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CDPR CEO Thinks The Company's Reputation Might Never Recover From Disastrous Cyberpunk 2077 Launch

Will you trust CDPR for its next game launch?

  • I will buy their next game day one

    Votes: 108 33.8%
  • I will buy it, after they fix all launch issues

    Votes: 189 59.1%
  • I won't buy their games anymore, after the debacle of CP2077

    Votes: 23 7.2%

  • Total voters


I always assumed they were running out of money to fund the game so they released it as early access without calling early access. 😀

I’d hate to think they did it because they were going to make X amount of dollars in this release window.


Most lessons in life are learned the hard way. They rebounded with CP2077 post launch and in its current state it's one of the best RPGs available. If any developer can earn back my trust its CDPR, Witcher 4 will be a real test though cause W3 is my favorite game of all time, doing another playthrough as I type this.


I bought the tin edition, with designer cover, art cards, big map. Finished it eventually, and I have been back to it since after all the patches. It isn't my favourite game, or anywhere near, but it's come along way. However, I won't be buying any of their games day one, anymore. I'll be playing the deep discount game.


Writes a lot, says very little
I always assumed they were running out of money to fund the game so they released it as early access without calling early access. 😀

I’d hate to think they did it because they were going to make X amount of dollars in this release window.
I said for a long time, if they were just honest and put it in Early Access, I don't think many would care and would like them more for it.

Be honest, be transparent.

If we have to play it 2023, then so be it. Look at BG3, early access 2020, final release 2023 and took in massive sales and awards with very little hate or lies or scummy shit.

They don't need to lie to people, just tell us its early, you are buying at a risk etc and I wouldn't even had been pissed even remotely, its they lying that really got me as this shit is even beyond EA levels of scum.

You get a demo, trailers, reviews early even by EA folks lol


I agree that they should have noted it was early access. A lot of games these days fall into that category. Too many games are released in a sad state.

I find if funny how quick people are to forgive. I was one of the few defending Cyberpunk when it came out, while most people were flipping out on it. Now? Now I am hesitant to run out and buy any future CD Projekt Red game while most of you seem to have forgiven them for the shit release. Too many of you will day 1 the next game no matter what.

Just because they "fixed" the game after years of patches doesn't mean shit. How many times do I need to play a game? Do I need to play it after every patch, and say "wow, thanks for finally fixing it guys!" I already played the game when it was a mess. I am not obligated to play it after it is patched. If they were really sorry, they would have given the DLC to anyone dumb enough to have pre-ordered the game and beta tested for them. Time is money, and my beta testing time is worth something. The DLC should have been free for us beta testers. But nope. Full price. Since I beta tested Cyperpunk for fucking free, I will not jump headfirst into anything these idiots make again. Maybe they make another Witcher 3 banger and I hope they do. But I will wait to buy it well past release after I can verify that it is good.
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