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Cyberpunk 2077 HypeTrain | Just breathe (No leaks)

What platform are you going to play on?

  • PC

    Votes: 612 50.1%
  • PS4 Amateur

    Votes: 84 6.9%
  • PS4 Pro

    Votes: 139 11.4%
  • XBox 1

    Votes: 12 1.0%
  • Xbox 1 X

    Votes: 130 10.6%
  • Waiting for the next gen

    Votes: 377 30.9%
  • Stadia

    Votes: 13 1.1%

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That's certainly a possibility.
During TW3 marketing CDPR only showed console footage when release was fast approaching and they clearly stated what platform it was recorded on.

Bt contrast:

- We are 8 months ahead of release.
- All public demos played so far were on high-end PCs.
- Nvidia released the exact same footage and stuck a "RTX on" on it.
- Platform and settings were not disclosed
- 8 moths is a considerable amount of time. Besides that, I'm don't understand why that's relevant to your point.
- Stuck RTX on it? Nvidia has been uploading multiple videos of games and tech demoes using their cards in the wake of Gamescom. Are you implying that CDPR or Nvidia are intentionally being misleading? Do you have any actual proof? Because that's just a wild assumption, one that I don't see agree with.
- The recent gameplay was captured from PC with a RTX 1080 ti. If it were captured on XB1 or PS4, I'm sure they would've stated so.
So you tell me what seems more likely, console of up-to-date PC footage with RTX on.
I already have lol. We're going in circles here. Also, I wouldn't consider it "up-to-date" PC footage, but newly released gameplay footage.
I gave you a potential reason as to why in that post... No offense, but I feel like you're unnecessarily being obtuse here.
The reason why I talked about having some latitude when deeming this a Downgrade was exactly this. It was the first time we saw Johnny's in-game model and Pacifica at large. So when some deem the lighting sub-par or Silverhand's model and textures puzzling, no one outside CDPR is in a position to cry Downgrade because no one had seen them before. But anyone is certainly in a position to deem them not up to theirs or even CDPR's standards.
Johnny Silverhand's model is stylized because he is a holographic projection. Which means the textures and apparent artifacting is likely meant to simulate a hologram. I wouldn't consider the lighting subpar by any means. It's arguably less striking than the solutions they were utilizing for the previous demo, the game still looks really good, at least imo. I'm not contesting anyone's very subjective standards. I'm contesting the accusation of CDPR downgrading the game when I haven't seen any evidence that's in fact, the case.
And that's why I have called you out.

As of late, CDPR behaviour has been downright baffling, much more then almost anything I've witnessed from the fans you decided to point the finger at. Maybe this is an obscure backhand strategy of them to lower expectations so to surprise everyone later on or something as Machiavellian as that. Otherwise, their behaviour hardly makes sense.
I'm not pointing the finger at fans lol. You are making so many assumptions here. Which what I was objecting to in my initial post. If you're worried about how the console versions will fare, then I encourage you to temper your expectations. I imagine the differences in IQ and crowd density will be notable, but the gaming experience will essentially be the same. If you have a PC or plan to build a PC that meets the spec requirements to run the game as we've seen it up till now, then you are less likely to feel let down by the retail version of CP2077. Or you can wait for next-gen platforms idk.

Showing the full demo to journalists and thousands and thousands of people both in Europe and the States qualifies as showing it to the general public. The demos have been described in great detail by the press and influencers. The issue of spoilers seems almost vapid at this point.
It was shown behind closed doors with the stipulations that no audio or video be recorded. That's not what the "general public" implies. You're also inflating the thousand and thousands part, and even then that's not the general public when compared to the millions of uniques views when people watch online. I think you're just missing the term here.
We're discussing CDPR bahviour, not how Sony does things. As you know, in the past CDPR did release uncompressed footage and screenshots to Gamersyde.
This time they haven't.

Is it overly sensitive to think there just might be a reason behind this apparent change?
I know that...
I brought it up as an example that other publishers like Sony haven't released footage to Gamersyde even for upcoming highly anticipated releases like Death Stranding. Sometimes they jus don't, it's as simple as that. If you really want to know, again reach out to someone from Gamersyde maybe. Is it overly sensitive to think there's a reason? No, but I'm questioning your reasoning.
That logic is very peculiar.
To gauge this instance one compares it with past instances, not Sony's track record, mind you, but CDPR's. And what do we learn? We learn that CDPR have released crisp uncompressed footage every single time.
How is it peculiar? lol, It's like a case of Occam's razor. Sony have consistently released "crisp", less compressed footage for their exclusive tiles to Gamersyde. The haven't done so recently.
No, the question is actually to be addressed to CDPR: Even, let's go with the absurd, even if Gamersyde had refused to host the crisp footage, CDPR could have easily distributed it via other outlets, all of which would give their right harm to get those waves of clicks.
Up til now, you've been specifically mentioning Gamersyde, so I encouraged you to ask them. The resulting compression is unfortunate, but Youtube is the most popular video platform which is why CDPR (and every other publisher and developer) have opted to release trailers and footage there. Aside from press kit sites. I'm unaware of any other site that hosts uncompressed video game footage and trailers besides Gamersyde. What other outlets are you referring to?


