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Crystal Xbox Special Edition Bundle (Canada only?)


I'm getting more and more confused about this special Xbox bundle that is suppost to come out in canada on November 2nd.

Its listed at two of my local Bestbuys here in the US, no price as of yet. But interesting and their is a White Winter Xbox Holiday Package in Eb's computer.

So here is my question is this damn bundle coming here to the states or not? If not would any of you canadian gaffers be willing to get one for me?

Heres some pictures and links:


Bestbuy Canada


Please contact me via PM if your up to the task of getting one of these for me. Thanks


I'm also trying my darnedest to figure out how to get one.

A few weeks ago an MS PR rep told a friend that it wasn't coming to the States, but who knows. The Best Buy thing sounds curious.


I'll bet it's because it's easier to supply all of Canada with the new Xbox than it is the States, seeing how there are so fewer of us. They probably can't make enough of them to satisfy demand.

How many clear green Halo bundles were there to go around in the US?

There's also the "I know you love me so you don't get squat" factor, but Canada is Xbox country now, so who knows.


Well would any of you be willing to pick one of these bad boys up? that should be my question cause it looks like NCSX wont be getting any. And i really want one of these for Xmas. How much would shipping be for something like a xbox to the US?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I'm still shocked that Sony beat M$ to a re-design.

You can buy clear XBOX shells already.


GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
It actually doesn't look too bad with the Xbox being unattractive and all. If there are any left after the holidays, I might pick one up.


Spike said:
Actually, the US had the Halo bundle transparent green system exclusively.

And yet Canadians got Halo packed in with a XBOX long before the US got the Limited Edition Halo Xbox.

I just want this set and i would be greatful to anyone willing to help me get it. This thread was for the soul purpose of talking about the Crystal Xbox and the posibility of it coming to the US. As i would want to get this instead of a plain Xbox for my Girlfriend for Xmas (hi honey) cause then i'll get it all night long, that is a ass beating in Halo 2 or DOAU for Xmas.


B'z-chan said:
And yet Canadians got Halo packed in with a XBOX long before the US got the Limited Edition Halo Xbox.

True, but imagine how cool it probably is to own that Halo Xbox now that Halo 2 is coming out. Infinitely cooler than the Crystal Xbox at this point at least. :)

Just one other thing to note, the Crystal Xboxes are going to be ultra-limited. Each of the EB managers I've spoken to have stated that they only expect 8-10 units per store. If you really want it, you better haul your asses and put something down for it now. You could try Future Shop/Best Buy, but almost everyone will go there first and I think they've removed it from their sites at this point.


So i guess i can call you canadian gaffers good for nothings? =P If any of you could preorder it i would be willing to pay for it and the shipping and maybe a few photos or movies* to keep you warm during the cold winter nights ;)

* can be subsituted for a small amount of money to cover gas expensses. =P


I'd love to help you out B'z-chan, but it's all gone in my area. That's why I was at all these stores recently with no luck at all. All the EB's I've visited are presold out, the FutureShops and Best Buys also. Wal-Mart and Zellers isn't even getting these bundles. Sorry.


I saw a Futureshop ad yesterday that said the Crystal Xbox would be available on November 5th. Was it delayed, or is this just a standard thing to cover their asses in case of an unexpected delay?


huzkee said:
If I were to get an Xbox I'd want neither of those 2 games... Are those confirmed to be in the bundle?

Yeep madchad (IGNboards) took some pictures of them sitting in the back of EB they got about 20 of them at his eb. Both of the games are ok, its the console i would be wanting.
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