Yes, it is.
You're not my friend.
The real, morally-objective world?
Oh, I see now.
A reviewer gets carte blanche to critique a game under her terms - which, for the record, it is her absolute right - but somehow that right doesn't extend to others critiquing her work.
Just sticking with the letter C, apparently, one cannot comment on the conduct, criteria, conclusions and consistency of Gamespot reviews.
Gaming journalists are this protected class, apparently, whose work is not open to scrutiny, whose conduct and worldview is not open to criticism.
Newsflash: it is.
In an open society, your public conduct and the quality or lack thereof of your work most definitely are under scrutiny. Luckily, we still live in an open society, despite the rabid efforts of people like yourself to turn it into a well-meaning nanny authoritarian state.,
The blame of actions lies at the feet of those who carry them out. This is especially true in this case since The Quartering discouraged harassment in the most unambiguous terms possible.
You do struggle with concept of personal responsability.
Know that I wont blame EviLore for your inane posts. They are your posts. Therefore, the blame for the moral indecency is on you, not on anybody else.
I reserve my right to critique the work of journalists in the most vehement terms possible. That in no way makes me remotely responsible for harassment carried out by god knows whom for god knows what motivations. I unequivocally condemn any form of harassment.
Maybe in a decade or so you'll come to terms with this fundamental distinction.
I don't really care for your unsubstantiated assertions
When you finally realize you have to provide evidence for your claims, let me know.
Asserted but not show, therefore dismissed.
Provide evidence for all of your assertions, if you want them to be considered in a rational exchange.
You don' know what personal responsability is.
Your posts are an affront to rationally, a moral obscenity and a complete waste of bandwidth.