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CDPR CEO Thinks The Company's Reputation Might Never Recover From Disastrous Cyberpunk 2077 Launch

Will you trust CDPR for its next game launch?

  • I will buy their next game day one

    Votes: 108 33.8%
  • I will buy it, after they fix all launch issues

    Votes: 189 59.1%
  • I won't buy their games anymore, after the debacle of CP2077

    Votes: 23 7.2%

  • Total voters


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I mean, if you compare the game on version 1.00 on PS4 to what you find on disc in the PS5 version, it really is a completely different game. Controls, combat, quests, AI, visuals, inventory, stats, map, DLCs.. the entire thing.
Doesn't mean it was broken before, sure, most of it was still there, but as a whole the game wasn't even close to the greatness it achieved later on imo.

Not as egregius as an example as CP or NMS, but basically unprecedented compared to the norm still.

I think I'll just wait for the full experience on a monster PC with full path tracing at 4K/60fps, when it'll be possible.
Its already that with a 4090! You can get 4K 60....upscaled, but it works quite well.


It's just that they promised the moon and didn't deliver. It's not the gamers fault they had high expectations, CDPR set those with all their promises.

They need to make sure they can deliver what they promise, don't promise things if they aren't 100% sure it's going to be in the final game.

My faith in them dropped to zero after the launch of the game, they released an unplayable game on old consoles and a buggy mess for all the other platforms.

They don't deserve a pat on the back for fixing a game that should have been released in a good state from the start.

I will probably still buy their games in the future, I will buy their next game when it has been out for a few years and it's on a deep discount.
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I'll almost certainly buy their next game day 1. They've been fantastic to PC gamers as a whole for a long time and their Cyberpunk fiasco didn't bother or really affect me. I doubt they'll regress into the same trap again (or at least anytime soon).


I am not buying anything Day 1. I will wait for reviews, Steam reviews and YouTube reviews and impressions of the game.

Then I will wait couple of months minimum for inevitable patches. And then if it’s good I will buy it.


After playing Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk i will only buy it years later and if it has a good modding community, no reason to spoil my experience by playing their games the way devs intended (or didnt because they were time constrained) when i could play a perfect version thats tailored for me if i just wait a bit.
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I am very unlikely to pre-order from them or buy right away. I think they are another developer who's best days are behind them, so I am not that excited for anything new from them. I love their witcher games, but I would be surprised if their next witcher game is any good.


I was never a CDPR fan prior to CP2077. I also had little interest in that game and I was happy to point and laugh when it launched totally borked.

When they came out with Phantom Liberty and did their apology tour, I decided to give the game a shot and bought the bundle. I was blown away by how good it was, how few bugs I ran into, and how much I loved the game. They made me a fan with CP in a big way, and it felt really good to support them.

I'll be very interested in whatever they do next. I also went back and bought Witcher 3 because I liked CP so much. Still need to play it, but backlogery.


Snake Oil Salesman
Gamers don't think in terms of reputation. If their next title looks good enough to buy, people will buy it. Essentially no one will think "Wait, are these the developers who released CP2077 back in 2020?"

What an absurd idea.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Its not recovered for me. Hated Witcher 3. Tried Cyberpunk and it was a disaster. Now I'm waiting for it to be dirt cheap to try it a 2nd time since I had to sell it since it was a failed game.

No its not recovered. Cyberpunk never even goes below $30 so I'm not trying that shit again anytime soon.


I will buy their next game 2-3 months after release. I bought Cyberpunk on PC on release and it was fucking rancid.

I went back in when the PS5 version launched and it was a totally different experience.

I'm sure they've learned their lesson but next game I'm waiting for a few patches before I jump in.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
The gaming audience has a short term memory.

It does not matter if you made massive mistakes in the past if you turn it around and make an absolute banger of a game that's well received and has good word of mouth.

