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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


Loves Robotech S1
Always-honest said:
what version?

DenogginizerOS said:
PC players: has anyone using strictly m/kb gotten the melee glitch where the ability to melee disappears?
I got that a couple times. It seems certain inputs randomly stop registering. Once in a while I couldn't run while cloaked, couldn't switch fire modes on my SCAR with 2, and couldn't melee. It was a huge annoyance that got me killed once in a while.


luka said:
I got that a couple times. It seems certain inputs randomly stop registering. Once in a while I couldn't run while cloaked, couldn't switch fire modes on my SCAR with 2, and couldn't melee. It was a huge annoyance that got me killed once in a while.
Got it as well. But I also got a physics glitch in addition with the melee glitch. This game really wants me to use a pad.


Heavy said:
It's hard to tel when Crytek is being genuine or in PR mode.

#3 & 4 are factually wrong. Again, Far Cry 2 proved that tackling massive areas in a multitude of ways was possible on consoles. One of the biggest marketing bullet-points for FC2 was exactly that... the ability to tackle an objective in many different ways. And the world is huge.
Developers repeatedly say the RAM limits on the consoles are the biggest bottlenecks. OK, so you can make huge, open worlds on the console. But to free up that RAM, they'd have to cut something else.

When Crytek first announced CryEngine 3 they showed off a Crysis 1 level running on 360 and PS3. There was a noticeable loss in graphical fidelity and physics.

So what Crytek guy said makes sense. They had the developers and talent, but they didn't want to make Crysis 1 while constantly thinking "Can this be done on the consoles? Do we need to scale this back? Is this too much here?"
Heavy said:
#3 & 4 are factually wrong. Again, Far Cry 2 proved that tackling massive areas in a multitude of ways was possible on consoles. One of the biggest marketing bullet-points for FC2 was exactly that... the ability to tackle an objective in many different ways. And the world is huge..

You are taking the points being made on their own. As they said, they are trying to max things out and go for some of the best visual possible at the time. FC2 and open world games can be done and that is obvious, but they couldn't create an open world game and go for the same looks as Crysis. C2 obviously scales back the world to create the impressive visuals. They could do the open world gameplay, but they would then not be able to achieve their earlier points.

C2 is not open at all, it is really just little arenas which always funnel into a small corridor or cutscene that works as a checkpoint and loading segment for the next following arena. Vehicles have almost no where to go and it's funny how in many areas where vehicles drive in, when you actually look around afterwards, there was no possible way that the vehicles was able to drive to that spot because of walls and such.

Crytek did a great job of staying away from making a super linear game, and kept Crysis open gameplay though it's been scaled down obviously and you can see lot of the smart tricks they used to bring the game to a cross platform game.


Neuromancer said:
Every FPS should have a silent protagonist in my opinion, at least during segments where you're in control (3rd person cutscenes are OK). It's really jarring when I'm supposedly controlling someone and they're spouting off things that I probably wouldn't be saying.

This is pretty much how I feel. And part of the reason why I like the half-life series.


benzy said:
This. I can't even tell the game is sub-hd playing the 360v on a 46".

Nibs must have missed the 360 framebuffer screens, cause the texture work and quality is on par if not better looking than the best looking games.



The KZ3 screens are clearly higher res imo and have seen better texture than that.


Mr_Brit said:
smh... Can't believe there are people defending silent protagonists. Then again there seems to be a defence force for everything on GAF.
It depends entirely how the story is told, and the how the dialogue is written. In a game like Half-Life it works because Gordon is just an observer to the events that are an unfolding; he's not expected to take on a specific role or respond in a certain way, and the character itself is meant to be an enigma (how does an ordinary scientist manage to kill all those people?). Essentially, Gordon is a vessel for the player to inhabit for the duration of the game.

Compare this to something like Metro 2033 where the player's character speaks between each chapter, and is involved in 'conversation' (where the game implies that the player character has spoken previously, but doesn't explicitly show this), but completely ignores the other characters, during gameplay, even when they make direct requests to him.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Right. I've just paid for this game on Steam (UK). It's the first game I've paid full price in ages. Only two days away. Looking forward to it.
Neuromancer said:
Every FPS should have a silent protagonist in my opinion, at least during segments where you're in control (3rd person cutscenes are OK). It's really jarring when I'm supposedly controlling someone and they're spouting off things that I probably wouldn't be saying.

Well, Duke Nuke em wouldn't be Duke Nuke em if he remained silent. It is all about situation and the mood you are going for in your design. Duke without the chatter would be an incredibly dull muscleman character.
I hope this melee bug gets patched FAST. Having to completely close/reopen the game every time I die is severely hampering my drive to play for more than half an hour or so at a time.
BattleMonkey said:
You are taking the points being made on their own. As they said, they are trying to max things out and go for some of the best visual possible at the time. FC2 and open world games can be done and that is obvious, but they couldn't create an open world game and go for the same looks as Crysis. C2 obviously scales back the world to create the impressive visuals. They could do the open world gameplay, but they would then not be able to achieve their earlier points.

