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Crysis |OT| Big Screens, Comfy Couches and 5.1 surround sound


BeeDog said:
Yeah. That's a strangely addicting hobby :D

To Crysis newcomers: you can chop a cut down tree into little pieces, pick up a piece and kill an enemy with it, if you want. Obviously you have to enable maximum strength before hurling it towards enemy.

isamu said:
Is it better than the CoD4 single player campaign?
Well, it depends... I've never liked CoD gameplay. It's boring, to be honest.
Figured since I saw this thread get bumped and I just finished the game I would throw my two cents in. This has been my first PC FPS in a while (aside from TF2) and I came away from the experience with a lot of highs but with several lows as well.

The Good
The first thing about this game that struck me is that the look and feel of the weapons was fantastic. Guns looked slick and felt great to fire and the motion blur and ability to customize sights added much to aiming.

Secondly the game looked great, even on my so-so laptop (I was running at pretty much all medium settings). I enjoyed the tropical setting as well since that was pretty original to me (I've nabbed FarCry from Steam so I'll have to go and try that next).

And finally the open world sandbox levels in the middle section were amazing! I might be getting the names wrong, but I think the levels we something like Assault and Onslaught. But I loved the open map, the ability to take objectives in different orders and the ability to use suit powers to tackle the sections in different ways. By far my favorite part of the game and one of my favorite FPS sections ever.

The Bad
No two ways about it, I didn't like the twist that the game took after the mid way levels mentioned above. The levels felt way more linear and the enemies far less fun to fight. Not a great way to end the last third of an otherwise good game.

Glitches, glitches, glitches. In my playthough both boss fights glitched badly enough that I had to jump back several saves to actually get past them. Also the VTOL section had a nasty bug where my undamaged craft shook like it was in one of the tornadoes thoughout the entire flying section. Without a doubt the worst number of game breaking bugs that I've seen in a game in years and a reminder of why I had moved away from PC gaming in the first place.

The Missing

No co-op. Yeah, I can't really place it in "The Bad" for a feature that was not included on purpose. But co-op is how I love to play my FPS games and not having it is a big downer in my book. For as much fun as I was having in the mid section I was often thinking about how much I would have loved to run though those parts with a buddy. Are there any open style games games like Crysis that have good co-op modes?


butthole fishhooking yes
isamu said:
Is it better than the CoD4 single player campaign?

Completely different experiences. Crysis is not without several grand set pieces, but when Crytek's baby at its best, it's more about picking and choosing how you complete objectives and how you engage (or avoid) enemies. The KPA don't ever "spawn in." They appear where you would expect them, in camps and on patrol, and if you're playing on the harder difficult levels, you'll want to make good use of your nanosuit abilities to find ways through or around them. Unless they run out into the ocean and drown themselves for you.

The open objectives can mean that the narrative is a bit less engaging, but in terms of pure gaming mechanics, Crysis is great (as long as you're not in a vehicle).


butthole fishhooking yes
-SD- said:
Delta is the only way to play Crysis games; you get maximum fun and entertainment.

I agree. In fact, even Delta really isn't all that difficult save a few tough spots.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I've owned this game since last Christmas season, but I stopped playing after the first couple days because there's a serious problem of it crashing to the desktop anytime I try to load an old save file. At first, if I deleted all but the most recent save, I could then load the most recent one, but even that no longer works. Has anyone ever had and/or rectified this problem?


butthole fishhooking yes
-SD- said:
I've found Delta to be really challenging only if you use full-on RAMBO tactics.

It's hard on any difficulty if you try to run and gun. The first time I encountered a sizeable KPA camp on the island, I tried to go in guns blazing and got smoked. It takes a bit to recognize that you need to utilize the suit and pick and choose your fights when you come from other games that allow you to take more damage or regenerate your health faster.

