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Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair |OT| Sun, Fun, and Despair


Not regretting playing on Gentle/Gentle whatsoever. I was annoyed mostly the whole time I did all of the trials, despite being on the easiest setting.


Gives all the fucks
"Improved" Hangman's Gambit my butt. This one might prove difficult when it comes to getting a "take no damage" trophy.
It is. It must have took me about 4 attempts EACH when redoing the first trial on Gentle & doing both IHGs. It's frustrating because sometimes the letters will be near the edge and another might be trying to enter, but you can barely see so DAMAGE TAKEN TIME TO RELOAD YOUR SAVE. Make sure to buy the skill (only costs 1 hope fragment) that increases the speed of your cross-hair, because that will help a lot when you need to hurry & grab a letter or remove it before it collides & explodes.

Think I would've tolerated it so much more if you didn't take damage from random floating letters colliding with ones that don't match, just float over each other.
Stuck at the very first part of the 5th trial. What the fuck am I missing?
I must have accidentally overlooked one of them but I'm pretty sure I've tried firing every single bullet I have at all of the argue/agree spots and tried using the weak points on each other but not a single thing worked. I'm pretty sure the game said at one point that you can't use flashback bullets to agree with but I might be remembering that wrong...


fucking hell trying to get through not getting damaged for a trial and the Hangman's Gambit fucks me over when words hit each other in the edge of the screen. i guess this segment is all luck?

Key is to pluck out the letters from the edges, and merge them at the center (if you want to save them for later use).

If not, just pick them off one pair at a time and destroy them if you are worried about collision. Don't forget. It's not about how fast you complete. Just go completely safe and take your own sweet time with it if necessary.

Also, save before the segment begins, so that you can reload and try it again with no worries.

Stuck at the very first part of the 5th trial

What's the part again? My memory can be a bit rusty so it would help if you mentioned a bit about what sort of thing you are supposed to be looking a


I just finished chapter 1. I didnt think it was possible to love this game more than the first... but so far it might turn out that way. Monomi is so hilarious,
especially when she is translating Teruterus new accent.


Neo Member
Just up to the second murder, and I'm not sure how I feel overall coming from the first game.

The new parts in the trials can be complete bullshit. I suspect it might be a case of "you'll get used to it", but that "Improved" Hangman's Gambit that's timed, yet doesn't give you the first letter until a minute in is awful. And that Truth Blades thing still doesn't seem to make any sense, and button/stick mashing seems to be enough to get you through.

But then, I know that's how I felt about the Bullet Time battles in the first game to begin with.

I love the new cast though. Starting to triple-guess myself as to who (if anyone will make it through), which is half of the fun of it. I'm enjoying Akane, Chiaki, Peko and Kazuichi in particular though. Looking forward to the new School Trip Mode when I get through this. :)
I'd like to confirm that the game comes out on the 18th in Italy because reasons.
That's so annoying. I would have loved to (re)play it before school starts again.


The setting is a dramatic step-up from the insular predecessor. In some ways I've grown relatively weary of "escape the room" type of games and this is a much more refreshing take on the formula. The fact that it's in the gleeful open yet still so desolate and depressing is a really great achievement. The characters are also a lot more multifaceted than the previous game and I quite like that, though there are two characters I'm quite annoyed dealing with.

The game play is where I'm starting to have reservations. It feels like it's made a bit more complicated for the sake of being complicated. While it's nice to have a view of your character when traversing the game now, the new hub feels like a way to mitigate the designers not being able to render more detailed 3D areas than squared rooms. The map doesn't make sense a lot of the time.

Some of the new elements in the trial sections are also a bit nonsensical. I like the idea of agreeing with a testimony (even if it really doesn't change the dynamic that much) and confronting another person in a logistics battle is interesting in theory, but the sword-fight approach makes little to no sense and most of the time I just find myself wailing away at what they're saying until a contestable statement is found. The new PTA system is also a lot more superfluous than the simplistic intensity of the MTB, and oh god fuck the new Hangman's Gambit. If "improved" means "artificial game lengthener" then they've definitely done a great job. The streamlined comic-panel segment is a welcome plus though.