C2 is not open at all, it is really just little arenas which always funnel into a small corridor or cutscene that works as a checkpoint and loading segment for the next following arena. Vehicles have almost no where to go and it's funny how in many areas where vehicles drive in, when you actually look around afterwards, there was no possible way that the vehicles was able to drive to that spot because of walls and such.

Crytek did a great job of staying away from making a super linear game, and kept Crysis open gameplay though it's been scaled down obviously and you can see lot of the smart tricks they used to bring the game to a cross platform game.
Check Warm Machine's two posts on the previous page. The game isn't scaled back on a technical front. Granted, it's not as open as Crysis 1, but read what he says. Love the username, btw. lol
FireFly said:
It depends entirely how the story is told, and the how the dialogue is written. In a game like Half-Life it works because Gordon is just an observer to the events that are an unfolding; he's not expected to take on a specific role or respond in a certain way, and the character itself is meant to be an enigma (how does an ordinary scientist manage to kill all those people?). Essentially, Gordon is a vessel for the player to inhabit for the duration of the game.

Compare this to something like Metro 2033 where the player's character speaks between each chapter, and is involved in 'conversation' (where the game implies that the player character has spoken previously, but doesn't explicitly show this), but completely ignores the other characters, during gameplay, even when they make direct requests to him.

Yeah, I think people who balk at any/all silent protagonists have a very narrow comprehension of how a story can be told. Sometimes that feeling that the main character is you is the best way to present the story/atmosphere, and other times not.

Considering that immersion is the prime exploitable aspect of a 1st person perspective, keeping the protagonist silent in service to that immersion is often the best way to get as rich of an atmosphere as possible.

Despite what anyone here says, going from controlling your character as an extension of yourself, to watching your character perform his own interactions, inarguably negatively impacts immersion.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
LaserBuddha said:
I hope this melee bug gets patched FAST. Having to completely close/reopen the game every time I die is severely hampering my drive to play for more than half an hour or so at a time.
This. I regret buying this now based on this problem as well as the issues surrounding multiplayer logins. How games ship like this is beyond me. I broke my own rule of not buying PC games on launch day, so I have myself to partially blame for the agita.
Heavy's Sandvich said:
Forgive me for not reading the previous posts which may have covered the subject; am I right in thinking that the melee bug causes the game to freeze?

No, your melee key just stops working, as if there is no melee attack. Rebinding it in-game doesn't fix it (at least for me).
Warm Machine said:
Well, Duke Nuke em wouldn't be Duke Nuke em if he remained silent. It is all about situation and the mood you are going for in your design. Duke without the chatter would be an incredibly dull muscleman character.
OK fair enough. I give the Duke a free pass!


Heavy said:
Check Warm Machine's two posts on the previous page. The game isn't scaled back on a technical front. Granted, it's not as open as Crysis 1, but read what he says. Love the username, btw. lol

I'm loving Crysis 2 but how can the game not be scaled back when it is made to work on systems with 512MB of total ram? My video card alone has over double this amount beyond my main system ram. So the game would have to be scaled back when the target hardware to develop on doesn't pack as much punch.

TheExodu5 said:
HardOCP has posted one of the most unprofessional game reviews I've been subjected to.


I've been a fan of HardOCP technical analysis for a long time regarding video cards. They should stick to it because this write up is embarrassing. Worst part is it is written by the site owner and not a contributor.


Norml said:
The KZ3 screens are clearly higher res imo and have seen better texture than that.

Higher-res yes, but they look pretty bland. Both games have their share of poor textures and great textures. That's really the point considering Nibs is trying to downplay crysis 2 on consoles.


Mikasangelos said:
Whats this Melee bug?

Is it affecting All ports or just PC?

I've only seen complaints of it on PC. I've experienced it several times, and it's fucking annoying. I melee the aliens a LOT.


Well, I can certainly handle 2-3 drops in frames if v-sync is enabled,

Screen tearing is amongst the worst technical downfalls of this generation of games, infact second to only sub-hd resolutions.

Still pissed that both consoles are sub-hd and sub-30fps, shameful


bish gets all the credit :)
benzy said:
This. I can't even tell the game is sub-hd playing the 360v on a 46".

Nibs must have missed the 360 framebuffer screens, cause the texture work and quality is on par if not better looking than the best looking games.



go here for proper framebuffer KZ3 grabs, not super compressed images.
benzy said:
Higher-res yes, but they look pretty bland. Considering the limited amount of framebuffer screens I've tried to find, it's hard to compare really. Both games have their share of poor textures and great textures. That's really the point considering Nibs is trying to downplay crysis 2 on consoles.
i still don't like these oversaturated colours in KZ3... It makes the game a bit Comic-like instead of depressing and stylised (in the good way).

Crysis 2 obvously goes for a more realistic aproach and does that very very well.


Morn said:
Anyone else having a problem with Steam keys being in use already?

