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CYBERPUNK 2077 |OT2| The Last Samurai [>56K Warning_]

The mantis arms are a lot of fun. Using snipers and mantis for the playthrough with the mod to make the sniper non-lethal for those pesky cyberpsychos. Currently sitting at about 22 hours so far with the story beats at 30%, 10% and 10%. Gonna dive back into the story tomorrow, but I say that every day and still ending up dandering around on foot and trying to comprehend the amount of work that must have taken place to create Night City. It's staggering.


No doubt they had stuff planned for the apartment. There's so much pointless empty space, it just makes no sense compared to the insane detail in the rest of the world.
Yeah I know, but I think they are not coming back from the decision to cut it. Surely they'd fix the city AI before that for example.

Also I just noticed something spoiling the immersion. Probably it was discussed, but the cars in the distance are not cars but I think a simple 2D texture. It is fine when you look at the city from the distance, but when you drive towards them they just disappear. And no actual cars show up instead. It is not a problem in the city but in the badlands its quite glaring.
Thanks for CDPR for delivering patches so soon and fast. It is really needed I guess. Bc of management their staff is probably forced to work overtime into the holidays...

I heard they get whipped and fed one bowl of gruel per day.

So now that the patch is out on PC, I wonder if there'll still be a patch on Monday, since that was the rumor going around.
hmmm set it down for a few days...wonder if I crafted too much and if I update it will corrupt muh save.

I think I'm level 5 crafting. Does that sound like too much? I made a bunch of the same items to get there so it's not a huge range of different crafted items
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Got to the title card. Holy fuck I am digging this game.
I wonder if they fixed it on PS4 because it doesn't show up on there. Was a bit of a bummer when I didn't see it plus the fact that Jackie had his gun sticking out of his head and he gave that to me instead of the chip. That quest got really buggy as it wrapped up. Hopefully this doesn't happen in my next playthrough.
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I think I spend way too much time with fashion in this game.

Imo not a chance. Unless it was planned for dlc. But it would look very bad, I doubt it.
It wouldn't look bad - they could always just work on it and restore it due to "fan demand"🤷‍♂️
No doubt they had stuff planned for the apartment. There's so much pointless empty space, it just makes no sense compared to the insane detail in the rest of the world.
Hopefully they'll restore the apartment customization too - with the items you buy showing up in it - like the record you bought👍


Can someone tell me how far into the main story am I when I have:
Cought Arasaka engenieer, turned out dead end,
done 1st mission for voodoo boys - in the cinema,
about to do Arasaka parade mission


Okay, I love this game SO much.

Started my 2nd playthrough earlier. Only wanted to play for a bit. After 2 hours I said "okay, that's it for today". I finally quit the game 4h total >_<

This is SO insane. Simply "being" inside this world feels so good, so immersive. Like it's real, except in a degenerate cyberpunk setting! And I think I'm having more fun on my 2nd playthrough than during my 1st. Created my V as Matthew McConnaughy XD Voice/attitude kinda fits, and I just watched a movie with him, so I was in the mood. Really fun. Also raised difficulty from normal to hard. Normal was good for 1st run to get into the systems and see how the gameplay works, also to enjoy the story. Hard is perfect for a "proper" playthrough. And I'm playing as a nomad now with primary focus on tech, stealth and hacking. Beginning as a nomad is much better than streetkid imo. And I just love that montage after you meet Jacky. The way the video is cut, the music playing during it, it's just so .... grand, so blockbuster movie-like. So quality.

I already got to make some different decisions, although so far it's not like the different decisions cause THAT big of a different outcome. But different enough. I wonder if there are some more diverging paths for upcoming decisions. Anyway, since I ignored most sidequests on my 1st playthrough (because I had always planned to go for completionism later on), it feels like the game only now truly begins. And thanks to the non-linear story, it's all fresh. Really, feels like there's multiple games in one.

Whether that earlier posting was a joke or serious: CP 2077 definitely IS revolutionary, its story-telling and presentation is. This will be the benchmark going forward for all story-focused games. Even if it's not as complex as earlier trailers might have promised, it's still so far and beyond anything else on the market. I'm sure GTA6 will have the better sandbox open world, but will it have a better story? I doubt it. And Naughty Dog better not spend 3-5 years on another 15h linear-story game. CP2077 is the benchmark. Give us more of THAT.

