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Crusader Kings 2 MP Community Thread of Count, Duke, King, Emperor and MGO


I don't know if it's the game, the save, or something else, but it's doing my head in. In any case, next week we should use the chat room feature on Steam, will make it a lot easier to communicate.


Won't stop picking the right nation
fanboi and I played a quick multiplayer game using the last save file and it worked just fine.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Won't be making this next game and probably the next next game.


Morfeo also cant join tonight and he wont join future sessions either... time constraints for now and that he has missed so much lately in the game.
I finally started playing this in single player mode and it's really fun. How difficult is it to play in real-time? Are you playing it on speed step 3?
Nope, I'm way too busy with other obligations. Uniting Sweden under an absolute monarchy with me as the people's benevolent dictator is all I have time for.


You let people jump in? I'm starting to feel fairly comfortable with all of the mechanics (just picked up the last 3 dlcs about a week ago), so I'd consider it if you guys are up for it. :>


Won't stop picking the right nation
Sure, we could always use more players. Right now there's plenty of room for someone to start in Spain, France, or eastern Europe.


You let people jump in? I'm starting to feel fairly comfortable with all of the mechanics (just picked up the last 3 dlcs about a week ago), so I'd consider it if you guys are up for it. :>

Feel free to join!
We haven't gotten so far yet.

What dynasty are you planning to play as? Next session is on tuesday 22:00 CEST.


I think Eastern Europe would probably be best. Is there a save where I could look at dynasties? I'm thinking Poland/Lithuania ish, and possibly Bavaria. But without being able to look at the current state of them it's a little hard to decide which one.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I think Eastern Europe would probably be best. Is there a save where I could look at dynasties? I'm thinking Poland/Lithuania ish, and possibly Bavaria. But without being able to look at the current state of them it's a little hard to decide which one.
http://dropcanvas.com/plm33 - This is the last save file I can find. Also, did you give your Steam name to fanboi?


Yeah, I did. I'm thinking Greater Moravia after looking at the map. Not directly bordering any humans, decent opportunities for expansion. I'd have to survive about a year or two to prevent a game over though, but I think it should be quite doable.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
We didn't go. Thor, the thunder God, decided Fanboi was unworthy of the bounty of electricity today.


The Birthday Skeleton
I totally forgot about this, caught between World Cup games and short bursts of MK8. But I won't miss it tomorrow.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I totally forgot about this, caught between World Cup games and short bursts of MK8. But I won't miss it tomorrow.
You haven't missed much. Between multiplayer glitches, World Cup games, power outages, and other random acts of god, we've barely made any progress in the last two weeks. But it's not a complete loss, because people have been busy anyway. It was difficult to get enough players together any one day to play through an entire session.


This thread could use a new world map.

Ask and you shall receive!



I'm slightly annoyed the AI in Greater Moravia rigged things to be nearly impossible to fix as a human player, but then the second I leave and let the AI take over it assassinates a dude who probably had no business dying while getting gobs of money from the Pope (who repeatedly refused me, despite having a fairly good opinion).

So it's essentially one more assassination of a grand son away from being a non-gameover situation. Since he's not a direct heir, that opens up plots too and everyone hates kids, so I assume it would be pretty easy.

Greater Poland sucked too, because it seems that I can beat most of the local dukes in open battle, but I don't actually have enough troops to capture anything xD. Probably should just raid or something.

Either way, both situations were terrible to inherit as a human player when I looked at the save file like 10-20 years prior, everything was fine. It seems like the AI makes highly illogical choices for a human player, but it knows how much it can "cheat" later, so its not actually that illogical from its perspective.


I'm slightly annoyed the AI in Greater Moravia rigged things to be nearly impossible to fix as a human player, but then the second I leave and let the AI take over it assassinates a dude who probably had no business dying while getting gobs of money from the Pope (who repeatedly refused me, despite having a fairly good opinion).

So it's essentially one more assassination of a grand son away from being a non-gameover situation. Since he's not a direct heir, that opens up plots too and everyone hates kids, so I assume it would be pretty easy.

Greater Poland sucked too, because it seems that I can beat most of the local dukes in open battle, but I don't actually have enough troops to capture anything xD. Probably should just raid or something.

Either way, both situations were terrible to inherit as a human player when I looked at the save file like 10-20 years prior, everything was fine. It seems like the AI makes highly illogical choices for a human player, but it knows how much it can "cheat" later, so its not actually that illogical from its perspective.

Welcome to the game :)

Also game tonight in 12.5h!