- 8 moths is a considerable amount of time. Besides that, I'm don't understand why that's relevant to your point.

My point is to show the likelihood of it being console footage is very low. In the past CDPR showed console footage much closer to release. All the other listed facts suggest the same conclusion.

- Stuck RTX on it? Nvidia has been uploading multiple videos of games and tech demoes using their cards in the wake of Gamescom. Are you implying that CDPR or Nvidia are intentionally being misleading? Do you have any actual proof?

I was stating the exact opposite, that's its likely RTX footage, thus further suggesting it is indeed PC footage.

Because that's just a wild assumption, one that I don't see agree with.

See above.
Given how the facts strongly suggest it was PC footage, only a mysterious unspecified reason would explain why it's so blurry and the 4k isn't really 4k. ANd why they haven't rectified the bluriness. And why they haven't uploaded a proper 4k video. And why they haven't posted it on Gamersyde.

- The recent gameplay was captured from PC with a RTX 1080 ti. If it were captured on XB1 or PS4, I'm sure they would've stated so.

It being RTX 2080ti only compounds the amazement it elicits.

I already have lol. We're going in circles here. Also, I wouldn't consider it "up-to-date" PC footage, but newly released gameplay footage.

It's a fair assumption on my part. To claim otherwise, one would have to work at CDPR, in order to know better.

I gave you a potential reason as to why in that post... No offense, but I feel like you're unnecessarily being obtuse here.

The reason you provided makes no sense because the settings were not disclosed. If CDPR wanted to showcase how the game looks at lower settings, they would have. Besides, it's too early for that, going by what they did in the case of TW3.

Therefore, I'm within reason to dismiss your potential reason.

Johnny Silverhand's model is stylized because he is a holographic projection.

I realize that. He looks dreadful. He doesn't even look particularly holographic.

Which means the textures and apparent artifacting is likely meant to simulate a hologram.

A failed attempt at that.

I wouldn't consider the lighting subpar by any means.

Models not self-shadowing or casting shadows is not subpar?
It's true that last year's demo was also problematic in the department of shadows, which were horrendously aliased in the final scene. Remember, my point is that the reveal trailer stands as the visual apex and that things seem to have worsened since then consecutively.

It's arguably less striking than the solutions they were utilizing for the previous demo, the game still looks really good, at least imo. I'm not contesting anyone's very subjective standards. I'm contesting the accusation of CDPR downgrading the game when I haven't seen any evidence that's in fact, the case.

Setting aside the historical precedent, my whole argument is that the reveal trailer remains unmatched by any of the demos and that last year's looks better than this year's.

I'm not pointing the finger at fans lol.

That how I would describe omitting or rationalizing CDPR's odd behaviour and deciding to call out those crying Downgrade.

You are making so many assumptions here. Which what I was objecting to in my initial post. If you're worried about how the console versions will fare,

Let the console players worry about their version. In the case of TW3 the downgrade ended up affeacting the PC version as well.

then I encourage you to temper your expectations. I imagine the differences in IQ and crowd density will be notable, but the gaming experience will essentially be the same. If you have a PC or plan to build a PC that meets the spec requirements to run the game as we've seen it up till now, then you are less likely to feel let down by the retail version of CP2077. Or you can wait for next-gen platforms idk.

See above.

It was shown behind closed doors with the stipulations that no audio or video be recorded. That's not what the "general public" implies. You're also inflating the thousand and thousands part, and even then that's not the general public when compared to the millions of uniques views when people watch online. I think you're just missing the term here.

When a demo has not only been shown to American, Europen and soon Asian crowds, when it's been detailed at length in print and video form for months now, the term Spoiler has lost most of its significance,

I know that...
I brought it up as an example that other publishers like Sony haven't released footage to Gamersyde even for upcoming highly anticipated releases like Death Stranding. Sometimes they jus don't, it's as simple as that. If you really want to know, again reach out to someone from Gamersyde maybe. Is it overly sensitive to think there's a reason? No, but I'm questioning your reasoning.

How is it peculiar? lol, It's like a case of Occam's razor. Sony have consistently released "crisp", less compressed footage for their exclusive tiles to Gamersyde. The haven't done so recently.

Sony's behaviour is immaterial here. CDPR had established a pattern of releasing crisp footage to Gamersyde. It broke that pattern. It's pointless to appeal to Sony's behaviour.

Up til now, you've been specifically mentioning Gamersyde, so I encouraged you to ask them. The resulting compression is unfortunate, but Youtube is the most popular video platform which is why CDPR (and every other publisher and developer) have opted to release trailers and footage there. Aside from press kit sites. I'm unaware of any other site that hosts uncompressed video game footage and trailers besides Gamersyde. What other outlets are you referring to?