45 hours in. Still having a ton of fun, doing side missions, gigs, buying and trying out new cars. I completely forgot about the main story.





You're playing as a Resetera-user?



And Naughty Dog better not spend 3-5 years on another 15h linear-story game. CP2077 is the benchmark. Give us more of THAT.

But Cyberpunk IS mostly a linear story too. You get the illusion of choice a lot more often than not. Very few choices ultimately matter.

I like the game, but you spend a lot of time walking with NPCs and listening to their story like... in a Naughty Dog game.

You get the cinematic emotional scenes with the major characters like... in a Naughty Dog game.

The open world itself doesn't play any major role here. It's just the place where the question marks are for advancing the story or starting the side quests. And that's a good thing for now because the NPCs AI is basically braindead.
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The open world itself doesn't play any major role here.

Super disagree. The open world is one of the big differentiators. Instead of non-interactive, pretty backdrops, you're actually inside a living, breathing space.

And the story is interactive on 2 levels:
1.) It's interactive in what happens, depending on your dialog choices. You say it's an illusion, which is wrong. Sure, there's a certain path that you're following nonetheless, but what exactly happens along that path keeps changing. The only way you could uphold the "illusion" claim is if locations are the only factor you base your argument around. Which would be very ignorant.
2.) It's interactive in the same way Breath of the Wild's progression is. You can rush through the game in 25 hours. But then you won't have experienced any of the sidequests. And while we call them "side"quests, they're as actually bonafide parts of the STORY. Main, side, it doesn't matter in CP2077. Sidequests aren't of lesser quality than the main quests. Doing sidequests only ADDS to the overall story. Again using BotW as an example: You can ignore, say, 2 entire dungeons in BotW and go to Ganon and finish the game. Or you decide to play those 2 dungeons and experience more story, more puzzles, more rewards. That's the masterful game design in CP2077: It offers a modular story that equally works with and without additional modules. And it's fusioned with the above 1.) kind of interactivity.

I feel like a lot of people simply don't understand what CDPR have accomplished with CP2077 and therefore criticize the game for seemingly flaws. I definitely recommend to do multiple playthroughs on varying difficulty and intentionally playing with different skills/styles. Maybe then you'll realize what this game does. I actually realized which game I want to compare CP2077 to the most: Mass Effect 1. It's as impressive both graphically and gameplay/story-wise as ME1 was when it released. And it has the same jankyness :D But in a good way. All ambitious games have their issues. It's not surprise that CP2077 would have them, too.


Finished the game. It looks like I had 85 hours played total?.

Overall, fantastic game. It's not quite as good as the Witcher but it's definitely enjoyable. I think my biggest complaint is that the main story feels a bit underwhelming? I was kind of hoping for more there but I did like the missions we did get. Same with the Side missions, Most of them are great but I wanted a few of them to go further. It felt like some of them got a lot of time put into it but not as much for others. Like even after you finish Judy's stuff, there's still you get from her via text and phone that is great. I wanted more of that for characters like Claire. One thing I didn't like was that I didn't feel like there was enough dialogue options at times and on occasion, it suffered from the options you do have not coming out like you expected. The game is trying to straddle that line of letting you define V yourself but having them be a set character but they just don't have enough mapped out for it to work as well as it should. Having a character with a stronger personality would have worked better, I think like how Geralt was.

On the gameplay side, everything was pretty great. The skill and stats definitely have a lot of flexibility to build and play how you like which is pretty neat. If I have complaints, it's mostly the result of bugs. Being specialized for Tech weapons and Quickhacking is pretty ridiculous. Smart weapons are too especially the Divided We Stand SMG.

I didn't get the secret ending so I'd need to go through the game again but I think I'll wait for more fixes and if they add any free content to the game before I go after that.

