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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


Trent Strong said:
If Crysis 2 has the kind of lighting that all you guys who are knowledgeable about tech and prgramming like, then I weep for the future of video games. Shadows in games should not be pitch f-ing black, and you shouldn't be blinded by sunlight reflecting off of every single surface in the world.

The lighting values are extremely tweakable; they aren't just how they show up in the game. The engine allows for some variety in that area.
_tetsuo_ said:
Played some rounds in multiplayer with it. Lookin' good, lookin' great. The head bob change is very noticeable.
Yeah, the headbob adds another layer to the visuals in motion, I just wish there were cvars for weapon sway like in the first game.


Don't know what I did, but I finally got rid of the damn ghosting that has been plaguing my game. That and motion blur no longer has the wigged out skyboxes. Think the new Beta Nvidia drivers may have helped (released on Thursday / Massively helped with DA2 as well).
Alextended said:
Umm, similar calculations would be done for all those objects you mention with the only difference being their shape. That it's a heavy looking car model rather than whatever light object doesn't make it harder for the engine just because it would be harder to move in real life, lol. They're no different to random clutter objects really. There are vehicles in Crysis too anyway, and they're more interactive as previously mentioned, being able to blow off their tires and what not (and have them react to that if in motion). I think I couldn't power punch them or easily move them as in Crysis 2 but that's just because they were set to be heavier, explosions and other more powerful forces still moved them.

Point taken. At this point, I'm more curious as to what next-gen consoles RAM limit will be. Can they reach 2GB available vram?
OMG @ Eye of the Storm (later mission in campaign, spoilers):
This area where I need to take down Lockhart is MASSSSSSIVE! I thought it was just the section where his building is but you can go all over the place to the branching areas. There's no enemies around but it's still really cool to see. This mission is a ton of fun. I used my stealth combo for the first third, then balls to the wall the 2nd third, and now I dunno what I'm going to do. There's like 10 guys in his little headquarters. Wish I didn't drop the sniper. Gameplay-wise, Eye of the Storm has been one of the best missions in the game for me.


Zomba13 said:
Just tried some multiplayer again. Is it broken for anyone else?
Really laggy for me (lowest ping in server browser is 109. Lots of them). In game I have a fairly all right ping, around 50 or something, but it still seems laggy
The kill cam is a lying son of a bitch, never shows what I saw happen
I get kicked every so often saying I've been logged out and then I have to log back into the mycrysis.com stuff.
You can see stealthed peoples shadows (don't know if this is intentional)
SneakyStephan said:
Yeah the mp is rubbish on pc.
Lowest server ping here is 93, ingame I supposedly have 20-30 but there is either a retarded amount of packet loss or their netcode/hit detection is rubbish (probably both).

Judging from the killcams and huge delays on kills (2-3 sec after I stop shooting often) the tick rate of these servers must be like... 1... or 0,5.
(100-200 tickrate is the norm for a good dedi)
Yea the kill cam is often so off from what I saw happen that I can't help but laugh. Even when I press tab and it tells me I have a ping of 35. Their netcode is ass.
Well it was a fun game enjoyed it greatly for the most part, but damn that ending sequence was a let down gameplay wise.

The cons with the game:

- AI is retarded and highly prone to getting stuck on things and other characters.
- Stealth is so overpowered and makes the game way too easy
- Miss all the open use of vehicles from C1
- Lame ending segment for an otherwise excellent campaign.


Very glad to see so many open areas. Still think the AI is dumb as a brick. Fighting aliens now and they just run right at me, often not shooting, just flailing around and waiting to die.

The levels are definitely fun to navigate and provide some great tactical options, but it's let down so much by enemies that apparently have all been lobotomized.

"MAN DOWN!" they yell, then put their guns to the side and lean against a wall. It's like the audio and AI triggers are two separate entities. What are they thinking? "Oh well, never liked him anyway."

I have to say, playing post human with HUD off as my first run through was the best decision I could have made. It really adds so much tension. I just wish there were still manual saves, especially considering how huge the breaks are between checkpoints.
Two more chapters to go. Man, what a ride. Best FPS campaign I've played in ages. I can't think of one I've liked better. I've always thought HL2 was overrated but Ep 2 is great, but it's only 4 or 5 hours. Bioshock was great for the story and atmosphere. Crysis 2 takes the cake. The graphics, the awesome open-ended gameplay, the music, the LENGTH, good god the length, the setting, the detail. I've never had so much pure fun in an FPS. Will finish it tomorrow.
Also took a lot of nice pics from the later levels but they're major environment and enemy spoilers. Not sure what to do there... maybe just link them instead of putting the image tags but that's not as kewl (-.-)


So what's the consensus on best AA solution here? Changing options in CCC doesn't seem to affect anything.