It's borderline preposterous to suggest the guilt lies with Gamersyde, a claim for which I would require strong evidence. In all likelihood, they're dying to get their hands on that footage. It's their bread and butter. Therefore, reasonable people will not turn to Gamersyde, but rather deduce that it's likely a decision by CDPR. If CDPR really wanted to have that razor sharp footage making the rounds, and if for some obscure reason Gamersyde could not oblige, then there would be tons of outlets willing to host it: the likes of IGN, Game Informer or Gamespot, just to name a few.

Conclusion: it's probably because, for some mysterious reason, CDPR decided to withhold said footage. But you're free to dismiss the significance of this atypical decision all you like.
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It's a fair assumption on my part. To claim otherwise, one would have to work at CDPR, to know better.
This footage was captured and edited sometime ago, which would technically not make it "upt-to-date" as the game is still in active development. You don't have to work at CDPR to claim this, it's just common sense lol. You are also making a lot of claims yourself by don't work at CDPR. either so it's fair when you do it? I don
The reason you provided makes no sense because the settings were not disclosed. If CDPR wanted to showcase how the gamelooks at lower settings, they would have.

Therefore, I'm within reason to dismiss your potential reason.
You asked ME why, so I gave you a plausible reason as to why. Saying it "makes no sense" isn't really a rebuttal.
I realize that. He looks dreadful and I'm neither the first nor the only one pointing that out. He doesn't even look particularly holographic.
Except he does. It's pretty apparent , at least to me. It doesn't matter how many others people agree with you. It's your opinion and that's fair. I just disagree with it.
A failed attempt at that.
I disagree.
Models not self-shadowing or casting shadows is not subpar?
Except they do cast shadows.
Setting aside the historical precedent, my whole argument is that the reveal trailer remains unmatched by any of the demos and that last year's looks better than this year's.
I'm going to assume we are discussing strictly gameplay and not the in-engine reveal trailer featured at E3 2018. The demo from last years was showcasing a different part of the Night City. This recent footage is showcasing another part with different conditions.. Aside from some of the UI changes, I really enjoyed the most recent footage.
That how I would describe omitting or rationalizing CDPR's odd behaviour and deciding to call out those crying Downgrade.
Except I'm not omitting anything. I literally have no idea what you're even talking about lol. I'm calling out that specific claim, because I think it's unreasonable because there's no evidence that the game has been in fact, downgraded. Nor do I believe CDPR have been behaving "oddly" either.
When a demo has not only be shown to American, Europen and soon Asian crowds as well, when it's been detailed at length in print and video form, the term spoilers has lost most of its significance,
Sure, but none of that is relevant to my point.
Sony's behaviour is immaterial here. CDPR had established a pattern of releasing crisp footage to Gamersyde. It broke that pattern. It's pointless to appeal to SOny's behaviour.

There's severala djectives that come to mind to describe the kind of lengths you're travelling to here.
For 4th time, it's an example dude. An example. Another notable publisher that also had established a pattern of releasing "crisp" footage to Gamersyde (which you again specify) have also broken this pattern. It's not an attempt o appeal to Sony's behavior, it's a simple example of behavior not exclusive to CDPR. You're trying to attribute some sort of ulterior motive, and I honestly don't understand why. CDPR have made a public statement as to why they changed their previous plans, You apparently won't accept that as a legit reason. You don't seem interested in asking people from Gamersyde, since you keep mention their site specifically. I don't know what to tell, my guy.
t's preposterous to suggest the guilt lies with Gamersyde, a claim for which I would require evidence. In all likelihood, they're dying to get their hands on that footage. It's their bread and butter. Therefore, reasonable people will not turn to Gamersyde, but rather deduce that it's likely a CDPR decision. If CDPR really wanted to have that razor sharp footage making the rounds, and if for some obscure reason Gamersyde could not oblige, there would be tons of other outlets willing to host it: the likes of IGN, Game Informer or Gamespot.

Conclusion: it's probably because, for some mysterious reason, CDPR decided to withhold the footage.
You're free to dismiss the significance of this atypical ecion all you like.
I'm not suggesting or attributing guilt to anyone though, you are. All of those sites you've listed do not host uncompressed game footage like gamersyde. Gaming media sites typically get their footage from press kits with usually consist of promotional material and screenshots etc.

CDPR have given their reason why they changed their plans. It seems you don't believe them, but that's your prerogative. I'm going to bow out here, as I feel like this discussion is going in circles. I did appreciate the discourse though.
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I realize you're bowing out and I'm fine with this being the final post in this exchange.


You asked ME why, so I gave you a plausible reason as to why. Saying it "makes no sense" isn't really a rebuttal.

I didn't just say it makes no sense, I explained why I am dismissing your so-called plausible reason.