One question: How does crafting/upgrading items work?
As I understand it, it increases their base stats from common to legendary tier? Are there same weapons/gear with higher level requirements with higher stats, so you need to repeat the same process with them?
And with cyberware: I've found "legendary" raven mk4 cyberdeck..is this the best version in the game? ( Or you can find later on, better "common" cyber deck with higher requirements)

Crafted weapons have differing base stats and mod slots depending on rarity. You need to find or buy the recipes for them though not all of recipes. Also, there's a bit of variance even on the same recipe when crafting. It changes every time you click on it so selecting a different recipe then going back will change it up a bit and potentially give you a higher DPS total before you craft. These weapons will also occasionally give you mods when crafted which is nice. If you got the perk that saves mods when you disassemble a weapon that's very nice.

Iconic weapons you get can be upgraded all the way to legendary, provided you have the perk for crafting. You just need to craft it up to the next tier for it to unlock.

As for Cyberdeck, there's a variety of Legendary ones in the game and they all do slightly different things so you may want to read them and get one based off your preferred playstyle.


But Cyberpunk IS mostly a linear story too. You get the illusion of choice a lot more often than not. Very few choices ultimately matter.

I like the game, but you spend a lot of time walking with NPCs and listening to their story like... in a Naughty Dog game.
We are doing a big podcast get together with some devs talking about just this and its interesting to see how linear it is for sure. The big one is the almost total lack of lifepaths mattering after a small amount of time in the game. Which was something I had heard was happening, a couple months ago, but didn't fully I guess expect.
Regardless if people like it or hate it. The best part of all this is a huge number of devs, pubs, and just people in general are taking lessons from it. I think that is the only real positive I can take from this.
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For the people not doing crafting how do you get your best weapons? Do you find them in missions or buy them from stores?

Which tends to have the better items?
Not to say the better items arent in stores also, but would you rather pay EU100,000 for your mantis blades at the late game ripper doc, or find them for free laying around at the start of act 1? This game really encourages getting off the main story and just doing side stuff or even just exploring for its own sake. Guns and swords are leveled so chances are the best ones you cant use rigth away, but sometimes the cyberware in particualr has no requirements. You likely wont stumble on the best weapons without hints, but what I did was instead of spoiling the whole location I only watched the video up to where he said the city...then I just explored the city myself. I got the legendary mantis blades for example and it was still satisfying searching around the city in question. Still, so far one of the best guns I got was from the main story quest and you get it part way throgh act 2 I believe? Its pink. These are rare in the main story only, so if you really want to pay go on right ahead, but if its me I am doing some if not a lot of crafting, and saving my money for mods for the cyberware. The double jump one allows you to earch in places unreachable before and allows you to set your plans of attack on an area from above....tonnes of fun. I wouldnt buy a gun at a store unless its something you really really like. Youll get tonnes f options as you progress through missions.
Just did a gig where I completely stealthed the whole thing. It was glorious.

Yup,! I wasnt quite able to do the whole Voodoo boys one at the mall without shooting at the end, but was able to nethack kill one guy to get in undetected for the most part from the roof, then stealth killed about five guys to get near the van....I used the "distract enemy" hack at least three times to avoid detection and only had ot save scum once where I screwed up the stealth kill. Matilda rose or Saskquatch or wahtever her name is demanded I raise hell! I was totally underleveled for this quest but was SOOO satisying to get it done using stealth and strategy instead of muscle power and gun stats.

Just starting to get addicited to screen shot art...dont laugh Im a beginner, AND its only ps5 so not as high res as the PC ones, but, sure is fun using the pose and facial expressions commands LOL! My V is a sniper netrunner type:


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The best part of all this is a huge number of devs, pubs, and just people in general are taking lessons from it.

the only lesson devs sohuld be taking is if you make a game in a city make sure your random npcs and the police are better than gta or the game is 3/10 regardless of everything else.

But Cyberpunk IS mostly a linear story too. You get the illusion of choice a lot more often than not. Very few choices ultimately matter.

Disco elysium is a critically acclaimed isometric rpg with no combat at all and the game is exactly like that. all the cool things you can say are just illusions the outcome is 98% the same. nobody complained.
the big question is if player agency is just changing the outcome of something or if different dialogue options are also part of that.


Dude what the hell happened to the thermal katana? It was right there in a trailer a few months ago lol. It's not a big deal because I'm sure it'll be a part of the free DLCs they're planning to release next year but Jesus lol.