Hell, I think even someone like FireWalk could take lessons learned from the disaster that is Concord, make the right staffing and critical approach to their process, and develop an outstanding game that is well received. And that's about as low as you can get in terms of failures.


Forget cyberpunk. When the witcher 3 next gen patch came out, there were bugs and technical issues. They have to look at their optimisations and teams first. I am not confident in them releasing anything polished day 1, and this is why I will never pre-order any of their games and wait to see the reviews from multiple people/sources.
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Writes a lot, says very little
They're one of the only companies I feel safe pre-ordering a game from.
I agreed with a lot of what you said, but...this was the lolz moment for me.

This is the last company i'd ever trust with a pre-order.

They've now lied twice regarding the launch of their games, or did we forgot of the DLC that released last year that they charged you for, with elements that should be in the game day 1

That doesn't sound like a "pre-order today" type of company to me lol

Even if you like their games, I'm sure you also like the fixes they made too, but one shouldn't wait 3 years to get a completed version of a single player game, that might be better for MP as its a online concept, but who are they expecting to play this many times waiting for them to finish patching the um "final" game or some shit?

I'd rather have a game with some issues and the features they promised 100% exist vs lying about feature after feature and yellow screen after yellow screen fake apology lol

I'll still buy Cyberpunk 2 if they are able to pull off everything they actually promise and should be expected in a open world title, but they need a fuck ton more to ever have me day 1 man. A demo for starters and allow reviewers to show their footage and have the review released BEFORE the fucking game, like wow EA lol Its shocking when we have to ask them to fucking meet EA standards and give us a demo and allow footage to be shown here.

So not a day 1, but not a never either. Seeing how it took 3 years for those features, if the same issue happens with their next game, I'd feel safer just waiting until they are done lol

If CP2 is everything they promised, I think they can bounce back.

True, well any company can.

I think they need a meaty team, they need to really actually fund the project for all that they are trying to do, it can't just be some small team and hopes and prayers keeping the fucking game together, it must be feature rich, it must function like a normal actual game.

I felt like the first game was not only incomplete, but it felt like half an idea, like let us mod cars, let us...change the color, at least fucking meet us at GT3 levels here as what is the point of this world if we can't fully engage and interact with it? So to meet Rockstar / Ubisoft type open world function, it must be feature rich

I'm not shocked more then half will not buy it day 1.

Even if someone ended up liking the final thing, their first run is ruined and playing it a second or 3rd time 3 years later doesn't change the fact that they already played the game and that first experience is ruined. RPGs take a long time and I'm at the age where I'm not doing no 100 hours many times for 1 fucking game lol Let alone a game that couldn't get the shit right hte first time, that now expects me to return many years later cause they might, maybe, probably finish some of it lol

Thats like Star Wars Outlaws saying the ship battles will be out in 3 years
Look they fucked up and put in the work to make the game as great and maybe at some points greater than a lot of us expected. Its one of my top 10 favorite games of all time.

Now just give us a Pro Patch and I'll really forgive you lol.


I was one of the few that didn't have major issues with Cyberpunk 2077 at launch. In fact, it's easily my game of that generation and remains one of my favourites of all time. Barring the unforeseen, I'll be in on Day 1 for Cyberpunk 2, no questions.

The Witcher has never really struck a chord with me, so I'll continue to skip those.


Did they ever fix that police "AI" spawning anywhere, without the ability to drive and chase you by car? That video was hilarious. Also when looking away and then back again, cars on the highway change models? AHAHAHAHA
Got it day one on XBOX and Steam and I had a blast. For sure the backlash was totally deserved, and the product they released is not what they teased before release but I have to admit they fixed most of the issues and even today CP2077 holds up as one of the most beautiful and good looking games this “gen”
Don't think he's wrong tbh. Doesn't mean they cant still be ultra successful but that stink is gonna be hard to wipe off. Their games don't really appeal to me, so probably not the best case. However after seeing how hyped Cyberpunk was, I was little intrigued. Then the launch happened and yea... There's no way I could support that, at least on day 1. Maybe their next game will look bad ass and get me interested by the chances of me buying day 1 are essentially zero.


