CDPR: Rectifying Cyberpunk 2077's Disastrous Launch Was CD Projekt Red's Biggest Achievement


Gold Member
I don't know if it's their greatest achievement (Witcher 3 still is imo), but it's definitely a great achievement.
They took something utterly broken and manage to not only salvage it, but turn it into a really enjoyable game.

Everyone thinking otherwise should take a look at what EA did with anthem...


The game is even better with mods. Highly recommended for anyone with a capable PC. There are some fantastic mods like modded vehicles, better driving, many different difficulty overhauls, modded weapons, auto-drive, HUD improvements, clothing, bodies, cyberware extensions, better draw distance, etc

I have a 150+ mod setup permanently installed on my PC
Could you share a mod list if you would be so kindly?


If you think their rep hasnt taken a hit from the fuckery they pulled, youre delusional.

They will never get that same grace with any further releases now. Critics and gamers will screen harder, as they should.

We've seen what happens when you dont.


If you think their rep hasnt taken a hit from the fuckery they pulled, youre delusional.

They will never get that same grace with any further releases now. Critics and gamers will screen harder, as they should.

We've seen what happens when you dont.
I dunno, man. In an ideal world, you're right. They should be under more scrutiny.

But I have just seen how people are celebrating Hello Games for their work on No Man's Sky and that shit was even worse at launch than Cyberpunk. It seems you can get away with launching shitty products as long as you keep fixing them for years.
Introduce a problem. Fix the problem. Then pat your back.
Drag Queen Singing GIF by Paramount+

This is silly and reductive.

Anything you want to do that is ambitious will come with problems. Even if the problems with CP:2077 largely came as a result of poor management decisions to push the game out before it was ready, at the end of the day, the problems were not created by CDPR. They were inherent to the fact that games development is fucking hard.

CDPR's management of those issues at launch were totally their fault, but that's not what they're patting themselves on the back for resolving. They're congratulating themselves for overcoming the challenge of turning what was an almost unplayable mess into one of the best games of all time. They deserve the kudos for the hard work they put in to remedy the problems in the game.

They could have done what EA did with Anthem and just fucking abandoned the thing; giving a large fuck you to all the gamers who bought the game at launch. But no, they didn't. They put the effort in and expended their precious dev resources to update the game and release those updates at no cost to the consumer. So those who bought the game at launch had their faith rewarded with an ultimately fucking awesome game.


It had great potential and they threw it away. The least they could do is fix it.

The Witcher games are great. I hope they don't ruin the next one.


CDPR should skip the PS5 and Series machines with the next game(s). Wasting valuable development time trying to optimise for obsolete hardware is time not well spent.

PS6, PC and Xbox next episode only PLEASE!


Could you share a mod list if you would be so kindly?
Apparently there's no way to share a document through GAF. If you have a google drive or dropbox or something else, dm me a link and i'll drop in a txt extract of my modlist
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