[m] Zippedpinhead - zipp
I laughed really hard at this, really hard. I am guessing that you have the same read this game as last game. I am who I am, not quite a blarg or daryll but I am Zipp.
Just so you know, both of them were replacement players.Ty4on 22
goshujinsama 20
Ourobolus 17
Blargonaut 16
A Human Becoming 14
Sorian 14
El Topo 14
RetroMG 11
TL21xx 7
TL21xx has 7 posts. Is he even playing? If Crab is Hope, he said to be on the lookout for people posting zilch. 7 posts is zilch. I think TL21 might have been a replacement though? Which could explain the low post count but...
Ty4on has posted a bit more than goshujinsama but for some reason I feel like goshujin has posted more. If anything I think goshujin's posts are more memorable and thus likely to have been more valuable.
I'd like to hear from TL21xx and Ty4on before this Day2 ends.
When it comes to the low posters... I think that some of them need to be reached out from launch. It's his call about non-playing (as opposed to lynching them).
That being said, low posters... It's a frequent scum strategy and it's also a good powerful hope strategy.
We must tread lightly with them, but they are who I'm looking at first tomorrow
No worries, real life comes firstSorry for the absence. I've been checking my phone occasionally, but it's my stepdad's birthday today. Will post more tomorrow.
http://i.imgur.com/HTdw4Xq.jpgWhile I agree it's useful to look at it once in a while post count isn't everything. There's those who tend to post longer analyses of multiple players (some claimed it's due to time constraints) like AB, goshu or myself. I was gonna say *Splinter as well but somehow he's #4 despite making long posts a lot, dunno how he does it.
Also "edits", those add up.
Neutrals usually have one extra life to make up for their lack of allies, but I agree they are more likely to be quiet.I already said this (recently) but just because you can't decide if someone is Hope or Despair I don't think it makes much sense to jump to neutral. I'm not basing this off of much more than my guy but I don't think it would be Despair->Neutral->Hope, more like Despair->Hope, with Neutral being its own separate thing.
If we're judging people on some sort of scale of trustworthiness, I mean. (If anything, neutrals would probably read closest to town PR)
Stuff like this, you know, "edits"I forgot the img tags
I also forgot to mention I haven't seen many (any?) edits. Could people point them out if they see them?
Them's a lot of Dunnos.[m] Rest: Leaning Despair despite what Crab seems to think.
[ f ] Sawneeks: Not sure what to make of her. I know we disagree on a bunch of stuff but nothing we've disagreed on has led me to think "Despair."
[m] kgtrep: Hope. Almost positive.
[m] CornBurrito: I'm Hope.
[m] ViviOggi: Not really sure since they haven't been active much. My gut doesn't scream "Despair."
[ f ] Pau: I'm thinking Despair. Has done a very good job blending in to the crowd in my opinion. I lean Despair.
[m] *Splinter: I lean Hope. But I'm biased because Splinter has agreed with me on some stuff.
[m] Crab: As much as I wanted him to be Despair, I think he might actually be Hope.
[ f ] swamped: Vanished but she's on vacation. She was active initially but then kind of faded and let someone else take the spotlight. Not sure what to make of that. Will hold off on any gut read.
[m] Kalor: I dunno
[m] franconp: I read him as Despair because of my suspicions on Crab. I was wrong.
[m] Zippedpinhead: Really unsure. I'm not leaning towards Despair. He's been fairly active. Moreso than Pau.
[m] CzarTim: Having cooled down, I do think he may be Hope. But I'll be keeping my eye on him. Would like other people to chime in.
[m] Makai: I'm actually thinking Hope contrary to what other people are saying.
[m] SalvaPot: Not sure.
[m] AbsolutBro: People keep saying he's playing too quiet to be Despair, because he's good enough at the game to know not to do that, but...
[m] Barrylocke: Where's he even been?
[m] Terrabyte20xx: Posts occasionally. Defended Crab a lot. Though perhaps he is Despair and Crab is Hope and he's hoping to make himself seem more innocent by continuously defending Crab.
[m] kingkitty: Hope or not, I think he's generating a lot of confusion. I wouldn't mind defaulting to him if we have no good leads later on.
[m] goshujinsama: I believe Hope.
[m]Ty4on: Dunno.
[m]TL21xx: Dunno.
Probably because he pretty much role claimed?Ty4on has posted a bit more than goshujinsama but for some reason I feel like goshujin has posted more. If anything I think goshujin's posts are more memorable and thus likely to have been more valuable.
While I agree it's useful to look at it once in a while post count isn't everything. There's those who tend to post longer analyses of multiple players (some claimed it's due to time constraints) like AB, goshu or myself. I was gonna say *Splinter as well but somehow he's #4 despite making long posts a lot, dunno how he does it.
Also "edits", those add up.
Them's a lot of Dunnos.Seriously, if I'm not giving a read on someone, it's because they haven't stood out enough for me to feel one way or another or they've been inactive for a while. I don't know how I've blended in if folks have called me out for being quiet. (And then subsequently ignored my posts or not engaged me, but I will say you at least have answered me.)
Probably because he pretty much role claimed?
Well, now I know not to trust your vibes at least.Yeah a lot of dunnos. As for you blending in, I'm not really sure how many folks have called you out on being quiet. And I don't think you are quiet per se. I just find you.... blendy? Idk. Sorry, but I just get Despair vibes.