Super disagree. The open world is one of the big differentiators. Instead of non-interactive, pretty backdrops, you're actually inside a living, breathing space.

And the story is interactive on 2 levels:
1.) It's interactive in what happens, depending on your dialog choices. You say it's an illusion, which is wrong. Sure, there's a certain path that you're following nonetheless, but what exactly happens along that path keeps changing. The only way you could uphold the "illusion" claim is if locations are the only factor you base your argument around. Which would be very ignorant.
2.) It's interactive in the same way Breath of the Wild's progression is. You can rush through the game in 25 hours. But then you won't have experienced any of the sidequests. And while we call them "side"quests, they're as actually bonafide parts of the STORY. Main, side, it doesn't matter in CP2077. Sidequests aren't of lesser quality than the main quests. Doing sidequests only ADDS to the overall story. Again using BotW as an example: You can ignore, say, 2 entire dungeons in BotW and go to Ganon and finish the game. Or you decide to play those 2 dungeons and experience more story, more puzzles, more rewards. That's the masterful game design in CP2077: It offers a modular story that equally works with and without additional modules. And it's fusioned with the above 1.) kind of interactivity.

I feel like a lot of people simply don't understand what CDPR have accomplished with CP2077 and therefore criticize the game for seemingly flaws. I definitely recommend to do multiple playthroughs on varying difficulty and intentionally playing with different skills/styles. Maybe then you'll realize what this game does. I actually realized which game I want to compare CP2077 to the most: Mass Effect 1. It's as impressive both graphically and gameplay/story-wise as ME1 was when it released. And it has the same jankyness :D But in a good way. All ambitious games have their issues. It's not surprise that CP2077 would have them, too.

But it's not a "living, breathing space". NPCs only have one liners and stand still. They can't even drive around you. They don't leave their car when threatened by guns. Police teleports at your place but they can't chase you or take their car. A lot of shops can't be used at all. There's no emergent gameplay happening.

There's nothing "living" outside of the well made structures right now, only gangs and quests question marks waiting for you like in a theme park. At least there's not enough life to build an illusion for me. The place may be beautiful but it's not a living world yet. Nothing that can't be improved later though.

The big side quests are great yes, but they're linear too, like the main story. There's the Judy quests arc, the Panam quests arc and so on... Always the same quests in the same order. Multiple linear stories with barely any link between each other.

I'll do a full second playthrough and see how much of the story changes, maybe I'm too harsh on that point and you're right.

In any case, I love the game, it's really well written, story is great and so are the characters.
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Motherfucking Steam and it's archaic file system. Was saying 2 hours to install the 1.6 GB patch, i said no fucking way, got to be bugged. I exit, come back, now it's missing files and downloading 41.9 GB

There goes my saturday night :messenger_pouting:


the only lesson devs sohuld be taking is if you make a game in a city make sure your random npcs and the police are better than gta or the game is 3/10 regardless of everything else.
No way more things than that. Tons of stuff they can learned and should.


But it's not a "living, breathing space". NPCs only have one liners and stand still. They can't even drive around you. They don't leave their car when threatened by guns. Police teleports at your place but they can't chase you or take their car. A lot of shops can't be used at all. There's no emergent gameplay happening.

congratulations you described 99% of all open world action adventure/rpg games.
ghost of tsushima. hzd. AC. TW3. Spiderman. Far Cry. i can go on. but fuck cyberpunk though.

No way more things than that. Tons of stuff they can learned and should.

sure but everything else is useless if your random npcs and police are crap. that's what i learnt the past week


just found skippy


...how can you hate on this game lol
Can someone spoil the city only for me please...I'd rather get him earlier than later but dont want to be completely spoiled of searching around for him. I love searching around...now with double jump I can get just about anywhere. My playthrough is getting close to 40 hours and I am under 30% for each of the three blurbs on the home screen or whatever.


congratulations you described 99% of all open world action adventure/rpg games.
ghost of tsushima. hzd. AC. TW3. Spiderman. Far Cry. i can go on. but fuck cyberpunk though.

Of course, I didn't say anything else. But nobody said those games had living breathing worlds or overhyped them through the roof.