The Birthday Skeleton
That was a productive session. My holy war agains Slavonia (conquered meanwhile by a dirty barbarian) was going great and I was at 90% when Hungary decided to step it. I thought it will all end into a white peace, because Hungary had some 6000 troops against my 2500 brave soldiers. But luckily they put 2500 to siege one of my provinces and the other 3500 attack my troops but gradually. Although I was out numbered, I won the fight even when the other 2500 joined the battle in the final moments. And thus I made 100%. Now I might lose one county as I give the title to a French prince whose heir just died and it's now inherited by the King of West Francia. Now I'm big enough and soon it will come the time to revolt against the King of Bulgaria.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I have a really bad habit of making enemies out of potential claimants. I thought I could get rid of a heretical family member by stripping him of his title, but that didn't quite go as planned, because a few years later he mounted an invasion for England with almost 30,000 soldiers. That was a very tough war, in which every battle came down to the last few moments. It wasn't helped by the obvious disparity in levy numbers. He had more troops than I did. In the last major engagement of the war, 7k brave British soldiers held out against 13k callow invaders for several weeks, until I could reinforce them with nearly 4,000 mercenaries. Banishing him for 600 gold didn't quite pay for the amount of money I wasted on that war.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.


Current ruler is pretty good, but he's no Ubermensch. Fortunately, he managed to kill both his brothers without upsetting anyone. We Game of Thrones now.


Sorry about wasting like 30 minutes trying to get connected. Not sure why it worked yesterday but not today.

Genius heir as a Muslim? Given their mechanics, that's really hard to get. You could remove your spymaster and fail an assassination attempt if you want to play as him, and you'll probably die to the counter assassination attempt. Not sure if it's worth the gold loss though. Also would keep your dynasty size nice and small.


Won't stop picking the right nation
This was my character for a long time:


Then I switched to primogeniture and got stuck with a mediocre, maimed ruler.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Lol that Diplomacy.

I'm an Intrigue guy, if I can't kill my way to stability I want nothing to do with it.


I have been the most unlucky regarding my dynasty.

Dieing early, few kids, lesbian (last of the dynasty good RNG there and minus 5% fertility) etc.

But I think I Have stabilized.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Lol that Diplomacy.

I'm an Intrigue guy, if I can't kill my way to stability I want nothing to do with it.
I don't care about the kind and honest traits all that much, but the +1 diplomacy events are hard to pass up. If there was a similar intrigue event, I might consider specializing in it more often. And unless you have a lot of intrigue, it's generally not worth using assassinations and plots, because the high chance of discovery will just make things worse.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't care about the kind and honest traits all that much, but the +1 diplomacy events are hard to pass up. If there was a similar intrigue event, I might consider specializing in it more often.

And unless you have a lot of intrigue, it's generally not worth using assassinations and plots, because the high chance of discovery will just make things worse.
There is an Intrigue event similar to the Diplomacy event, but yeah, it's more for plots and factions. Or when you're trying to convince someone of something (say, people come to you asking for tax breaks, or telling a vassal to stop plotting). Usually it's like:

Diplomacy: Talk your way out of it
Stewardship: Bribe them
Intrigue: Threaten them

I think Diplomacy is nicer overall to have, while Stewardship makes you rich, but I'm too paranoid to have anything less than 10 Intrigue.

Assassination is for when Plots are totally out of the question. But, while I was rebuilding my empire after coming back to the game, Intrigue was invaluable, because I had to reconquer all the Misaphysites, and they tend to fictionalize a lot. At one point, I plotted my way through 4-5 Counts of a particularly troublesome province, until one more successful plot would've had the province pass outside of my realm due to inheritance. I had nearly destroyed an entire Dynasty, and that wasn't even with some kind of godly Intrigue score. That was just 15 or so, in maybe half the session (for the other half, they ran out of people to plot against me). Once you have 10 Intrigue, you can fire off Kill Plots every 5-10 minutes.


Won't stop picking the right nation
The kind event with +1 diplomacy appears all the time - almost once per character - and +3 total diplomacy is quite nice for a single event. Sometimes I will choose deceitful over honest though, if I don't already have kind. I also like the cynical trait unless I already have zealous (which I prefer greatly, because of its bonus to martial). But I think traits are mostly situational. Diplomacy is less useful for smaller realms, especially if you're independent. For vast sprawling empires, I prefer to focus on diplomacy and stewardship, along with the brilliant strategist education trait. If you have a large kingdom or empire, then it's almost necessary to focus heavily on intrigue or not even bother, because the penalties for discovery within your own realm are really painful. And unfortunately, the paranoid trait doesn't come up enough, in my experience. I almost never have the chance to get it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Won't be available today, got doctor's stuff.
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