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Daft Punk - RAM lOTl - They're nice robots, they chose to stay.


He's not really fat, he's pretty average if not a tiny bit pudgy. Bangalter is just tall and rail-thin so it's more contrast to that than anything.

Totally. I'd say the reason he looks pudgy in photos is due to his short neck length combined with a roundish "heart shaped" face:



His helmet is also fairly round and lacks the sharp jawline on Thomas' helmet, which can be unflattering from certain camera angles.

Not too crazy about the album.

There are a few tracks I love: Touch, Giorgio, Lose Yourself to Dance, Motherboard, and Doin' it Right. Contact isn't bad either. A few of these took a listen or two before they sunk into my subconsciousness.

The rest, not so much. Fragments of Time reminds me of a Stealy Dan song, !

You're like the third person I've heard say that. I was listening to the song with my dad and that is the first thing he said. My best friend showed the song to his mom and she was like "this is the best Steely Dan song since Hey Nineteen".

It's not a bad thing in my opinion. Steely Dan is fucking awesome. Fragments of Time is quickly becoming the underrated gem of the album in my opinion. Perhaps because it is the most conventional?
I've been listening to this album non-stop since release, and I find it incredible.

Finally listened to Horizon too, not bad, not bad.

Song of the record is Instant Crush for me. Mesmerizing.

But really, amazing record all around. I'm not that into electronic music, though. I've always liked Daft Punk a lot.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The divisive reactions don't surprise me, the album isn't a very typical sound for our time. It's perfect for where I'm at right now, I give it 3-4 listens a day at least.


Good! It was a long wait for me but we'll worth it. My vinyl isn't as dead quiet as I hoped. A little crackly, but hope a clean will sort it out. Other than the crackly issue it's very good

Yep, a clean really helped - much quieter now. Brand new vinyl needing a clean, who would have thought it.

Edit: Motherboard - oh yes


Okay, Motherboard is sonic brilliance. Listening to this track while driving to work down I-95, 5AM in the morning, nobody else on the road; I can feel the urgency expressed through the speakers. Just makes me want to move faster. The tonal shifts work better here than on any other track on the album imo. Every other song sounds pretentious; like it's trying too hard to be different and edgy, but Motherboard is Daft Punk at their best.

Gotta agree. I was driving my fiance to work on Sunday morning and it was incredibly cold and foggy and it was just amazing driving along with Motherboard cranked. Amazing atmosphere on that track.
Vipershark listens to Random Access Memories.

  • Give Life Back to Music - Decent song. A little boring, but not a bad song. Not my favorite by any means. The talkbox is kinda annoying, but old school sound, I guess.
  • The Game of Love - ...talkbox again? Relaxing enough. Not really an interesting song or anything, but it's good for something in the background when I need to concentrate, I guess.
  • Giorgio by Moroder - "...but everybody calls me Giorgio." Okay, this is the Daft Punk I've been waiting to hear! Oh, this jazzy part is nice! "...there was no preconception of what to do." AND THEN A MASTERPIECE HAPPENS
  • Within - More talkbox. This song is pretty relaxing, though. It's not bad.
  • Instant Crush - This song was okay, I guess.
  • Lose Yourself to Dance - More like Lose Yourself to ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. With a title like "Lose Yourself to Dance", I was expecting something along the lines of Robot Rock or One More Time (or at the very least Get Lucky) that I'd actually feel the urge to dance to, and not One Hit Wonder: The Song. COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON is right.
  • Touch - I like this song. It's pretty cool. I like the part where the choir comes in.
  • Get Lucky - Ugh. This song is not good. Pharrell's vocals are weak and the fact that this is the lead single of the album (and The Song of Summer 2013) is pretty pathetic. Boring. The synth part at the end is the only good part of the song.
  • Beyond - THAT INTRODUCTION. More talkbox, but the introduction more than makes up for it. Otherwise, the song is just sorta okay.
  • Motherboard - This song is pretty cool. Good background music for concentrating on work.
  • Fragments of Time - Eh. Listenable, but boring.
  • Doin' It Right - Is that an 808??????? This song actually sounds like a Daft Punk song! Doin' it right indeed!
  • Contact - Cool song. Good background music.
I haven't heard Horizon, so no comment on that.

All in all I liked 6/13 and actively disliked 2/13 (both just happened to be Pharrell's songs, and I like Pharrell :/)
The rest were listenable but just okay.

I guess the album is decent, but it's no Discovery.
I want the funky electronic party Daft Punk back, but I guess expecting them to keep the same sound after 12 years is a bit much.


Just to correct you, the album doesn't use a talkbox. It uses mostly a vocoder (when it's daft punk singing) or autotune.

That's a talkbox on Fragments of Time or I'll eat my hat. I listened to Frampton Comes Alive a lot so I can recognize a talkbox.


Side bar here: I was out both nights over the weekend in Toronto to 3 different bars, and I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but holy shit is Get Lucky becoming a MASSIVE mainstream hit.

