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Cyberpunk 2077 - Review Thread

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  • Yes

    Votes: 196 23.8%
  • No

    Votes: 628 76.2%

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The Quartering is the same way. He couldn't shut up about how you can't pay attention to Metacritic scores when TLOU2 released but now that a game he is excited about, Cyberpunk, is coming out and it doesn't get 10's across the board he is calling out any unfavorable score for it. Hypocrite bullshiter at its finest.

And here you go again, not telling the truth.

Fact #1: in his video about the GameSpot review, The Quartering explicitly states Gamespot's concerns about the bugs are, quote, "very fair "

Fact #2: He also says, quote, "This particular interview has some long parts of what, while I don't agree with what they're saying, it's still her opinion, right. It's totally fine."

Fact #3: He also says, quote, "Look, the amount of bugs that reviewers endured during the review are worthy of marking the game down at least a point or two "

So please do not make stuff up in a futile attempt to save face.

Your bullshit will be called out.
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It is so bizarre that one can review a game for a mega corporation, admit to flat out ignoring many of the exciting options, not doing side quests, essentially failing to do your job, and you get reeeers standing in front of them like knights in shining armor screaming about people on YouTube. What she did is the equivalent of reading a giant novel while skipping the intro, bio, epilogue, appendix, etc. To interpret media you must experience all of it or at least as much as possible. What she did was a dereliction if duty. Basically not doing her job.

yet Pointing out the fact that this is a thing causes people to scream “incel” or “children” or “man babies“ because they dared to point out the facts that this person hired to professionally interpreter media for a wide audience has utterly failed at her job. Not just failed but not really bothered to even try!

It is so strange to me. Why are y’all screaming about man babies to defend a journalist? Do you think these you tubers have ultimate control over the world’s Twitter users? Do you think they can command millions of people to do things at Will? Seriously?

The Quartering is a journalist just like these hacks, in fact, his one man coverage (and views) dwarfs the official corporate opposition. Yet he is the little guy and they are the corpus and for some reason SJWs side with the corporate! It’s bizarre!

Again I’m thinking of classic cyberpunk literature, the lone wolf hacker who has his own station on a burnt out tv, speaking his mind about the corporate overlords. That is the Quartering and every alt media critic. Fucking mental that people think THEY are the bad guys. Lol. Y’all really are pro corporate drones.
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It is so bizarre that one can review a game for a mega corporation, admit to flat out ignoring many of the exciting options, not doing side quests, essentially failing to do your job, and you get reeeers standing in front of them like knights in shining armor screaming about people on YouTube. What she did is the equivalent of reading a giant novel while skipping the intro, bio, epilogue, appendix, etc. To interpret media you must experience all of it or at least as much as possible. What she did was a dereliction if duty. Basically not doing her job.

yet Pointing out the fact that this is a thing causes people to scream “incel” or “children” or “man babies“ because they dared to point out the facts that this person hired to professionally interpreter media for a wide audience has utterly failed at her job. Not just failed but not really bothered to even try!

It is so strange to me. Why are y’all screaming about man babies to defend a journalist? Do you think these you tubers have ultimate control over the world’s Twitter users? Do you think they can command millions of people to do things at Will? Seriously?

The Quartering is a journalist just like these hacks, in fact, his one man coverage (and views) dwarfs the official corporate opposition. Yet he is the little guy and they are the corpus and for some reason SJWs side with the corporate! It’s bizarre!

Again I’m thinking of classic cyberpunk literature, the lone wolf hacker who has his own station on a burnt out tv, speaking his mind about the corporate overlords. That is the Quartering and every alt media critic. Fucking mental that people think THEY are the bad guys. Lol. Y’all really are pro corporate drones.
Oh look another person who is spreading false narratives. It has already been proven that she played a TON of side missions. Her video review talks about them and she even says it was her favorite part of the game. What she didn't do a lot of was the side activities that just seem to be open world filler junk to earn money. Who the fuck cares about that? Before you go defending shit stains on the earth like The Quartering maybe you should get the full story instead of ingesting the shit that he spews out as 100% truth.
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Oh look another person who is spreading false narratives. It has already been proven that she played a TON of side missions. Her video review talks about them and she even says it was her favorite part of the game. What she didn't do a lot of was the side activities that just seem to be open world filler junk to earn money. Who the fuck cares about that? Before you go defending shit stains on the earth like The Quartering maybe you should get the full story instead of ingesting the shit that he spews out as 100% truth.


