I just had my Cyberpunk 2077 moment.
I just wanna write this as a continuation of posts i made earlier in this thread, saying i was still waiting to feel some goodness from this game: I felt it.
I was replaying the tutorial missions for the 5th time (I've decided to roll female for the first time, and i hugely prefer it because i hate the guy's voice) and when the time came for me to head into the gang hideout to get the robot i decided to try and do things differently. I wasn't working with the militech stooge, so I was either gonna go in, or raise 10k of my own.
Up until this point I've been playing the game with a growing awareness of how open it can be, and I decided to 'fuck it' and walk away from Jackie on his motorbike and try to save up some money.
I did one thing that I've already been enjoying heaps - climbing up to rooftops, always hoping i'd find a weapon cache (but they're all blank so far), until i noted a little red icon on my minimap. Exploring closer, it was revealed to be some kind of hacking terminal where i could - at some ease - extract a fair few credits. I filled my boots, then kept looking - again, climbing in places i shouldn't have been.
I was running along the concrete railing of a highway overpass when i saw a giant tank with a staircase twisting up it within jumping distance, so i made the leap. i then snuck up to the top and found a japanese gang member standing in front of a locked case. took her out (non lethal ofc) and picked it all clean, then i started going down the stairs to the foot of the tank - most of the way down there i am in a police mission, and i'm being told to neutralise all the enemies.
So I do. It takes me a few tries because i'm on max difficulty, but in the end with misdirection and distractions i'm able to get behind every enemy and take them down non-lethal, and take out their flying bot ally with two short circuits. I fill my boots again.
And so, I've decided this game is good fun. I have played the fuck out of desu ex human rev and mankind divided, beacuse i love them, and i have found a chance to enjoy very similar gameplay in a new setting.
that's good enough for me.
also the game on my ps4 pro looks and plays much better after a recent patch.