Also, r_glow=0 didn't work. Was really hoping it would :(
Finished the game a few minutes ago.

Crazy fun ride. Too bad the ending is pure rubbish, everything else has been fun, well executed, with great level design, pacing and variety both visually and gameplay-wise.

One of the best singleplayer campaigns of this generation.

The second part of the game is unbelievable at times, great sense of freedom, and the night levels are jaw-droppingly good.

Next-up: post-human no-hud run. Should be fun.


Crunched said:
So what's the consensus on best AA solution here? Changing options in CCC doesn't seem to affect anything.

Also, r_glow=0 didn't work. Was really hoping it would :(

IMO it's this:

r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV = 0

Middle ground between blur and aliasing. The image will not be as blurred but you won't have as much aliasing as if you turned AA completely off(no blur at all).


Heavy said:
Also took a lot of nice pics from the later levels but they're major environment and enemy spoilers. Not sure what to do there... maybe just link them instead of putting the image tags but that's not as kewl (-.-)
Howabout posting thumbnail links to those shots? =D


Nekrono said:
IMO it's this:

r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV = 0

Middle ground between blur and aliasing. The image will not be as blurred but you won't have as much aliasing as if you turned AA completely off(no blur at all).
This is what I use. Looks glorious.

Nekrono said:
IMO it's this:

r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV = 0

Middle ground between blur and aliasing. The image will not be as blurred but you won't have as much aliasing as if you turned AA completely off(no blur at all).

In all honesty this is all I'd recommend changing config wise as well (sans FOV and HUD settings but they're personal preference).

Be sure to force AF through your drivers as well, the ingame solution is variable and leads to some blurry textures even when set at maximum. 12x through your drivers will actually look better than 16x ingame.


ThoseDeafMutes said:
People running lower resolutions will be more hurt by the jaggies, however.
I'm going to check how it runs with UserEdgeAA set to 2. I managed to improve the performance quite a bit with a driver update(I forgot that I rolled back once because of some bugs).


I have previously played Crysis 1 and Warhead on the PC but not C2.
What's the general opinion in regards to Crysis 2 graphics over those in the previous games?


Heavy said:
OMG @ Eye of the Storm (later mission in campaign, spoilers):
This area where I need to take down Lockhart is MASSSSSSIVE! I thought it was just the section where his building is but you can go all over the place to the branching areas. There's no enemies around but it's still really cool to see. This mission is a ton of fun. I used my stealth combo for the first third, then balls to the wall the 2nd third, and now I dunno what I'm going to do. There's like 10 guys in his little headquarters. Wish I didn't drop the sniper. Gameplay-wise, Eye of the Storm has been one of the best missions in the game for me.

This is the level where i used the most of tactics and stealth in the whole game. It is a very nice place, it felt good to kick ass!
I dont think you can shoot the people in the headquarters because it has shielded windows or something.


Umm, this may be a really silly question, but is there a particular way you have to play Crysis? It hasn't really "clicked" with me so far (I rented the PS3 version on a whim and I still haven't touched the original). I don't feel like a badass who can take down everyone by going in all guns blazing and I'm (attempting) to avoid combat as much as possible and stealth kill everyone. Maybe it's because I'm not in far enough yet
(I just finished the first vehicle segment).


Mush said:
Umm, this may be a really silly question, but is there a particular way you have to play Crysis? It hasn't really "clicked" with me so far (I rented the PS3 version on a whim and I still haven't touched the original). I don't feel like a badass who can take down everyone by going in all guns blazing and I'm (attempting) to avoid combat as much as possible and stealth kill everyone. Maybe it's because I'm not in far enough yet
(I just finished the first vehicle segment).

You basically have to play this game like a predator. Cloak, decloak shoot two guys from behind, cloak, change position, throw an explosive barrel at a group and then shoot it. Stuff like that.
Nanosuitninja made some great videos for Crysis 1 that show fun ways to play the game which translate pretty well to Crysis 2:


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Mush said:
Umm, this may be a really silly question, but is there a particular way you have to play Crysis? It hasn't really "clicked" with me so far (I rented the PS3 version on a whim and I still haven't touched the original). I don't feel like a badass who can take down everyone by going in all guns blazing and I'm (attempting) to avoid combat as much as possible and stealth kill everyone. Maybe it's because I'm not in far enough yet
(I just finished the first vehicle segment).