I hope you win me a prize


I disagree with the Quartering often. But that is ok I will still watch from time to time because he is a good resource who is constantly reporting. I don’t have to agree with everything I consume. Plus clearly he puts wayyyy more effort into what he does than this chick who ignores half the game.

You can consume media and still disagree with parts of it. Just ask Kyuuji, who helped organise an entire hate campaign aimed a developers and is still playing. Compared to her The Quartering is a stand up person.
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Neo Member
But here's what I see, I was searching for a Cyberpunk review thread in a certain other place and I couldn't find one, I had to dig 10 pages deep to find this:

A user that posted a legit Cyberpunk review thread and from what I can see, said nothing wrong. The mods reasoning is that they want to suppress Cyberpunk threads...wut? I don't want that kind of censorship here or anywhere else for that matter, or be treated in the way users are treated, it's outright draconian.

Take this a step further... the person that had been creating their topics for the Night City Wire events had done a great job making a fun and exciting OP for the topics... lots of catchy stuff, even trying to tell a story through the posts, and having a lot of fun doing it... and from what I could tell, trying to tread a very thin, almost non-existent line between excitement/enthusiasm for the game, and being respectful to those that came into the thread to post SJW stuff that we've all seen around. It had been a little bit since I'd been there, and there are very few threads I'll even go into, due to the insanity of that place, but honestly, the CP ones were one simply because there seemed to be enough people that wanted to actually discuss the game. And they've locked ALL threads now, except the official one, and have now banned Black Chamber. A telltale story for allowing folks to express their opinion. As someone said earlier, I may not like what you say, but I'll fight to the death to defend your right to say it. I'm really surprised they even put up an OT thread over there, though it's very milquetoast, namby pamby, with a bunch of rules, and a final phrase saying, oh by the way, if we even get a thought that you're trying to go around these in some other way, we'll still use the banhammer. Ridiculous, but sadly par for the course.

More on topic, this game looks insane, and I really can't wait to play it. Waiting through the holidays, to see what comes for Christmas, but if not then, I'll be picking it up shortly after. One of my most anticipated this year!
Professional critics have become far too left there is no middleground anymore. And everything these scores be it on Metacritic or Rotten Tomatoes is so much different critics do not self reflect of taking a look at their reviews but rather accuse and attack the audience of being sexist, Racist, homophob etc. Becuase only these "critics" have a superior morality.

I think your analysis is spot on, but I have to take issue with the framing that critics have become far left. There's nothing left-wing about identity politics/critical theory, because it has nothing to do with political economy and the distribution of wealth between the rich and the working class. Identity politics is a liberal ideology: it's not concerned with the struggle of the rich vs the poor, it's concerned with racial/gender/etc representation within the ruling class (i.e. "more female war criminals!"). In other words: identity politics is not the ideology of the radical left, but of the radical center. It wants to preserve the status quo in terms of economic relations, while reshuffling the system of preferences that give people access to high-paying or highly prestigious jobs.

Left-wing video game criticism would look like this Jacobin review of Outer Worlds: https://jacobinmag.com/2019/12/the-outer-worlds-video-game-review . It foregrounds the game's treatment of the capitalist system and class struggle, and doesn't talk about identity at all.

The reason that identity politics has gotten so out of control in the United States in particular is that the US doesn't have an actual political left, so liberals can portray themselves as the only alternative to conservatives. This causes tribalism to spiral out of control, where both liberals and conservatives adopt increasingly unhinged culture war stances in an arms race of utter idiocy while colluding with each other to totally ignore economic issues.

Anyway: reddit.com/r/stupidpol
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SkillUp does head-in-his-own-ass reviews from time to time

But I found his Cyberpunk review quite exceptional.
Real good work on this one
Funny thing is his complaints are a lot of the same things the Gamespot girl complained about. Yet he won't get hate for it. He says as well that the whole crafting part of the game is nonsense which is exactly what she said and why she didn't hardly use it. He said you can't afford to buy anything like cars in this game hardly, which is why she didn't either. Yet she got attacked for that as well and again was said to have not played the game. Huh. I watched her 20 minute video review and many of her some complaints were said by Skill up in his 50 minute review.
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"Day1 patch will never fix all those bugs".