It played at all 3 bars I was at (one of them twice in the same night), which frankly isn't all that weird or interesting. What was however, was the reaction to the song. Every time it created a NOTICEABLE improvement in the vibe of the crowd, and many, many people were singing along to it.

Honestly, being in Canada (I'm sure maybe it's been different in Europe), I don't EVER recall seeing this for Daft Punk, outside of One More Time, though even that was a couple years after Discovery before it really caught on. (And yes, I'm that old and have been going to the bar for that long).

Felt so good to see.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Love this album!

Best tracks

Doin' it right
Lose yourself to Dance
Get lucky

Least favorite

Fragments of time-just sounds way too old for me. It's like every bad 70s song rolled into one.
Get Lucky and Lose Yourself To Dance would have worked with a better singer. Get Lucky isn't a bad song, but Pharrell's karaoke vocals feel so bland compared to the energy of the track. Lose Yourself To Dance has such a nice guitar riff, I love the bass too...but it's ruined by the vocals. For such a funky track you need some equally funky vocals, not some that sound like placeholders; I can't imagine Niles Rogers hearing those tracks and thinking the vocals worked. Imagine Prince singing both of these songs, then cry at what could have been :(

Touch, Motherboard, and Giorgio are the only songs I think are great. Fragments of Time is a good track, sounds like an Eagles song. Doin It Right is alright but it kind of just drones on without reaching a climax, which is the same complaint I have with Contact. It sounds like the middle of a Meddle era Pink Floyd song, that buildup that comes before the awesome closer; only here there is no awesome closing segment, it just ends.

The talk box tracks largely feel lazy to me, and would benefit from different vocals; they make Game Of Love sound like game show music, or elevator music you'd hear at Studio 54. Within is just weak. Overall the album isn't bad but falls into the pitfall many throwback albums do: an inability to capture the energy of the music being replicated. You can't have funk without funky good vocals for instance, and a singer who can catch or ride the groove. Same applies to disco, a genre that was always populated with very good singers, especially female singers; this album would work better with a strong female vocal somewhere, definitely on Get Lucky (if Prince wasn't available).


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Yep, a clean really helped - much quieter now. Brand new vinyl needing a clean, who would have thought it.

Edit: Motherboard - oh yes
Yea man, I always give fresh vinyl a quick destatic run down and cleaning. Most new stuff has built up a small static charge and in packaging a lot of paper flakes from the boards fall into the paper sleeves. A quick brushing fixes that tho.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Amazing album.

Cannot believe the hate for "Within". Spectacular song. Sorry if you guys only want nothing but dance tracks.

Favorite track on the album is either Beyond or Within.


i figured this would be the best thread to ask. does anyone know where i can buy a copy of "together" by together (dj falcon & thomas bangalter)?

it was a roule label release, and i've managed to acquire a cd copy of "so much love" by together, so i assume this got a cd release as well. i can't seem to find it for purchase anywhere, whether it is vinyl, cd, or lossless digital download. the endgoal is to have a lossless file in my itunes, so the lossless/cd versions would be preferred.


Unconfirmed Member
i figured this would be the best thread to ask. does anyone know where i can buy a copy of "together" by together (dj falcon & thomas bangalter)?

it was a roule label release, and i've managed to acquire a cd copy of "so much love" by together, so i assume this got a cd release as well. i can't seem to find it for purchase anywhere, whether it is vinyl, cd, or lossless digital download. the endgoal is to have a lossless file in my itunes, so the lossless/cd versions would be preferred.
I don't think there's a CD release of Together.
There's some vinyls on sale in the Discogs market: http://www.discogs.com/sell/list?release_id=8094&ev=rb


That's a talkbox on Fragments of Time or I'll eat my hat. I listened to Frampton Comes Alive a lot so I can recognize a talkbox.
I'm pretty sure you're right. The part that uses the talk box sounds much different in comparison to any of the vocoder tracks.


Yea man, I always give fresh vinyl a quick destatic run down and cleaning. Most new stuff has built up a small static charge and in packaging a lot of paper flakes from the boards fall into the paper sleeves. A quick brushing fixes that tho.

Carbon fibre brushing didn't shift it. Ended up glueing it as I do with all my used records. It visibly made a massive difference in the run off groove and the after rip is so much cleaner than the before.


Amazing album.

Cannot believe the hate for "Within". Spectacular song. Sorry if you guys only want nothing but dance tracks.

Favorite track on the album is either Beyond or Within.

I love the music, but the vocals should not have been vocoded or whatever it's called. The piano gets into this beautiful melody and then this warbling digital voice comes over and it really doesn't fit at all. They should have married the piano to a strong singing voice, not a the limp processed voice.

I still enjoy the song, but the vocals are a weak point on it (as they are on most of the album).


I'm not really into Daft Punk or dance music in general, but I'm actually liking what I've heard from this album. It's probably the use of live instruments that does it for me. EDM is too rigid and repetitive for my tastes, but I can dig disco.

