Maybe you should watch her video review that just went live with HER own footage if you think she didn't play it.
I mean her video review with HER footage is now live. It wasn't allowed to be posted prior to today.
Since you've decided to behave like a smear-campaigner and can't bring yourself to present evidence, let's go though The Quartering video on the Gamespot review.:
These are all direct quotes from the video, verbatim.
Direct quotes from the video:
"(...) The reviews are out and there are a few nails that are sticking out of the board a little bit. Ones that were maybe overly positive" "L
ook, the amount of bugs that reviewers endured during the review are worthy of marking the game down at least a point or two".
"(...)There just one particular review, just like Days Gone, from Gamespot that sticks out as a really bizarre excessively low score."
"I don't think you can rate the gate 100"
About Gamespot's assessment of bugs in Cyberpunk:
Very fair "
About Gamespot review:
What if i told you this reviewer barely played the game?"
"That this reviewer did not take advantage of the RPG elements and admitted as much in a video breakdown?
" Doesn't mean I am not going to apply
criticism where it is required"
"This particular [Gamespot] interview has some long parts of what, while I don't agree with what they're saying , it's still her opinion, right.
It's totally fine."
"You [the reviewer] crafted one things?! And you reviewed Cyberpunk 2077"
"I'll play a part just to illustrate the point she
barely played the game"
Please do not reach out to Kallie Plagge [the reviewer]. Please do not interact with her in any way. Please do not dog pile or say mean things. This criticism please remains here."
Direct quotes from The Quartering Video critique of Gamespot Review.
That's it.
, your behaviour is that of a spineless coward. Your conduct is that of an unscrupulous smear-campaigner.
Grow a spine.
Stop lying. Stop smearing.
Your behaviour is an indecency, nauseating, a moral affront, a revolting frontal attack on decency and integrity and the bare minimum of respect for truth and rationality.
Grow a pair.