Yeah, how the fuck did people fall for that? Crab is scum. You have been taken for a ride.Also does anyone remember that first part of D2? I know this is old news now but that was a fucking masterclass in deflection
Yeah, how the fuck did people fall for that? Crab is scum. You have been taken for a ride.
I can fully accept that. It's been something I've said, despite also saying that I believe Crab is Hope. I sort of believe both. He's either hope and I am wrong with my initial suspicions or he is despair and my gut has been right. I won't be shocked if he is Despair.
Kgtrep, your investment and commitment to the game has not gone unnoticed. Though I am voting against you in D2, I personally believe that you are an asset to Hope, and I look forward to seeing your future contributions should you survive the duel.
In other words you have no damn clue, right?
Rage aside I still think I'd rather lose kgtrep. Kgtrep is s little more likely to be town but I ultimately think they are both town and if so Crab would be more useful.
I have the biggest Cassandra complex right now
I think this is a bad idea, since we have basically no way of verifying that what Goshujinsama claims happened did, in fact, happen.Should goshujinsama reveal who he used his power on?
You know, I think Crab's ploy of voting for himself was brilliant. It got a lot of you guys to buy into the idea that both kgtrep and Crab are Hope. Now, a lot of you are saying, "well, they're both Hope. I'm going to spare the most useful player." So...how the hell is Crab the more useful player?In other words you have no damn clue, right?
Rage aside I still think I'd rather lose kgtrep. Kgtrep is s little more likely to be town but I ultimately think they are both town and if so Crab would be more useful.
As someone who still has a vote on Crab... This post reads exactly like the posts it's complaining about. Ironic, isn't it?You know, I think Crab's ploy of voting for himself was brilliant. It got a lot of you guys to buy into the idea that both kgtrep and Crab are Hope. Now, a lot of you are saying, "well, they're both Hope. I'm going to spare the most useful player." So...how the hell is Crab the more useful player?
The most useful player is an analytic one. kgtrep posted excellent post-by-post analysis in Scene02 and Scene03. Crab's behavior in Day 1's twilight makes no sense (from his own perspective). The contradictions are glaring and Crab just deflects when pressed - you were supposed to interpret my scummy post like ________, idiot. In fact, Crab spent most of today just whining. "This role sucks and now this game sucks. Town are all imbeciles and Im really bored. This is obvious scum play - smh at you guys for not noticing. I dont understand why Town is falling for the raindoc strat all over again. Crab is by far the slimiest player here. What does he have to say to arouse your suspicion?
oh what the fuck happened to my post? fuck this, i have to be up in less than 4 hours for work. you're all going to get me killed.
Long post typed in a word editor from windows 3.1.
You know, I think Crab's ploy of voting for himself was brilliant. It got a lot of you guys to buy into the idea that both kgtrep and Crab are Hope. Now, a lot of you are saying, "well, they're both Hope. I'm going to spare the most useful player." So...how the hell is Crab the more useful player?
The most useful player is an analytic one. kgtrep posted excellent post-by-post analysis in Scene02 and Scene03. Crab's behavior in Day 1's twilight makes no sense (from his own perspective). The contradictions are glaring and Crab just deflects when pressed - you were supposed to interpret my scummy post like ________, idiot. In fact, Crab spent most of today just whining. "This role sucks and now this game sucks. Town are all imbeciles and Im really bored. This is obvious scum play - smh at you guys for not noticing. I dont understand why Town is falling for the raindoc strat all over again. Crab is by far the slimiest player here. What does he have to say to arouse your suspicion?
No need to make suggestions since Launchpad answered the question I made: The map is:
2.-Actions take the shortest path possible.
And crab mentioned that the four rooms in the sides are supposed to be used by the roles in some way.
Also Agents of Shield is fun, I was just using it to call Launch.
At certain moments in the video game you can leave your room and visit other places, like gym, etc. And I suppose, at least for some people, this occurs in mafia as well.
In regular mafia, the bad guys and a few special roles simply had to submit a person's name to the moderator. If people can physically move to another location, I wonder if despair have to submit the room, instead of the person's name. And if the person isn't in the room, then the kill is missed.
And if that's the case (which it might not be), can more than one person go to these rooms at a time? I wonder what happens if despair submits a room, like the gym, and there's multiple people in it.
I doubt anything in my post is super illuminating, but I find Salvapot's thoughts about the map quite interesting.
I have noticed now a few of you have mentioned the relevance of the map now, why is this important now? It was dismissed yesterday as fluff, why is it a conversation point now, did something happened?
Huh, I think the map may be important now.
so we have a pool, a restaurant, a gymnasium and that weird thing on the left I have no idea what it is.
Launch, is it a valid question to ask if the map has a meaning, or is it just added fluff?
top left is workshop. We were discussing map in light of francop's death - he's near the gymnasium, so if mafia has a role that requires access to that they might have wanted to kill people near it for safety.
That said, I do have two questions for launch re: the map. If a role needs to go a specific location, does it take the shortest possible path, or can roles choose how they get to a location? Some people have equidistant routes - i.e., if kgtrep visited Ty4on or CzarTim visited francop, it's not clear which way they go if it is shortest possible route, because there are two equal-length shortest routes for those players.
Sorry for taking a bit to answer.
The answer is yes.
They are not my thoughts, its pretty much what launch said