Reviewer didnt notice, that the game was delayed for that reason for another month, to the point where reviewers window was 2 days.

Always a good sign, when you invoke "history" and your experience on a codebase from a month ago, in a case where project leads pushed for another month of exclusively bugfixing prior to release, the fruits of which you probably havent seen. And on a release schedule, you've historically never seen. The game was pushed back, specifically for bug fixing. (Official statement was a little different, but - hey, who are we kidding. :))

I'm aware that I might have to eat my hat on this statement later on - but the 'historically satisfying bugfix patches prior to release never happen' doesnt take into account the release timeline on this game.
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Oh look another person who is spreading false narratives.

You're the king in that department, I'm afraid, as the evidence I have already provided conclusively shows.

You currently occupy, let me check again, #1 in the rank of people whose conduct is best described as Bullshiter.

When you're asked for evidence that supports your allegations, you blush and retreat to the locker-room.

It has already been proven that she played a TON of side missions. Her video review talks about them and she even says it was her favorite part of the game. What she didn't do a lot of was the side activities that just seem to be open world filler junk to earn money.

Her words : "All of this crafting stuff, I barely touched it".

Her words : " I just didn't do a single one" - about the emergent open-world gameplay.

Her words : "I feel like I didn't mess with my weapons at all"." - about weapon mods

Her words: "the world is so big and unruly that I never knew what I would find around any corner or if I'd understand what the intent behind it was"

Her words: "The incorporation of different cultures and backgrounds is wildly inconsistent, from good to inaccurate to downright offensive"

Who the fuck cares about that?

You are misrepresenting her own words.

Before you go defending shit stains

Would you be talking about yourself?
Don't be too harsh on yourself.
No doubt you can do some self-improvement.

on the earth like The Quartering maybe you should get the full story instead of ingesting the shit that he spews out as 100% truth.

Didn't you say it was targeted harassment?
You've now moved from harassment to "shit"?

At this rate, in a couple of weeks it will be "Stuff I don't agree with".
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At the end of the day bugs are not that big a deal. San Andreas is one of the best open worlds ever created and it was buggy as all hell when it first released on the PS2.


Funny thing is his complaints are a lot of the same things the Gamespot girl complained about. Yet he won't get hate for it. He says as well that the whole crafting part of the game is nonsense which is exactly what she said and why she didn't hardly use it. Huh. But yeah she didn't play the game. I watched her 20 minute video review and many of her some complaints were said by Skill up in his 50 minute review.
Yeah... But comparing those reviews is like comparing Vanilla Ice to Queen))
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At the end of the day bugs are not that big a deal. San Andreas is one of the best open worlds ever created and it was buggy as all hell when it first released on the PS2.
yea its really a shame so many review scores suffered from the impact of the bugs. Its not like Bethasda who releases fallout 76 and you know it wil stay buggy. CDPR wil patch it quickly and continue to patch it. The review scores are made now and last for ever. But this game wil have continueus support on the bug fixing so thats why I find it a shame


When are console reviews dropping. Still don't know if I want to get it on my ps5. Maybe it would be best to wait till patches smoothen things out before diving into an undercooked game.


Neo Member
At the end of the day though it is at a 92. That is damn good.
All the reviews are on PC though, if the game is an unplayable mess on console, that will probably bring the score down. I’m hoping that the Day 1 patch makes the game stable enough at least. I never had any major problems with W3 so hopefully Cyberpunk plays well also.


Funny thing is his complaints are a lot of the same things the Gamespot girl complained about. Yet he won't get hate for it. He says as well that the whole crafting part of the game is nonsense which is exactly what she said and why she didn't hardly use it. He said you can't afford to buy anything like cars in this game hardly, which is why she didn't either. Yet she got attacked for that as well and again was said to have not played the game. Huh. I watched her 20 minute video review and many of her some complaints were said by Skill up in his 50 minute review.

difference is skillup praises everything else and says that cyberpunk really delivers. and she says cyberpunk doesn't deliver at all and it's offensive. also her review is a 7 which brings down the metascore and skillup doesn't do numbered scores. that is the reason people are shitting on her


difference is skillup praises everything else and says that cyberpunk really delivers. and she says cyberpunk doesn't deliver at all and it's offensive. also her review is a 7 which brings down the metascore and skillup doesn't do numbered scores. that is the reason people are shitting on her

This also brings down the metascore. Big deal


All the reviews are on PC though, if the game is an unplayable mess on console, that will probably bring the score down. I’m hoping that the Day 1 patch makes the game stable enough at least. I never had any major problems with W3 so hopefully Cyberpunk plays well also.

