do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Whats hyperbole?, their reputation is in tatters with a lot of gamers, and as the article says they have lost a big chunk of worth with this game.
As for the 3080ti vid, i'll try and find it.
3:40-5:45 is the 1080p Ultra no RT section.
It actually drops into the 90's in large parts of the city, the 80's even at times.
This is a 4k card we are talking about here, and the 2nd most powerful card you can buy.
What the fuck am I even reading?
You monkeys need to frikken think.
Just cuz you cant play a game at 240fps Ultra settings doesnt mean the game isnt optimized........your hardware is just weak.
Most AAA devs make games for future hardware, especially when new gen hardware is round the corner........they want their game to be a benchmark tool for the new hardware.
Remember how demanding The Witcher 2 was?
Pretty much every GPU gen a game or games come out that "justify" upgrading you GPU/CPU.