The point could not have been to showcase the game at lower settings since the settings have not been disclosed. Your so-called plausible reason makes no sense from a marketing perspective.

Except he does. It's pretty apparent , at least to me. It doesn't matter how many others people agree with you. It's your opinion and that's fair. I just disagree with it.


I disagree.

Except they do cast shadows.

Not always.

I'm going to assume we are discussing strictly gameplay and not the in-engine reveal trailer featured at E3 2018. The demo from last years was showcasing a different part of the Night City. This recent footage is showcasing another part with different conditions.. Aside from some of the UI changes, I really enjoyed the most recent footage.

Good for you.

Except I'm not omitting anything. I literally have no idea what you're even talking about lol. I'm calling out that specific claim, because I think it's unreasonable because there's no evidence that the game has been in fact, downgraded. Nor do I believe CDPR have been behaving "oddly" either.

You're free to believe all of that. For the nth time:

1. Blurry video. CDPR have not rectified the situation.
2. Faux 4k video. CDPR have not rectified the situation.
3. No uncompressed footage on Gamersyde or any other outlet, including their own channels. CDPR have not rectified the situation.

I don't know what else to say. if you think this is normal standard professional behaviour, then great!

Sure, but none of that is relevant to my point.

This is getting painful.

If you add the number of people who already saw the demo plus the number of people who read through the detailed extensive press coverage, that might possibly amount to a decent chunk and thus make the fuss about spoilers - which anyone would still be free to avoid - somewhat unimportant. This is in connection to their point about a lengthier uncut video that would spoil the story. Am uncut morsel of a sidequest would have been the better choice.

I'm fine with a 15-minute demo. Just that the editing was terrible though.

For 4th time, it's an example dude. An example. Another notable publisher that also had established a pattern of releasing "crisp" footage to Gamersyde (which you again specify) have also broken this pattern. It's not an attempt o appeal to Sony's behavior, it's a simple example of behavior not exclusive to CDPR.

And for the 4th time as well, it's a completely irrelevant example if you cannot show there's a common reason behind their decisions. Irrespectively, I am calling CDPR out for their singular omission. .

You're fine with it, fantastic!

You're trying to attribute some sort of ulterior motive,

Their marketing team is doing it, in this case, not doing it, for a reason. Their marketing team is not small. There is no good reason to believe this was a random omission. If it wasn't random, then there's a reason behind it and I'm trying to figure out what the puzzling reason is.

and I honestly don't understand why. CDPR have made a public statement as to why they changed their previous plans,

For goodness sake, no one here brought that up.
This is getting tiresome.

You apparently won't accept that as a legit reason. You don't seem interested in asking people from Gamersyde, since you keep mention their site specifically. I don't know what to tell, my guy.

Christ, because it seems much much much much much much much more probable that for reasons currently unknown CDPR decided not to upload the uncompressed footage this time around. As such it would make more sense to ask them, instead of Gamersyde.

I'm not suggesting or attributing guilt to anyone though, you are.

Yes, it seems plausible that if CDPR were committed to releasing the footage to the general public they could have done it by now. It's a fair assumption that if the footage is not out, then it's because they can't or they don't want to, for a reason that has not been disclosed.

All of those sites you've listed do not host uncompressed game footage like gamersyde.

For goodness sake.
Is it really your opinion that if CDPR wanted to release uncompressed footage but Gamersyde somehow wouldn't host it, that CDPR would have no other way to show it to the world? Really?

Bottom line, this suggests it's CDPR who cannot or does not want to share the footage.
I find that odd. You don't?

Gaming media sites typically get their footage from press kits with usually consist of promotional material and screenshots etc.

CDPR have given their reason why they changed their plans

No one here challenged their decision to change plans.

I'm going to bow out here,

Yes, please.
You do that.

as I feel like this discussion is going in circles. I did appreciate the discourse though.

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Neo Member
For a game that takes place in Night City. I find it kinda funny we haven't seen any gameplay footage taking place at night time (Correct me if I'm wrong).


For a game that takes place in Night City. I find it kinda funny we haven't seen any gameplay footage taking place at night time (Correct me if I'm wrong).

I hope you can do something about that as a player. I want to play the whole game in night time.



Ivory Blood

So they removed humanity mechanic from the game that was in 2018 gameplay trailer. Now it's just upgrade slots. Why do they keep cuttin out things that were in the original tabletop?


Gold Member
So they removed humanity mechanic from the game that was in 2018 gameplay trailer. Now it's just upgrade slots. Why do they keep cuttin out things that were in the original tabletop?
because CDPR + Mike can do whatever the hell they like?

