We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Not reading the thread as I don't wanna spoil a thing, but having a great time with this so far!
Got a 4070ti and managing to get 4k60 most of the time with all the new 3.5, path tracing etc. goodness turned on. Game looks pretty insane at times. They somehow made the new area look even better. Story's good so far and more interesting/exciting than a certain other recent title. Probably on par with Cyberpunk act 1. Glad I decided to give it a revisit.
Got a 4070ti and managing to get 4k60 most of the time with all the new 3.5, path tracing etc. goodness turned on. Game looks pretty insane at times. They somehow made the new area look even better. Story's good so far and more interesting/exciting than a certain other recent title. Probably on par with Cyberpunk act 1. Glad I decided to give it a revisit.