I can see why fans of prior Daft Punk don't like it though. It's totally a throwback album to more analog days. I'm surprised (and pleased) to hear it's getting love on the dance floors. If dance music starts using live instruments again, I might actually learn how to dance and hit up some clubs.

Also, love the art direction of this album's artwork and marketing, which is what got me interested in listening to it in the first place.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Carbon fibre brushing didn't shift it. Ended up glueing it as I do with all my used records. It visibly made a massive difference in the run off groove and the after rip is so much cleaner than the before.

im too nervous to do the wood glue thing. I hear that the end product usually ends up great, but yea, feel like I'm risking too much with that. Maybe if the record was legit fucked I'd give a crack, but new stuff, naw.


A little bit OT, but the solo in Fragments of Time reminds me of Digital Love's solo, and now I can't get that fucking brilliant song out of my head. And now I'm back to Discovery for the day.

The first five tracks of Discovery are just full on haymakers with no sign of letting up:

One More Time
Digital Love
Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger


im too nervous to do the wood glue thing. I hear that the end product usually ends up great, but yea, feel like I'm risking too much with that. Maybe if the record was legit fucked I'd give a crack, but new stuff, naw.

I practiced on about a dozen junkers before I got it down right. I use a Stanton TT to spin the record, clamped down with a hockey puck. Use a credit card to spread the glue and then a little pull tab of dried glue from a previous gluing stuck on. Don't catch the label and leave a good gap in the run out groove.

Leave 24 hours then peel. It generates a lot of static but the carbon fibre brush gets rid of most of it.

I have a DIY record vacuum cleaner but the glue does a better job. It can pull out mould, dirt and stubborn particles.

Once I got really confident then I know I can glue anything without damage, including some quite valuable releases I bought back in the 90's.

In total I've glued about 600 records in the last couple of years without any issue.


Someone needs to kidnapp Prince and force him to record the lines to Get Lucky and Lose Yourself to Dance

good idea, but i believe the point was to keep the vocalist anonymous and de-focused. i completely disagree that disco had fantastic vocalists. disco was very much about flashy production techniques, and most hits were sung by session musicians. in fact most german disco artists were good looking people who lip-synched.

i love most of this album, its obviously made to be listened as a whole piece, though the disco tracks can work as singles.


good idea, but i believe the point was to keep the vocalist anonymous and de-focused. i completely disagree that disco had fantastic vocalists. disco was very much about flashy production techniques, and most hits were sung by session musicians. in fact most german disco artists were good looking people who lip-synched.
That's the thing I don't like about a track like Get Lucky... too much focus on the vocal. All they needed to do was mix it down a little more and it would've been far better, IMO.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I practiced on about a dozen junkers before I got it down right. I use a Stanton TT to spin the record, clamped down with a hockey puck. Use a credit card to spread the glue and then a little pull tab of dried glue from a previous gluing stuck on. Don't catch the label and leave a good gap in the run out groove.

Leave 24 hours then peel. It generates a lot of static but the carbon fibre brush gets rid of most of it.

I have a DIY record vacuum cleaner but the glue does a better job. It can pull out mould, dirt and stubborn particles.

Once I got really confident then I know I can glue anything without damage, including some quite valuable releases I bought back in the 90's.

In total I've glued about 600 records in the last couple of years without any issue.

jeez louise, yea i dont have nearly that much equipment. i do have a couple tower of power albums i could practice on. ill have to see.

Daft Punks RAM synthesizer.


That's Deadmau5's studio.

Well, if the Rolling Stone article was true, Deadmau5 has the exact same synthesizer.

He moves toward the room's centerpiece: a massive modular synthesizer roughly four feet tall and six feet wide. "This is a custom system, new and handmade for us by a guy in Canada," he says. Bolted into four dishwasher-size wooden cases are dozens of oscillators, noise generators and envelope followers; above these are Borg filters, Boogie filters, step sequencers and a vintage oscilloscope. Blinking lights, silver switches and 933 different knobs sprout from the facade within an overgrowth of red, gray and yellow cables. "With a synthesizer like this, there are so many elements affecting the sound, from room temperature to capacitors – thousands of chaotic little parameters," Bang­alter says proudly. "It's the opposite of the sterile environment of a computer." He heard that the Canadian producer Deadmau5 caught wind of the setup, contacted the manufacturer and "ordered the exact same one."


Doesn't that refer to the one I posted. It seems to fit the description.

Oh, I don't know. I've never seen the synth mentioned in the article. If they're so secretive about stuff, I don't know if any of these images are of the actual synth. But your photo does fit the description.


It's so interesting because I consider myself a lover of just traditional, instrument based music, so really getting into Daft Punk over the last fewmonths has been a crazy change of pace. Where as I I could pluck my way through most songs I listen to. I have not the slightest clue of how this music is made. Those pictures above blow my mind.
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