Ivory Blood

because CDPR + Mike can do whatever the hell they like?
Well, certainly they can. But what's the point if it was right there in the book and they already had it implemented? Didn't they talk about losing your humanity and blurring the lines between man and machine? Now it's just a gamey "upgrade system" of +5 to recoil if you replace your hands.
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Gold Member
Well, certainly they can. But what's the point if it was right there in the book and they already had it implemented? Didn't they talk about losing your humanity and blurring the lines between man and machine? Now it's just a gamey "upgrade system" of +5 to recoil if you replace your hands.
you do know the game is still in development?

things get removed.


So they removed humanity mechanic from the game that was in 2018 gameplay trailer. Now it's just upgrade slots. Why do they keep cuttin out things that were in the original tabletop?

It seems like they are removing more and more roleplaying elements from the game. Eventually it'll be just a shooter with some skill trees and upgrades.
you do know the game is still in development?

things get removed.

You can't blame the dude for being worried though. People have complained a lot about the shooting feeling underwhelming and the more they show stuff to us the more it feels like their attempt to please a tough crowd is forcing them to remove features. Even the last video, despite showing 2 ways to handle a mission, the clear focus was obviously the shooting and less the role play. It was a disappointing demo, it actually lowered my expectations of the game a lot.


So there are apparently no social skills in this rpg at all right? Persuasion, charisma, intimidation etc? I know some skills like strength, tech and some others will be used in conversations, but its not the same at all.

Like i cant know when and where my character will use his strength in dialogue all of a sudden or some other non related skill, in other words talkative builds are off the table
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Ivory Blood

So there are apparently no social skills in this rpg at all right? Persuasion, charisma, intimidation etc? I know some skills like strength, tech and some others will be used in conversations, but its not the same at all.

Like i cant know when and where my character will use his strength in dialogue all of a sudden or some other non related skill, in other words talkative builds is off the table
Yes, no charisma related skills or anything. Only the chosen background (although I think they'll remove it too by the time the game launches) and some Tech skills.


Yes, no charisma related skills or anything. Only the chosen background (although I think they'll remove it too by the time the game launches) and some Tech skills.

So the only things this game has in common with the pnp rpg are the name and the setting at this point.

I remember they say how fashion is very important in the world of Cyberpunk only to end up with a fpp even in cutscenes.

Forgive me for believing there's something fishy going on with the development.


you do know the game is still in development?

things get removed.

Or things get added in?

This line of thought seems to be trending. Whenever CP2077 is criticized for whatever perceived change the standard reply seems to be a variation on the theme of "Game Development accounts for that, as we've been forewarned by CDPR ".

The underlying theme here, on the Subreddit, on the official forums, often seems to be that it's okay to pass judgement on the current state of he game provided it's laudatory. If it's infinite praise, then no questions will be asked. The moment you criticize CDPR, then suddenly passing judgement becomes a criminal offence. Context must be provided and you are reminded of all the disclaimers CDPR has prefaced their demos with.

Try commending the game for adding something unexpected, a new feature or an expanded one. Likely no one will chime in to remind you it's a WiP, undergoing development, still subject to change. No, the cautionary remarks, those self-evident truths are only to be wielded against the ones daring to have a critical opinion.

People are even asking others to trust CDPR, to put faith in them, and the whole request almost has religious undertones. Yes, CDPR has a track record of releasing great games and offering great bang for buck products. But they also have a track record of lamentable behaviour in the case of the whole Downgrade ordeal, during which they conducted themselves rather questionably. That track record warrants some caution and a healthy measure of scepticism.

You want to shoot down criticism?
Try harder.


Writes a lot, says very little
Or things get added in?

This line of thought seems to be trending. Whenever CP2077 is criticized for whatever perceived change the standard reply seems to be a variation on the theme of "Game Development accounts for that, as we've been forewarned by CDPR ".

The underlying theme here, on the Subreddit, on the official forums, often seems to be that it's okay to pass judgement on the current state of he game provided it's laudatory. If it's infinite praise, then no questions will be asked. The moment you criticize CDPR, then suddenly passing judgement becomes a criminal offence. Context must be provided and you are reminded of all the disclaimers CDPR has prefaced their demos with.

Try commending the game for adding something unexpected, a new feature or an expanded one. Likely no one will chime in to remind you it's a WiP, undergoing development, still subject to change. No, the cautionary remarks, those self-evident truths are only to be wielded against the ones daring to have a critical opinion.

People are even asking others to trust CDPR, to put faith in them, and the whole request almost has religious undertones. Yes, CDPR has a track record of releasing great games and offering great bang for buck products. But they also have a track record of lamentable behaviour in the case of the whole Downgrade ordeal, during which they conducted themselves rather questionably. That track record warrants some caution and a healthy measure of scepticism.

You want to shoot down criticism?
Try harder.

This times 1000. I don't know why folks disregarded that this team lied about that downgrade for almost a year and a half and only told gamers about it when the game was released and they made money from it. CDPR can give nice fancy PR talk to gamers, but their actions very much show who they really are. I'm still buying the game, but I'll believe what the game is about when its released vs what they simply claim right now. They are already removing features from the game.