Overall I want to like everything more than the predecessor because it's a lot less ass-pullish than the predecessor in the way it prepares you for information, and it's more involved with it's characters and story, but gameplay wise it falls a bit short.
Chapter 3 trial. This seems to be an easy one to guess:

Only at the beginning but it's probably Mikan. Too much proof thrown for her ''perfect alibi'' while it's implied that the suicide could easily have been faked at the 2nd floor of the hospital with another set of cameras. Also the whole falling asleep on top of Hajime just screams that she is trying to make an alibi for herself.

Then again who knows if there will be some strange curveballs.


Hello, could someone explain the Hangman's Gambit to me as if I were five years old? I have no idea what is going on here. I'm on the first trial, and I think I know the three words I have to say. But I have no idea what I'm doing right now. I put letters together sometimes and then they stay pinned down on the grid. If I press X on them they explode. I don't know what's going on!

Edit: Nevermind! I figured out you can press triangle!


The setting is a dramatic step-up from the insular predecessor. In some ways I've grown relatively weary of "escape the room" type of games and this is a much more refreshing take on the formula. The fact that it's in the gleeful open yet still so desolate and depressing is a really great achievement. The characters are also a lot more multifaceted than the previous game and I quite like that, though there are two characters I'm quite annoyed dealing with.

The game play is where I'm starting to have reservations. It feels like it's made a bit more complicated for the sake of being complicated. While it's nice to have a view of your character when traversing the game now, the new hub feels like a way to mitigate the designers not being able to render more detailed 3D areas than squared rooms. The map doesn't make sense a lot of the time.

Some of the new elements in the trial sections are also a bit nonsensical. I like the idea of agreeing with a testimony (even if it really doesn't change the dynamic that much) and confronting another person in a logistics battle is interesting in theory, but the sword-fight approach makes little to no sense and most of the time I just find myself wailing away at what they're saying until a contestable statement is found. The new PTA system is also a lot more superfluous than the simplistic intensity of the MTB, and oh god fuck the new Hangman's Gambit. If "improved" means "artificial game lengthener" then they've definitely done a great job. The streamlined comic-panel segment is a welcome plus though.

Overall I want to like everything more than the predecessor because it's a lot less ass-pullish than the predecessor in the way it prepares you for information, and it's more involved with it's characters and story, but gameplay wise it falls a bit short.

the new minigames and gameplay changes definitely ruined the trials. they ruin the pacing so much and make replaying the game for trophies more of a chore.
Hello, could someone explain the Hangman's Gambit to me as if I were five years old? I have no idea what is going on here. I'm on the first trial, and I think I know the three words I have to say. But I have no idea what I'm doing right now. I put letters together sometimes and then they stay pinned down on the grid. If I press X on them they explode. I don't know what's going on!

When you have a letter pinned down press triangle to put them into words.


Hello, could someone explain the Hangman's Gambit to me as if I were five years old?

Game mentions that you have to press "Triangle" on a merged letter in order to fit it into the spacing provided.

X is to "collect" and "release". Pressing X on a merged letter will destroy it.


The first game is currently on sale on EU PSN. Thinking of picking it up.

Is it crucial to play before the second one? And is there any sort of carrying over of saves etc.?


Chapter 3 Murder Spoilers

; ; I really liked Ibuki too. Thought someone was gonna use Ibuki as an accomplice due to her suggestablity, but to have her hang herself is just messed up.
The first game is currently on sale on EU PSN. Thinking of picking it up.

Is it crucial to play before the second one? And is there any sort of carrying over of saves etc.?

No carrying over saves. I would definately recommend playing the first one first. Especially since it's on sale and all.


These games could stand to be even more like a visual novel. The minigames are almost universally terrible. It's enough to just focus on contesting statements, why bother throwing in all of that extra garbage? I especially dislike having to pick the correct TRUTH BLADE in those duel sections.

Just go full Phoenix Wright. Do it.

edit: I might just put the action mode to Easy. It's so pointless.


