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CYBERPUNK 2077 |OT2| The Last Samurai [>56K Warning_]


Neo Member
I’m on ps5 and only played up the part where you got to bed (1 hour in)

I stopped for the next gen patch, but I’m free all weekend, so tempted to go for it.

Good experience so far for peeps on ps5?

I've definitely encountered some annoying bugs:
* Entering 'combat' state for no reason and being unable to speak with vendors
* 7 or so hard crashes
* Exiting a car and being unable to run (as though I was encumbered) and select dialogue options
* Having NPC convos overlap so I'm talking to two different people at once

That said, the more I play the more I enjoy it. I clicked with me around the 8-10hr point once I'd gotten familiar with the mechanics and leveled up a bit. I've been loving the main/side quests (not the gigs or scanner hustles).


Panam can only be romanced by the Male V, yes.
Judy can only be romanced by the Female V.

There is another set for each body type. So four in total.

(Before you moan, I have the Collectors GameGuide, I knows EVERYTHING about the game... including...)

The secret endgame epilogue that can only be accessed under certain conditions and is a one time thing. You fuck it up, you lose the ending.

Still waiting for Amazon to ship me my Collector’s Guide :(. Guess I’ll have it for my second playthrough.


I have experienced it. I've also experienced lag when switching car camera positions, it can take up to 1 min on base PS4.

I've been wondering what I should go with on my second playthrough of this game. Male or Female V. I've chosen male Nomad on my first playthrough. I know it doesn't matter much besides the romance options but I like male V voice actor, don't know how good female V voice actress is. However I do know that I'm going as streetkid.

(Nomad) Female V voice acting has been great so far for me, 20 hours into the game. I’ll play as Corpo Male V for second playthrough.


I never saw so many differences in the playtime from people finishing the story in 20 hours to people being 50 hours in and only doing a couple missions of act 2


Gold Member
Are there any Side Stories or quests you can MISS when you just play main story?

I know of only one so far that you can fail if you wait too long. Which caught me by complete surprise, but it kinda made sense I guess.

A somewhat vague hint if you want to know which one I'm talking about:

When the mission literally says to check up on someone "in a couple of hours", do it in a couple of hours.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Just finished Cyberpunk. 7/10 max. Took me 40 hours though I also left it running and took calls/did other stuff. It would have been way better as a finely tuned Deus Ex (the original game that is, which just took you to areas of interest the story demanded rather than have a whole city) alike than this open world RPG stuff. More focused and balanced in gameplay and story. Maybe even like Syndicate (the FPS). And really the story in the end is V and Johnny's story with Mass Effect-esque branching paths and other minor variations, not a fully open create your unique character/live your cyberpunk life thing (which Bethesda does better most of the time, even while having a main story). Yeah I gave up on it previously but didn't feel like playing anything else so just redownloaded it, got it to a point I could mostly maintain 40fps aside certain areas and locked it for consistency and it played alright enough, its own (many) gameplay issues aside. Alternated between controller and mkb but mostly stuck with mkb. Ignored almost all "gigs" unless they popped nearby and just did the main story and some side stuff. My dude was level 23 with most of his implant slots empty but still the game was easy (on normal), I can't imagine being even more powerful even if there's level scaling going on so that it throws more of the advanced dudes at you with all that super speed and auto dodge stuff some did by the end of it.
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I'm starting to strongly dislike the term "immersion breaking"; it's a video game, not a future simulator. Like does it break your immersion when you see a famous actor in a movie?

I had a bug yesterday when V got out of a car but stayed in a sitting position so I was just running around at waist level for a bit. It was pretty funny, I didn't go off and cry in the corner about "oh my immersion is ruined!". Maybe that's just me tho.

How’d you get them for free? Quest?

Free mantis blades location in this video if you haven't found them yet:
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The mantis blades are so fun. There is a Cyberpsycho mission where you get them early but the Psycho is absurdly overpowered until you level up so I took the blades and got the hell out of there.