Before anyone chimes in, my issue wasn't the downgrade of the Witcher 3, it was the team omitting that information for months on end and denying it while collecting money from consumers.

The Cockatrice The Cockatrice pretty much. I don't get what folks want us to do. The team lied about a downgrade before with Witcher 3, shows this game behind closed doors at a major press event like E3 while showing us fake CGI footage and we are suppose to be ok with this? The fact that they are already removing features makes me question. The feature removed, where they EVER even going to be in the game or just lies to get pre-orders? MOST don't even know some features are being removed, so they are once again doing a bait and switch. We see too much of this crap about "oh you can shoot your way thru a mission OR you can go stealth bro.......cough...." (crickets). Its like, that is just a moot point, that is default Deus Ex, Fallout, MGS etc. This game right now isn't offering much that we haven't seen before and I was waiting for that "IT" feature where it set this game apart from the rest. All I see is Watchdogs ala Deus Ex. If Watchdogs 4 goes deeper into the future and adds a first person switch like GTAV and Red Dead 2, how close could they be to this game just based on the default of what Watchdogs is? At some point we are talking about almost the same features. Future, hacking, cars, leveling up etc So they need to do more to set themselves apart as this just sounds like Watchdogs Deus Ex
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Writes a lot, says very little
This footage was captured and edited sometime ago, which would technically not make it "upt-to-date" as the game is still in active development. You don't have to work at CDPR to claim this, it's just common sense lol. You are also making a lot of claims yourself by don't work at CDPR. either so it's fair when you do it? I don

You asked ME why, so I gave you a plausible reason as to why. Saying it "makes no sense" isn't really a rebuttal.

Except he does. It's pretty apparent , at least to me. It doesn't matter how many others people agree with you. It's your opinion and that's fair. I just disagree with it.

I disagree.

Except they do cast shadows.

I'm going to assume we are discussing strictly gameplay and not the in-engine reveal trailer featured at E3 2018. The demo from last years was showcasing a different part of the Night City. This recent footage is showcasing another part with different conditions.. Aside from some of the UI changes, I really enjoyed the most recent footage.

Except I'm not omitting anything. I literally have no idea what you're even talking about lol. I'm calling out that specific claim, because I think it's unreasonable because there's no evidence that the game has been in fact, downgraded. Nor do I believe CDPR have been behaving "oddly" either.

Sure, but none of that is relevant to my point.

For 4th time, it's an example dude. An example. Another notable publisher that also had established a pattern of releasing "crisp" footage to Gamersyde (which you again specify) have also broken this pattern. It's not an attempt o appeal to Sony's behavior, it's a simple example of behavior not exclusive to CDPR. You're trying to attribute some sort of ulterior motive, and I honestly don't understand why. CDPR have made a public statement as to why they changed their previous plans, You apparently won't accept that as a legit reason. You don't seem interested in asking people from Gamersyde, since you keep mention their site specifically. I don't know what to tell, my guy.

I'm not suggesting or attributing guilt to anyone though, you are. All of those sites you've listed do not host uncompressed game footage like gamersyde. Gaming media sites typically get their footage from press kits with usually consist of promotional material and screenshots etc.

CDPR have given their reason why they changed their plans. It seems you don't believe them, but that's your prerogative. I'm going to bow out here, as I feel like this discussion is going in circles. I did appreciate the discourse though.

I'm going to have to agree with Cos on this one.

It just doesn't make sense to have it played on lessor settings as I have no clue why they'd market the game that way without specifically saying so, as in (Here is a video of it on low and what it can do etc), the next thing....they've already started removing features from the game, its not that much of a stretch to believe they are also removing some....settings graphically aka....downgraded.

I see it like this, blame CDPR for lying about that the first time with Witcher 3, they could have told fans BEFORE the games release it was downgraded instead of lying for a year and a half and then waiting til they had folks money to admit what was wrong. I also don't get why they don't simply have uncompressed footage directly from them either as this sounds like they purposely want that footage formatted that way to make a soft landing for the downgrade announcement.


Neo Member
I haven't been super hyped about this game but after seeing some of the recent content, no better time to go ahead and board the train now! I would like to play on PC, and I'll be busy in school by the time the game comes out but I will squeeze in a few hours for research.


Writes a lot, says very little
I haven't been super hyped about this game but after seeing some of the recent content, no better time to go ahead and board the train now! I would like to play on PC, and I'll be busy in school by the time the game comes out but I will squeeze in a few hours for research.

its better now as features are removed and the game is more finalized you can just focus on what it currently is going to be vs what was promised.
This times 1000. I don't know why folks disregarded that this team lied about that downgrade for almost a year and a half and only told gamers about it when the game was released and they made money from it. CDPR can give nice fancy PR talk to gamers, but their actions very much show who they really are. I'm still buying the game, but I'll believe what the game is about when its released vs what they simply claim right now. They are already removing features from the game.