Neo Member
I'm buying games day 1 once every two years~. Most modern games are not to my taste. That's why I'm playing mostly retro games and purchase other titles on deep sales. Patched and with all the DLCs included.

I still didn't buy Cyberpunk but that's because I'm still trying to force myself to play through Witcher 3. I don't know why I get bored while playing it, I loved the first two games and read all the books.

So Witcher 4 is probably year 3 or something for me if I'm going to play it at all. To be honest I'm not excited for it anyway, CDPR is DEI first company today.


Gold Member
I agreed with a lot of what you said, but...this was the lolz moment for me.

This is the last company i'd ever trust with a pre-order.

They've now lied twice regarding the launch of their games, or did we forgot of the DLC that released last year that they charged you for, with elements that should be in the game day 1

That doesn't sound like a "pre-order today" type of company to me lol

Even if you like their games, I'm sure you also like the fixes they made too, but one shouldn't wait 3 years to get a completed version of a single player game, that might be better for MP as its a online concept, but who are they expecting to play this many times waiting for them to finish patching the um "final" game or some shit?

I'd rather have a game with some issues and the features they promised 100% exist vs lying about feature after feature and yellow screen after yellow screen fake apology lol

I'll still buy Cyberpunk 2 if they are able to pull off everything they actually promise and should be expected in a open world title, but they need a fuck ton more to ever have me day 1 man. A demo for starters and allow reviewers to show their footage and have the review released BEFORE the fucking game, like wow EA lol Its shocking when we have to ask them to fucking meet EA standards and give us a demo and allow footage to be shown here.

So not a day 1, but not a never either. Seeing how it took 3 years for those features, if the same issue happens with their next game, I'd feel safer just waiting until they are done lol

True, well any company can.

I think they need a meaty team, they need to really actually fund the project for all that they are trying to do, it can't just be some small team and hopes and prayers keeping the fucking game together, it must be feature rich, it must function like a normal actual game.

I felt like the first game was not only incomplete, but it felt like half an idea, like let us mod cars, let us...change the color, at least fucking meet us at GT3 levels here as what is the point of this world if we can't fully engage and interact with it? So to meet Rockstar / Ubisoft type open world function, it must be feature rich

I'm not shocked more then half will not buy it day 1.

Even if someone ended up liking the final thing, their first run is ruined and playing it a second or 3rd time 3 years later doesn't change the fact that they already played the game and that first experience is ruined. RPGs take a long time and I'm at the age where I'm not doing no 100 hours many times for 1 fucking game lol Let alone a game that couldn't get the shit right hte first time, that now expects me to return many years later cause they might, maybe, probably finish some of it lol

Thats like Star Wars Outlaws saying the ship battles will be out in 3 years

EDMIX EDMIX and his 12 alts voted.


Lol, even at initial state Cyberpunk was easily game of this gen, so I wouldn't worry. However next time, let reviews be from multiple platforms, not just PC
Yeah, that game came in like a dinosaur killing comet but even in such a state you could see the potential. I'm more concerned about how CDPR seems to be embracing DEI. Makes me worry for The Witcher 4.
Gamers don't think in terms of reputation. If their next title looks good enough to buy, people will buy it. Essentially no one will think "Wait, are these the developers who released CP2077 back in 2020?"

What an absurd idea.
The idea that a dev/publisher’s last game has no effect on the sales of their next game is absurd.


People have shorter memories than he thinks. Refunds were offered at the time and they eventually gave the game the NMS treatment, which already did 90% of the work. All they have to do is have a strong launch next time to show they have learned from the experience and they will be fine.

People that aren't petty for the most part, and it's only really the sad sacks on forums that will feel eternally upset by it to the point that they have a forever vendetta. Your average consumer isn't going to care that an 8+/10 game is the successor to something with a bad launch 5+ years ago.