People stated this open world was a major differentiator, I just pointed out it wasn't. At least for me.

You could argue the open world is a far more central point in a game like GTA 5 for example. And that it works far better in that game too, with better NPCs AI, police, some emergent gameplay... On a 8 year old PS3 era game... Which is why this is somewhat disappointing for some people.
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I am on my third playthrough right now and the game is not as linear as people here think. The endings are wildly different from each other and it is in fact perfectly possible to approach missions in a completely different manner.

Your relationship with Johnny go from one of close friendship, almost brotherhood to one of hysterical enmity. My first character was Corpo and oh boy the way your conversations with Saul go do differ a lot.

You can only access the "Don't Fear The Reaper" ending if your relationship with Silverhand is above a certain threshold and that can only be achieved by following advice over many, many missions.
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Of course, I didn't say anything else. But nobody said those games had living breathing worlds or overhyped them through the roof.

a lot of them praised the open world of those games though. nobody criticized them for not being GTA because they understood it's a different genre yet with cyberpunk comparisons with gta is all i see.

kotaku on valhalla:

"These encounters don’t clog up your quest journal. You find them by exploring down glowing dots on your map. What you find usually only takes a few minutes and sticks to one small area of the world, like a house, a tree, a camp or a river. Because of this, I felt compelled to finish them whenever I happened to find one in the world.

In other open-world games, I would find myself avoiding some side content because it was just more hours of busywork. But in Valhalla these tiny encounters kept me playing long past my bedtime, and not because I wanted some new weapon or gear, but just because I wanted to see what new mini-story I was about to encounter.

make it a nicer experience to play. Overall, it feels a lot of care and thought went into making Valahalla feel less like a checklist of things to do and more like a world to organically experience"

no mention on how the npcs are braindead or how you can't do shit on the open world

kotaku on cyberpunk:

"There are various commerce hubs where you can do things, but many of its bars, hotels, and shops are just window dressing. And while there are a lot of NPCs on the street, most of them just wander around and give short quips of dialogue when you knock into them

many of the minor activities that pop up on my map or into my journal are basic and forgettable, fights against human enemies that lack the visual interest or behavioral quirks of monsters in The Witcher 3. Still, they’re enjoyable enough, with flexible approaches and techno-cool that make them engaging, if not memorable."

no double standard i guess... lol.
if you read those reviews you think oh side quests and the world in valhalla are great and side quests and the world in cyberpunk are crap. is that actually the case?

actually cyberpunks world is more interactive than AC (you can eat on food stands. you can kill civilians. you can steal cars) and the side quests are better . however both of them are much less interactive than GTA

and this is just an example it happened everywhere
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a lot of them praised the open world of those games though. nobody criticized them for not being GTA because they understood it's a different genre yet with cyberpunk comparisons with gta is all i see.

kotaku on valhalla:

"These encounters don’t clog up your quest journal. You find them by exploring down glowing dots on your map. What you find usually only takes a few minutes and sticks to one small area of the world, like a house, a tree, a camp or a river. Because of this, I felt compelled to finish them whenever I happened to find one in the world.

In other open-world games, I would find myself avoiding some side content because it was just more hours of busywork. But in Valhalla these tiny encounters kept me playing long past my bedtime, and not because I wanted some new weapon or gear, but just because I wanted to see what new mini-story I was about to encounter.

make it a nicer experience to play. Overall, it feels a lot of care and thought went into making Valahalla feel less like a checklist of things to do and more like a world to organically experience"

no mention on how the npcs are braindead or you can't do shit on the open world

kotaku on cyberpunk:

"There are various commerce hubs where you can do things, but many of its bars, hotels, and shops are just window dressing. And while there are a lot of NPCs on the street, most of them just wander around and give short quips of dialogue when you knock into them

many of the minor activities that pop up on my map or into my journal are basic and forgettable, fights against human enemies that lack the visual interest or behavioral quirks of monsters in The Witcher 3. Still, they’re enjoyable enough, with flexible approaches and techno-cool that make them engaging, if not memorable."

no double standard i guess... lol. and this is just an example it happened everywhere

Ok, maybe some reviewers had double standards. That's probably partly a byproduct of overhyping your game constantly before release like CDPR did and Ubi didn't. People expected more. Cyberpunk told us it would be a breathing world. It was all about Night City in the marketing.

