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Cyberpunk 2077: What we know so far


Dude, you guys and gals are top shelf in regards of 3rd Person Shooting. I'm still amazed how smooth the aiming is in the console version of Alan Wake. Always felt so right despite lacking any traditional crosshairs. Just how "immersive" it feels whenever you spin away from an attack and then quickly aim your gun at the attacker so effortlessly like any "heroic bloodshed" character would.

This game does have 3rd Person Viewing, right?


Late 2018, likely sometime in 2019.

CDPR wants to release 2 games between now and 2021. Placing 2077 around 2019.

Genuine question, what makes you think this is a 2018-19 title?

Going by what CDPR have said, we will be hearing more about Cyberpunk next year, which would go against them using the Bethesda (Fallout 4) approach.


Genuine question, what makes you think this is a 2018-19 title?

Going by what CDPR have said, we will be hearing more about Cyberpunk next year, which would go against them using the Bethesda (Fallout 4) approach.

Judging by their past development cycles and what they have said in shareholder meetings. They want to release 2 AAA games from now until 2021. Spacing that out gives you 2019 and 2021 for game launches. They have been expanding which accounts for their ability to start staggering games between two teams which can now pipeline games in different stages. But they more than anything want to model themselves after Rockstar's approach. Focusing on one game at a time, building up multiple franchise while avoiding annualization.

Cyberpunk is going to be far larger than TW3. What the team means by that is scope and scale, not necessarily scare footage. 2077 will be about urban density as opposed to sprawling countrysides. But that will take time, I just don't see it releasing until late 2018 or into 2019. Especially since they only started development after finishing Blood and Wine. Everything they have done for 2077 so far has been concept, design, writing, lore, vertical slices, and early pre-production. It's going to take time to fabricate all that content and program everything.

Remember TW3 was revealed in 2013. It released just a bit over 2 years after it's reveal. If we see Cyberpunk into 2017 then it probably won't launch until the following year or later.

I don't believe they will pull a Bethesda FO4 style launch, because they will wan't to take advantage of all the marketing time that they can. Especially in launching a new IP that doesn't have the same word of mouth as FO.


Genuine question, what makes you think this is a 2018-19 title?

Going by what CDPR have said, we will be hearing more about Cyberpunk next year, which would go against them using the Bethesda (Fallout 4) approach.

  • They shifted their focus completely onto C2077 after they were completely done with TW3, which was quite recent.
  • Additional time spent optimizing for PS Neo and Scorpio.
Personal opinion:

I will not berate them for the support they have shown TW3 (on the contrary it's commendable) however, given the dramatic changes and performance improvements the game has undergone courtesy of numerous patches, it's best to wait for the GoTY edition or wait around a year. The only reason I bought TW3 is because I got caught in the hype of supporting a great studio with notable pro-consumer practices. I still haven't played the game and feel that had I bought the game now in it's GoTY form, I'd be playing the game they wanted to make in the first place (setting aside DLCs, I am talking from a technical standpoint).

Could it be that this time they release a more technically proficient game (given the scope and complexity they're aiming for)? May be. But I'd rather wait and perhaps a year down the line they may even release it for PS5/XBox Scorpio's baby.


My new favorite thread. Thanks SO much for the fantastic work, OP.

I played Cyberpunk 2020 all through high school and beyond, and it has remained one of my favorite depictions of a cyberpunk setting and attitude. When CDPR released the trailer, I flipped out. Seemed like a dream too good to be true.

I wonder how they will handle netrunning? Chills.

And they are likely to have a fully-fleshed out melee combat system if they are indeed staying fairly true to the original rpg. There were vibroblades and shit out the wazoo, and lots of the cybernetic options augmented physical combat. Kick murder stuff and brute force stuff alike.

Man, watching Mike Pondsmith talk about what cyberpunk is gives me chills everytime. They HAVE to put him in the game somehow.

Literally everything they have said sounds great, and knowing that a huge, talented dev like CDPR is devoting themselves to realizing one of my favorite IPs is insane.

I like the more rock n roll cyberpunk aesthetic and attitude as opposed to the cleaner and more purely dystopian approach that is often taken. Glad they are going for that.

I am rambling.


My new favorite thread. Thanks SO much for the fantastic work, OP.

I played Cyberpunk 2020 all through high school and beyond, and it has remained one of my favorite depictions of a cyberpunk setting and attitude. When CDPR released the trailer, I flipped out. Seemed like a dream too good to be true.

I wonder how they will handle netrunning? Chills.

And they are likely to have a fully-fleshed out melee combat system if they are indeed staying fairly true to the original rpg. There were vibroblades and shit out the wazoo, and lots of the cybernetic options augmented physical combat. Kick murder stuff and brute force stuff alike.

Man, watching Mike Pondsmith talk about what cyberpunk is gives me chills everytime. They HAVE to put him in the game somehow.

Literally everything they have said sounds great, and knowing that a huge, talented dev like CDPR is devoting themselves to realizing one of my favorite IPs is insane.