A lot of people are having errors saying their serial key is in use.

EA/Crytek best be on top of this. Otherwise it could destroy the online community right away. I'm not too happy when I spend 60 bucks on a game and try to go online and play only for the game to tell me my serial key is in use. Especially when the game is telling me I have to input it every time I try to play online. I'll give them a couple more days to fix this.

My main interest for Crysis 2 is the campaign, but I did have fun with the multi player beta. I want to be able to experience the full version online.


bish gets all the credit :)
dLMN8R said:
Yeah...Crysis 2 looks just a tidbit more interesting and technically impressive than those Killzone 3 screens.

you're welcome to your opinion. Just leveling the playing field by comparing proper images.


Feindflug said:
it seems that you simply trying too hard to downplay the game by spreading BS.

Come on, it's Nibs..; Technobabble cherry-picking is his forte. But he's adorable, so just ignore him if it becomes too annoying.

Anyway, I wonder if I should pick up a copy of the game on my way back home from work tomorrow. Hmm..
alr1ghtstart said:
you're welcome to your opinion. Just leveling the playing field by comparing proper images.
I do like that there is another player that will make devs like Naughty Dog and Guerilla even more focussed on bringing a mindblowing experience. We all get to play that good stuff. :)))
Mrbob said:
I'm loving Crysis 2 but how can the game not be scaled back when it is made to work on systems with 512MB of total ram? My video card alone has over double this amount beyond my main system ram. So the game would have to be scaled back when the target hardware to develop on doesn't pack as much punch.
And this brings me back to my comment on FC2. Crysis could have been made to work on consoles, excluding the advanced physics, because of one reason: Far Cry 2 exists. Of course it would look worse, as does every multi-platform game when comparing the PC to the console version, but it could be made. So that contradicts your comment about Crysis 2 being scaled back to work on consoles.

I was speaking on a technical front, anyway. His comments were very interesting and put to rest several issues regarding downgrades, assuming he's legit.


Always-honest said:
I do like that there is another player that will make devs like Naughty Dog and Guerilla even more focussed on bringen a mindblowing experience. We all get to play that good stuff. :)))

Uncharted 3 will blow minds!!


Mrbob said:
A lot of people are having errors saying their serial key is in use.

EA/Crytek best be on top of this. Otherwise it could destroy the online community right away. I'm not too happy when I spend 60 bucks on a game and try to go online and play only for the game to tell me my serial key is in use. Especially when the game is telling me I have to input it every time I try to play online. I'll give them a couple more days to fix this.

My main interest for Crysis 2 is the campaign, but I did have fun with the multi player beta. I want to be able to experience the full version online.

Yea really pissed to have spent $60 on a game only to find out my key is useless and I can't play it while some asshat pirate can.


Morn said:
Yea really pissed to have spent $60 on a game only to find out my key is useless and I can't play it while some asshat pirate can.

Its not useless, I'm also on PC and it works fine. Sure it takes a bit of fiddling to get it to work right. But useless? Nope.


Morn said:
Yea really pissed to have spent $60 on a game only to find out my key is useless and I can't play it while some asshat pirate can.
Enter the key in all lowercase characters, without dashes.

Also, I'm not sure if it helps, but go to C:/Users/Yourusername/ and uncheck Read Only on the Saved Games folder Properties screen.


By the way from the crysis forums:

We are aware that some people are experiencing an issue with their Crysis 2 multiplayer key. A patch to fix issue will be made available soon but in the mean time here is an easy work around solution;

1. Load Crysis 2, go to multiplayer and type in your key
2. Navigate back to Single Player
3. Go back into multiplayer and re-enter your key

After completing these 3 steps your multiplayer key will be saved and you will not be required to re-enter it. If you complete these steps and it still does work post here and let us know. Please ensure carefully that you follow the steps above before reporting an issue.


Heavy said:
And this brings me back to my comment on FC2. Crysis could have been made to work on consoles, excluding the advanced physics, because of one reason: Far Cry 2 exists. Of course it would look worse, as does every multi-platform game when comparing the PC to the console version, but it could be made. So that contradicts your comment about Crysis 2 being scaled back to work on consoles.

I was speaking on a technical front, anyway. His comments were very interesting and put to rest several issues regarding downgrades, assuming he's legit.

You don't need to try so hard to defend this game. :p It can stand on its own merits.

I did read what Warm Machine said and I'm sure he is right. I still don't see the contradiction. You have an urban environment requires a tighter experience and the game is scaled down from its predecessor. Both comments do not have to be mutually exclusive from one another.

A version of Crysis 2 could be ported to the Wii, but it wont be the same as the PS3/360 version. Crysis 2 is the game I'm sure Crytek wanted to make. However they were limited in what they could make by using 2005 console technology as the basis to create said content.

DenogginizerOS said:
I wish the red flag of Crytek choosing to go with Gamespy said more to dissuade me from a day one purchase.

I shed a tear when I saw the online was powered by Gamespy.
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