The first game is currently on sale on EU PSN. Thinking of picking it up.

Is it crucial to play before the second one?

YAH, super crucial.

Although saves aren't carried over, I'm pretty sure that you get skills carried over. Before the first trial I had an awful lot of familiar skills to unlock that I'm pretty sure I couldn't have obtained at that stage in the game - so I think there's some bonus for playing the first one.

i didn't notice anything that involved the first game's save. i think the game simply treated the player as a DR1 vet since the game is a direct sequel so they don't want you to completely start over.


Neo Member
Although saves aren't carried over, I'm pretty sure that you get skills carried over. Before the first trial I had an awful lot of familiar skills to unlock that I'm pretty sure I couldn't have obtained at that stage in the game - so I think there's some bonus for playing the first one.


Chapter 3 spoilers and speculation- DONT CLICK IF YOU HAVEN'T BEATEN CHAPTER 3

MECHAMARU. GLORIOUS. Also, Akane and Nekumaru were fucking, right? Is...there birth control on the island?

Completing Nekomaru's Free Time segments will reveal what "it" is.


Chapter 4 Investigation.
I can't believe this is by the company that made the Zero Escape games. Pro tip: If your Escape The Room puzzle is shitty enough that you feel like you have to include an option to just skip the whole thing, feel free to go ahead and scrap that puzzle.
Question about chapter 3 trial:

I'm at the part where we are discussing the possibility of Ibuki having been strangled. I'm lost what I'm supposed to shoot at what.

edit: nevermind was too obvious
Regarding Komaeda's free time, is this normal?
I hung out with him twice and gave him one of the presents he likes most both times... didn't get a hope fragment. Is he supposed to be this difficult?

Yes. You have to do free time with Nagito in Chapter 1 or Island Mode before you can do any more with him the rest of the game. If you missed your chance, then I probably just wouldn't worry about it.


So, End of Chapter 4:

Let me just say, I loved the final dead room. Obvious Zero Escape(Well, VLR actually because that's the one where you have to open a safe twice) reference with the whole escape room. Took me a bit to figure out the 6 was actually a nine(shoulda noticed the line above it earlier), but the blinking lights were pretty easy. The fact that Hajime was nothing but a normal guy wasn't surprising at all to me, however. Though Nagito getting pissy at everyone was an interesting change.

So, yeah, that was a race to the bottom of a trial. As soon as I finished the investigation, I knew every detail of how the murder happened(didn't guess who did it), so watching everyone but Nagito act like a retard and not figuring out that the tower was a goddamned elevator was painful to watch.

It's obvious this was done to illustrate how useless everyone actually is, but they go way overboard. Nagito has been in control of the trials since chapter 1, even though he aided the killer he Chapter 1, he also lead you to a key piece of evidence, the letter, that you couldn't have found out the truth of the case without. But, fuck, was it really that hard to put two and two together and think that the center room was an elevator? That was actually my assumption when it took awhile to open the grape room.

Anyway, as time went on it became obvious it was Gundham, which was the exact opposite of what I was hoping for. At the beginning of Social time for chapter 4, I started visiting Gundham repeatedly. I don't know why, but at this time I started to wonder what kind of execution he would suffer if he were executed. I figured, to maximize his despair, Monokuma would murder his Four Devas one by one in front of him, and that would be heartbreaking.

However, as it turns out, he just goes out with a bang and his hamsters live. I don't know if I'm disapointed that the execution didn't have a huge impact on me, or glad that i didn't have to watch something outrageously cruel.

Also, is it just me, or did they kill off all the medium intelligence people at this point? All we have is Sonia: The Stupid, Kazuichi: THe Slow, and Akane: The Mentally Disabled. Other than that you just have Nagito and Chiaki, who always knows what's up.

fucking hell trying to get through not getting damaged for a trial and the Hangman's Gambit fucks me over when words hit each other in the edge of the screen. i guess this segment is all luck?

Well there's one thing that helped me:

I just realized I didn't try to use the focus gauge in hangman's gambit. Is it possible to use it in it?