I ended up using the cloak a ton on my Delta play-throughs, Predator style. I love seeing an alerted KPA patrol slowly walk past my position and then deciding whether to wipe them out or just let them continue on their merry way, oblivious, but still alive.


urk said:
I ended up using the cloak a ton on my Delta play-throughs, Predator style.
Yup. Cloak, single-shot and silencer. That's the way I prefer to play. Head shots are so satisfying in Crysis.


In Crysis Warhead, even on normal difficulty, I constantly got owned any time I wasn't cloaked, pretty much. :( Which is fine since I like cloaking, and typically I'd just stand around cloaked in a jungle with a sniper rifle and kill everyone one by one.

But still, I need to learn how to use the other abilities. Otherwise I would typically run onto a road an immediately get spotted by like 5 guys hundreds of feet away, who would all kill me with really accurate machine guns. Pretty much any time I was being shot at by more than 1-2 guys I feel like I ended up dead.


urk said:
Completely different experiences. Crysis is not without several grand set pieces, but when Crytek's baby at its best, it's more about picking and choosing how you complete objectives and how you engage (or avoid) enemies. The KPA don't ever "spawn in." They appear where you would expect them, in camps and on patrol, and if you're playing on the harder difficult levels, you'll want to make good use of your nanosuit abilities to find ways through or around them. Unless they run out into the ocean and drown themselves for you.

The open objectives can mean that the narrative is a bit less engaging, but in terms of pure gaming mechanics, Crysis is great (as long as you're not in a vehicle).

Ahh I see. Man this game sounds pretty hard. As a straight up FPS n00b I'm scared to play it now :lol

Even as a first playthrough you'd recommend delta? I had a hard time getting through Bioshock even on the easiest difficulty :lol


No additional functions
DarthWoo said:
I've owned this game since last Christmas season, but I stopped playing after the first couple days because there's a serious problem of it crashing to the desktop anytime I try to load an old save file. At first, if I deleted all but the most recent save, I could then load the most recent one, but even that no longer works. Has anyone ever had and/or rectified this problem?
Have you tried reinstalling the game? I've had the game since it released and I've upgraded to a new PC since then. On both machines, I had to install it twice. On my old PC, I couldn't get past the 2nd or 3rd level - the one where you go into the cave with Prophet to complete the level. Most revently on the new PC I built, the game (and Crysis Warhead) would crash. I pretty much reinstalled everything again (Windows, drivers, Crysis, etc.) and now it works perfectly.


No additional functions
Grayman said:
Looks like both install securom and the original will not even run without a cd drive in the system, warhead though
I've never downloaded a full game off of Steam, but this is one of the main reasons I would do it. It's one thing to change discs out in a console, but on PC it's a pain in the ass. If they ever have one of those weekend deals for Crysis, I might download just for that reason. Anyway, this is by far my most played game this gen. It and Warhead remind me a lot of Turok and Turok 2 for N64, which I played the heck out of as well. Anyway, there are so many different ways to approach the levels that it keeps you wanting to come back for more. For instance, I didn't even know there were underwater tunnels in the level where Psycho is sniping for you and you have to blow up the navy ship. I decided to go in stealth style like Sam Fisher and git er dun. It's little discoveries like that (and the mods) that keep you coming back.



A friend of mine has a Core i7 and GTX 280 Tri-SLI, and I couldn't believe how good this game looked compared to High settings with fluid motion. He had it cranked to Very High and it was just like silk, on a 42" hdtv. Crysis has no competitors.

Can't wait for 2012-13 Crytek game.


butthole fishhooking yes
isamu said:
Ahh I see. Man this game sounds pretty hard. As a straight up FPS n00b I'm scared to play it now :lol

Even as a first playthrough you'd recommend delta? I had a hard time getting through Bioshock even on the easiest difficulty :lol


Fire it up on normal and see how it feels. Some of the early encounters will give you an idea what the combat is like. Once the sun comes up, you'll start seeing good groups of enemies to fight or avoid.