Before anyone chimes in, my issue wasn't the downgrade of the Witcher 3, it was the team omitting that information for months on end and denying it while collecting money from consumers.

The Cockatrice The Cockatrice pretty much. I don't get what folks want us to do. The team lied about a downgrade before with Witcher 3, shows this game behind closed doors at a major press event like E3 while showing us fake CGI footage and we are suppose to be ok with this? The fact that they are already removing features makes me question. The feature removed, where they EVER even going to be in the game or just lies to get pre-orders? MOST don't even know some features are being removed, so they are once again doing a bait and switch. We see too much of this crap about "oh you can shoot your way thru a mission OR you can go stealth bro.......cough...." (crickets). Its like, that is just a moot point, that is default Deus Ex, Fallout, MGS etc. This game right now isn't offering much that we haven't seen before and I was waiting for that "IT" feature where it set this game apart from the rest. All I see is Watchdogs ala Deus Ex. If Watchdogs 4 goes deeper into the future and adds a first person switch like GTAV and Red Dead 2, how close could they be to this game just based on the default of what Watchdogs is? At some point we are talking about almost the same features. Future, hacking, cars, leveling up etc So they need to do more to set themselves apart as this just sounds like Watchdogs Deus Ex

Have they mentioned (CDPR) what's being cut out of the game?


Caving to the SJW mob, downgrade, no TPP cutscenes, no classes, more of a FPS GTA mixture than a RPG. Loosing all ineterest.

About the bolded part, I think no TPP cutscenes is a no-story. It was supposed to be this way from the start. I don't think they have cut anything out, the more I think about it. And watch the cutscene with ripperdoc from last year. It is FPP, and it is bonkers.
The same with classes. They always were saying the system is fluid (though I am not sure what about techie "class", I missed the video where Miles Tost (I think) was discussing this). And @ quite harsh gaming website the thing that stood out the most for me was that it really seems to be a hardcore RPG, and people expecting fps will be bored. But I also would like some social skills, so I agree it misses big RPG part.
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The nicest person on this forum
Caving to the SJW mob, downgrade, no TPP cutscenes, no classes, more of a FPS GTA mixture than a RPG. Loosing all ineterest.
How in the fuck any of these has anything to do with "SJW"!!? For Fuck sake can we please let us not go fucking overboard with all this SJW BS!!! This place will be no better than ResetEra, just in the opposite side.


Gold Member
i don't mind the whole 1st person thing. i really do believe it'll make the game more immersive. i'm just disappointed we won't get to see our character much but eh whatever i guess. i've played loads of RPGs where you don't see your character and you can't even see them in the menus. i think what we've seen so far is what we'll get. at least i hope this is what we'll get.....

normal gameplay/combat - 1st person
interactions with NPCs (shop keepers/quest givers) - 1st person
cinematic cutscenes - 3rd person

there is a big difference between NPC interactions + cinematic cutscenes. for example this is what it looks like when receiving a side quest in Witcher 3:

the camera is in 3rd person and switches between geralt and the NPC. in Cyberpunk this will be 1st person like we saw in the gameplay trailer (go to 27:51 if it doesn't start there):

cinematic cutscene in witcher 3 where there is no interaction. you can see geralt's full body:

and in Cyberpunk it'll look like this (go to 7:42 if it doesn't start there):

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How in the fuck any of these has anything to do with "SJW"!!? For Fuck sake can we please let us not go fucking overboard with all this SJW BS!!! This place will be no better than ResetEra, just in the opposite side.

No no no.
See, for example, how you just exercised your right to call him out and you shan't be banned. That wouldn't happen ove there. Over there you're informed of the rather extensive list of opinions you are either to agree with or keep silent about.

The superiority of GAF is not due to higher quality opinions, not necessarily. The superiority is due to the degree to which the dialectical method is allowed to take course.

Don't try to have what you think of as eccentric opinions unvoiced.
Instead, point out why they're wrong.
Dialectics, not silence.
That's exactly wny GAF is better than Resetera.
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Ivory Blood

No no no.
See, for example, how you just exercised your right to call him out and you shan't be banned. That wouldn't happen ove there. Over there you're told from the get go the rather extensive list of opinions you are either to agree with or keep silent about.

The superiority of GAF is not due to higher quality opinions, not necessarily. The superiority is due to the degree to which dialectical method is allowed to happen.

Don't try to have what you think of as eccentric opinions unvoiced.
Instead, point out why they're wrong.
Dialectics, not silence.
That's exactly what sets GAF apart from Resetera.
These multiple quoted discussions about downgrades are insane and impossible to read.

The game will be downgraded from the 48 minute demo to run on Xbox One but it will be scalable to also really be a showcase for high end PCs. It's got to run on a range of hardware.