Yes, you can. Makes it easy to input several letters in a row.


Just started the game.
Teruteru is my kinda dude, and I don't mind that he swings both ways. My man.
Bonus points for his hair looking like an effin' croissant~


Chapter 5 case (investigation):

I guess
Ultimate Lucky's luck
was going to end at some point, the way he was acting.
Without knowing anything, I'm going to guess,
after just discovering the body, that the culprit is Sonia and, by extension, she's the traitor. She's the one who was doing whatever at the military base when the others were pre-occupied with the bomb and she's the one who kept insisting that there was no traitor. Plus, her words toward the impending classroom trial are less apologetic than before.
Seems too obvious, though. Looking forward to finding out.


Just started the game.
Teruteru is my kinda dude, and I don't mind that he swings both ways. My man.
Bonus points for his hair looking like an effin' croissant~


another teruteru fan hoorah


Somehow I found myself half naked cleaning my appartment listening to Monomi's theme. This is awkward. I don't know what to make of it.

I blame this thread.
Just started the game.
Teruteru is my kinda dude, and I don't mind that he swings both ways. My man.
Bonus points for his hair looking like an effin' croissant~
Yup, he's cool in my book. But I like all the characters in this game. They did a better job with the cast this time around.


I'll put it in spoilers just in case..

Im at chapter 1 class trial and I'm at the rebuttal showdown part. I seriously have no clue what the hell I'm supposed to do. This is the most frustrating and complicated game mechanic I have ever seen. I'm this close to just youtubeing this part and just continue on with the trail cause this rebuttal showdown is such BS. -_-

What am I supposed to do? No matter what truth blade I'm using, nothing works. I feel like a huge idiot because of it. -_-


I'll put it in spoilers just in case..

Im at chapter 1 class trial and I'm at the rebuttal showdown part. I seriously have no clue what the hell I'm supposed to do. This is the most frustrating and complicated game mechanic I have ever seen. I'm this close to just youtubeing this part and just continue on with the trail cause this rebuttal showdown is such BS. -_-

What am I supposed to do? No matter what truth blade I'm using, nothing works. I feel like a huge idiot because of it. -_-
First, generally you're supposed to mark where your spoiler is from outside the spoiler, second this is about a repeating game mechanic, so it's not really a spoiler

For Rebuttal Showdown, use the directional buttons to cut the statements as they appear on screen. You want to be efficient about it though, for example, if three of them are lined up vertically, hit the up button until all three disappear. Once you beat back the opponent, new lines will appear, only hit triangle when you see a line with orange text, when this happens, it works the same way as the nonstop debate.


First, generally you're supposed to mark where your spoiler is from outside the spoiler, second this is about a repeating game mechanic, so it's not really a spoiler

For Rebuttal Showdown, use the directional buttons to cut the statements as they appear on screen. You want to be efficient about it though, for example, if three of them are lined up vertically, hit the up button until all three disappear. Once you beat back the opponent, new lines will appear, only hit triangle when you see a line with orange text, when this happens, it works the same way as the nonstop debate.

Ah I see. Yeah just figured it out. Forgot to hit triangle every time in the end. -_-

...I hate it when games like this make me feel so stupid. XD


I am loving Nidai "Which means the answers are: a good appetite, a good night's sleep, and a good shit!!!"
GAF, I can't.
Also these names.
Sonia Nevermind? Sometimes Japanese engrish delivers.
I am loving Nidai "Which means the answers are: a good appetite, a good night's sleep, and a good shit!!!"
GAF, I can't.
Also these names.
Sonia Nevermind? Sometimes Japanese engrish delivers.

I'm taking a screenshot every time that guy says "shit". Which means I'm taking lots of screenshots.


Sonia Nevermind? Sometimes Japanese engrish delivers.

Sonia is actually a walking Nirvana reference. Her last name is from their second album, Nevermind. Also she's from the Kingdom of Novoselic, and Nirvana's bassist is named Krist Novoselic. Kinda neat.
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