It really helps to keep in mind that you don't need to engage most of the enemies. If you want to sneak your way in and complete your objectives, you can do that. And in fact, that makes for some of the most tense gameplay the title has to offer.
MadOdorMachine said:
I've never downloaded a full game off of Steam, but this is one of the main reasons I would do it. It's one thing to change discs out in a console, but on PC it's a pain in the ass. If they ever have one of those weekend deals for Crysis, I might download just for that reason. Anyway, this is by far my most played game this gen. It and Warhead remind me a lot of Turok and Turok 2 for N64, which I played the heck out of as well. Anyway, there are so many different ways to approach the levels that it keeps you wanting to come back for more. For instance, I didn't even know there were underwater tunnels in the level where Psycho is sniping for you and you have to blow up the navy ship. I decided to go in stealth style like Sam Fisher and git er dun. It's little discoveries like that (and the mods) that keep you coming back.

Never heard of a no DVD patch? Just type the name of your game into google followed by no dvd and you'll be sorted. There's two very reliable providers of them and they're usually always the first hits on Google. I do this for all my PC games, screw using discs (well the ones that aren't DD anyway), they're so archaic and redundant.


relies on auto-aim
isamu said:
Ahh I see. Man this game sounds pretty hard. As a straight up FPS n00b I'm scared to play it now :lol

Even as a first playthrough you'd recommend delta? I had a hard time getting through Bioshock even on the easiest difficulty :lol
I'd say go for Normal and try to use the suit abilities as you like.
I'm a complete sucker for using the mounted guns while driving so that's why I palyed normal, plus the red outlines make me feel more like a super-soldier. too lazy to tweak the .ini to include them on Delta, but next time I go in and play I will do that.
MadOdorMachine said:
I've never downloaded a full game off of Steam, but this is one of the main reasons I would do it. It's one thing to change discs out in a console, but on PC it's a pain in the ass. If they ever have one of those weekend deals for Crysis, I might download just for that reason. Anyway, this is by far my most played game this gen. It and Warhead remind me a lot of Turok and Turok 2 for N64, which I played the heck out of as well. Anyway, there are so many different ways to approach the levels that it keeps you wanting to come back for more. For instance, I didn't even know there were underwater tunnels in the level where Psycho is sniping for you and you have to blow up the navy ship. I decided to go in stealth style like Sam Fisher and git er dun. It's little discoveries like that (and the mods) that keep you coming back.
When I found that I thought it was so awesome. :D


Is there an easy way to take out choppers? My missile launcher decided to have no ammo when I reloaded my save and now I have one following me and won't give up, even when I'm in stealth!


relies on auto-aim
Darklord said:
Is there an easy way to take out choppers? My missile launcher decided to have no ammo when I reloaded my save and now I have one following me and won't give up, even when I'm in stealth!
Tail rotor, and thermal sensors will do that. ;)


So I've had Crysis since just after release but my rig would just crumple. With my new 260 It runs like butter on the mster settings and looks great!

Forget that though, THIS GAME IS INCREDIBLE. I was enjoying it pretty well until the night time escape after the cutscene in the dome. Then the game "hit me" Running cloaked through the forest, stealing a boat, evading the chopper, etc. Epic. Only for the cemetary duel? And then the landing under heavy artillery? Holy shit, I haven't been this gripped by an FPS since HL2: E2. I know the story is meh, but the presentation is action movie intense.

I need to buy warhead ASAP lol.

I wonder how many others were like me, not wanting to play on sub "par" graphics, or just avoiding the game altogether and missed it. I always felt like this game was passed over as "it is pretty but I can't run it, oh well" I really hope people are coming back to it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Seriously, it sucks that this game never got the recognition it truly deserved, even in reviews. It's seriously one of the best shooters ever made and that's not just the graphics talking.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Tendo said:
I wonder how many others were like me, not wanting to play on sub "par" graphics, or just avoiding the game altogether and missed it. I always felt like this game was passed over as "it is pretty but I can't run it, oh well" I really hope people are coming back to it.
I played the game through at least 3 times on a 7600gt.

