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Cyberpunk 2077: What we know so far

In light of the recent, problematic statement from someone at Naughty Dog (specifically, the Creative Director for the upcoming Uncharted: The Lost Legacy), I'd like to commend CDPR for taking the following initiative, with respect to Cyberpunk 2077:
CDPR has posted some new positions on their website, among them:

Cultural and Linguistic Consultant
This individual will play a part in designing the cultural/linguistic aspects of the game world. They will also be called upon to provide various references and source materials/knowledge about the melting pot that is American culture (California in particular) to be used in game design, implementation and dialogue writing

Working closely with the Story, Quest and Localization teams to catch cultural misconceptions and errors.
Providing various references to the melting pot that is American culture (California in particular) to be used in game design, implementation and dialogue writing.
Deep understanding of American society and culture.
Clearly, they want the world of the Cyberpunk 2077 to be as accurate in its depiction of the American society as possible. This was one of the worries that people have expressed before - whether or not a Polish dev will be able to catch the nuance.


Hopefully Naughty Dog will take a similar step, and soon:
...Note that, a lot of the problems would have been pretty easy to fix if they cared enough to spend 0.5% of the budget on a consultant. Then what made the movie memorable (the darkness and tension, the inventive action scenes) would stand the test of time better. The idea that the stereotypes were somehow necessary to make it a success imply that there isn’t enough creativity out there to work a few more constraints into the million other constraints people already face when creating movies. Which should offend movie-goers and movie-makers alike...

I have really always disliked the melting pot analogy. I have always felt more like it was a food processor or some sort of industrial process like a centrifuge - separating out everything and distilling disparates cultures to their most obvious / simplistic characteristics and stereotypes.

Hence why there are things like St. Patrick's Day or the idea that "italians (when they really mean 3rd or 4th generation people who happened to once have italian heritage) talk loudly."

It’s certainly worth thinking critically about this particular analogy, and its use by CDPR in the job description. I think we can still say, though, that the initiative (to hire a ‘Cultural and Linguistic Consultant’) by CDPR is praiseworthy: whatever shortcomings (i.e., “cultural misconceptions and errors”) exist within the job description itself become less likely to leak into the game, if the competent Consultant that they seek (“...deep understanding of American culture...”) is given sufficient input.

In the case of Naughty Dog, however, I’m less confident that a sufficiently competent Cultural Consultant has been hired and/or given sufficient input, given the distinct type of statement (more unambiguously derogatory than 'melting pot') that was made by the Creative Director, and given the fact that it was made so close the game’s release; but I am of course hoping there is still time for Naughty Dog to make the appropriate hire/adjustment.


Pizza Dog
Everything I've seen about the game so far I've felt really positive about. I've just recently started playing Witcher 3 after the recommendations on the story I've seen on GAF and elsewhere, and if they can transfer that level of craft into a Sci-Fi setting I am 100% on board. I love that genre, and this setting specifically, so I'm looking forward to a game where I can really dig deep into the story knowing there's been a lot of thought put into the quests and world.
Everything I've seen about the game so far I've felt really positive about. I've just recently started playing Witcher 3 after the recommendations on the story I've seen on GAF and elsewhere, and if they can transfer that level of craft into a Sci-Fi setting I am 100% on board. I love that genre, and this setting specifically, so I'm looking forward to a game where I can really dig deep into the story knowing there's been a lot of thought put into the quests and world.

100% agree. I think there are a lot of good points above too about the "cultural fit" of recreating the world. As I said on the previous page, I just finished W3 and the first expansion; working through Blood and Wine now.

Part of what I think CDPR does very well in their unique take on "medieval fantasy" is done with boat loads of lore. It's around the edges of every single part of that game, from little details liking hearing random conversations that add context to the world, to all the in game books/letters that add lots of flavor and detail. Whether it was through detail from the original books (I didn't read them) or a lot of research, they absolutely nailed the feel and vibe of Velen, Novigrad, Skellige and definitely Toussant.

This is maybe my second biggest concern behind the blank slate thing i mentioned earlier. And maybe concern is even the wrong word, but I think it seems like a daunting task to try to recreate all of that in a dystopic metropolis type area. The vibe and setting is so very different from W3. It's one thing to have great environment artists that can model a 3D world that looks great (and I have no doubt it will) but it's a separate task entirely to be able to stuff that world to the brim with the kind of lore and detail that makes it feel "real" and "lived in."

That being said, CDPR is probably best equipped to do it. And the other thing that gives me a lot of confidence is both their willingness to delay W3 until it was done, and the bit at the end of that first CP2077 teaser. "Coming......when it's ready." They won't release it until their ready. The wait might suck, but it'll be worth it.
I believe in it myself, but it's certainly not guaranteed.