I dislike the term immersion breaking as well. It's another one of those gamer terms when people want to find fault in everything. Two years ago people were complaining that RDR2 was too realistic and now this isn't realistic enough. You can't win.
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it's not like you have much of a choice. if you are straight playing as male V you romance panam, if you play as female V you romance judy.
pretty disappointing. should have made them both player sexual if there are so few choices. let's hope the DLC gives us more.

Yeah, the choice pool is very disappointing. However, I really like how they've written the characters at least and they both look great.
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I am partial to Judy at the moment. First of all I like the name. Second she is a total babe. Haven’t met Panam yet tho so I want to see what everyone is talking about.


Panam is a great example of a black character done right. Nothing stereotypical, didn't feel forced in there just to fill some quota, a meaningful and developed story arch, and oh yeah she's not there just to get inevitably killed off. Rivers is pretty good too but I haven't completed his story line.

This is far and aways better than the garbage Naughty Dog tries to pass off as inclusion and representation.

Let's not also forget that is how you should do narrative in games to fully leverage its real strength as a storytelling medium utterly distinct from that of Film, Television and Books wherein You the player create your story within the frame of the experience through your choices as you navigate your way through it. When the extent of your decisions simply constitutes the equivalent outcome of turning the page of a linear narrative, you're not really pushing the envelope.


Ran into my first game breaking bug ~20 hours in. Was supposed to meet Judy and Evelyn at Lizzies bar, but the bouncers outside just stood there like statues and wouldn't initiate dialogue or let me in. What seemed to trigger it was the "distressed man" side mission you encounter, the one with the guy grabbing his crotch and begging for a ride to the ripper docs. Could be a coincidence, but I had to go back to a save before I ever talked to him to be able to finally enter Lizzies Bar.

Annoying, but still having a blast with the rest of the game. Nothing else like it.


I've been playing and loving it a lot... finally had a few bugs..
mine so far have just been something kind of breaking making it impossible to proceed, just loaded the last save and it righted itself..


Ran into my first game breaking bug ~20 hours in. Was supposed to meet Judy and Evelyn at Lizzies bar, but the bouncers outside just stood there like statues and wouldn't initiate dialogue or let me in. What seemed to trigger it was the "distressed man" side mission you encounter, the one with the guy grabbing his crotch and begging for a ride to the ripper docs. Could be a coincidence, but I had to go back to a save before I ever talked to him to be able to finally enter Lizzies Bar.

Annoying, but still having a blast with the rest of the game. Nothing else like it.
What helped for me was skipping time..


What is best practice for keeping item/equip load to a minimum? Whenever I get too slow I go through the dozen or so guns I just picked up and break down all the cheap ones. Yet I’m picking up a lot of clothes as well. Is there a place for me to store this stuff? Is this in the car trunk?


What is best practice for keeping item/equip load to a minimum? Whenever I get too slow I go through the dozen or so guns I just picked up and break down all the cheap ones. Yet I’m picking up a lot of clothes as well. Is there a place for me to store this stuff? Is this in the car trunk?
I just sell the excess and any double guns I have.
Had my game graphically freak the fuck out last night. Shadows and textures started flickering and popping all over the screen, multiple npc's stacked in the same physical space, and a few other glitches. Not sure if related to some settings I changed in a config file a few hours prior, but would not surprise me. I undid the changes, reloaded my save, and then fled the area. Things seemed to quiet down after that. Lol


Ok I see u got to use your car trunk to offload all the loot you collect. Lol I was ignoring that entirely for 20 hours

I see you can open the trunk physically but nothing is in there. There a reason for that? They made it so the trunk automatically closes if you try to drive away with it open, which is pretty cool.
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Gold Member
What is best practice for keeping item/equip load to a minimum? Whenever I get too slow I go through the dozen or so guns I just picked up and break down all the cheap ones. Yet I’m picking up a lot of clothes as well. Is there a place for me to store this stuff? Is this in the car trunk?
You can dismantle clothes as well. Whenever I pick up new clothes I just check if it looks cool and immediately dismantle them if they don't.