As you can imagine the game wasn't very pretty at all on the settings I had to play at, but damn it... it was still an absolute blast. I thought it was pretty much the best FPS ever even back then. When I played it on my 4850... well, then it really just outdid itself.


ZealousD said:
Seriously, it sucks that this game never got the recognition it truly deserved, even in reviews. It's seriously one of the best shooters ever made and that's not just the graphics talking.

The EDGE 9 was all the recognition it needed.


I bought Warhead a couple months ago and I just got around to installing it. I can't play it. It tells me
fuck DRM said:
This game can not start
There seems to be a problem contacting the license server. Ensure your internet connection if active and try again in a few minutes.

I played through Crysis the past few days. Amazing game. Crytek is an awful company though. The game kept crashing during the last boss and I couldn't figure out how to fix the problem.. I had to load it in directx 9. What the fuck.


Just finished Crysis after about a week break. First, no idea game ended on a cliffhanger. However it is funny to me that the last level basically becomes Lost. "We have to go back to the island!" Epic EPIC final level I felt. The night time battle scene was beautiful and it was one of the few "defend the BLANK" objectives in any game I felt was a real struggle. Standing amongst the marines, bringing down the aliens felt great.

I might wait on Warhead for a Steam deal. My backlog is huge and it won't advance the "main" plot so I can hold off but man, anyone that hasn't tried Crysis because of fear of not playing on very high needs to buck up, turn the graphics down a notch and enjoy one of the best FPS's since Half Life 2. Can't wait for Crysis 2!


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
This game is just giving me nothing but trouble. I totally reinstalled it, also deleted my old saves and started over. I got to around the part where you first have to fight tanks, saved and tried to exit. The game blue-screened me and forced a system reboot. (System just did it on its own, never even had time to read the blue-screen.) Now I can't even launch the game, it just gives me an error message.


DarthWoo said:
This game is just giving me nothing but trouble. I totally reinstalled it, also deleted my old saves and started over. I got to around the part where you first have to fight tanks, saved and tried to exit. The game blue-screened me and forced a system reboot. (System just did it on its own, never even had time to read the blue-screen.) Now I can't even launch the game, it just gives me an error message.

I'm guessing you've got a corrupt savegame. Try deleting it.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Ok, decided to try deleting the entire folder in the My Documents area, except that I copied my save games over, and that worked. Now I find that if I ever play for more than a certain amount of time, the game suddenly starts chugging along, struggling to keep going, and if I exit or alt+tab, that's when it bluescreens me and reboots my system. I guess I just have to not play for too long at a time.


What the hell crytek? Why hasn't this game been patched to let us choose our refresh rates yet? WHAT THE HELL? EVERY DX10 game NEEDS this option! THINK ABOUT THOSE OF US ON HDTVS WITH 24Hz MODES!



Nikorasu said:
What the hell crytek? Why hasn't this game been patched to let us choose our refresh rates yet? WHAT THE HELL? EVERY DX10 game NEEDS this option! THINK ABOUT THOSE OF US ON HDTVS WITH 24Hz MODES!

Allow me to quote an earlier post that may be of help:

FirewalkR said:
Hey guys, I played Crysis recently and am playing Warhead now, and I was using XPx64, but decided to change to Vista64. When trying to run either game I was having the 1080p @ 24Hz problem when using the DX10 executable and my HDTV.

I have a nVidia GTX260 and while looking for a solution I saw someone who had the same problem with an ATI card and solved it in the ATI control panel by adding support manually for different modes, so I went looking in the nVidia control panel to see if I could do something similar. I managed to add a custom 1080p60 mode and now both games work properly in DX10, so here's the steps for the 181.22 drivers control panel:

1-open the nvidia control panel
2*-if you're currently at 1080p60 in Windows, change the desktop resolution to something else temporarily, like 1280x720, in Change resolution under "Display" on the task list
3-go to manage custom resolutions also under "Display"
4-(not sure if this is really needed), deselect Force HD Res. and select Allow modes not exposed by the display
5-click create, and insert 1920, 1080, 60 refresh rate and 32 bpp(bits per pixel can probably be different)
6-click test, press ok in the dialog that shows up, the "new" 1080p mode will be set and assuming all went well, it should say "if it looks correct please press yes". So press it lol.
7-you should now have the new resolutin under the Custom resolutions list.
8-exit the control panel and play the game, it should now be at 1080p60

*I needed step 2 because I was already in 1080p in the windows desktop and when I tried to test the custom resolution it'd say "test failed" or something similar, so I changed to 720p beforehand.

