one of which resulted in discovery. My vassal didn't like it that I killed his courtier and he started complaining that I had broken feudal obligations (which also caused me to lose the kind and just traits). That led to lots of strong factions and it allowed Valhelm to gain conspirators in his plot. Compared to dealing with the factions, though, death was actually merciful. Just to give you some idea: factions are actually better now, with a ten year old girl in charge, than they were under the former emperor. I'm pretty sure I could have just asked them to stop backing the plot, but I wasn't thinking of this at the time.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Is my dynasty even still alive? Nassrids/Nasrids. They have a red and yellow crest motif with white swords, I think. Probably somewhere in Spain doing Spanish things. May have a harem.


Is my dynasty even still alive? Nassrids/Nasrids. They have a red and yellow crest motif with white swords, I think. Probably somewhere in Spain doing Spanish things. May have a harlem.

Will take a ss of the map today!

Want to jump back in? :)
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