But other than that the stash in your trunk or apartment.


got me a purple double barrel shotgun during a raid in a den where they were manufacturing drugs, it is my go-to weapon right now for dealing with cyber psychos. it is perfect for getting me out of a jam whenever my cover gets blown.

really loving my current gameplay loop. right now i am just exploring the city, taking on blue missions, all the skirmishes, drug dens, murderous psychos, etc. these aren't just sets of bad guys that spawn in, they are mini-missions in themselves. i strolled up to two cop cars parked next to an alley with my purple shotgun and nobody was around. the cars were both on fire. then i turned the corner and saw a cop dead on the ground, looked up and there was another one holding off the cyber psychos on the other side of the lot. i scanned and saw no other police but a bunch of bad guys, so i loaded my shotgun and went into action. it was really cool, how the story sort of played out through mission design.

plus there is the immersive way that they design things to guide you to the mission without looking for it. sure, it has a icon on the map, but if you are out in the area and stroll by, you will get a call from your friend Regina, who fills you in on what the current crisis is all about. Regina is almost like your Commissioner Gordon, and you are Batman, investigating crime scenes, helping out the police, taking down violent and dangerous criminals. you even have detective vision! this game makes you feel like a cyberpunk Batman. yes.
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Doing side jobs/"gigs" so far...they vary in quality, but really enjoying it. They all have, even simplest ones, some backstory, dialogue, good worldbuilding. Giving more approach in how you want to handle it also helps ( break through front down and start shooting, slip in the back and use stealth, or go on top and open window with Tech stat...stuff like that).
They only need to improve stealth AI: gameplay is best when you go in quiet, you end up detected and then just go full Rambo.
Definitely better than in their previous game ( too much "Witcher senses") or most games ( especially open world).
One thing though: I finished side gig with finding Brain dance tape, that mission with Preacher's son involved. Can you watch braindances in the game, like buying them from vendors or finding them in the world?
Or they are strictly played as part of missions/main story?
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I’m 59 hours in on XSX and I’ve completely become aware of what a zombie town this game is.

I think I ignored it most the time, saw past it or whatever, and I’m probably fatigued but this is the least ‘lived in’ open world game I can even think of.

I feel like I’m walking through a town built on planet coaster.

Maybe I just need a break


Junior Member
I’m 59 hours in on XSX and I’ve completely become aware of what a zombie town this game is.

I think I ignored it most the time, saw past it or whatever, and I’m probably fatigued but this is the least ‘lived in’ open world game I can even think of.

I feel like I’m walking through a town built on planet coaster.

Maybe I just need a break
You probably got your worth out of the game. 60 hours is no small deed.


Is there a guide for the DPS numbers etc in the inventory. I'm being dumb and can't seem to work out why i've got a gun with a high DPS but it's rubbish compared to a lower dps gun. Sorting by DPS in the inventory doesn't seem to do anything for me either, they still appear to be in a random order. Don't want to go hunting for videos to be greeted with spoilers.

Don't just use a weapon by their dps, dps simply estimate the amount of damage they can do a second, but that isn't exactly good.

Look at their damage per shot too.(under dps)

A sniper rifle has low dps(eg.200+), because it fires very slowly, but one shot actually cause 800+ dmg, which means you only need to one shot most enemies.

Machine guns may have high dps, but each bullet is 50dmg, and when you fire and miss a lot due to recoil, you might actually kill faster with a sniper rifle.


I'm starting to strongly dislike the term "immersion breaking"; it's a video game
I was just talking about this earlier, it is just people parroting other people and has become the thing to say.

I never saw so many differences in the playtime from people finishing the story in 20 hours to people being 50 hours in and only doing a couple missions of act 2
Yeah, those who finish in 20 hours missed half(or more) of the game.


Man, the balance in this game is quite bonkers. I'm at level 28 with most guns delivering 300+ dps, and melee 500+ dps.
Then I enter some shop and they sell a rare generic katana with 1000+ dps, each slash 200+ dmg, and you can slash 5x very fast with it.