But we already have tons of footage of console versions, they run great, especially on next gen consoles where it definitely looks like they're 60 fps. They actually run better without RT than PC version with RT...


I'm looking at footage of both PS4Pro and XBox one X versions and they both look great. I am thinking about playing this game off of my Samsung T5 SSD on the X to give it some extra boost.
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This also brings down the metascore. Big deal

yes but nobody cares about gamesbeat. and remember gamespot is one of the weighted sites on metacritic so their reviews really count and also gamespot made many pre release preview prasing the game so the 7 was a surprise. if jeff grubb was the author of the gamespot review the same thing would be happening except nobody would be insulting him specifically for being a girl.
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Funny thing is his complaints are a lot of the same things the Gamespot girl complained about. Yet he won't get hate for it. He says as well that the whole crafting part of the game is nonsense which is exactly what she said and why she didn't hardly use it. He said you can't afford to buy anything like cars in this game hardly, which is why she didn't either. Yet she got attacked for that as well and again was said to have not played the game. Huh. I watched her 20 minute video review and many of her some complaints were said by Skill up in his 50 minute review.
Why are you simping so hard for this woman? Is she your sister, lover, family member, or something close to you? Your posts in this thread are like you are taking the attacks on her personally and you are on this mission to make everyone change their minds.


Be careful folks on ps4 in the EU, that release timer is fucked up, had a heart attack a few minutes ago when I got a notifcacation saying it was ready to use and went to my downloads and it had the ready to use thing which turned to a start button so I clicked it and it went a loop where the timer kept restarting and it took me three restarts of my PS4 and an unplug of the mains before it I could reboot the ps4 normally. Not sure if this is some wild marketing stunt gone wrong or a glitch from the steam code where you could boot the game to see a screen but I'm not going near that file again until the timer on the home screen is up.

Same happened to me but I managed to break the loop though the menus somehow.


Her words : "All of this crafting stuff, I barely touched it".
According to the Skill Up Review the crafting system is 'broken' as far as progression gating is concerned. You need skillpoints, to get access to recipes, which you find based on a level gated system, which need materials you also have to acquire. While the most useful weapons (scaled) drop somewhat rarely as quest rewards. And you leveling means that you'd outlevel recipes scavenging for resources.

So the criticism is fair.
Her words : " I just didn't do a single one" - about the emergent open-world gameplay.
Skill Up review tells us, that most of those quests respawn over time - and are the most boring things you could do - in addition to not even being the best way to farm XP.

So the criticism is fair.

Her words : "I feel like I didn't mess with my weapons at all"." - about weapon mods
I think she said 'upgrading weapons'? Which isnt weapon mods. Its bringing certain weapons with you past their initial level cap, because you like them.

So your representation of that statement might not be fair. :)

In the end - people attacking those points, make more mistakes, than arguably even the reviewer.

So where is the youtube video attacking people for attacking pundits on the basis of having no clue about the game, but a feeling? ;)

Skill Up review also confirms, what stood out for me the first time I saw people focusing on bugs that much - the games plot quality varies much more, than it did in The Witcher 3. There is an inconsistancy in tone, and in writing. With the good parts (when it works) outweighing the concerns. But immersion is more often broken as a result of that, and the more distracting bugs reviewers experienced.
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difference is skillup praises everything else and says that cyberpunk really delivers. and she says cyberpunk doesn't deliver at all and it's offensive. also her review is a 7 which brings down the metascore and skillup doesn't do numbered scores. that is the reason people are shitting on her
She didn't say it didn't deliver at all. She really liked a lot of things about it just like Skill Up. Also who tf cares if it brings down a meaningless score. Does that affect your enjoyment of the game somehow? It doesn't mine.
According to the Skill Up Review the crafting system is 'broken' as far as progression gating is concerned. You need skillpoints, to get access to recipes, which you find based on a level gated system, which need materials you also have to acquire. While the most useful weapons (scaled) drop somewhat rarely as quest rewards. And you leveling means that you'd outlevel recipes scavenging for resources.

