The gameworld of Ultima VII is renowned for its interactivity: virtually everything not nailed to the ground (and not excessively heavy) can be moved, taken, or interacted with in some way. It is possible, for instance, to bake bread, to forge weapons, to milk cows, to play musical instruments, to paint a self-portrait, and to change a baby's swaddling. The Avatar and his companions, if not fed regularly, will complain of hunger pains and severe thirst, and will even perish if these matters are not attended to eventually. If they come across a disgusting or gruesome scene, they may groan and vomit; sufficient intake of strong alcoholic beverages will also result in visible nausea.
Ultima VII allows free exploration of the game world, featuring a main plot and several other major subquests and tasks for the player to complete. It is a markedly open-ended game, where following the main plotline is inessential to the purposes of enjoyment, exploration, and character advancement once the player is free from their starting location of Trinsic, a walled city.
The Avatar can steal and murder to his heart's content, without making the game impossible to finish. [...] NPCs either the party members or the people of Britannia react to killings of innocents and stealing whenever they became aware of it; party members may leave the group if they witness too much bloodshed and larceny and will refuse to join the party until the player redeems himself. They may even openly revolt and attack the Avatar if he goes about committing wanton crimes incessantly.