Basically every enemy i approach is dead with a mere rare katana. One shot with a hravy attack. V is like a demigod.
How do you all even know what "Act" you're in? I've never seen a thing ingame about Acts.
The game flashes the Act on the left/middle side of the screen when it changes, but I think that's it.

And I turned off HDR--it looks better, thanks BlueMagpie BlueMagpie --and now there are some issues with rectangular or circular geometry overlaying the screen if I move from a dark to light area. Almost like a ghostly burn-in. The visuals in this game are so weird. I had to turn off every effect listed and HDR to get it to look "normal".
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I feel like the game world is incredibly immersive and “alive”. You just shouldn’t want to touch it or interact with it more than surface-level. The world is not made for that purpose. It’s just a backdrop for the actual content: quests.
The world is definitely more interactive than in Witcher, Mafia, Assassin's Creed, etc...you can pick a lot of objects, interact with tech a lot, containers, etc. No open world game does scale, dynamic, depth, and interactivity great in every measure ( Bethesda, as an example, sacrifices authenticity, dynamic and scale for more complex npc AI routines and object interactivity).
That said, aside from police AI and npc general responsiveness, what would really improve the world is by adding more dynamic npc encounters in the world...npcs getting into a fight, pickpocket and run, being chased by cops, soliciting a prostitute, etc.
Lot of npcs are just walking in the street( or sitting/standing).


Gold Member
30 hours in on PC and I've had plenty of fun so far. I really like the gameplay loop. But fuck, to be honest the game would be better off with 6 months more in development.. The most disappointing aspect to me, aside from the many glitches (which I can mostly tolerate), is that there's generally so many things trying to slap me in the face to wake me up every time I come close to be immersed into "the simulation/city/atmosphere" (just one of the culprits is the AI). Thus it ends up feeling so much shallower than its potential/what it deserves. TLDR; The game sorely needs a solid layer of Rockstar polish..
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Man, the balance in this game is quite bonkers. I'm at level 28 with most guns delivering 300+ dps, and melee 500+ dps.
Then I enter some shop and they sell a rare generic katana with 1000+ dps, each slash 200+ dmg, and you can slash 5x very fast with it.

Basically every enemy i approach is dead with a mere rare katana. One shot with a hravy attack. V is like a demigod.
Which difficulty are you playing on? I'm on very hard and feel like my guns are underperforming compared to melee... and now I just got mantis blades which are even better.

what would really improve the world is by adding more dynamic npc encounters in the world...npcs getting into a fight, pickpocket and run, being chased by cops, soliciting a prostitute, etc.
Well you have things like those fights that pop up with npcs fighting police. I have also seen npcs getting into fights with each other, along with npcs interacting with prostitutes. I don't know if I've seen a robbery yet.
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30 hours in and I've had plenty of fun. I like the gameplay loop. But fuck, to be honest the game would be better off with 6 months more in development. The most disappointing aspect, aside from the many glitches (which I can mostly tolerate), is that there's generally so many things trying to slap me in the face to wake me up every time I come close to be immersed into "the simulation"/city life. It's feels so much shallower than it deserves. The game sorely needs a solid layer of Rockstar polish..
So far, I wish they went with a "wide-open world" game like TLOU2. The main quest is awesome--just make this the focus for the main game and open it up with DLC and shit.


Which difficulty are you playing on? I'm on very hard and feel like my guns are underperforming compared to melee... and now I just got mantis blades which are even better.

I'm playing on normal. Guns seem underperforming due to missed shots usually, if you use sniper rifles, they are really powerful. Melee performs well because most enemies doesn't dodge.

But my point was, when most weapons was averaging 400+ dps, they generate a katana that deals 1000+ dps, a generic katana. Even my iconic or higher requirements weapon's doesn't deal that much currently.

The only con was it is a generic rare katana with only 1 slot. If it was legendary and has 4+ slots, then I might never have to switch katana, just keep upgrading it lol


Neo Member
Do you guys recommend getting to act 2 before doing any of the side content? Should I clear out the Watson side content first than progress the story missions in Watson?
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