1. Play on the hardest difficulty. Severe punishment for mistakes will curb you towards the right play style.

2. It's Crysis there actually is no right play style. Really the only suggestion I can make is to get creative and have fun. Focus less on just killing everything and more on toying with everyone. Setting up elaborate traps and goofing with the AI.


relies on auto-aim
Armor mode is pretty good.
Don't take on 6 guys at once, use corners to take on 2 of them, recharge, cloak, move to a better position, take them on with armor, etc.

Crouching improves aim, I like single shot and headshots. Run button will steady aim in zoom.

Silenced weapons can be fired in cloak mode for an energy penalty.


No additional functions
Man said:
I have previously played Crysis 1 and Warhead on the PC but not C2.
What's the general opinion in regards to Crysis 2 graphics over those in the previous games?
It runs a lot smoother, but with some noticable cut backs. You'll still have a few wow moments, but the art direction has completely changed for the game. It's a lot more tech-organic than the first two games. The jungle environments were cool and I'd still like to see them make a game that showed what happened at the end of Crysis but at the same time, I like the art direction of the new game, particularly the aliens. I'd also like to see a game take place in a pine forest. That demo they showed for CE3 looked badass.


Strange, I just finished the last chapter on supersoldier difficulty, watched the ending and didn't get the achievement. The mission menu says that I've finished all other episodes on supersoldier 'cept for the last one which it says I did on veteran. Wtf?


can anybody direct me to a youtube video showing a good player of crysis 2? the nanosuit ninja guy is awesome but i'm trying to get a friend of mine interested in the game on consoles.
thanks in advance.
Crunched said:
So what's the consensus on best AA solution here? Changing options in CCC doesn't seem to affect anything.

Also, r_glow=0 didn't work. Was really hoping it would :(

Ehm it worked for me, only way I got rid of that bloom that lights up every object and wall and floor like a radioactive christmas tree.

Are you putting it in your autoexec.cfg?
None of the r_ commands seem to work in the ingame console anymore (they did in beta).
What exactly is radial blur?

I'm trying to remove the ghosting outline around their faces and other objects. Radial to zero doesn't do anything. What was the ghosting fix?


Kyaw said:
This is the level where i used the most of tactics and stealth in the whole game. It is a very nice place, it felt good to kick ass!
I dont think you can shoot the people in the headquarters because it has shielded windows or something.
Or you can just run past everyone cloaked...


NIN90 said:
You basically have to play this game like a predator. Cloak, decloak shoot two guys from behind, cloak, change position, throw an explosive barrel at a group and then shoot it. Stuff like that.
Nanosuitninja made some great videos for Crysis 1 that show fun ways to play the game which translate pretty well to Crysis 2:
This is very true. I struggled for a while on one section (the level before Semper Fi Or Die) where
I had to destroy three towers then the main Alien tower. The big aliens were destroying me so I cloaked and use rockets to ricochet the blast off the surrounding walls and hit their weak spots because direct hits did nothing. I had no rockets left for the last one so I set a C4 trap, de-cloaked to draw his fire, ran away and set it off as he walked over to where he last saw me. Killed him with my final bit of C4 lol

Great game, very fun, and it's begging me to re-play it to try new things. I'm tempted to restart now because I've had ideas of what to do differently the first time


Heavy said:
What exactly is radial blur?

I'm trying to remove the ghosting outline around their faces and other objects. Radial to zero doesn't do anything. What was the ghosting fix?
I got rid of the annoying ghosting on the gun by putting r_motionblur=0 in autoexec.cfg. Putting it in system.cfg didn't work for me for some reason.


brain_stew said:
In all honesty this is all I'd recommend changing config wise as well (sans FOV and HUD settings but they're personal preference).

Be sure to force AF through your drivers as well, the ingame solution is variable and leads to some blurry textures even when set at maximum. 12x through your drivers will actually look better than 16x ingame.

I tried PostMSAA = 2 but it kept giving me this shimmering in the textures. Not very blatant, but it kept looking like the screen was very slightly shaking like it was about to explode. I tried PostMSAA = 1 and found that to be perfect.


Patrick Bateman said:
Any word on a patch? (except for that DX11-thing)

Other than them telling the community there would be one out this week, didn't release one, and now are ignoring any queries as to where it is, no not really.


Apparently people are reporting gains of 15-30 fps in Crysis 2 on 6000-series cards using the ATI 11.4 preview drivers. I have a 6870, I'm going to try to record some benchmarks and see if this is true.


Steam says I've played for 5 hours, fighting a lot of aliens now. I hope they go away soon because they just aren't as fun to fight. When will Crytek learn it's the same thing in all their games :S
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