So the criticism is fair.

Let's set aside the problem of declaring that because Skill Up agrees, the criticism is automatically rendered fair. I'm not defending the game per se. I ma not claiming Crafting is great.

No one can review a feature they haven't tested to the appropriate degree, not in any meaningful sense of the word.

Skill Up review tells us, that most of those quests respawn over time - and are the most boring things you could do - in addition to not even being the best way to farm XP.
So the criticism is fair.

Which is immaterial and she wouldn't know since she hardly did any. And that was not the reason she invoked, anyway. Again, I am not defending the quality of the Open World content. I am pointing out the glaring problems with her review methodology.

I think she said 'upgrading weapons'? Which isnt weapon mods. Its bringing certain weapons with you past their initial level cap, because you like them.

One of the ways you upgrades via mods.

So your representation of that statement might not be fair. :)

A direct verbatim quote cannot not be fair.

In the end - people attacking those points, make more mistakes, than arguably even the reviewer.

I noticed you didn't address the other quotes.

So where is the youtube video attacking people for attacking pundits on the basis of having no clue about the game, but a feeling? ;)

I wouldn't know what you're talking about. I do know several people made grave allegations about The Quartering, including accusations of him target harassing and/or calling for harassment against a reviewer.

That smear has been conclusively debunked with hard evidence and still some people have the supreme gal to suggest otherwise.

Skill Up review also confirms, what stood out for me the first time I saw people focusing on bugs that much - the games plot quality varies much more, than it did in The Witcher 3.

I've said a lot about bugs already, including that the game can now be shown to have had management problems and that CDPR execs would be well advised to take a look at their development pipeline.

You are not dealing with a fan boy. I have criticised CDPR harshly and extensively in the past and will not hesitate to do it again if I feel it's justified.

There is an inconsistancy in tone, and in writing. With the good parts (when it works) outweighing the concerns. But immersion is more often broken as a result of that, and the more distracting bugs reviewers experienced.

I'll repeat for the nth time, The Quartering agrees that the game should be marked down one or two points just for bugs.

How is that not clear enough for you? How is that ambiguous? That, objectively speaking, the game in his opinion cannot, I repeat, cannot legitimately get more than a 9, even if everything else is absolutely perfect.

I rest my case.


She didn't say it didn't deliver at all. She really liked a lot of things about it just like Skill Up. Also who tf cares if it brings down a meaningless score. Does that affect your enjoyment of the game somehow? It doesn't mine.

look man... you are wondering why people are attacking her. i'm telling you why. the score.
i never said i was ok with people harassing her.

it doesn't affect my excitement at all. i don't care. however metacritic IS important. when in conference calls investors ask you about metacritic. when developers lost bonuses for not reaching some metascore (fallout new vegas). metascore is important for the industry whether you like it or not.
that same review with her complaining about the same things in the same way but with the game scoring an 8 and you would se much less backlash. 8.5-9 probably no significant backlash at all.


I'm all in for the diversity of opinions and all that

And I love how laid back mods are here in GAF

But because of that, people should know when to shut up and realize that you have done enough. You guys have been in a discussion for a lot of posts now.

Agree to disagree and move on, Jesus.

Havent finished it yet, but his review is really great so far

I agree with D DustQueen , sometimes SkillUp is a little too much pretentious, but not here it seems
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look man... you are wondering why people are attacking her. i'm telling you why. the score.
i never said i was ok with people harassing her.

it doesn't affect my excitement at all. i don't care. however metacritic IS important. when in conference calls investors ask you about metacritic. when developers lost bonuses for not reaching some metascore (fallout new vegas). metascore is important for the industry whether you like it or not.
that same review with her complaining about the same things in the same way but with the game scoring an 8 and you would se much less backlash. 8.5-9 probably no significant backlash at all.
If they are that worried about their Metascore then maybe they should've finished the game without a bunch of bugs and glitches that could affect said score. This game dips down to 15fps on Xbox One and PS4. You think if someone reviews it on there it's going to get a great score?