I don't pretend to know anything about game development, but wouldn't it be impossible to imagine this getting in our hands even by late 2018 if there's no gameplay at E3?

there's gotta be some gameplay.

predicting a 11/18 release, followed by a delay, 2/19 we'll be playing*

*taken with a large grain of salt.


I really want to hear about whether or not the Cyberpunk class system will be in place. Some of those sound really cool.

Yeah I'm interested to know this as well. I started running a tabletop Cyberpunk 2020 game a few years ago with some friends and found the class systems to be somewhat cliché and mostly restrictive. One Solo (ninja) will be virtually the same as the next save for personality, same goes for the other classes. I found a guide online about removing the class systems and making it purely about skills and player agency and we found it opened up a lot more options. For example a player could still be a Corporate who happened to study medicine at college, as well as not restricting the net to only net runners.

I changed a few other things like pushing the timeline back to 2045 and updating some mechanics regarding wireless technologies. There was something like a 20 perecent chance to lose your connection to the net if you were moving in a car which just seems rediculous even now.

Well with the Deus Ex franchise on hiatus, this seems to be the only ambitious single player cyberpunk game in development. I cannot wait.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
better have a cameo on this otherwise that entire line of dialogue in the hut will rank highest among the biggest cockteases in gaming.

A subplot with supernatural undertones with
, please, CDPR!

Or at least a side quest, that'd do. :)


Yeah I'm interested to know this as well. I started running a tabletop Cyberpunk 2020 game a few years ago with some friends and found the class systems to be somewhat cliché and mostly restrictive. One Solo (ninja) will be virtually the same as the next save for personality, same goes for the other classes. I found a guide online about removing the class systems and making it purely about skills and player agency and we found it opened up a lot more options. For example a player could still be a Corporate who happened to study medicine at college, as well as not restricting the net to only net runners.

I changed a few other things like pushing the timeline back to 2045 and updating some mechanics regarding wireless technologies. There was something like a 20 perecent chance to lose your connection to the net if you were moving in a car which just seems rediculous even now.

Well with the Deus Ex franchise on hiatus, this seems to be the only ambitious single player cyberpunk game in development. I cannot wait.

100% agreed. I've played and run a ton of Cyberpunk 2020 campaigns, and the class system/rules are not it's strong point. The setting is. I hope CDPR adapts it well to a video game format. I've nor tried the variant you described, but it sounds like a step in the right direction.
Is there a primer on lore I should read or anything like that? I know it takes place a while into the future since the original tabletop but anything lore that I can read or watch?


Is there a primer on lore I should read or anything like that? I know it takes place a while into the future since the original tabletop but anything lore that I can read or watch?

Yes, read the Cyberpunk 2020 RPG core book.

PM me if you have trouble finding a copy.
better have a cameo on this otherwise that entire line of dialogue in the hut will rank highest among the biggest cockteases in gaming.

A subplot with supernatural undertones with
, please, CDPR!

Or at least a side quest, that'd do. :)

I hope not. Keep the supernatural out of my cyberpunk.


On paper so muc rpg thing ...far from all recent checklisting. hope it will deliver.
[*]CGI trailer graphics represent the target for the actual game

traduction for gaf : not sure and no promise this will be end result.but they wish for it
better have a cameo on this otherwise that entire line of dialogue in the hut will rank highest among the biggest cockteases in gaming.

A subplot with supernatural undertones with
, please, CDPR!

Or at least a side quest, that'd do. :)

i want them to do this! even if it's just a short side quest or hidden easter egg.
anyone else not upgrading until this comes out?

i know thats like deffo a bunch of years but i wanna play this at the highest fidelity


anyone else not upgrading until this comes out?

i know thats like deffo a bunch of years but i wanna play this at the highest fidelity

Was my intention too, but recently Mankind Divided has proved to be too tough for my ageing rig, so... I think I'll just get a "minor" upgrade for now (say, a 480) and when this comes out I'll go for the highest end.


Should we expect gameplay at E3?

I mean it would make sense in our minds, wouldn't it? I don't think we'll see it at all this year. I think they're mostly ready to show it but are debating whether they should show it yet and ultimately will pussy out in fears of having to delay the game and don't want to show it potentially too early.
I'm trying reverse psychology here


better have a cameo on this otherwise that entire line of dialogue in the hut will rank highest among the biggest cockteases in gaming.

A subplot with supernatural undertones with
, please, CDPR!

Or at least a side quest, that'd do. :)
Absolutely not. This isn't a CD Projekt Cinematic Universe, they make licensed games. That's like asking EA to put Gandalf in one of their Star Wars games. Yeah, they probably could do that, but holy crap, they really shouldn't.

I'd be fine with an unnamed grey-haired girl popping up in the background somewhere to satisfy those cravings, but overt references really don't belong here.
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