Witcher 3 is the best game ever made. Cyberpunk 2077 was a good experience for me at launch on pc and the DLCs were excellent as well as they basically overhauled the game (so basically got 2 games worth of playtime).

So hell yeah Day 1 for their next Witcher/Cyberpunk game.
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I almost never buy day-one an AAA high priced game any more. My backlog of awesome games I've still to touch no longer justifies this.

There are exceptions. I'd have to be extremely excited or really believe the developer needs the support.

And with that in mind, I pre-ordered CP2077. That's not happening with their next title.

I'll wait for a bit this time.

My history with their titles looks like an on again off again relationship. I did not buy The WItcher 1 day one (I only got it when the Enhanced Edition came out I think). I pre-purchased The WItcher 2 and was annoyed by their early complete mess of DLC exclusivity per different stores. I didn't get The Witcher 3 until the complete package was out. And I pre-purchased CyberPunk, which was not all bad on the PC in the early days, but it still was not the thing that was promised out to be.


Gold Member
I mean, if you compare the game on version 1.00 on PS4 to what you find on disc in the PS5 version, it really is a completely different game. Controls, combat, quests, AI, visuals, inventory, stats, map, DLCs.. the entire thing.

They made improvements to those things, but completely different? I played the game at release and then a few years later, and it was definitely not completely different.


Gold Member
Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk are two of my favorite games of all time, even if Cyberpunk took a minute to get there lol.

They got me day 1 for whatever is next, Im a slutty date.
CDPR perpetuated the worst aspects of this industry along with EA and co., in my opinion. People just forget/don't care because they hadn't been following CP2077's development from the initial announcement almost 14 years ago.

No company is to be trusted implicitly but especially not CDPR.

None of it matters though. Pay a media company to make a shiny concept trailer and nothing else and watch the preorders come in.

Boss Mog

I played like 100 hours of Cyberpunk at launch on PC and it was fine. Then I played the shit out of it again when the DLC dropped. They should’ve just delayed the console versions. Most of their fans are PC gamers anyway.

EDIT: Nevermind, I didn't see it was Phantom Liberty
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Neo Member
Have people forgotten how many lies these sons of bitches have told us during the entire debacle.

They told us that the game will be an immersive rpg where your choices will have dire consequences, your chosen path will influence the story, the factions will play an important role. None of these things were present in the game, hell they even started dropping the rpg part and started calling it an action game at some point.

They also lied about how you will rise to power in the city, you will join factions and work your way up, oh wait that whole thing was just a 15 minutes intro montage.

The entire main story felt like I skipped 70% of it and jumped to the last 2-3 final missions.

The bugs were a minor problem but the missing content burried this entire game for me.


They f up bad. They knew it worked but it was not good enough and needed more time but the investors kept pushing them to finish it because to much money was spent on development .the whole done when done was a lie because ultimatly money trumps everything. Theh learned their lesson hard. Make sure if yoh make a prohect this big and development ballons up you stil finish it


Gonna wait and see. Probably get it at a discount. Thinking witcher 3 was their lightning in a bottle and probably cant be replicated again


I probably won't buy their next game day one. CP 2077 launched in a disastrous state, I don't get how is anyone downplaying this. Console versions were almost unplayable from what I have seen and they knowingly lied about them. PC version was better, but still, it was full of bugs. I didn't encounter many game-breaking bugs, maybe one or two, but there was a shit-ton of visual and other minor bugs. If I remember correctly, the game didn't even properly utilize SMT on AMD CPUs at launch. Furthermore, the NPCs, police system, almost everything was braindead. Not sure how did anyone find it immersing. I know there have been a lot of improvements since launch, though, so I'm going to replay it sometime. I think they shouldn't have started marketing the game so soon, because they ended up cutting a lot of the promised stuff.
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