Before the 1080p24 problem, I was having the "game starts in window mode" and "mouse offset in the menu" problems, which I got rid of by opening the game in DX9 mode, changing to 1080p full screen, exiting and restarting in DX10 mode. After that, it was at 1080p but 24...

I'm gonna post this too in the Warhead thread. It's a bit weird because a few days ago I'd already tried Crysis in Vista64 DX10 and did not have this problem. This was a new installation (with all updates done), so I'm not sure what caused it.


FirewalkR said:
Allow me to quote an earlier post that may be of help:

Thanks, but I've tried pretty much everything at this point. I guess for some combinations of cards/tvs take differently to different people's advice. Also I'm using ATI and their windows 7 control center is buggy as hell, crashing on me almost every time I change something.

Crysis is the only game that still has this problem for me. It basically defaults to the lowest avaliable refresh rate for the given resolution with absolutely no way to change it, a cardinal sin for DX10 games considering DX10 refresh rates are not tied to the desktop as they were with DX9. ATI and NVIDIA really need to step up their HDTV support, but I place all the blame on Crytek (not that it matters to them :lol ) for such a ridiculous oversight...even after so many patches.


Nikorasu said:
Thanks, but I've tried pretty much everything at this point. I guess for some combinations of cards/tvs take differently to different people's advice. Also I'm using ATI and their windows 7 control center is buggy as hell, crashing on me almost every time I change something.

Crysis is the only game that still has this problem for me. It basically defaults to the lowest avaliable refresh rate for the given resolution with absolutely no way to change it, a cardinal sin for DX10 games considering DX10 refresh rates are not tied to the desktop as they were with DX9. ATI and NVIDIA really need to step up their HDTV support, but I place all the blame on Crytek (not that it matters to them :lol ) for such a ridiculous oversight...even after so many patches.

not really a crytek issue, its a driver issue, nvidia fixed it and ati didn't


Well I just finished the campaign today. I stayed up the majority of last night and then finished off the final 2 missions today. What an awesome ride! I think halo fans would really love this campaign, so the possibility of a console port might do crytek well.

I loved almost all of it. Frustrating at times, but still very enjoyable. I'll concur that the escort mission at the end was very off putting, but it was over before I knew it.

I want to see more games with this engine. A corridor shooter with this tech would be unreal. (as seen on the
alien ship
). I'd wet myself if they announced a decent with this tech. Ahh the possibilities.

So how much different is warhead? At $29 it seems like a must buy for me but I'm just worried it won't feel fresh enough.

edit: I really meant Descent not decent game lol.


Warhead is awesome. Buy now.

One level in Warhead actually does more of the "corridor shooting" you suggested, and the engine makes it stunning :D
I still need to buy the boxset but the other day I downloaded the old demo to see how my machine runs it, first thing I did is stick everything on the highest setting not giving a care for framerate but amazingly I can play 50% of the areas I run around in at 60fps, dropping to 30 or just below that in heavy combat and huge areas.

Looks so damn amazing.

While I love this game at 60fps if there is a way to cap it at 30 I would do so, i'm fine playing games at that rate and would then stick everything on max and vsync it without a drop in framerate. but I can't set it to 30 can I?

I need to buy the game now though, also, I dropped a lot of the effects to "high" and it felt more like medium after experiancing highest settings, it's why I would prefer to play it at a locked 30 then a dropping 25-60.
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