But in my mind, both open worlds are equally bad. I stopped with Ubi games long ago because unlike CDPR games, the writing, the characters and the quests aren't here to save the game.
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Of course, I didn't say anything else. But nobody said those games had living breathing worlds or overhyped them through the roof.

People stated this open world was a major differentiator, I just pointed out it wasn't. At least for me.

You could argue the open world is a far more central point in a game like GTA 5 for example. And that it works far better in that game too, with better NPCs AI, police, some emergent gameplay... On a 8 year old PS3 era game... Which is why this is somewhat disappointing for some people.

cyberpunk is better than all the games he listed though lol

except for maybe the witcher 3.
Ok, maybe some reviewers had double standards. That's probably partly a byproduct of overhyping your game constantly before release like CDPR did and Ubi didn't.

But in my mind, both open worlds are equally bad. I stopped with Ubi games long ago because unlike CDPR games, the writing, the characters and the quests aren't here to save the game.

cdpr just showed their game off and marketed it, everyone tries to "hype" their game. it's just that cyberpunk looked alot BETTER than any of those other games hence why everyone was stoked.

you guys seriously need to stop acting like cyberpunk didn't just look better than 99% of games...especially coming out this year. cyberpunk was just making other games look like shit, thats all. and for some reason everyone is uncomfortable with that lol

ubisoft could hype all the want, it's just that none of their titles look nearly as good as cyberpunk did.

and CP is better than those games btw.
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Ok, maybe some reviewers had double standards. That's probably partly a byproduct of overhyping your game constantly before release like CDPR did and Ubi didn't. People expected more. Cyberpunk told us it would be a breathing world. It was all about Night City in the marketing.

But in my mind, both open worlds are equally bad. I stopped with Ubi games long ago because unlike CDPR games, the writing, the characters and the quests aren't here to save the game.

sure i understand that hype and dissapointment come hand in hand. people expected the best game in history and got tw3 with guns. but people talk about the game like the game is a steaming piece of shit because npcs are braindead. and nobody can play that game and honestly say that when you compare it to other games of the same genre. i understand that it may not be your favourite but cmon...
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cdpr just showed their game off and marketed it, everyone tries to "hype" their game. it's just that cyberpunk looked alot BETTER than any of those other games hence why everyone was stoked.

you guys seriously need to stop acting like cyberpunk didn't just look better than 99% of games...especially coming out this year. cyberpunk was just making other games look like shit, thats all. and for some reason everyone is uncomfortable with that lol

ubisoft could hype all the want, it's just that none of their titles look nearly as good as cyberpunk did.

and CP is better than those games btw.

Now we're moving goal posts. It's not about graphics here, but more the fact the open world is a bit bland and lifeless.


sure i understand that hype and dissapointment come hand in hand. people expected the best game in history and got tw3 with guns. but people talk about the game like the game is a steaming piece of shit because npcs are braindead. and nobody can play that game and honestly say that when you compare it to other games of the same genre. i understand that it may not be your favourite but cmon...

Agreed. People go way too far here. The game is pretty great. And the open world itself has some qualities like unmatched verticality and impressive graphics overall. Driving in it is usually pretty nice.

I'm very confident the defaults could very well be fixed with future patches and DLCs. We'd get another masterpiece.
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Agreed. People go way too far here. The game is pretty great. And the open world itself has some qualities like unmatched verticality and impressive graphics overall. Driving in it is usually pretty nice.

I'm very confident the defaults could very well be fixed with future patches and DLCs. We'd get another masterpiece.

with this backlash they may even add npc ai similar to gta as a free dlc. and places to sit. etc. let's see what happens in the coming months.


Neo Member
There's no other open world as impressive as Night City. The screenshots we're posting here alone shit on anything else. Then you add the incredibly fun combat and traversal, it's no contest. Come at me bros.

So true. I really hope that those who cannot play this game with a good framerate and graphics as intended will play it later, in good conditions. Night city is incredible, and gunfighting while sliding is so good !
And completely hooked by the main quest and subquests.
Fantastic atmosphere.

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