I like the more rock n roll cyberpunk aesthetic and attitude as opposed to the cleaner and more purely dystopian approach that is often taken. Glad they are going for that.

I am rambling.



They better have this in it.


Well something similar isn't out of the question...

It's literally a dream come true for me (or at least will be whenever it releases.)

So I was thinking about the Roles and the changes that might be made, at least to the names. The only one I foresee getting that treatment is:

The Rockerboy role being gendered would probably be a bit out of place given not only the more inclusive nature of our own social climate (at least ostensibly) and the speculative near future. I see this one getting changed to something like "Rocker" or even something less genre-specific. Although, a 2020 icon is indeed an argument for keeping the "rock" in it:

Good ole Johnny Silverhand. I can't wait to see old tattered posters of him hanging up in an alley outside Afterlife.

The other role names seem like they would make good transitions into the game as-is. Given the broad possibilities their different abilities allowed for in the original game, I wonder how CDPR is going to go about realizing them in this medium? Imagining them tackling that is just as daunting to me as actually building a dense, highly-populated Night City.
Looking so much forward to this game. Hopefully the game plays like Deus Ex (Either Original or Reboot), as I love being real-time immersed and not be constrained by turn-based limitations.

This gotta scratch that itch that I had since Omikron: The Nomad Soul.


The bump may be superfluous, but I accidentally found a list of the non-Polish developers currently working on the game, thought it may be interesting for some:

Especially the lead gameplay deisgner coming from Remedy gives hope, the shooting in their games is always great.

ex Reflections and ex-codemasters

hmmm so this might have driving, plz be at E3 next year I want to see something on this game


I'd be a little bit wary about holding CDPR to every one of their claims or goals that they've made this early on in the project's life... I'm pretty sure it'll be a great game in the end as they have a fantastic track record, but games change so much during development that something they mention they want to do 5 years before the release date might become a lot less of a priority as time goes on.

Get excited about the game, sure, but just be aware that games can change a huge amount during development, and it's generally for the right reasons! This early on it is probably much better to get hyped for the overall product and not a specific feature that sounds great.
I hope this will be using third-person perspective and not first-person like the Deus Ex games. I don't dislike first-person view, but since this will have character creation, I would like it if we'd be able to see our character in action at all times.


&#8704; Narayan;215494861 said:
I hope this will be using third-person perspective and not first-person like the Deus Ex games. I don't dislike first-person view, but since this will have character creation, I would like it if we'd be able to see our character in action at all times.

Pretty sure they said it was going to have both. Or I'd guess at least a Mass Effect / MGS4 style pull in over the shoulder camera for shooting.
We know that the release will be downgraded as fuck from whatever E3 showing they make.

probably but the witcher 3 is still a really good looking game. apparently the graphics in the trailer is what they want the game to look like. if it does i will be really happy with that. i wonder if they will be able to achieve it in 2018/2019.

&#8704; Narayan;215494861 said:
I hope this will be using third-person perspective and not first-person like the Deus Ex games. I don't dislike first-person view, but since this will have character creation, I would like it if we'd be able to see our character in action at all times.

it will have both which is think is good. gives you the choice. skyrim/fallout 4/gta v have it and i think it's great.


Judging by their past development cycles and what they have said in shareholder meetings. They want to release 2 AAA games from now until 2021. Spacing that out gives you 2019 and 2021 for game launches. They have been expanding which accounts for their ability to start staggering games between two teams which can now pipeline games in different stages. But they more than anything want to model themselves after Rockstar's approach. Focusing on one game at a time, building up multiple franchise while avoiding annualization.

Cyberpunk is going to be far larger than TW3. What the team means by that is scope and scale, not necessarily scare footage. 2077 will be about urban density as opposed to sprawling countrysides. But that will take time, I just don't see it releasing until late 2018 or into 2019. Especially since they only started development after finishing Blood and Wine. Everything they have done for 2077 so far has been concept, design, writing, lore, vertical slices, and early pre-production. It's going to take time to fabricate all that content and program everything.

Remember TW3 was revealed in 2013. It released just a bit over 2 years after it's reveal. If we see Cyberpunk into 2017 then it probably won't launch until the following year or later.

I don't believe they will pull a Bethesda FO4 style launch, because they will wan't to take advantage of all the marketing time that they can. Especially in launching a new IP that doesn't have the same word of mouth as FO.

I understand where you are coming from now! It's crazy how long the games production/Dev cycle will be. If it is released 2019 that's 6 years!


We know that the release will be downgraded as fuck from whatever E3 showing they make.

Honestly, I would be surprised to see them make that same mistake again considering the shit they got for it. The downgrade took a lot of news coverage in the months leading up to release.

Edit: Apologies for double post, I'm a dumbass


God this is going to be the greatest game of all time, isn't it?
I can't even imagine what they'll be able to do with this, looking at what they did with the witcher 3.
Every time I see this thread pop up, I wee my pants a little lol

probably but the witcher 3 is still a really good looking game. apparently the graphics in the trailer is what they want the game to look like. if it does i will be really happy with that. i wonder if they will be able to achieve it in 2018/2019.