Am sure this has already been posted but: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/...o-looks-good-but-the-gamescom-demo-was-better

Some have complained about the lack of detail and definition in the latest demo, despite CDPR supplying a 4K video encode to YouTube's servers and there does seem to be an explanation for this: to our eyes and indeed our pixel counts, the new video footage is running at 1080p resolution before being upscaled to 4K. However, it is still operating at 30 frames per second.

It's a bit of an oddity, as we saw the game running in real-time on a massive LED or LCD display, similar to the Gamescom 2018 showing - which was running at native 4K. While we can't confirm pixel counts for sure, our showing was clearly running at a much higher resolution. Interestingly, the drop in resolution in the video has a big impact to the quality of the overall presentation.

My guess is they're showing downgraded stuff now to avoid the downgrade debate or some other mission impossible thing.

Look. No one will give a fuck about it if the game is shit. Witcher 3 was brilliant primarily because of the writing, world building, characters, music, and the gameplay was fine and sometimes janky 'come on Roach'. But it had soul. Witcher 1 had soul. Witcher 2 had soul. Witcher 3 had soul.

Cyberpunk 2077 will either have soul or won't have soul. I'm hoping it has soul because that's the only thing I give a fuck about at the end of the day.


These multiple quoted discussions about downgrades are insane and impossible to read.

You don't say.

The game will be downgraded from the 48 minute demo to run on Xbox One but it will be scalable to also really be a showcase for high end PCs. It's got to run on a range of hardware.

I'm surprised by this claim, because if one had applied the exact same logic to TW3, a downgrade on high-end PCs would have been unfathomable. And yet here we are, past the point where the debate about whether a Downgrade happened or not is still open.

In reality, even the beefiest PC today will not manage to run TW3 at the graphical fidelity shown in the VGX trailer, for example.

This alone should give you pause.

I cannot comment on footage I haven't watched.
I am not burdened by the obligation to agree with Eurogamer once I do get to watch it.

My guess is they're showing downgraded stuff now to avoid the downgrade debate or some other mission impossible thing.

Interesting concept.
A pre-emptive Downgrade - that certain people keep telling me to ignore, disregard and squint till it's not there - to avoid a potential future tormented debate about a Downgrade that will not longer be real, in respect to this footage.

Look. No one will give a fuck about it if the game is shit. Witcher 3 was brilliant primarily because of the writing, world building, characters, music, and the gameplay was fine and sometimes janky 'come on Roach'. But it had soul. Witcher 1 had soul. Witcher 2 had soul. Witcher 3 had soul.

If CP2077 has soul, then, all things being the same, it will be a better game if it has higher graphical fidelity. Then again I'm just expressing my unapologetic love for graphics. I shan't say "No one will ever X", because I do not start from foolish assumption that everyone shares my tastes.

Cyberpunk 2077 will either have soul or won't have soul. I'm hoping it has soul because that's the only thing I give a fuck about at the end of the day.

Good for you.
Understand, though, that people who do not share your tastes and preferences give their opinions based off on different tastes and preferences.
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Good for you.
Understand, though, that people who do not share your tastes and preferences give their opinions based off on different tastes and preferences.

Good for you too man! I hope they give us eyeball melting graphics draped like angel robes on a cornucopia of soulful gameplay, character, story and plain old fucking kick arse action so we can both be happy.


How in the fuck any of these has anything to do with "SJW"!!? For Fuck sake can we please let us not go fucking overboard with all this SJW BS!!! This place will be no better than ResetEra, just in the opposite side.
They said in a interview they want the game to be more inclusive.


About the bolded part, I think no TPP cutscenes is a no-story. It was supposed to be this way from the start. I don't think they have cut anything out, the more I think about it. And watch the cutscene with ripperdoc from last year. It is FPP, and it is bonkers.
The same with classes. They always were saying the system is fluid (though I am not sure what about techie "class", I missed the video where Miles Tost (I think) was discussing this). And @ quite harsh gaming website the thing that stood out the most for me was that it really seems to be a hardcore RPG, and people expecting fps will be bored. But I also would like some social skills, so I agree it misses big RPG part.
In the beginning they talked about classes, but they changed the original team( they left CDPR and made Ruiner) and the game became more GTA style. They said in a interview in 2016 they want to be like Rockstar.


In the beginning they talked about classes, but they changed the original team( they left CDPR and made Ruiner) and the game became more GTA style. They said in a interview in 2016 they want to be like Rockstar.

Wait, from statement that CDPR (as a studio) wants to be like Rockstar you understand CP2077 will be a GTA style game? lol

I think I remember what they meant, and it was that they want to publish high quality games in a manner rockstar does, take their time and be sure every time it is top tier product. Or something like that. not that they want to do GTA clones now.

Honestly no idea where this "gta style" comes from. Apart from the fact the game is placed in a big open world city... And there are colorful places there...


Writes a lot, says very little
Have they mentioned (CDPR) what's being cut out of the game?

They removed buying apartments in different areas of the game and removed customization of them.

They removed buying apartments in different areas of the game and removed customization of them.

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