Which is immaterial and she wouldn't know since she hardly did any.
Which brings us back to the games review schedule. :)
One of the ways you upgrades via mods.
I was asking in a way if that was really what she was referring to - because she talked about the weapons upgrade system - which seams like not an ideal way to min/max resources. And having seen the +0.06% weapon stability mod in the SkillUp review, further underlines her position rather than yours. :)

What this may break down to in the end is, that she actually knew what she was talking about - at least tangentially (not always using the most flattering examples, but bringing across actually valid notions and points). And that for some reason for her

- all the lack of ambition in any of the systems (it isnt really reinventing the formula)
- the superfluousness of entire 'systems'
- the immersion breaking bugs, and
- the varying quality on story telling

meant 7/10 - while for most other reviewers it will not.

She might end up holding the 'accountants darling' reviewers perspective, that never saw any of the brilliance in other parts, or acknowledged it - but her points are valid. :)
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
But here's what I see, I was searching for a Cyberpunk review thread in a certain other place and I couldn't find one, I had to dig 10 pages deep to find this:

A user that posted a legit Cyberpunk review thread and from what I can see, said nothing wrong. The mods reasoning is that they want to suppress Cyberpunk threads...wut? I don't want that kind of censorship here or anywhere else for that matter, or be treated in the way users are treated, it's outright draconian.

It's obvious that his use of the word "transformative" was a hateful pun deserving of permabanning.


If they are that worried about their Metascore then maybe they should've finished the game without a bunch of bugs and glitches that could affect said score. This game dips down to 15fps on Xbox One and PS4. You think if someone reviews it on there it's going to get a great score?

i don't thinks so. no. i expect the game to get destroyed on console reviews. that's why they reviewed the game on pc. as i said many times the two biggest negatives about the game seems to be.

1 - broken. riddled with bugs
2 - activists won't like it.
Which brings us back to the games review schedule. :)

I was asking in a way if that was really what she was referring to - because she talked about the weapons upgrade system - which seams like not an ideal way to min/max resources. And having seen the +0.06% weapon stability mod in the SkillUp review. Further underlines her position rather than yours. :)

What this may break down to in the end is, that she actually knew what she was talking about - at least tangentially (not always using the most flattering examples, but bringing across actually valid notions and points). And that for some reason for here

- all the lack of ambition in any of the systems
- the superfluousness of entire 'systems'
- the immersion breaking bugs, and
- the varying quality on story telling

meant 7/10 - while for most other reviewers it will not.

She might end up holding the 'accountants darling' reviewers perspective, that never saw any of the brilliance in other parts, or acknowledged it - but her points are valid. :)

We'll have to agree to disagree then.

And that includes on the aspects you didn't address but she brought to the forefront in her written review, like the alleged sexual and cultural misrepresentation.

It's a terrible review and indicative of a profoundly flawed worldview. It's not due to me being butthurt because she scored Cyberpunk 2077 an average but still decent 7. She could have given the game a 5 because of the magnitude and prevalence of the bugs and I would have thought it understandable. A game that runs poorly is a failed game.

It's her thinking and her methodology that I cannot see as redeemable, because both rest on a flawed vision of what video games are and the world is.

Let's agree to vehemently disagree then.


Neo Member
But we already have tons of footage of console versions, they run great, especially on next gen consoles where it definitely looks like they're 60 fps. They actually run better without RT than PC version with RT...
But we don’t have footage for the base consoles, which I’m sure will play the worst, and the pandemic has made it a nightmare for people to upgrade to next gen. Dunno what the split will be for what platform people play on.


But we don’t have footage for the base consoles, which I’m sure will play the worst, and the pandemic has made it a nightmare for people to upgrade to next gen. Dunno what the split will be for what platform people play on.

there is leaked footage of base consoles. the performance seems to be fine. bugs are everywhere though


But we don’t have footage for the base consoles, which I’m sure will play the worst, and the pandemic has made it a nightmare for people to upgrade to next gen. Dunno what the split will be for what platform people play on.

Yes we do. Footage on base consoles looks okay. Main negative thing I noticed is a certain lack of NPCs, but framerate looked okay.

The worst report we had on framerate was on PC where Gerstmann said he didn't drive anymore because it was a sideshow when driving. And looking in the mirror brought fps in the single digits. That was with a 2080 Ti he said.
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