New consoles in Neo and Scorpio could help in that regard.
Maybe the game might be ported to PS5/Xbox Scorpio 2 if Cyberpunk gets released closer to 2019-2020?

I'd be pleasantly surprised if they matched that trailers visual quality on the incoming machines but hope they can get close enough to it!


probably but the witcher 3 is still a really good looking game. apparently the graphics in the trailer is what they want the game to look like. if it does i will be really happy with that. i wonder if they will be able to achieve it in 2018/2019.

it will have both which is think is good. gives you the choice. skyrim/fallout 4/gta v have it and i think it's great.

Do a lot of people play Skyrim / Fallout in third person? It feels so incredibly janky. I know CDPR will get it right, I am more interested in them doing a first person view and how that will feel.
I'd be a little bit wary about holding CDPR to every one of their claims or goals that they've made this early on in the project's life... I'm pretty sure it'll be a great game in the end as they have a fantastic track record, but games change so much during development that something they mention they want to do 5 years before the release date might become a lot less of a priority as time goes on.

Get excited about the game, sure, but just be aware that games can change a huge amount during development, and it's generally for the right reasons! This early on it is probably much better to get hyped for the overall product and not a specific feature that sounds great.

Yup, i've had that view since the announcement, it's the easiest way to avoid disappointment when a released product doesn't compare to your own head-canon.

I'd love it if they got together with HumbleBundle or StoryBundle to do a deal on the RPG source books like what happened with Masquerade recently. I still dip through my Cyberpunk RPG books now and then as i love the lore etc

Still, it's really tough to not go OTT daydreaming about the possibilities :D


Do a lot of people play Skyrim / Fallout in third person? It feels so incredibly janky. I know CDPR will get it right, I am more interested in them doing a first person view and how that will feel.

I exclusively play ES/FO in 3rd person. I usually need a camera mod for them, though. I just don't like first person perspective. And I spent all that time making the character and get cool gear to...never see it? Nah.


Ciri said she visited a world with flying vehicles and weapons that had long range etc.

She traveles between worlds. She was also in "our" worlds in times of King Arthur.
I will be suprised if i won't meet her in Cyberpunk as a sidequest :)


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Every time I start getting excited about this I'm reminded how bad Witcher 3 character animation and controls were... and they're gonna do a TPS? Idk man, I'm expecting jank city. They'll probably be missing even the most basic shit, like shoulder swap, and the cover system (if it has one) will probably feel 10 years old.

I would love to be wrong. But idk this core control/animation stuff was just so bad in TW3...


Not the same universe. But it'll have an Easter egg like her appearing in the background or something

Yeah agreed. There is no magic in the Cyberpunk 2020 setting at all. But as a dimension/multiverse-spanning easter egg, that would be cool. I can't see them NOT doing that tbh.

Speaking of no magic, this IP actually spawned a sort of superhero-ish companion IP (which was not considered canon in relation to the original iirc) based in 2027 (I think?) where some of the kids born in and around the 2020 era developed the ability to manipulate nanomachines in ways that were more like powers than the more street-level cybertech of 2020. In this setting, the corporations had already won and these kids were upstarts using their abilities to fight against the winners of the war their parents lost.

2020 was cooler, but I had some fun with the more Nanopunk, lighter-themed spin off. CyberGeneration it was called.
Every time I start getting excited about this I'm reminded how bad Witcher 3 character animation and controls were... and they're gonna do a TPS? Idk man, I'm expecting jank city. They'll probably be missing even the most basic shit, like shoulder swap, and the cover system (if it has one) will probably feel 10 years old.

I would love to be wrong. But idk this core control/animation stuff was just so bad in TW3...

You are, so don't panic ;)


I'm not familiar with the Cyberpunk universe. There's no magic, but is there something similar like implants, nanotech or mutations (lol) that give characters an edge?


A cyberpunk setting with a group known as the Psycho Squad who hunt down people who go insane?

What a novel idea that's never been done bef-



While I don't like TW3 at all, I'm so hyped for Cyberpunk. I wonder what the chances are that I can create Motoko Kusanagi along with the cop role... would throw my other games right out of the window.


While I don't like TW3 at all, I'm so hyped for Cyberpunk. I wonder what the chances are that I can create Motoko Kusanagi along with the cop role... would throw my other games right out of the window.

I really hope they incorporate all the roles somehow. Including medias, corporates and rockerboy/girls. If they can do that and make it fun, then they are truly masters of game design.


Wait, so you're not a preset character like in the witcher 3 with geralt? I don't know about this, story wise I don't think it's a good choice, I always prefer a character with its personality and all.

Well, at least I can play as Rick Deckard.


Wait, so you're not a preset character like in the witcher 3 with geralt? I don't know about this, story wise I don't think it's a good choice, I always prefer a character with its personality and all.

Well, at least I can play as Rick Deckard.

I hate when a game tells me who I am. Especially in an RPG.
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