- 8 moths is a considerable amount of time. Besides that, I'm don't understand why that's relevant to your point.That's certainly a possibility.
During TW3 marketing CDPR only showed console footage when release was fast approaching and they clearly stated what platform it was recorded on.
Bt contrast:
- We are 8 months ahead of release.
- All public demos played so far were on high-end PCs.
- Nvidia released the exact same footage and stuck a "RTX on" on it.
- Platform and settings were not disclosed
- Stuck RTX on it? Nvidia has been uploading multiple videos of games and tech demoes using their cards in the wake of Gamescom. Are you implying that CDPR or Nvidia are intentionally being misleading? Do you have any actual proof? Because that's just a wild assumption, one that I don't see agree with.
- The recent gameplay was captured from PC with a RTX 1080 ti. If it were captured on XB1 or PS4, I'm sure they would've stated so.
I already have lol. We're going in circles here. Also, I wouldn't consider it "up-to-date" PC footage, but newly released gameplay footage.So you tell me what seems more likely, console of up-to-date PC footage with RTX on.
I gave you a potential reason as to why in that post... No offense, but I feel like you're unnecessarily being obtuse here.Why?
Johnny Silverhand's model is stylized because he is a holographic projection. Which means the textures and apparent artifacting is likely meant to simulate a hologram. I wouldn't consider the lighting subpar by any means. It's arguably less striking than the solutions they were utilizing for the previous demo, the game still looks really good, at least imo. I'm not contesting anyone's very subjective standards. I'm contesting the accusation of CDPR downgrading the game when I haven't seen any evidence that's in fact, the case.The reason why I talked about having some latitude when deeming this a Downgrade was exactly this. It was the first time we saw Johnny's in-game model and Pacifica at large. So when some deem the lighting sub-par or Silverhand's model and textures puzzling, no one outside CDPR is in a position to cry Downgrade because no one had seen them before. But anyone is certainly in a position to deem them not up to theirs or even CDPR's standards.
I'm not pointing the finger at fans lol. You are making so many assumptions here. Which what I was objecting to in my initial post. If you're worried about how the console versions will fare, then I encourage you to temper your expectations. I imagine the differences in IQ and crowd density will be notable, but the gaming experience will essentially be the same. If you have a PC or plan to build a PC that meets the spec requirements to run the game as we've seen it up till now, then you are less likely to feel let down by the retail version of CP2077. Or you can wait for next-gen platforms idk.And that's why I have called you out.
As of late, CDPR behaviour has been downright baffling, much more then almost anything I've witnessed from the fans you decided to point the finger at. Maybe this is an obscure backhand strategy of them to lower expectations so to surprise everyone later on or something as Machiavellian as that. Otherwise, their behaviour hardly makes sense.
It was shown behind closed doors with the stipulations that no audio or video be recorded. That's not what the "general public" implies. You're also inflating the thousand and thousands part, and even then that's not the general public when compared to the millions of uniques views when people watch online. I think you're just missing the term here.Showing the full demo to journalists and thousands and thousands of people both in Europe and the States qualifies as showing it to the general public. The demos have been described in great detail by the press and influencers. The issue of spoilers seems almost vapid at this point.
I know that...We're discussing CDPR bahviour, not how Sony does things. As you know, in the past CDPR did release uncompressed footage and screenshots to Gamersyde.
This time they haven't.
Is it overly sensitive to think there just might be a reason behind this apparent change?
I brought it up as an example that other publishers like Sony haven't released footage to Gamersyde even for upcoming highly anticipated releases like Death Stranding. Sometimes they jus don't, it's as simple as that. If you really want to know, again reach out to someone from Gamersyde maybe. Is it overly sensitive to think there's a reason? No, but I'm questioning your reasoning.
How is it peculiar? lol, It's like a case of Occam's razor. Sony have consistently released "crisp", less compressed footage for their exclusive tiles to Gamersyde. The haven't done so recently.That logic is very peculiar.
To gauge this instance one compares it with past instances, not Sony's track record, mind you, but CDPR's. And what do we learn? We learn that CDPR have released crisp uncompressed footage every single time.
Up til now, you've been specifically mentioning Gamersyde, so I encouraged you to ask them. The resulting compression is unfortunate, but Youtube is the most popular video platform which is why CDPR (and every other publisher and developer) have opted to release trailers and footage there. Aside from press kit sites. I'm unaware of any other site that hosts uncompressed video game footage and trailers besides Gamersyde. What other outlets are you referring to?No, the question is actually to be addressed to CDPR: Even, let's go with the absurd, even if Gamersyde had refused to host the crisp footage, CDPR could have easily distributed it via other outlets, all of which would give their right harm to get those waves of clicks.